HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-04-17, Page 45 1 2 3 4 39 43 48 49 11 12 14 ,s1 , 16 7 24 a MN • z,4 25 I, 21 30 32 33 37 41 . 38 44 45 46. 50 KINDERGAittk* REGISTRATION . • in C.+ Seatorth. Public Scbtiol Wotild parents of children to begin school in September, 1969, please send the name, and date .131 ,bjrth, to the Prin- cipal at your earliest convenience.; J. W. TALBOT, Principal. a .1. ILL -O'SH ,- • Phone viz-6995 Seatorth Checking the Spring delivery schedule are left, Bob Taylor, Ideal Agrico Sales Representative and Charles Walkom, Agricultural Chemicals Limited, District Manager. Modern, Agrico 4-ton rental spread- ers are available to help you get - your fertilizer in quickly and effici- ently. A BETTER WAY FROM AGRICO CRITIC L. PATH oROP PROGRAMS 1. - - Iti, '8.7619-4- Change!" •lel Amigos's- • flEreioni00 apRolagon.- •0.9x4 11 Mammal's , cOering 1:9.• Uttklawer • 34W1ltlass " 36Veriod D Assist 9 lYfaseuline nickname 20•Befere 21 Pig Pert 22 Abstract being 23 Idolizes 26 Sea eagles 28 Armed conflict 29 Depot (ab.)- 30 Bitter vetch, 31 Light brown 32 System of. signals 34 Sense of sight 37 foripthit 38 Race course SiirAP iiari • garland 1111 Scottish. alder'tree 43 Mariner's direction 43 Consume food. 44 Likenesses 47 Marked with Snots (bot.). 50 Certain Sioux Indians 51 Thicker 52 Whipsocket 03 Those Who (suffix) DOWN A 1 Aftersong 2 Girl's name 3 Puffed up 4 Small horse 5 Lifetime 6 Source of light 7 Pairs (ab.) 8 Ascended - 9 Fortifications 10 Plant parts 12 Expungers 13 Neat 18 Possessive pronoun ' 24 Was indebted for e soLUT1ON 25 Uncommon 26 Japanese outcasts 37 Torments 38 Tidier enzyme 381'klot as much 27 Hindu 40 Roman roads ' queen 45 Tibetan 29 Fixed salary gazelle 32 Bizet opera 46 Conclusion 33 Decorated 48 Whirlwinds 34 Mover's 49 Powerful truck explosive 35 Oxidizing To i Ilibbert residents in future will pay their taxes in two in- stalments. Hibbert Council at the April meeting instructed the Clerk, Mrs. Anne Burchill to prepare for two payments of tax- es in 1969. The first instalment will be due the 15th of June and the second instalment the 1st of Deceniber. The General and Road Liabil- ity insurance was renewed with Mrs. Mabel Giifellen and Bar. bara of Exeter visited on- Wed- neSday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Walterk Mrs. Wm. Walters and Mrs. George Frayne of Sunshine Mr. and Mrs. Maurice 'Dalton, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Malone, Kitchener; visited Mrs. J. L. Malone. Miss It o s e Doyle, Cedar Springs, visited Mr. and Mrs. Michael-Doyle. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Murray F. Adair Callipbell and son with little change from last year. Fred Harburn was hired to spray roacisideifor 1969 at' 64.00 per mile. H. Uderstadt O.L.S. and Drain- age Engineer of Triton. Engin- eering Services, Qrangeville, was appointed Engineer for a clean out and improvement; of the Campbell Municipal Drain. The 1968 Financial Report was adapted as audited by, Monteith, Monteith and Company with a surplus for the year of $7369.00. Effective immediately all ar- rears of property taxes are to be paid at the erk-Treasurers Of- fice, Court o se, Stratford. Road a e' onlits for $5862.00 and 1 accounts for $8898: were ortied paick X,, Before heeding the fellow who objects to' unmarked police vehicles, 'check the condition of his fenders. Somebody Wants .What You Don't Need! SELL Through Hwron Expositor Ckssifisd Want Ads ST. COLU and family, Toronto; visited Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert MniTay. Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Duck- arme and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Marcy, Stratford visited in Kit- chener on Sunday. James Sloan Sr. is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. ..M'! Now Two Ins align NEWS of WINCHELSEA da*: SW- .,. • -.The Elimville Woilien'S'instit- ner -and Matirsce,Aifinee. utelelda Pot Luck Supper Wed- Mr. and Mi•VRairinezicnIblite qiesdayf evening at thettownship of Kirkton 'el:sited. 'on Sunday hall :With election of officers fol, with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman lowing. '•!` _" !..EALMrs.." SanfordHutton, Mrs. AY01131 r•oward;:*Mis, Toni: Camp- , bell,-' Mits. Freeman Xerile, Mr. and Mrs. Phil [Hem visited en Fri,dat evening with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mrs. George Frayne and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patterson, Leslie, Linda of Lucan visited on Sat- erday afternoon with Mis. Wm. Walters. Line visited ih. Ei'cetes pn Thus- Horne. Tax Tips --- Q. Why are there two numbers on my income tax form? A. The number which is prin- ted in the form along-with your name and address is a special . account number which is made up from letters from your sur- name, your date of birth' and other identifying 'factors. If your name is Smith this number positively identifies you among the 50,000 Smiths in Canada. It also 'enables the computer to match your return with that of last year and thus speed pp pro- cessing. The other nutnber shown on the income tax form is the social insurance number which is used to record pay- ment into the' banada Pension Plan. and Unemployment Insur- ance matters. In any corres- pondence with the Department it is important • to use the ac- count number or .social insur- ance number to avoid any un- necessary delay in locating your file. Q. My wife is working and earned over $1,250, in 1968. I know I can't claim the married exemption of $1,000 on her be- half but can' I claim this $1,000 or behalf of our child instead? A. No. The $1,000 exemption for support of a child may only be claimed by a person who is not married, or if married, is separated from and not support- ing 11is wife. Q. If I claim the children as exemptions,- on my ratan, can my wife claim the-medical ex- penses paid on their• behalf on her return? A. Ordinarily, the' answer is no. However, where the bills for the child's medical expenses were received prior to 1968, „there are some circumstances when it would' be possible to do this, Your District Taxation Office would . be glad to give you further InforOnation. Q. I am in a farming partner- ship and some of the depreci.- - able assets • are owned individ- ually and some jointly. What is the best way to show our cap- ital cost allowance claim? A. The profits of the partner- ship should be allocated to the partners before a claim is made for capital cost 'allowance. You should list the, assets owned by the partnership on one schedule and the assets owned by the par- tnership on one schedule and the assets owned by you indivi- dually on a separate schedule. You may claim your share of.' the capital cost allowance on partnership assets and full al- lowance on your own assets. . My daughter is seventeen and attends school. She is re- ceiving a YYouth allowance of $10 a month, Do I claim $300 or $550 for her? A. You can claim an exempt- ion of $550 'for her. Youth Al- lowances are different from Family Allowances 'in 'that they don't affect the, exemption you can claim for your' child. READY FOR ACTION FOR THE MEN, All-Weather Coats 19.95 to 29.50 All Wool Suits 69.50 and 79.50 Perma-Press Dress Pants " 13.95 Casual Jeans 5.95 Perma - Press 7.95 Elephant Pants 5.95 and 6.95 Jackets • - 9.95 to 19.95 Sport Socks). all colors 1.00 Short Sleeve Sport Shirts '3.95 to 7.95 Short Sleeve Dress Shirts 4.50 to 6.00 New Spring Cardigan Sweaters 10.95 Apache Ties 1.95 Work Clothing by Haugh's and J.P. FOR VIE BOYS Jackets 3.50 to 7.95 Jeans , 2.95 to 4.95 Elephant Pants 1 4.95 and 5.95 Perma-Press Jeans 4.95 and 5.95 Short Sleeve Sport and T-Shirts . . 1.95 & 2.95 Socks 79c Agrico anhydrous ammonia, ap- plicators and nurse tanks are of- fered on a rental basis for pre- plant or side dress applications. Crop 'Programs Soil Tests Plant Analysis High Analysis Fertilizer Bag or. Bulk Modern '4-ton rental spreaders Anhydrous Ammonia Anhydrous Ammonia Rental Applicators and Nurse Tanks ' 1, 1), 4 •