HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-04-10, Page 1S
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Wholeello• '54(4'
' 1/001 Year
Single,c0Ples, Cent?. 45.po A2Kosr , 4YEtite,..
Huron and
• Interview Applicants
WI cliAtTin: '10AdaY bight. Wee teeeher&prontptedethe beard 0
brings:0'21 the'llinahe'e of :tea, , OpOrAWorlotter td Ontario gclu-
ehiog Pesitiono in Huron schools eatiOn .. Minister ,'.' Wm.. Davis,
which are vacant s e • ' draWhit his attention to the (lift
Storting' .on, the •teelt of 1437 licolties the, :. short was.
Pointing:replaceMbeitic beard Or -40404 :fhO ',1Otter will ern- -
fietals': will sift PatiStrt.141Y: at e.'040eeil*rtledlartr, MS shortage'
central! hiring' depot established • ' of 'AVeliah4eachete, '''
at Clinton Public School; litto .. -.:Iellilers. for alterations ,, to- .
morning teachers wishing , If - otintio, -,.Segoti4.410 sPhool, "ID '
edrOMO.datiOn is refl kr the staff
will con huie to Occupy temper-k4
orY Off accommodation in
Huren County ' Coukt House at
transfer beet seen schools fit ow orayworoiliii1/04101 fo
r Cal ahrw
meant and, until the new 'ac-
'he..h$tetrieWetl.` tit the ii"040,T.o:iitarlirebeing
afternoeiC officials tne4 led ,01.;01§g* the
M A three an board of arbitra-
tors to adjust assets and liabili-
ties of all combining boards, ,en-
eluding premises and land, was
named et a meeting of Huron-
Perth Separate School Board in •
St. James' School, Seaforth,
Monday evening.
Named as arbitrators were
Lou Rowland, Dublin, Dan Lley-
lin Stratford and Dennis Du-
charme, Zurich.
The board also appointed a
school bus committees with Ar-
thpr Held, RR 1, Bitten, as
chairman.• Other members are: •
Francis HiCknell, RR 5, Sea,
forth, Ted Geoffrey, RR 2, Zur-
ich, Oscar ,Kieffee, RR 1, Blue-
vale and Michael' Connolly, RR
3, gippen.
The board approved the pure
chaSe of $600.00 worth' Of futile.
ture for use In the newly built
Sacred Heart School at Wing.
ham. Included is a table and
chairs and a couch for the tea-
chers' room and 'chairs for the
Borrowing by-law No. 2 for
$400,000 was approved. A by-
law for a similar amount. Wee_
passed in Jaeuaty, ,
Business administrator " Paul
Franck was instructed te, engage
thee.,servicee,„,Of ,auditors Mon-
teith, Monteith ,and Co. Ltd„
Stratford, to prepare and con-
solidate a financial statement
of all school areas up to Dec-
ember 31, 1968 and to prepare
a projected budget to cover the
board's operation for 1969. he
board asked that these reports
be,presented within two weeks.
The board eppointed Mr.
Franck the business administra-
tor, to carry out attendance of-
dicer's duties' for Hulot', and
Perth Counties. No action will
be taken • regardin g a sugges-
tion that attendance be looked
after by the Perth County Chil-
dren's Aid Society. The board
agreed however to discussing
the suggestion again with John
Vintar same). superintendent'
'when he arrives to take over
his, duties this summer.
The next 'meeting " will be
he ld on April 14th.
were c911040;',e IV Huron, Qom- the county, %, ,
y Xfeard.et . ...ducation -nmoting ritoi-44 fOPPP(1447 school
Resigeatiene of 1.6 teachers Webers- apply big from Without
The board mined a.. bUdget ,
review- committee to consider a
draft of ea 'budget presented by
n officials. Meinbers of the coin-
. tattirs mittee are Trustees Hicks, Zinn ,
' and Henderson. A, financial re-
-port prepared by board auditor
A. M. Harper and, covering the
first three months operations
was aceepted.
Wet "Feel 'And Spying 'po Together
One of the' pleasures of spririg, according to most small • short periods of time during the past-week. And while the flood-
boys, is the ebun'dance of puddles which the warm weather ed fields were few it didn't take Seaforth youth long to find
brings. After the confines of a long winter, stretches of flooded f them. Here Daryl Dale, Ricky-Dale and Kevin Bennewies sample
lawns and fields are hard to resist. While the district has been the water in a field south of Market Street opposite Louisa.
free of serious flooding as a result of the slow and careful- ap- (Staff photo by Haley).
proach of spring some 10w lying areas were underwater for
TuOkersiiiit4 Tele tion0:.
Plans New .Construction
meltilion council wantsto
know what. cattle ownexs. in ktke
township' 140 about the warble;
fly control program which has
• been in •effect in the township
fora number of years, ' cases of the program are -met., • from' general funds and
council agreed . to con4ne Ude-proteduee at least untjraRindi-
cation as to present require-
-moots was available,
lntrodhced in the first in-
stance his the result • of- a peg,
.uou.provided by the township
unit Of the Federation of Agri-
culture, council decided' to seek
• the assistance of the F of A in
the 'present survey, As a means
of ensuring the survey would he
proceeded with payment of -the
!anal • grant to the federation
will be geared to the survey
comp/0ton. •
Re-assessment of the warble
fly program results from a
change in production emphasis
by township farmers. Many long
time livestock producers now
concentrate on 'cash crops and
W0100410 thiti.P4eit 00040
will go ,ahead: Vatuieil'AceePtel
the tender of William 460
spraying :17.6 per head.
He w ProVifte P9.*dei.
per ,
nig was name,44n0Ps0t6** *1
per hOur and 00 per mile '.t vel. •et
Council Appointed
reeve Kenneth .Stewart of ,RIL 4 5, Seaforth, as township welfare '
officer. James gimes, OLS, was
instructed to report on the Mc-
Callum and Winthrop drain
froth con. 10, 10'31 when coun-
cil accepted a Petition from
Ken • Beattie and Ken Glanville.
A resolution of Tuckersmith
-protesting extension of region-,
al government was endorsed.
General accounts of $10,739.72
and roads of $3,811.54 were ap-
Proved as also was a grant of
$250.00 to Seaforth, Community .
there a feeling t40,,protqctfori
PrOi'ain 3$ .40 101200 4,0 Osoes-,
The family of Mr. and Mrs.
Angus Kennedy surprised their
parents on their 40th wedding
anniversary. On Thursday, Ap-
ril '3, a High Mass of Thanks-
giving was offered. On Satur-
day the guests' of-honor were
entertained at a dinner'at Dun-
lop Inn, Goderich. Following
the dinner the evening • was
spent at the home of their son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
We, Bill Kinnahan, St. Augus-
The bride and groom of 40
years, ago were ,married in St.
Columban Roman Catholic
Church on April 3, 1929, by the
late Rev. J, Dantzer. The atten-
dants were Mrs. Evelyn Schmite
tetabornf, (Evelyn McGrath) and
the late Albert Jordan. ,Mrs,
Kennedy is, the former Anna
At the "annual meeting of the
Catholic Women's League in
the parish hail Tuesday even-
leg with 28 members present.
The president, Mrs. Frank Ryan,
After the opening of the meet-
ing With prayer the, recording
secretary, Ms. Thomas Murray
read minutes. 'Mrs. Atfred..Mal.
one mead correspondence, A-
thenkeyou letter for donation
to the Sacred. Heart 'Program,
a letter urging that report§ be
sent in proMptlY and also tt
ter concerning fees slid MOSS,
Ine, and recommending A &Vet;
in*, to Our 1.40 of Good Own-
cll. The Treasurer's report ihoW-
Huron will be represented at
a conference of school business
officials by business administra-
tor Roy Dtiniop. The board 'ap-
proved his attendance at the Ot-
tawa meeting April 28-30.
Ken Keating . •• •
is , Promoted
Kenneth E. Keating has been
promoted to regional claim man- ,
•ager of the' Hartford Insurance
Company and will be based in'
the Beltiinore regional office of
the company.
' Mr. Keating joined -The. Hart-
ford's•home• office staff in 1965,
serving 'as' automobile and lia-
bility supervisor. He had had
-several yeers elfe preyious ex-
perience in cltdm work with
other companies.
Transferred to - the quality
control division in 1966 he has
served as a
field seperyiser
silver thet
A native of Seaforth and son
of Mrs. Keating and' the late J.
E. Keating he, was graduated
from Sealiiith-Collegiate Iesti-
tide and Osgoode, Hall Law
School of Toronto. He is a-mem-
ber of the Ontario Bar. He serv-
ed with the RCAF during
World War IL . .
Fractured Leg
Alvin Hoff is in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London following a fall
Tuesday while' working on the
construction of a new hatchery
et Scott Poultry Farms Ltd. Re-
moved to Seaforth Community
Hospital, he was later taken to
McGrath, the daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs, Peter H. Mc-
Grath, and Mr. Kennedy is the
son of the' late Mr. and Mrs,
DoIantl Kenneny. They have
two sons, and• two • daughters,
'Rev. Gordon Kennedy, C.S.B.,
and Lewis Kennedy, both of
Toronto; Mary, Mrs. Bill Kin-
'nahan, St. Augustine; Rita, Mrs.
Donald Moylan, St. Marys; and
six grandchildren. Present for
the occasion besides the family
' were Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Du-
charme, St. Coluniban; 1Virs.
Frank Murray, DetroitelVliss Hil-
da Kennedy, London; Mrs. Eve-
lyn Schmittenbornf, Buffalo;
Miss Mary McGrath, Toronto. A
sister of Mrs. Kennedy's, Mar-
garet, Mrs—Dan Rafferty, of
Brantford was unable to be pre-
ed a successful year. Reports for
the year were given by the con-
Elections followed with the
following' results; director, Msgr.
J, White; past president, Mrs.
Frank Ryan; president, Mrs.
*Prank Murray; -1st vice-presid-
ent,, Mil...Dominic Murray; 2nd
vice-president, Mrs.' Tom Kale;
corresponding secretary, Mrs.
Foment, Bicknell; recording sec-
retary, Vitt ThoMas Murray;'
treasurer, Mrs. 'Robert littirray. •
1Viagr. White installed the new
executive. and .nresented the
'gavel to Mrs. Murray. Mgr-
.ray took the chair, and carried
on the business of the meeting
Plans to install le% miles pf
new -telephone :cable •were re-
vealed recently at the annual •
meeting of the- Tiickersmith
Municipal Telephone System
held in the IOOF Hall, Bruce-
Four miles of new cable will,
be instaffeirsOnth of Bayfield to
meet the Hay MuniCipal Tele-
phone System connections. Once
connected the operation will
provide free tolling between the
two townships.
Six ana' a quarter vanes of
cable will be installed begin-
ning at lot 10, concession 2-3
and will run south crossing the
HenSall-Zurich highway. The
purpose of this new cable is to
reduce the overload on the
cable running along No. 4
iurther plans for the exten-
sion of the system are under
Constable Keith Ruston of the
Seaforth. Police Department
left Tuesday for Aylmer where
he is enrolled in a.. six-week
Course at the Ontario Police
and conveners were named for
the Purgatorial Society,.. rress
Stamps and Spiritual. Collection
of fees must be completed by
May 1st, These fees include a
subscription to the Canadian
Clean, used clothing .10 being
asked for and is to be brought
to the parish hair lay May 31st.
Visitors to the sick for April
are Mrs. John Shea and Mrs.
Raymond Murray,
The dioseesan convention will
'be held in Chatham en ,MaY 20th
aed 21st, The preeldent and
an 'appointed delegate, Mrs.
Thomas Murray wilt attend.
A draw for a mystery prize
The Tuckersmith Telephone
System extended its onerationi
in 1968 to include 1,523 plumesi
an increase over •the previott4
year of 53,
The net revenue for last year:
increased over $4,000 to $81,439"
while' expenditures during the
same period increased neafly
The system realized a net sur-
The first agreement between
the 'Canadian Union of Public
Employees, local 424 and Sea-
forth community Hospital -has
been reached. The union was
certified December 11th of last
The agreement which is for
two years was reached by con-
ciliation on March 25th and ac-
cepted by the parties on April
1. It provides for a wage in-
Rev.. D. 0.Fry who has been
minister of First Presbyterian
Church since 1962, preached his
final sermon Sunday. The sanc-
tuary of the large church was
Me Fry who has accepted a
call to Knox Church, Red Deer,
Alberta, left with his family on
Following the service the
congregation gathered in the
• church school when his contribu-
tion to the church was recalled
and he and Mrs. Fry were pre-
Sented with a mirse. The pre-
sentation was made by M. Mc-
Kellar representing the session,
and A. Y. McLean, the board of
managers. '
donated by Mrs. Frank Ryan
.was won by Mrs. Theo Melady.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pinnsan-
cult, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Purcell and family, Kit-
spent Easter with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack McIver.
Joseph S. O'Reilly, , Toronto,
with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Miss Jeanne Melady, Barrie;
Jim Melady, Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Ryan, London, with
Mr.. and Mrs. Edward Melady.
Miss Hilda ,Kentiedy, London;
Mr. and Mrs, lion Marcy and
family, Stratford, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Auguste Ducharme..
Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Reilly
plus for the year of $3,010,27,
Albert.,, Shirray was named
chairman of the company and
Harvey Coleman was ..re-elected
to serve another threetyear
term, Arthur Nicholson is the
other commissioner.
The annual meeting was
chaired by Stanley Township
reeve, Elmer Hayter. •
Mel Graham is secretary-trea-
surer of the system.
crease of 5%' effective Feb. 1,,
1969;3% effective Aug. 1, 1969
and 7% 'effective Feb. 1, 1970.
The hospital was represented
by -consultant D. R. Byers and
the administrator Gordon Mc-
Conciliation officer was. M.
Thibeault and the union was
represented by F. H. Pyke of
London and John Van Geffin
and Mrs, H. Anslaw of the loc-
The settlement was announc-
ed by Mr. Pyke and Mr. McKen-
zie. .
"It is a good settlement for
the hospital employees. It puts
them in; the middle of organiz-
ed hospitals in Ontario," Mr.
Pyke said and Mr. McKenzie
added "it is in keeping with
existing contracts in compar-
able situations throughout the
The agreement which covers
all employees except nurses, ad-
'ministrative, technical and su-
pervisory personell, sets out de-
tails of employment in addition
to the salary schedule.
-Raises $10 for
Bunny Bundle
Jayne Cardno sponsored a
draw on a banana cake recently
and raised $10.10 for Bunny
Bundle which' she presented on
the CFPL Bunny .Bundle pro-
gram. The cake wes won by
Mrs. W. Broadfoot. •
and family visited in London
with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Dev-
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and
family, Acton, with Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Cronin,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Feddema,
London, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Cqyne.
'With Mr. and Mrs. Angus
Kennedy for the Easter week-
end were Rev. ,Gordon Kennedy,
C.S.B., Toronto;' Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Kennedy, Paul and Peter,
Toronto; Mrs. Evelyn Schmitten-
bornf, Buffalo; Miss Mary Mc-
Grath, Toronto; and Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Moylan, St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Coate-110
Northside United was •filled
Good Friday evening when the
Northside choir presented the
contata "Calvary" based on the
seven last words, from-the cross.
Under the direction of James
A. Stewart with 'Mrs. Stewart as
organist the contata was pre-,
sented in co-operation with the
Seaforth Ministerial Association
and was in lieu of the Ecumini-
cat Holy Week services whieh
have been. arranged by the Min-
isterial Association in recent
years. ,
Taking solo parts in the con-
tate Were Sam Scott, E. M. Wil-
liams, Mrs. WM. Campbell, Wm.:
Campbell, Mrs. Robert S. Mc-
Kercher, Marlen Vincent; Mrs.
Don Wood, Miss Ruth Cluff and
James A. Stewart:
At a reception forthe choir
which, followed the contata,
Members- of the Ministerial Agr
sociation marked the departure
of Rev. D. 0. Fry from First
Presbyterian Church with a
On behalf of the association
Ure SteWart presented
Mr. Fry with ,a fishing jacket
and Mrs.' Fry with a comport..
Wed 25
Mr: and Mrs. Roy McGonigle
marked the 25th anntlyersarY of
their wedding' when they enter,
tamed friends at the Seaforth
Community Centre, Saturday.
The couple were married St
Brilcefield, April .15, 1944, the
'bride being the former Hazel
Wilson. Mr. McGonigli for a
number of years has been the
popular manager 'of Seaf rth
Community Centre and A na
and in the summer of Se rth
Lions Park.
Among the,t many gifts receiv-
ed were those from the Beavers
hockey team and from the
neighbors. Taking part in the
presentations were Don Morton,
Gar Baker, Gordon Pullman and
W. Broadfoot.
and family, Kitchener, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murray.
Mrs. Joseph Eckert and Tom
spent Easter in St. Agatha with
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Feeney.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray
and family, TorontO, visited
Mr. and Mrs., Michael Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Brady and
family, London; Joe Sloan and
children, Windsor, visited Mr.
and Mrs. James Sloan.
Mr. and Mrs. John Moylan
spent Easter in Stratford with
Mr. and Mrs. John O'Reilly.
Mr, and Mrs. Pat tleDaid and
family, St. Catharines, spent
Easter Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. V, J. Lane.
Mark Anniversary
At St, Columban• •
The Week in St. Columba
• Organizations Active
Union, Hospital
Reach Agreement
During Easter Season
Support Tuckersmith
Regional Protest •
A majority of area councils
which have had an opportimity
• of , considering 'the matter have
'endorsed a Tuckersmith Town•
ship resolution calling kr ad-
ditional consideration by the
provincial ,government before
regional government is extend-
McKillop, Hullett and Morris
reviewed insurance needs of
'the township and council agreed
to renew with Frank Cowan Co,
Ltd. •
Council yinstructed tne clerk
to advertise for tenders for 17,-
000 eu, ,yds. pit run gravel. -
Accounts approved" .ineluded:
general — Advance-Times, ad-
vertising, 7.53; Post Publishing
were in. agreement while Us- • House, advertising, ' 4.40; Vil-
borne and Stanley took no ac- late of Brussels, nursing home
tion. care, 40.76; Town of Wingham,
fire calls and share of deficit,
1,345.65; ,Maitland Valley Con-
servation Authority, levy, $1,.-265,35; Seaforth Community
Hospital, grant, 51.00; Municipal
World, supplies, .67; Ontario
Hydro, street lights, Walton,
25.38; Belgrave, 72.13; Bluevale,
'14.25; George Radford, re Cloak-
ey dump, 18.00; George Michie,
salary 50.00, postage 6.06; Hel-
en Martin, salary 140.30, pos-
• tage, 6.00; CIB of C, tax and
pension, 11.50; B. H. Moffatt,
welfare account, 16.75; Hall In-
surance Agency, premiums,
Road — Oldfield Hardware,
cable, rope and light bulbs, 45.-
86; 'Brussels Coal Yard, stove
oil, -34.05; Valley Blades Ltd.,
bolts and blades, 538.95; Wing-
ham Tire Service, new tires,
tube and flaps, 1,002.75; Glenn
A. McKercher, snow plow and
standby time, 408.00; Glenn
Snell, snow plow and standby
time, 443.00; Wilmer Glousher,
snow plow and standby time,
610.00; Alex Inkley, fuel' oil and
tax, 281.58; J. C. McNeil, repair
to 'cutting torch, 8.35; Bank of
Commerce, pension, 19.66; Re-.
ceivenGeneral, UIC, 13;50; Hall
Insurance Agency, premiums,
986.41; Wm. McArter, truck li-
cences-, mileage, wages,. book-
keeping, 257.80; James Case-
more, wages, 495,00; John
Smith. wages, 338.20; Adam,
Smith, wages, 259.2Q,
Morris council meeting Mon-
day endorsed a resolution from
Tuckersmith opposing regional
government. Reeve Wm. Elston'
In other business, council _ac-
cepttd a petition. for a new drain
on 1/z .lot 2, con. 2 and N1/2
lots .3 and 4, con. 3 and asked
E. W. Hayes Ltd., Kitchener to
survey and report.
J. R. McLaughlin of Frank
Cowan Co. Ltd. and Mrs. B. Hall
Blyth, agent were present and
First step in preparing for the
Main Street rebuilding pro-
gram this' Summer was taken
this week when PUd crews
removed the special decora-
tive lighting on Main Street
as well as special lighting .ori
Goderleh Street 'intersection.
Here Tom Phillips, high above
the street in a hydrtinlic hue-
ket,„disconnects a string while
Charles Reeves assists at street
Dorris Council
Hullett Council
The possibility of Hullett
Townshity residents being re-
quired to make earlier payments
of their 1969 taxes was discuss-
ed at the April meeting of the
Hullett council.
The discussion was brought
about in view of the new coun-
ty school board system which
clerk Clare Vincent said, may
require funds before present
tax payment date in November.
Although no decision was
taken on the matter, council
considered the possibility that
taxes may be collected two or
three times a year in install-
Hullett council, on a motion
'of councillors Charles Scanlon
and John Jewitt, endorsed .the
reSolution of Tuckersmith Town-
ship, opposing the establishment
of regional government as pre-
sented, by the Ontario Govern-
Council approved the agree-
ment presented by the Town of
Clinton for fire protection for
an additional five, years to Hul-
lett residents.
In' other busineks, council
proclaimed the week of April
20.26 as "Children's Aid Week"
in the township and instructed
clerk Vincent to prepare a by-
laW which will provide for 'an
election for a one-year term of
office so that township elec-
tions will co-incide with ,' county
school board elections.
Road accounts totalling $2,-
222.56 were approved for pay-
ment as. wen as general ac-
counts of $2,086.46 and $1,800
for engineers' reports an .Aul-
lett drains.
Reports on the following
drains, were reed: flurwe% $5,-•
800; Mather, $4,100' Thinking,
$12,000; and Kennedy, $1,550.