HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-04-03, Page 14• -.7-7•Tr--,f•r1.97frMa . SPEEDY Bi Lerne6BIL (Special Pack) Prices Effective April 24 Inclusive We. Reserve The Right To Limit '• Quantities Lot Open Evenings to 9 p.m. "Serving Seaforth and District for 28 Years" • Installed plus complete Exhaust • System Check Prices are for V-8 or 6-cylinder Canadian. Cars 1965-69 6-cylinder $8.99 8-cylinder $9.99 Installation Extra HER TURKEYS 39 10 to 12 lb. SisC Canada -Grade 'A' TURKEYS 45c, • Fresh Broilers 6 to 0 lb. lb. • Top Valu Broilers 8 to 10 lb. • Top Valu Toms 20 to 22 lb. Coleman's Epicure Sliced - SIDE BACON 0,190, Genuine Quality • G.M. 'MUFFLERS- -COLO YOU Tb eibl:ZROVVJ YOUR UNCLES CAR AND ET.OVER HERE IN A R coilLotstri BOTH, 1r You WERE. REALLY IN A OusH,ISHOULPA LEFT -rHe CAR • AT HOME. TI-IBRE•IS NO EXCUSE 'FOR A CAR TCi CAUSE, ANYONE DELAY WHEN 41101446 -4474,'1./0 ,•;,,'.•1140. /:4".4444:11 II * . tot **.t I ...ilk. CAN FIX CAR CO IT WILL BE RELIABLE. Ar SUCH A REASONABLE "illy••.— a • Bicler Plain, Garlic or Polish DILL, PICKLES ... 2 3Ln 110 Soft Rite (Ase'd. Colours) BATH. TISSUE 2PaRcalk 8 V-nieSS.4. iifortli- l'e*teriarAssiciation that, are,,elt- -rqted to aliPekt: the weeks Preceding Easter). stood that that this, and nothing fess, is what God is•offeriug to us in the Easter Gospel. ftrliaps we are like our fore- fathers who lived all their days in a world that contained the marvel of electric power, but never guessed that it was there. Then one day that power was made available to the world.. Not through, any new invent- ion, but through 'discevery of something that was always there So also the power of the com- bustion engine, the atom and the jet. All man had to do was uncover it and made it available for his own use now. Would you believe that God who resurrect- ed Christ is standing there be- side us, with that gift of super- natural power . . . for us, now, if we would have it? • With this supernatural force waiting to be used, this power that resurrected Christ and has made 'life :new for countless people, available to us now . . . why is our life so limp, so lame, so lacking' in lustre? Probably because we think it can't work in a world like ours, so tense and troubled„ so fraught with fears and so defeated by doubts. But test it and see. Here is a - power that will „scatter every darkness, mend every broken spirit and bring strength and courage to life, 'now. • Would you believe that when you take faith, consecration and obedience to the will of God, and nail, these to a rough wood- en Cross, all the power of East- er releaseddn your life .. toddy. 0, Fr)! .%.ftesbYteriau Church us are quite willing 10..aceePt3h.O.Claini, of the Christ, 10. •Church that Jesus Christ purse resurrected front the dead some two `thousand years ago. many of 14 .01.114 to a great hope that that same sheer power which raised Christ will also resurrect us, at death. But hoW try of usi. would believe that the resurrection power which raised Christ long ago.. and Whi0h will, raise us at death in . the town), is a power which is available to us right now to help us live? I sometimes wonder if we ordinary people have under- Use Expositor Want-Ads Phone 527-0240 how many shoulders has your executor? ' At Victoria and Grey Trust, your estatomanagement problems are the responsibility ,of a friendly, sympathetic trust officer you get to know, and a teamof trained specialists. Don't leave your estate to chance. Lea.ve it in the competent care of Victoria and Grey. TIC7VRIA and VG GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE leen, • USBORNE 8,T • HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER, Ont. President William Chaffe RR,* Mitchell Vice- resident Raymond McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton Directors Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin Clayton Calquhoun RR 1 Science Hill Tim Toohey q RR 3 Lucan Robert Gardiner • RR 1 Cromarty Agents Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - - Exeter Clayton Harris - Mitchell. Secretary-Treasurer Hugh Patterson - - Exeter • Having to face life ' DEAR DORIS I resisted the information that I had mul- tiple sclerosis, declaring the doc- tor was, wrong. Then all the syreptons, came back I was despair. I found a doctor who helped me face life as it is. Gave me constant encouragement, dimin- ished the synaptons as much as was his pesver, Still I sometimes rage ag- ainst fate and tell him m usefulness is over. •He lets My I, blow off steam and then quiet- ly suggested I find ways of being .useful. The body does have ways of regenerating• itself and in my case much of this is taking place. Still Going Strong DEAR GOING STRONG In a very real-way, your doctor gave you a new life. Bless him! And thank you for passing on your positive• thinicing. We can * all use it. ' '" DEAR DORIS — My-husband and -I belong to the Couples Club of our church and are always on the lookout for new' material for• skits. We have already used one of the skitt you sent me. A few years ago I put on a fashion show using men for models, with very ridiculous costumes. It was a big success and has been• used, many times. I would be only to glad to send it to anyone wishing it. Thank you for your column. I enjoy it immensely and it must be a great help to people in need of advice. 'Fun And Skits DEAR F. AND S. — A male faShion show could be hilar- ious, Please do send us details, as I know readers .will be ask- ing for them. DEAR DORIS — How do I get• acquainted with the lady across the street? We have just moved here, my parents and me, and I'd like to.date her, I 4think. I don't notice her out with anybody. How does a fellow get on speaking terms with a nice look- ing girl? Bachelor In My Twenties • DEAR BACHELOR — Don't let faint heart beat you. Take your pick: (1) Give her a, lift to the bus. (2) Carry in her garbage pail. (3) Carry her parcels. Neighbors find ways of mak- ing conversation, and fine wea- ther opens doors. Be brave. • DEAR DORM What is the minimum age for licepW...te fir I want to. fiy for a hotiby: ' 41SOD S1.101$6.0j. op, gown .4koli Wings DEAR WINGS — Lessons. at one Canadian school are $14., per hour. It -takes around 009 worth to make a ilyer, and you have to be at least 17 yeara ,As a hobby, it is. exciting. And it can be. remunerative, U You take Up bush piloting: Hunters, Lsnerman, lOggers, hire small private planes to. get to isolated lakes and blurb' country. Confidential to Scarecrow — Why curse the darkness, 'as it were? Light a candle! Instead' of moaning over how terrible you look, some up, New hair- do, new .ipstiek, something crisp and• i ...1 to wear around the house, be. If hubby not- ices, tell h.... you are doing. it to please L -nd him alone. He need build-up,. from what you 1 ,,e; and you are the one wt. 'n do it. Confident=`to Just a Nobody — Your h going husband ,has ridicu. to the point where you no status, even in your cwa eyes. So-called Christiani ,• s ., queer 'twist sometimes. It does happen that when the birds ve the nest, two lonely pare t,,ke a new.L. Wad perh3aps d:':; ouraging) look at each other. 'J cannot decide fur you whether the loneliness of separation is worth what it can bring to you. A persohal coun- sellor would the pros and help you consider the CARS{ „ • Mail this ad before April 30th, 1969 — :)(019 may win $100 a Week for life! t. • • •:*.e.:. This offer expires•D4cember.t12t./.1949i • • • Otraikir 4, '{'; ..,.:,,f :!„,0*,, *.' 41S,,,:•: .5..;~5 ... :: . , Ve 0 • ". ...;.!ita 'tia: 10g.awfm, A • •ee••••*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . . . ,J. .. .. .. ........,. . • otz • - gime (please print) Address There Are Dividends Every. Ilifeek In Expositor Classified Ads .' • ' Libby's 'Fancy Tomato Juice 48-os. Tin IGA cuts the high cost of living with these money - saving • REBELLION PRICES! I '•••n ••••.0"••••••••••'....0."•••"•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••61a.o•••••••••ramer•bavI 110 • r. 5; •