HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-04-03, Page 10the heesewarming people WALDEN & BROADFOOT • STATION ST, — SEAFORTH, ONT. a T ADS BRING QUICK REM: WS: Dial 5274240 tise Adtcrtisentents It's a Profitable Pastime! Are you to date wit OMSIP? • This 'income tax column has been prepared by the Kitchener District Office, Department of „National Revenue, Taxation. The questions used are common Ones, and the answers usually straightforward. However, un- usual circumstances • sometimes alter .the answer. If your ques- tion isn't answered here, or in the Income Tax Guide, 'phone 742-8361 in Kitchener or write National Revenue, Taxation, 166 Frederick St., Kitchener for free advice. ....••••••••••••=••••••••••••••••••%•••••.ftr INSURANCE Auto, Fire, Life Donald G. Eaton. Insurance Agency Limited Office in Massonic Block Main Street , Phone 527.1610 : Seaforth attracted sixteen eat, Mrs. Qiiirence. eomed the members and guests. Winners. were: TiadieS', high, Mre, Clarence Volley& consolation, Mrs, Wilbert -.Ogling, Men's high, Glenn Rell; consolation, Wilbert Billing.. 14adleelone hands, Mrs, R. -McAllister;:..Mens. lone hands, Robert Rigle; draw winners were Wayne parte...owl Mrs. R. M. Peck. A successful euchre 'party sponsored by the C. B. and -1". committee oof Amber Rebekah was :held in the IOOF. Lodge Hall Thursday with nine tables 04 play. Winner's: 10464'.1.44. Ray Goner GOO .10014.0*1... .00h*Olatioll, •Beer, MOOR Iie*01.1k. colt- 0,10.„ eA ItCXtelI .1 tillidit,:.0.4. Rob, 4 '11614111;Vinner 'A A BR 1. . , 'IontitilitEgater TOSS A. OkkaiWS-,:tm. wm. Kyle,,telotoMung Matter Reb- ekah ''t:Werity one patients at Quebt :y-Vursing Home WedneSilayliftertitiOn and Pre sented each patient with an Easter treat. aobltion, St art of ithet Vf, was Viral Q..I am a farmer and I used Classified Ads pay dividends. ' NOTICE — For Co-op Insurance . Call W. ARTHUR w-Rwirr Phone 527-1484 — John' St: SEAFORTH Complete Coverage for: -. ' • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, „Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-Op Medical Service,'• • Wind hainirance Note: Due to the Ontario Employment Standards Act governing a 48-hour work week, our Planti will be closed all day Saturday.. • C00grattgatio YOOt fu(pace just surviveda another *inter: But how about next year? If you have any doubts, give us a call. If you need a new furnace, we can install it. We can even modernize your' present one. Or.instatI an oil-fired water heater. Whatever you need, our easy fi- nance plan will• cover the total Cost, including labour. Let us rejuvenate your entire heating 'System. You'll Ihis in total comfort for years to come. Whey you have a child or reach 21 or move-to a new address or when you are newly married... To lceeyour OMSIP protection and to epee!! figment-notify within 30 darn Realer lInsurance Registration Board, 2199 WNW, Street, Taranto 7. W. J. CLARK John Clark of Bruce- field died March 19 at the age of 82, after being ill for slij, weeks. A 'resident of Brucefield for ten years, he was born on the Goshen Line, in Stanley Town- 'ship on February 28, 1087., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lan- celot Clark and was and, on. Arne 18, 1924, to the • former Della R. Keys.. was mem- ber of Brucelfebl. United 004 and fernier member of 000fill United Churel•vh6re he 'taught Sunday School 'and as "an der for WAY Ye**. Besides his 'Wife, ae is *tr. vived by a rdstothter, VW*, Sin (Doris) fOf AR '44 Bruce/len a` -Itetlites, of Hamilton stud three *Mid- children. He was tirelieteitte11 by two sisters. The funeral was held Mira 21st from Beattie funeral bottle, Clinton, with the Rev. E. D. Stuart of Brucefield officiating. Interment was in Bayfield„com, etery. Pallbearers were Garfield Howes, Vernon Clark, Fred Boyce, Chester Sturdy„ James Keys and Bruce Keys. Flower- bearers were Elgin Elwood and Douglas Robinson. The card party sponsored by Hensall Womens Institute held in the Legion Hall Wednesday FUNERAL Priz MRS. VIOLET SCHWALM Mrs, Violet Schahn, widow of the late Peter Schwalm, passed away in Stratford General Hos- pital onyednesday, March 26th.. the former Violet Pfaff of Zur- Q. My mother, who is 70, is living with us. She receives the Old Age Pension and Supple- ment for a total income of $1,260,00. May ,I claim her as a dependent? A. No. The Cild Age !Pension and Supplement, give her an in- come of over $950 and you may not claim her as a dependent. Q. I was sick. just before Chris- tmas and the doctor's bill is, dat- ed 'December 19, 1968. I didn't pay the bill until January 5, 1969. Cab I include this' in-my medical expense claim on my 1968 return? A. This depends on who paid the doctor's. bill. Ordinarily, if you paid it yourself, you cannot include it in a medical expense claim for 1968 because you did not pay it before the end of the year. However, if it was paid through • a medical insurance ,plan, a' special provision iii .the Income Tax. Act allows you to include it in a claim for 1968 be- cause incurred the expense in that year. • • eV. • N.:CONCRETE 1961 as 'the year of averaging and 'am eligible to average ag- until , a year in, which averaging average again using 1966 as the ain in 1966. Am I required to would be more beneficial to me? year of averaging, or can I wait Seaforth 527-11206 Goderrch '524-7361 SUPPLY LIMITED A. You may choose any year you wish as the year of averag- ing, provided that Returns have been filed as required and that the averaging' period chosen does not overlap another period for whiCh you have averaged. Renting out rooms, cabins, transient accommodation? This message is important. You'are now required by favisto-iegister as Vendors, and beginning April 1st, RAY to collect Vie Retail Sales Tax if you provide lodging in hotels, 4otels, hostels,, tourist homes, clubs and other similar accommodation. You need not collect tax if you have less than four rental units. There is no tax on a rental period of one month or more. - Register now with your nearest district Retail Sales Tax Office listed below. They will be glad to answer any queries you may have about these and other changes in The Retail Vales Tax Act. N. . If you have 'a Vendor's permit now, you need not register again. You will be informed of the changes by mail. DISTRICT OFFICES" Ottawa a 744-6318 982-9223 627-2786 451-3000 474-4900 326-3519 Hampton Park Plaza, Kirkwood &Darling 72951.03 Port Arthur Sudbury: ' Toronto 374 Ouellette AVernie 252.4405 229 p*Orl Street 345-1294 - Welland 85 Eglinten Avenue East 487,7161 76blvidion Street 7324.318 Windsor . 102 Durham Strget'South r ' _674-3151 EXETER 235-'0363 'FOR, PERSONAL SERVICE AND THE -KIND OF QUALITY YOU CAN • DEPEND ON . SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER RURON WAND FIELD SEEDS AND 'GRASSES HARDI-GREEN • mums 'moms NEW AND IMPROVED VARIETIES OF CLOVER — TDIOTIIY GRASSES FARM, FARM STOCK FOR SALE? USE EXPOSITOR 'CLASSIFIED , Q. I have received most of the information slips for my Income Tax Return but I am still' waiting for one of .. them. Should I file my return without this slip? A. No. Please wait until you have all your T4 slipt and med- ical receipts before filing your return. A missing information slip may cause delays in pro- cessing, as such information. If you have not received your T4 slips by early in March, you should ask your emidloyer for them. ,Q. 'Can a farmer pay wages' to his family and• claim the ex:• pePse? A. Full details will be found cm page 6 of the Farmer's and Fisherman's Guide. Q. I started h new businesi in 1968. Can you tell me what depreciation I can claim? A. Capital cost allowanee, sometimes referred to, as de- preciation, is allowed as a de- duction. The rates vary with the type (class) of asset. ' For example: Class 10 - cars, trucks etc. 30%; Class 6 - frame and stucco. buildings 10%.; Class 3 - steel, brick and concrete buildings, •5%. Rates for other assets may be obtained by reference to the- Incoine Tax Regulations or at your local District Taxation Of- fice. SpeCial rates may apply to assets of a farmer or fisherman. For these, see the Farmer's and • Fisherman's Guide. ieh, she 84 Airs,-$0.91/4*/ with her inisbsnd,apd family took UP residence in Mensal' some thirty years a& coning from Zurich. Mr. Snlintalln deceased her in November 1,.911 * A mother of twelve children a. son Mervik, and a daughter MTS. Robert McKenzie (Leurene), Pre- deceased her. Mrs. Schwab? was a member of St. Peter's Lutheran Church', Zurich. Surviving are fly, sons, ° 7 'Austin, Stratford; gorilop,„'IrOh, Hen- sall; Lealand, Hamilton; Karl, Camp Borden; Raymond, .Nan AO. Five daughters; (May) Mrs., Arthur O'Hara, Tiondoin;, (Violet), Mrs. Jack St, thoto, .as.; (Nelda) Ms, zioga:, Hot* atratfotd..0144#00 '140Clilinidkl'O.:C4; -0400 ner, Viso Siltllfirid ► twenty-five .10iindelitAttnv fourteen -06at,ttatfmmd10, Public f0,0441-* *01.66*- *6 hela'• Saturday Lomeli**'Oh)oghi:„,_viktch, It* added by -ReIrc A. B.‘,I5lielofelL Burial wanin St. Peter's Luther- an Cemetery. Pallbearers were grandsons; Gerald Hansen, Charles Schw- alm, David Schwalm, R. Schw- aim, Richard Schwalm, Glen 'McKenzie. Flowerhearers were grand- sons, Peter- O'Hara, Terry Schw- alm. Bonthron Funeral Home, Hen- sail was in charge. READY MIXED Lel :1 i FOR ALL PURPOSES Attention Farmers: on the. ARM? he he ::Job Easier ..acienyord Pavement . Born Colindatioh . 'Flooring for. Barns . Silo FoUndatiOns Tax Tips Questions and. Answers A cubic yard of concrete is 27 cubic feet. Be sure you get this amount. Call us for free estimate. We will be pleased to tell you how many •cubic yards your job will require. Bellevilte • 220 °uncles St. East Hamilton. 361 KingSt. West • Kitchener 1324 King SL West, 4th Floor London 1472 Dundee St. East North Bay 649 Mesas Street • 28 Celborne Street Province. of Ontario Depot:moot of Rolkoluo • • • • • '4 !ossified Ads Bring Results jl