HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-04-03, Page 4:sfUcHRE BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON -Opens Tonight Box-Office Opens at 8.00 p.m., FIRST SHOW at 8.30 P.M. Thurs., Fri. — April 3-4 -- DOUBLE FEATURE — "Guide For A Married Man" Showing of 10.15 p.m. (Adult Entertainment) Starring Walter Matthau & Inger Stevens — In Color "The Vengeance Of She" John Richardson & Olinka Borova Showing at 8.30 p.m. Color Cartoon Sat., Sun. — ATitil 5-6 — DOUBLE FEATURE — up u • J. Showing at 8.30 p.m. (Adult Entertainment) George Peppard & Raymond BOW In Color — Plus "Madigan" Showing at 10.15 p.m. (Adult EntertainMent) Starring Richard Widmark, Henry Fonda and 'Inger Stevens Color Cartoon Special Sunday Night Show — April 5 Showing at 13.05 — In Addition To Regular Features 1.h'e Ghosts" (Adult Entertainment)' Starring' Barbara Steele —, Color Coming Next Weekend: "Waterhofe' No. 3" (Adult Entertainment) "Half A Sixpence" . Huron County read budget will 'remain v.uitilin .a read levy of 10.0 mills for no. This was announced Friday by county engineer James ,13,rittmil who presented a road•repart submit- ted by Elmer Haytera Stanley Reeve, chairman of the road committee. • • • Total road expenditure will be $2,121,000 with tuts: county chipping in. $7111500. **a triain, tenance will cost 457000; road construction,'- $629,000; brike construction* $370.,000. Road attatistruetinta includes road ao, Inciiktiirlieit"Siontla 4 males, $60/10e; r •o d . Winona eter—south, 2.5 •trifles, $60,000; road 8, Dev. Road 904, six miles, $25,000; road „g, Dash- wood south, six ilaileAV-84,000; and -road 14i- Dublin . north, $25,000. Two new'bridges ..are planned Benmiller Bridge on .road 37, $275,000; and a Middjeaex boun- dary bridge, $25,000 ' (Huron's., share). Mr, Britnell reported, the de; partment of highways had glara -en indication of a tight money policy, "We have been cautioned' that the 'Ontario Government may not be in a position to finance 100 percent of the supplemen- tary by-laws and if so it may be necessary to delete some pro- jects from, the program. We, will not be in a position to advise council until we receive word from the DHO perhaps in late April or May. This will compli- cate our normal practice of ear- ly tender calls on some projects since we feel it would be fool- ish to award tenders for work that may not be approved - by the MG." He also explained that while most road contracts now called for hot mix paving; it is not assured the DHO will approve it. Mr. Britnell claimed the • de- partment has reason to believe. some roads, have been over throughout the province and said plans now call for roads which are "just adequate" and not "luxurious". Council referred a Desirable Road System report back to the • r-r 11!1'10 VIIMON• SEAFORTH, ONT. APRIL 3, 1959 4K. -s,"EAoirrii TE.EN TWENTY • NO DANCE w. THIS SATURDAY Next Saturday — "THE MAJORITY" o DING INVITATIONS. THE HURON EXPOSITOR DINING & DANCING Open Good Friday For Meals Only SATURDAY, APRIL firth DEJARD1NES DANCE BAND We are accepting Reservations for EASTER SUNDAY DINNER Come Out And Enjoy .Yourself PIZZA PATIO Restaurant and Tavern 350 Hayfield Road Goderich .16 • 't i 't 5 3 ways for Desirable County Roads in urban areas, to take fished by the Minister of High, over the two streets. Some displeasure was regis- tered by Goderich Reeve Harry Worsen as well when the report ,Showed that part§ of Elgin, Wel- apd Harbour Streetsw.--- Royal Canadian Legion lington- have been designated as county weetremereetraeremereseme rarerev roads. ENTERTAINMENT \ SATURDAY — "Elgin FiStir" in the Ladies' and Escorts' Ream. EnleY a 51np-A-kaap With PEARL at the Hammond Organ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY - COLORED TV TASTY BEVERAGE ROOM SNACKS COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth Saturday Night The Ryans Beverage Room Snacks .PIGTAILS & SAUERKRAUT HURON HOTEL - Dublin The "COUSINS THURSDAY ,and SATURDAY EVENING Beverage Room Snicks AT" THE UEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORTH Brodhagen and District CHAMBER OF .COMMERCE STAG' PARTY Friday, April 25th PIGTAILS, RIBS AND SAUERKRAUT SUPPER Supper 6:00 until 8:00 p.m. Games and .Refreshments Proceeds for Ball Park Tickets $3.00 each, Tickets, available afro mitembers or phone 345-2438 ••••••110,1••••• V11,01%, SEAFORTH • DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL — presents — Variety Night Friday, April 11.th High School 'Auditorium Time -- 8:80' p:m. Adults - 50 Cents Children - 25 Cents Tickets Available From Students • • • -4 • 41 9 ' SP4,0711i Legion 1ia1,1 - Prizes I.Unch Guests Welcome Sponsored bY ,Branch 156 Students Compete In Poster Contest Pupils in primary schools across Huron were winners in the Aati-Smoking campaign pos- ter competition held • among Huron County public and sep- arate school children. The poster competition, like the anti-smoking campaign it- self, was organized jointly by the Public Health Service, the Canadian Cancer Society (Hur- on County Unit) and the Huron Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Association. There were 787 entries in the competition which was divided Into two sections, grades 1-4 and grades 5-8 and in each. sec- tion two prizes of $15.00 and $5.00 are being awarded. The winners are: grades 14, Carolyn Perry, grade 4, Exeter Public School; and second, Lar- ry Burke, grade 4, St. Mary's School, Goderich; grades 5-8, Marilyn IrWin,. grade 8, Wing- ham Public School; and second, Elizabeth Gingerich, grade 8, Zurich Public School, Prizes will be presented in the near 'future officials said. OPEN HOUSE SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL MONDAY, APRIL 14 Commencing at 8 p.m. Parents and friends of students, as well as the general public are invited to visit the Seaforth District High School and meet the staff. Students' work will be on display it THEATRE PARks, on the squareERlf; o Phone, 5244811 APRIL MOVIE, CALENDAR Thurs„ Fri., and Sat., April 3, 4 and 'S "The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit" Thurs, showthne 8. p.m. only; Fri. and Sat. showing at 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Saturday Matinee at .2 p.m. Sun., Mon. end Tues., April 6, 7 and 8 "The Subject was Roses Adult Entertainment; Sunday showtime 8 p.m. only; Mon and Tues,. 7:30 and 9:15 Wed, to Sat., April 9 to 12 "The Stalking Moon" showing at 7:30 and 9:1S; Saturday Matinee at 2:30 , — Sun. Men. and Tues., April 13, 14 and 15 "Play Dirty" Adult Entertainment; Sunday showtime 6 , p.M. only; Mon, and Tues. 730 and 9:30 Wed., Thum and Fri., April 16, 17 and 18 "The Buis of Mrs. BlossOm" showing at 7:30 and 0:15 Sot. Sun., Mon., Teem, April 19 to 22 "The" Night They Raided Minsky's" Adult. Entertainment; Sun. shosetime 8 p.m. only; all other 7:30,amt9:15 April 19, Sat. Matinee at 240 "The True Story of Jesse James" earl drib OrroN O.. Wed„ l'hurs., Fri. and Sat, April• 23 to 26 "Angel ht my Pocket" showing at YiSO snd 911S; Sat. Matinee •at 2:311 • ,. • ryll'~ fir ri ERE el "Looks like someone hit a treel" +.4.41.4....0.440,44Balt.*•••44,44m4.4 "And now for the neig,,bborhood.r.mt " t. at: nentaaaaaaralfaaaa=a a a a Mt. •Oatrnaea earptimed the Senior and Sunder trophies on Saturday and Sunday in the ani nual hockertournament at the Seaforth arena spa:lamed:Jay the Father •Stealhen Ecatert council of S-ealonn and Dintrict Knights of Columbus/. This 'was ' the fourth , arcual tournament and - tdialled prenfous madras' for. both number of teanasaand atten- - • Creight, Dublin and James P. larauskopf, RR 2, Dublin. Seaforth and St, Oolumban played a fib 'anti tuck game fol., lowing (analog 'in a '•1-1 tie. A. Murray matchang 'Case's gnat. However St, Colurnban won: on shots on goal. • • Cannel won their seeond game for. the day by taking Kin. Koala 4-2. R. Belger scoring all pprove 1 Health Dr. q... P. A, Evans, MOH., re- • ceived Huron County Council's approval Friday for a public health budget of $227,511. This figure includes $167,016 for salaries (including recent raises for the staff which came into effect January 1, 1969); $12,450 for total personal ser- vices such';pension ' plans, etc., for employees; $20,600 for travel expenses; $6,225 'for equipment including new tran- scribing inaehinea for all unit offices; $4,560, 'for supplies; $12,075 for rent and utility ser- vices; and other, $4,585. Last year's placket was $187,i 000. Nearly' $10,000 has been bud- geted to alleviate the "Senrce of frustration to professional and technical persannel" who must spend hours writing pr typing reports, "With new tran- scribing equipment, they will dictate reports and typists .will play them back and prePare the necessary forms. As well, ,preventative dentis- try, a dental service for pre- schoolers and school children, should be available later this year. The estimates also include sums to extend the medical and nursing espects of the school health service, this year partial- tarty in the high schools, County-wide sputum cytology will be undertaken. This is a technique whereby the common "spit" of moderate and heavy cigarette smokers is examined periodically in order that abnor- mal cells which could lead to cancer can be detected while still in the curable stage. Comprehensive Home. Care is under development now in the county but it is unlikely there will be any financial commit- ment of significance this-year. The Padvince of Ontario shares on a 50-50 basis with the expenses of the public health-- budget. In effect, the county's 'Aare will be about $114,000. Frank Brinier, RR 1, Dublin, was elected president of the newly formed Dublin and ,Dis- trict Athletic., Association fol- lowing an organizational meet- ing Sunday.evening in St. Pat- rick's CIl,urch Parish Hall, Dub- lin. A number of interested' Dub- lin and area people were on hand to organize the associa- tion which will sponsor and maintain a series of ,sports ac- tivities foraahe children of the district. Others named to the execu- tive included Jack Horan, RR 4, Walton, vice-president; George Ducharme, RR 2, Dublin, secretary; Herb Brown, Dublin, - treasurer, Also elected was a committee of five members to assist the executive. There werei Clar- ' ence Looby, Dublin, Herman Van Bakel, RR 2, Dublin, Hank .Kramers, Dublin Matt Mc- road committee for further study when Jack' Alexander, Reeve of Wingharn and Clarence Boyle, Reeve of ' Exeter, said they wished.aeouncil to grant them an opportiana. to discuss the report with the resp councils. Wellington-Street in Exeter and Albert Sreet in Wingham would be taken over as county roads U the report had been accepted. Reeve Alexander showed vio- lent opposition to the plan and suggested Wingham would be much better satisfied to main- tain the road under- its' own road system than to turn it ov- er tnthe county. Albert Street, he said, was in excellent condi- tion now at considerable ex- pense to Wingham, ,Reeve Boyle •had ,no strong argument against the plan but did indicate surprise at the county's interest in the street. Both streets are main arter- ies leading to industrial sites within the towns. For this rea- son the county feels duty bound, according to a criteria estab. • - - • • The Senior Series Began Sunday at 1:30 p.m. In the 1st game St. Oolumban tapped Seaforth 741. Larry Kale and Brian Lane scored two each with Barry Lane „asslisting Greg O'Rielly, D. Murray and ..13,arry Lane .Scared one each, John Lan- sink 'scored Seatoirth's only goal, In, the second ganie, Seafotalla defeated Dublin • 540. Jim Hoff with three goals led. the storing, with sinals going to Danny •Mala oneyaand John Lansink: In the third,, game St. Cohan. ban faced (Mt. Oar,mel in a hard fawn-it contest with the latter winning- by a 7-4 _deelsion. Goal scorers' for Mt. Cannel were P. Dietrich, with three and two each to H. Smite and J. Brian Lane with three goals and Bari ay Lane with bine, completed the scoring far St. 'Columba:a The fourth game had Kinkora, entered in the 'tournament for the first time against Seaforta, in what proyed• ta be the final t-antest of the day. 'Seaforth eda out a 442 desaallan' on, goals by Jana Hoff with three. and Bill Salsbury with one. Elude Clain isaan secaed both Kinkara goals- '1Vâ o .. Cannel was awarded. the K o.f C trophy an the Sender acries for having come taircruigh the tournament without •a loss, easaaattaanaataniowireetailialiaitatiati. Athletic Association Formed at Dublin Mt. Carmel Teams Win K of C Hockey Tournament danae according to tournament 4 goals. Kelly and Culligan for director Vindent • J, Land.' He Kinkora. said that next year it would even' The-only Sr. game on Saturi be biagen day, Mt. Carin.el coasted over s.eaforth •ard Dub''-^n started Dublin 10-0. -Rater and Dieta . the Jr, series at 9 am, the ,former aich -cibang most of the soaring. taking this one 4-0. aVicQuald With St. Oolumban .and Mt. s :,re4 2 goals., singlea to Case . Carmel having each two wins. end Ana:tett. the playoffs' saw a weary bunch ....,....... . . St. Galtraban raaannecl Mt. Car- of bays' with Mt. Cannel taking mel 3.0 in the 1,0:30' game. A. a 411 decision and the K of -C, Munraa with 2, Ryan seared 1 trophy from St. :Goa:Tr:ban Rea aesaating on two, Dublin' lost ger stored all 4 for Maunt 'Cana the next game to Ma ' 'Cannel theit Nolan scored for St. Colatm- 6-0. Neatnick and D. , Rater ban. - a shared scaringahanors. C of. C Approves (Continued . from Fag 1) charge of the president Mrs. Jean Henderson, • agreed that there should be a more positive approach with respect fito ob- taining additional memberships. In her review of activities Mrs. Henderson- said that Carl Dalton had -hien appointed as "chairman of the Public Affairs' Committee replacing Frank Sills who had reaped on being elec- ted Mayor. 'She said it' was the. intentionto make a presenta- tion of the C of C booklet "Eco- . noinich and You" to Members of the SDES graduating class and that plans wereabeing coma_ pleted 'for a .general meeting and dinner at which ladies would be present during-the latter part of April.• • • A. E, Hetherington, manager of London Branch, of the Mont- real Trust" Co, discussed with the meeting estate planning and taxes. He was. introduded by W. M. Hart and appreciation was expressed by D'Orlealia Sills. Others who took part in the meeting were Robert Dinsmore, Mayor Frank Sills and Ken' Old- acre. 'a Remember!. It_ takes,. but a •••••• Moment to place an„, Elia:Otte Want Ad- and be money In pocket. To advertite, just Dial Seafoith 527-0240. L.O.B.A. EUCHRE OilAISMVALL Mon., April 7th. 8:30 p.m. • Admission 50 cents Lunch Served Everyttrto Welcome s • V•ret•--. 4.1