HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-04-03, Page 1ears
r .7
Mr. and Mrs, Will Miller, slat:
er and brother-ins ,of. the
groom as well as. "„
Kellar whii attendee e wedd-
ing and were present at the an-
niversary dinner.
Following their marriage Mr.
and Mrs. McKellar farmed on
concession eleven Hibbert Town-
ship, retiring to Cromarty• vill-
age in 1965.
The couple have one daughter
Mrs. Bill (Betty) Binning, Miteh-
ell and three grandchildren.
Through the years Mr. and
Mrs. McKellar have been active
in community and chtireh 'af-
Many flowers and cards of
congratulations were received.
Open house was held on the
preceding Wednesday in honor
of Mr: and Mrs. McKellar at the
home of their daughter and son-
in-law Mr. and Mrs. Bill Binn-
ing. •
Over one hundred friends-and`
relatives called during the after-
noon .and evening when they
were showered with good wish-
In charge of the guest book
was Ms Jane Binning.
C of C Approves
Budget of $1,272
it •
A;NO Mit6; 1 lilt 5r'l III K 'Li Alt
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley
th We4 ing Anniversary
e rr York ,Trip
Best public Speakers 'in a co est sponsorq by i'Huron. County Odd Fellows and Rebekah
Lodges are given parclunent certicastes of merit after the competition in Central Huron Sewn-
'.dary. School last Friday night. Sho4. from left to right are Mrs. Mary Lowe of Brussels, Rebekah
district '-deputy, Margaret Enigma,. YftR 4,' Walton; runner-up Bill Binissey Clinton, winner of
a trip to the I, Nations this . summer and Jahn Broadfoot of ffrucefield, Offd fellow 'district
deputy grW.,rnaster. (Photo. ..eourt4sy Clinton N CMS Record).
; Major items of expenditure
include general government
$11,200, protection to .persons,
etc., $5,950,.roads, .$165,000,
drainage $11,200, interest $6,600,
county rates $73,112, board 'of
education $100,000, separate
school beard $5,800.
Taxes will be levied on a
-farm and residential assessment
of $2,876,250 and' commercial
Rates for warble fly spraying -
were set at 20c per, head and 75e. per pound to anyone wish-
ing to purchase powder.
Council adopted, the• report of
auditors', Diegel, Malcohn and
Hagey, StratfOrd and ,reappoint-
ed the firm for another year.
A grant of $150 to Seaforth
Win Curling
' Huron County': Junior Farm-
ers won the ,AlbOntario Mixed
Curling championship in Guelph
After winning the zone finals
held in Walkerton recently the
rink competed against rinks
representing six „ zones in On-
tario to win the hampionship.
The rink' ititluded4kii.ltoss
Veitch, Brussels, vice Marjorie
Papple, Seaforth, second Mur-
ray Hoover, .Brie ;la and lead
Grace Campbell, 5 Toth.
IN 1919: :
Dr. J. A. Munn (above) and.
Dr-W. 44 '.C4tVf0;47A, 4 pearecl- when ther:Were,
ed from the RAF in 109.
They were among RAF veter-
ans at a Toronto reunion last
... Ready When The Season Opens ,
His years of Service as padre of SCiforth Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion were recalled
Monday night when members of the branch „presented ReV. ii. a Pry with a trait rod .prior to
his departure for Red Deer, Alberta. The Women's Auxiliary also presented gifts- to W ,.tind
;Mrs. Fry. Mr. Fry tried out his gift under the experiended eye of Mrs. Miles /frown, -AnxiliarY• -
President and Legion President Wm. Dalrymple, who made the pretentatim
Single:004i 12:,•:660iii,,: 4419 V0 m10.
ed. during "
.:•.• V0Pertf:.c010ftW'einlrm 0oo.
14,I040.%;014'Ae;county4k 4110044WV0e*:/drieed'the: s
will' ttse the --entire admrinistra-
t•Ar0 building for the assessment,
WorlOpg conjunction
• pal Affairs.` - •
Tho„,bnilding .program Oontizi.
MS at ..the-ailtniniatrative.'
The parking 'tkipintiet; at
the building will .1/0' ...extended to accomModate.a tits'-car width
plus a Centre drive. 'The amid-
tea-- is securing prices in con-
nection with partitioning. •
Members of the property
committee "regret that no one .;
was .. advised of the propose.&
change in assessment policy
'prior to the actual :vonstruction
of this' new building". ."This in-
formation might have changed
the plans and the thinking- Or
the -property' committee at that
The province will also share
maintenance costs.with the Count,
• ty at the court.. house, the jail
. and children's aid. offides. At
the court house; the province
will pay 49 percent; '1 4. the jail
and CAS offices, 86 percent.
Raymond Scotchmer is the
new curator of -the Huron Coun-
ty Pioneer Museum at a salary,
of $0,200 per annuto.'
The county renewed their
membership -lee in the amount
of $5,000 with Midwestern On-
tario...Development Area Conn.:
„... 01 and approved the following-
Belgrave, Blyth and Brussels
Music Festival; $24.,l4eIgravet:
RlYtIV,and Sr** School ya14.
05a - • -0ovile.lr •." School. Midwestern.
Ontario:, Fair; .$24;,711"
'on„ Q.0.1113.1/%10401 Fie Aid.
sooktio, 'MEV 1300.10 00001ty of - 00eMbv!:.
gY,-.11(114. -01101404* W-Vi/tet, versitl.of Western Ontario,-
scholarships to lirdYersitefif
Waterloo,,. $2,00;„,, scholarshig. toff'.
Centralia School of Agriculture
and Home Economics, $200.- • '
Bursaries UWI:V $1.,000;'
• bursaries to 'University of -Wet-
elle°, $1,000; bursaries-ft) Water-
loo Lutheran University, $200; 1,13_ so building fund; $900; Wing-
ham and district school of the
retarded, $350; Goderich and
district school .fOr the retarded,
A fund "containing $700 was
set aside .to,bepaid to students.
in need Who are 'attending oth-
er universities” not already re-
, ceiving, grantS.
Other grants to be paid are
$1,500 to the Salvation Army;
$2,500 tp CNIB; $4Q0 to the Hur:
on branch, of the Canadian Can-•
cer Society; $15 each to East
Huron WI, West Huron WI and
South Huron WI; and $75 to St.
John Anibulance.
The consulting -firm of G, V.
Kleinfeldt ' and Asa-oelates-Ltd.
has been engaged to commence
work on the preparation of an
official 'plan for ..the County of
Huron Planning Area. . •
- • Winghath Reeve Jack Alexan-
der. concurred" with Colborne
Reeve. Wilmer- Hardy. that the
fox bounty should be-increased
• to $5 fro . m$2. BothV r. exande
and . Hardy said the
incentive would encourage hun-
ters to_go our; looking for foxes and destroy them before they
Multiplied or became -.rabid.
Borden, 'Cnolf, Blyth, suggest-
ed .ninnicipalities get together
with their farmers; who forbid
hunting of?-their property.
In Crash
A two-car head on collision
Sunday afternoon in • HuLlett
Township resulted in three of
the occupants being sent to Sea,
forth Community Hospital.
Robert Clayton Shannon, 107
East William' St., Seaforth, sus;
tamed facial lacerations when
his car collided with a car dritr-
en by Pacob L. Telma, of Pal-
myra, New York. Mr. Shannon
was released from hospital on
Tuesday. His wife, Karen, a pas-
senger, received severe facial
lacerations and remains in- Sea-
forth Hospital. -
Martha Talmajfi passenger in
her -husband's car sustained
head injuries and facial lacera-
tiona and remains in Seaforth
oemnilinEirtY Hospitad. Mr.
ma was not injured.
Neighl-44?gn,1401,11114es. will.•/-thn-: -Clinton- Public Utilities Lic,"?,t kin ,";contest- its Wing- likely he, pit). foiled to increase Commission.'
the fox bo t fr. Alain t month, and en earlier y, Runner-up and alternate for- preliminary in Biyth. They ad-
the trip if the winner can't go, vanes this month to the semi-
was Margaret Elligsen, KR 4, finals :in Angus and have a
Walton, who attends Seaforth chance of going on to the On-
District High School. tario-Quebec competition in Of,-
- Bill will visit- New York in tawa.
July as one of more than .1,000 Judges for the contest in'
students from Canada and the • Clinton were the Rey: D. Stuart
• United States taking part in the of Brucefield, John Siertsema
20th annual Odd Fellows' tint. of Bayfield, principal oC the
ted Nations Pilgrimage for liolmesville School and ' Ed.
Youth., Dearing of Stella.
All five Huron secon- The 'other seven contestants
Bill• Boussey, a grade 11 stu- dary schools were represented
.dent at Central Huron Secon- at the contest which was spon-
dary School, but formerly of sored by IOOF District Eight
Seaforth, topped a field of and Rebekah District 23 and
nine speakers last Friday.., to, held at CHSS.
win a trip to the United Na-, F.4r Bill Boussey, last week's tions in New York. He is the: win' was only the latest in a - son of Mr. and' Mrs. R. J. Sous- serms,„ •
sey who moved from Seaforth Rill and Mid Collins of RR to Clinton last fall after Mr. 3, Linton, Ore winners of the Boussey became manager ,,of Lio tonal" district. pub-
Increases„ of one and twi).10110:
respectivCIY in l'nciterfinfith.
farm and residential and
nlqreial tax rates were aPPPY'
eaTileSdaY.evening Whe4 ,cfrtia• cii considered ..estimated receipts:
and Axpenditilr4P-tet 1069.-- The
farm and' residential rate- 1,1'10
mills- and, the commercial rate
2f. mills.
Total estimated expenditures,
are $505,512 of which $229,111 *10, wine from taxes. The 'fed-eral government pays $17,253 in
lieu of taxes On•CFB Clinton and
in addition Will-provide a sub-
sidy on road construction of
$22,000. The balance of the rev-
enge includes provincial grants
of nearly $100,000, ' municipal
drain fund $120,000 and'surplus
from 1968 of $4,673.
Community Hospital. was -aPPF07
yea '
meeting goAed:1337••110110t , Township,.' , got held: tit •Seo,
,forth on April! 9i to '.discuss Sea- ••• forth area
• The nigeting:-kipprovp.44, 01.
ren'S Aid SocietY:-,proposal
Week in
Aid in hersmith:ToWn- „
ship. -
The, iVinnielli*
ciatiert meeting F.Csq Stanley TownShi in the,Legion HalllsIvivr‘44Arili 1,,,r4...46til May. 22. Mel 7e4 ,'clerk of
Stanley, is preside/4'0f the ne-
Road superintendent "Allan
Nicholson 'reported a problem
of garbage being dumped on
The accident Occurred at 1:50
p.m. on Huron County Road 15,
11/i miles• north of Milburn,
' diming one of the blinding snow
squalls that hit the area last
Constable Ray Primeau of the
Seaforth OPP detachment -who
investigated 'the' accident, des-
cribed visibility as almost nil
at the time.
A message of congratulations
from Queen Elizabeth was a
highlight when Mr. and Mrs. W.
Earl Hawley, Seaforth celebrat-
ed their 60th wedding 'anniver-
sary with open house on March
24th. A family dinner had been
herd the preceding day at their
Mrs. Hawley, the former Hen-
rietta MeSpadden, was a daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Wirt. W.
G. McSpadden of Winthrop.
She has two sisters, Mrs. Cart-
wright (Minnie)' Hawley, Sea-
forth and Mrs. Pred Hutchings,
Stanton; California And one bro-
ther, Zack ,McSpadden`, Sea-•'
Mr, Hawley, who was 91 on
Feb. 23, is a son of the, late Mr.
and' Mrs. Andrew. Hay
Bay, near, Kapanee on the. Bay
`of Quints' and as a ,youth wont
west- with the cPU. In a career
Cromartr .pouple..
Menibers''..of ..;the • committee aoraageaMpar •At
learnIrig! tb.:4:41410:,r0V1ilfea .
Pra.thic14, gOiC.inMetW,.ftinotrOn•
‘,1' 7 •
Meeting Friday in,_Ggderleh,
couOtr!'k ,,051040001004 had, boo reeeNkfreM,theriPei?.att-'
Meat, of MniffOigal;irs WU- eatluk the .'province rent
the county's' administration
building and will reimburse the
county'' for nIttiets
niture ondi ,ruipmentr.ingcnas"
Smoke •
Heavy acrid smoke hampered
firemen when they answered an
alarm' late Saturday evening at
• IdeClinchey's restaurant, Main
Street, Seaforth.
Source of. the smoke, which
filled the restaurant and adjoin-
ing Flannery Cleaners was trac-
ed to burning • material on a
stove in the restaurant kitchen.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McClin-
they who occupy the apartment
above the restaurant were
awakened by the smoke and
called firemen.
Kellarvelebr ted their wed-
ding anniversary at,.g' diimier in
- the Presbyterian Church, Crom-
arty, Saturday evening-. -.
SeVenty _guests ..attended.- the
dinner including relOtivekand
friends from various.; - aces du
Ontario and Mrs y• Wes
brother Dan, "Ason
froni Buffalo, N.V. -
It' was a happy and friendly
occasion . as •a varied program
of music, speeches and . rernin-
iscente was carnied out. isittudtine
solos by,-„;thiktoupte's .nine year
Old vandaughter Jane Binning.
J. WittlYi)Vas master 'of cere-
Mrs.:I4I6.0.lifac;' the fatinsler
Frances is .the daughter
of the---late':Mr.'.: and Mrs. Janies.
• Scott and W.:McKellar is a son
Of the late 'Mttand, Mrs. Donald
McKellar,.altjof .Cromarty.
The couple,4Vere married by
the Rev.. Jailitig Footein Caven
Presbyterian Manse, Exeter on
March..26th, 1915-- -Compared to
the weather bn the, anniversary
occasion the wedding day,-_was
bright and warm and Mr., Mc-
. Kellar recalled he had driven a
?:‘ team in his short sleeves.
A budget oil $1,275 was ap-
proved at a meeting of the
Chamber of Commerce in the
Commercial Hotel Wednesday
.• Presented by treasurer Ed.
Taylor the budget will provide
for a program of work which
will include $300 for further
Christmas lighting decorations,
$50 to assist with publicity and
signs during 'the reconstruction
of Main Street, $100 for a tree
replacement program in co-op-
eration with the town council
and $400 towards the initial cost
of a proposed display board at
the eastern entrance to the
town. Other expenditures in-
clude. Provincial and Federal
C of 6 fees,„expenses of dinners,
publicity, miscellaneous and of-
fice supplies. The Charliber es-
timates it will have 56 business
menrbenship at 05, twelve
associate memberships at $5.00
extending over fifty years he
served the railway in a num-
ber of capacities retiring as sta-
tion agent at Alexander, Mani-
During their years in the
west, Mr. and Mrs. Hawley were
active in the work of the Pres-
byterian Church and since com-
ing to Seaforth are associated
with First Church. They took a
keen 'interest in a wide range of
community activities.
Mr. Hawley was a long time
member of the Masonic Order,
the MOP and the Encampment
Lodge while Mrs, Hawley is a
PNG of the Rebekah Lodge.
Mr. and. Mrs, Hawley were
married at Boissevain, Man., by
Rev. T. B. Wilson. They had met
-while she was visiting friends
in the west, The couple has no
After retiring they came to
and grants of $200. Including
the balance from last year of
$380, estimated, receipts will re-
sult in a balance at the end of
this year of $205.
The meeting which was in
(Continued on Page 4)
Is Underway
The Red Cross campaign now
underway in the • district is
meeting with a good response
according to campaign chairman
Earl Ritchie.
To date-,a total of $1,037 has
been received but many addi-
tional gifts` are necessary if the
quota is to be met Mr. Ritchie
Winthrop and purchased the
'farm owned many years earlier
by Mrs. Hawley's grandfather,
the late Samuel McSpadden. The
place has been occupied by
four generations of McSpaddens,
the present owner being Rev.
Bert McSpadden.
They later moved to their
West William Street home in
Seaforth. •
The anniversary occasion 're-
sulted in the recipt of many
gifts and measages of congratu-
lations from friends and rela-
tives across Canada. Included
were messages from lion. R. L
Stanfield, itt. 'Hon. Johia Diofen-
baker, • Premier John Rob s,
Hon. Chas, MaeNaughton, It
McKinley, MP, as well as a
phone Call from Montreal from
the railway, association.
Mr. and Mrs.. Keil IV.IcKellar
cornier forth Youth Wins
rip to nited Nations . .
were Kathy Cann of Exeter,
Paul Charrette of RR Dash-
wood, Dorothy Collins, RR 3,
Clinton; Gene DeJohn, Goder-
ich; Beatta* Malkus, Seaforth;
Lynda Walden, RR 2, Lucknow;
and Linda Wilson of Brussels.
The committee; in charge con-
sisted of John • Broadfoot, (t.cki
Fellows' depnty. district grand
master; 'Gerald 1VIeFalls
ter, past district deputy grand
master; and Mrs. Carman. Me-
Pherson of Clinton, former Re-
bekah deputy district president.
Stirring events• of more than
fifty years ago were recalled
Friday •when former niembers
of the Royal Naval Air 'Service;
the Royal Flying "Club and the
Royal Air Force gathered for a
reunion', in the Royal York in
The event marked the 51st an-
niversary of the founding of the
Royal Air Force.
About '250 veterans of battles
in the skies above France, Italy
and the Modifteraneau — of the
450 of whom there is a record
— were on hand for the reun-
Included were Dr. .1.'A. Munn
of Seaforth and Dr. W. A. 'Crich
of Grimsby.
Dr. Munn, who enlisted in 1917
when be was 17, went overseas
with a dental corps and later
was transferred to the Royal
Naval Air Service. He flew twin
engine . F3 flying" boats and
Recall Events of
First World War
Shortt sea planes from" Malta
while escorting convoys and -on
anti submarine patrol. For a
time he was in Libia with a de-
tached flight of four-. aircraft.
He was awarded the Croix de
Guerre and was mentioned in
When the RAF came into be-
ing April 1, 1918, Dr. Munn
Was transferred and retired in
1919. He was 19 at the time.
B.esuining his dental studies
he graduated in 1922 and three
years later began his Seaforth
practise, retiring in July, 1963.
During the second war he ser-
ved for four years in the RCAF ,
as an instrument flying instruc-
Dr. Crich, a native of Sea-
forth where he attended school,
served in France for two years
with the RAF. He was a mem-
ber of the 49th squadron. He
was 21 when the Armistice was
declared in 1918.