HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-03-27, Page 10PO$1.401?; S.PAF0111, Offry Cif Oil969 Write*, flit'Answer 19 Prig alined 41 Moserc Q1 20 Strung . land 23 Meat dish 42 Dregs 25 Its capital is 43 Behold), -----, 44 Metal • 32 Spear 45 otherwise 33 Vegetables 98 Poem 95 Sounds 50 Self esteem 36 Domestic 59 Chaldean city slaves 54 To (prefix) N .1*TI.P.94 • rttaskn city Caicos' i41Sikw. 4 4;01010- 5.11,14 .called the State" 6 Put inercfer ?Roman date ItAnent si Small (Scot.) 30Paolsh city tlistork shrine in this. state 13Russian • nuingtains 16,Gadollnium Ob.% N ItORIZONTAT., Depicted is the o N N 4 'NO,r Affilie MW .1 ern plastic' pipe -linen 'Plagte: spoutsOarge metal or cement collecting tanks and .;gas, pew-, grad PlitnPa to move the sap. The evaporator house, he talc, en on a new look also, willt the extensive use of gaS'"ond Rit to replace wood for boiling the sap. Canada produces approximate, ly 2,000,090 gallons of maple syrup annually now; down ;con- siderably from the early 1900's. Quebec 'produces approximately 2,000,000 gallons , of Canada's output. Ontario's share of the ' NM Alla i/1111 2111101111 011111 Ell 111111111" ill AIMIII" • 111121 111111 ill" 11161111111111 III 'I JOIN III lilln Al MI - illill AS 611 AR 61 AM 31 55 34. III II 55 Ma A A101121111 IIIII ig1111111111" illiiiiillil ill i11111111111111, 611111 'ma 46 at CF :B tk44:';9%900.' galt()iiS7P.Ter.*t: .04tRiwiV4.4P0a24414pix 'Pr million potentially tappable JO maple trees on PDVate land and an AdtlitionalidmilltoR on crawn -lands; a total of 17 lion. trees. On.the average, con- siderably less than of these trees are tapped,--in any One year, Assuming an overage of only 1 tap per tree and a yield. per tap .of 10 gallons. of sap per. year, the potential yield,- of maple sap would be WO million gallons per year. At 40 gallons of sap per gallon of syrup, the • Potentially marketable product would tot*,xoughly 20 million gallons of maple sYrUP. With the ,demand for • maple.; sYrup usually exceeding .the supply, this is an. unfortunate loss. • It is estimated that the TO in the I4ake. Huron bis- tri:ct containg -aPPrOidinatelY 4,000,000 tappable sugar maple trees. This amounts to 1,000,0Q0. gallons of maple syrup or three times the total 9ntario•prOduc, tion and equal to the total. en- nual Canadian exports of syrup to the United States. It is interesting to note that. syrup can also be produced from birc}f but -the sugar content is rinwer and requires ab out four times as much sap. DrSarbara Roney The Staffs . SON': Sw4Pers their fifth meeting at the home of Sandra Graywben Mrs.. Vi- vian and Mrs. Jeffry showed ,the girls how to pack a good lunch for schobl or work. At the sixth meeting at the home Of Marilyn Miller Mrs. Vivian discussed different types of table settings and food. Dem- onstrations by Ruth Templeuian followed. She made ,Hot Garlic Bread. Donna Waddel made Tossed Garden Salad and San- dra Gray made Apple Salad. The seventh meeting. was held at • the home Of Linda Mil- len Mrs. Jeffery and Mrs. Vip vian talked about the proper way to set a table fOr Sunday supper as ,Linda-Miller demon- strated. Dianne Miller demon- strated how to make chocolate sauce and Geraldine .*Temple- man how to make carrel squares. At the next meetting on Monday in Family Life Cen- tre iii Staffa, Staffa No: 1 and Staffa No. 2 yawn serve their mothers a buffet style supper. • • at Painter 3STewat ins British Congo NOSOPY • 15,Birt et prer.. RiOrhi AYerige (sit-) lik•NOSS• '21•Sismashros (Symbol) t3 simple 24 Salute • 18 Eskers IT Operates 18Southees state tats,),• • • to SO Cha plural ltil seri% va • s St P oh; reposition II•112.Neier Eat Preicer alike SS Greek erred 36 Nickel • • (symbol) • 40Lottseen• • • fa This Mato Is The aitre* 47 M Dove's cull 49-EnslIsh treihisSO SO Claws siesli Slime $3 Indians . 'po 1113 O Drissum es kistedaill FARM, FARM STOCK :FOR sAtitE? USE.:EXPOSITOR .diAttfrIEW What Is the Law? SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS The 3 OPP Answers TligIPCKSON • All TypeS of CEMETERY MEMORIALS OPEN' DAILY T. PRIME N Inquiries are invited -0- Telephone Nurnberg: EXETER 235-0620 CLINTON 482-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas on.a.non....wAr•own.namon"...a. `WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 . , the energy food for todays boys &' ,giris Order Today MAPLE LEAF DAIRY Phone. 527-0810' - Seaforfh Dairy Products are available at GERALD'S SUPERTEST STATION Sundays, Holidays, Everyday —.Maple Leaf 40. BRUSSELS MO.TO BRUSSELS — ONTARIO S .PHONE 1737--"The Home of Better Used Cars" • OPEN EVERY EVENING, • +I 4 CUCUMBER GROWERS WANTED! CbNTRACTS NOW AVAILABLE If Interested Apply ALBERT KRAMERS Dublin Phone 345-2643 or PAUL KRAMERS RR 4, Seaforth Phone 5274921 11110110111111111011MOMIIMIK For Complete , INSURANCE • on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE_ Dear Sir: ; I have heard it said by many people, including police officers, • that if you are convicted of speeding, careless driving, crowding drivers seat, etc., that you lose points. How can' 'you lose something you never had. I think the right terminology should be accumulate. Am I right? • A. Yes, you are , right. Peor pIe, including policemen, do seem to use the word "lose" in- stead of accumulate. Btiefly, the way in which the Demerit Point System works is, when ,a driver obtains hig licence;' he has a clean sheet. As he is con- victed or makes paYment•of a fine out of court, demerit points are assessed to his driving rec- ord. The demerit points' remain On his record for a period' of two years after the date of con- viction. When the driver has accumulated 6 points, he is in- formed of his record and urged to improve his driving, habits. At 9 poiets,the driver is re- quired to attend a personal in- terview' to discuss his record and give reasons, Why Iris li- cence should not be suspended. He may be placedtbn probatiOn or have his licence suspended if his attitude shows indifference to his responsibilities as a dri- ver. At 15 points, the driver'a licence is suspended and retain- ed in the Department for 4.6 days. Dear Sir: I have read in your eolutim where yeas explained that w9 ' 1444, `Pe R, PgRSONA SVR11.-104 ANDTM. KIND OF QUALITY YOU VAN IfgEEN)) . .r. $tE YOUR, RACAL. DEALER HURON BRAND FIELD SEEDS, AND OkASSES' DI"OgE PASTIME MIXES NEW AND II‘PRO017101.7RIETtEltkmarns Historical.' records sh v that maple syrup haa beena ?OW . product even lotow"the first explorers reached' his t is int Continent.interesting to- imagine ho'w the Indians first discovered the process with stone tools and bark utensils. Draniatte changes. n prodne- tion' -methods. haVe occurred ,with time: To be altre. the -Pie- neer wooden buckets and' spileg have long 'since ,disappeared. The metal -buelteta• OndspileS .and the horse and sleigh are al- so fast being replaced by mod- elan. Play The Pegasus Players Drama Club, at. CFB Clinton 'will soon be presenting , the three-act Wee, Tool's Paradise', by Phil- ip King, The action takes place in the vicarage at 1VIerton-cum- Middlewick where the .wife of the Reverend Lionel Toop be- comes entangled' in fantastic cemplicationg when she believes she has won 200.000 'pounds, ors the football pools. Brian Markson of Goderich will direct the play..With much experience in drama work in England and- Canada he,. has been active for several years in the Clarkson Opera Company. He has recently opened The Coach House Tr4vel Agency in Goderich. Rehearsals are in progress, behind-the-scenes workers are busy constructing the set and the production will be staged in the Base Theatre on May 2,. 3 and 4. (By the Ontario Provincial Police) Dear Constable: ,' Could you •please tell me how you go about getting the 'tree year drivers licences renewed? There seems to be some confus- ion on this. Do we have to write in for forms or does the Depart- ment send them out automatic- ally? Family Shoes Repairs 8 Main street '—umeamemmemdmismoreeemeno, A. It is the practice of the Department of Transport to send a form to you which you are to complete and return to, them, along with a cheque •or money order covering the cot of the licence. This 'notice is usually sent to you approximately one month in advance of the date your licence expires. However, it is your responsibility to make sure you have -a valid • drivers licence, so if your ' birthdaY is coming up, I would "suggest that you check and ascertaincif your licence expires. A lot ,,of people are surprised how quickly 28 months pass. Dear Sir: Should an owner of an insured motor vehicle notify the Insur- ance Company when a 16 year old starts to -driee, with; a• valid permit? Would the owner be covered if thig 16 year old" was driving and wag in an accident? A. I would suggest that you contact your insurance: agent immediately and ascertain the attitude of .the particular- com- pany holding the insurance pol- icy. The insurance agent or coni-' patny will also advise you of , the answer to the second question. Dear Constable: My on lives on a. farm. His wife and twe year old son were going out the lane driving a half ton truck. The boy somehow got the door open and fell out and • was hurt. The parents naturally got excited and it never occurr- ed to them to notify the police, the accident occurring on their own Place,• and no one else in- volved. Can they be charged? A. The answer to 'that ques- tion is yes. Section 143 <1.1' states "Every person in charge of a motor vehicle who is directly or indirectly involved in an acci- dent shall, if the accident re-' sults in personal injuries, or in damage An:, .property apparently exceeding $100, report the acci- dent forthwith to the nearest provincial or municipal police officer, and furnish him With such information or written statement concerning the acci- dent as may be required by the officer or by the Registrar." must have flares in out trucks. Would you please advise me, when I am required to use them. A. Section 89, Subsection 8 of the Highway Traffic Act states: "When any commercial motor vehicle or trailer is disabled during the period when light- ed lamps are required to be dis- played on Vehicles and theoreh-. icle cannot 'immediately be re- moved •from the roadway out--- side a city, town , or village, the -driver or other person in charge of the vehicle shall cause -such -flares, lamps or lanternS to be lighted, and shall cause-them or portable reflectors approved by the Department to be-placed and maintained on the highway until such time as lighted lamps are not required to be displayed on' vehicles or the removal of ,the vehicle, one at a distance of • approximiately 100 feet in ad- vance of the vehicle and one at a distance of approximately 100 feet to the rear of the vehicle." Dear Congta'ble: • Is there any law stating how many feet I must keep between my, car• and another on the high- way. I have heard the law is .20 feet for every 10 miles per hour. Is this right? A. 'Section 78, S ection 1' of the Highway Traffic et* states: "The driver or' operator' of a motor 'Vehicle shall not 'fellow another vehicle more closely is reasonable and prudent hav- ing. due regard for the speed of such, vehicle and the traffic on and the condition of the highway!' The part abdut 20 feet for • every 10 miles per hour is a good safetl rule to follow. Classified Ads pay dividends. CARS— ..x868 Ford Galaxie 500, 4,door hardtop, 'double power. 3-1968 Pontiac Laurentians, one 6, two 8s, PS., A.T. 2-1968 Obey.. Belaire A.T., P.S. 2-1968 Chen. Impalas, 4-door, A.T. 1967 Dodge 500 P.S., PB., 8-cyl. 4-1967 Parigiennes, 3 hardtops, 1 sedan 1967 Ford Galaxie 500, 2-door hardtop, fully equipped. 1967 Beaumont 4-door Sedan, V-8 auto. STATION WAGONS- 1966 Chev. Bel-Air, V-8, auto. 25— to . choose from — 25 Pontiacs, Chevs., Fords and. Dodges froth 1963 to 1966, in hardtops and sedans, most with. power. TRUCKS- 196? Chev. 1/4 -Ton Pick-up, V-8 1967 Chev. %-Ton, V-8 standard 1967 Ford 1-Ton, auto. 1964 Chev. 1-Ton Stake with duals 1964 Chev. 3--Ton Stake „ VANS- 1966' Ford Econoline Super Van. 2-1964 Ford Econoline Vans V First thing you know, Le planting season will be here. And you know how much work that means for you. And for us. So, why don't we get together now' ' to plan your fertilizer • rovvIn requirements for the coming year. Makes sense, doesn't it? " • ; `Get dig cOlimtt on farm lubr~cants!, Stock up now on quality Texaco 'farm lubricants) Figure out your lubrication needs for the season ahead and order now! You get , savings on °Wry gallon — plus handy 15-gallon drums at big bulk discounts! The more you buy, the more you., sayer And, enter our-lucky draw contest You'll have a good chance to win en , eight-speed Osterizer, a bench grinder, or a compressed-air SPray gUni Cell US today! And trust Texacis toSave you big InoneY all yeah-long. YOUR COMMUNITY ►ADEN &BROA OOT e GI :41 STATION ST. SEAFORTH, ONTi ti a 'A ... '10,011.4 'Ai- CARDIN° 1.gprop, Phonn B27-0490 " esSigrsb ssiforth Wars . • JAM e sari Serving the man whose business is Agriculture. Reo'd Trademark Right now is the time to start thinking about the Aero® Fertilizers you're going to need very soon. CLINTON PHONE 482-9133 USBORNE & IIIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY : HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, brit President William Chaffe RR 4, Mitchell . Vice-President Raymond McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton Di rectors Martin 'Feeney RR 2 Dublin Clayton Calquhoun RR 1 Science Hill Tim Toohey • RR 3 Lucan Robert Gardiner RR 1 Cromarty Agents Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - Exeter Clayton Harris- - Mitchell Secretary-Treasurer Hugh *Patterson - Exeter