HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-03-20, Page 9,_p'14).‘. 101 TIN-AtratE ..SICKNESS OR MEPICAle. .PENSIONS ANtilUrn ivapp in dun Life urance o Canada' TELEPHONE 50441 1)I.GOPERIctIPT'a PAST'...-4EAFORTH FARM, F,ARON STOCK FO USE EXPO R CLASSIFIE ATTE$TION . FAIIMERS, • • Order Early.. and Make Big Savings Nork! ON: • SEED OATS - SEED BARLEY MIXED GRAIN - CLOVER SEED • & GRASS SEED ALSO: FOR EVERY 10 BM OF SEED • CORN YOU BUY—YOU GET ONE ,BU. FREE SO HURRY — WE STILL HAVE SEED OATS SEED BARLEY, CORN and BEAN CONTRACTS AVAILABLE. FERTILIZER SUPPLIED WITH , CONTRACTS CHECK OUR FERTILIZER PRICES OAT 8 - 32 - 16 6 - 24 - 24 18 46 - 0 BEFORE YOU BUY — GIVE US A TRY W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. HENSALL TELEPHONE 2624527 13 - 52 - 0 5 - 20 - 10 Potash & Aero Prills CONTRACTS N9WArw.foti with:the have r a, •Ti* luentdri. ALBERT '4.RAME Phone 0454643 For 0.0100t.ita HOJ4E, ISOSINE53, FARM CAR, ACCIDENT,. LIABUJTY ORpFE;-,, JOHN A; CARDNO Insurance Agency • Phone 527-0490 : Office Directly Opposite , Seaforth Motors,. " roos•baro.00..... SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS All Types of CEMETERY MEMORIALS OPEN DAILY T. PRYDE & SON PAUL,-KRAMMS RR 4,.'$eafkirth Phone 527-0126 $15.00 1961LTAX RETIU_RNS Prepared your ownhome STAFFA ENTERPRISES 108 Brampton Road, London, Ontario, or Call 439-8566 - FOR APPOINTMENT WEEKENDS ONLY Inquiries are invited — Telephone Numbers:- EXETER .235-0620 , CLINTON 482-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas InterokfOrApplY• Write to • come 19realt7te PM: the Years, 17, what MaiceS...* eveta 011:141:10 Oliti Worts celumr is illOre..0iffienIP the tact that riot alWaYS an easy task. POP 3115' 411_461V.:1•9449P AWAte4if the Pre -thNe deacithie days when world snorts. IWY 0,14 no matter how many magazines smattering Oextot ttt yyou subscribe to, an idea is not Ile net: In: the ": dr Such is the ease this week. PI'BMt1t94C°14rellI111.54°40:'4-'-'1 ,;$uP'erior.? Deo. Often in the past X have e%04eusvglii TiditsialtrI4j)toe7qua/14,' been. bailed out by Ar. ify for the Stratied Ligament ledgeable cohorts. They have Award. spawned suggestions which h,e _ve To say-my situation is-Sticky .miraeulouslY grown iota -mature would not be an • understate columns- At times OurloYor RC- .meat. From •here on Aare, retaries have eliminated my wTl= to stand at the plate 04 ,,,take ted mind..with It "Se of my outs, and if X ,blow; AO- (Ugh, that's adding a mite too signals, I might he begolvd,, I ' .much can't be fined *beeetisf* er, Well, today is one of those:well; you 'know that Old Sate Ways, dear reader ('s). when about nothing from nothing you will not receive any wordls als. • of wisdom. "Now that you've seen my references, di) you have any from your foimermcretary?" faithful A tait400 have my coachilf, hinted- that I. :didn't' hsvel any thikughto about a col- umn this week and would he drop a hint. . Drop a hind God', I „thought it was Ifiroshima "'Why don't Yelt'litite some, 'thing &tint The Masters" he said. "The Masters!" ,I gaped, "Sure" he dead-panned:: Write. something about Al Balding not being invited after Whining the World Cup title and you can put -in something about why they - i • • `never invite Negroes to play."' Never , changing expression he continued: "The Masters is really something. I think it's one of the biggest sports attrac- tions, right in the same class as the- World Seriee". Loosening my tie to' allow breathing, I blurted: "But 11- don't know enough of the back- ground to write a column ,akout the Masters. I. really don't." The reply was to the point: "Oh?" -I could tell the conversation was over. At least it was from My point of view. What else could I 'say? Feeling somewhat idiotic; I mutinurred-a couple of irrelevant phrases, begged a simple• "I'm sorry," and stag- gered from his office. Collapsing into my chair I gazed about the office, needing moral support. "Anybody got any ideas for a column" I asked? __Caine a voice from the • far- ' thest corner of the room: "Why don't yeti try World Hoc- key?" ' 'It was followed by another tidbit: " How about National Hockey League prospects? Isn't there some kid in the Ontario Junior Hockey' League who's scored 52 goals?" - "Aren't there any other sug- geStions" implored, feeling a wave of nausea overcoming me? My last hope wandered over to the desk, grinning impishly. I looked at him and asked •for an • idea. ' "Gee, I don't, have any ideas," he said, "I really don't know." ' With a Cheshire-like look he meandered off. That did it! ' think the entire Situation is phoney, Everybody . must have planned it this way. Nobody could be that unlucky not even me. • Boy, will I teach those guys a few things. I'm not even going to ,write a celumn. replaced' my O1.4..cetteh.,Tegtett 45";1340;.. wonting to pieise Watch. Out I It's bicycle time again. Last year, in Ontario, 40 Children under 15 years old were killed while riding bicycles (convex= ed with 17 the year before) and another 1,470 were injured in accidents serious enough to be repOrted to the police. The-On- tario Department of Transport advises motorists to keep a - sharp lookout for youngsters zooming out of driveways and for inexperienced cyclists wobbling, shakily along. Parents- are' ad- vised to -make sure their youngsters know and- obey the traffic. rules for safe cyclings„and to check the mechanical fitness of the bikes their children-ride.. sp•Worge galr- girla of Piindaa and .Mr. and. lien, Webb ., and •family •Of • one visited' on Sunday with, Mr. acrid WO.•Norris Webb P4 tam. Jean Copeland spent weekend With ildri Vinn,„ 4•Y May,-Shari m14.41040- .0 Byron;. • ' . IMF; AO Mrs. Don Ripon ,And ' family of London were Sunday guests with MAWS Menem and Rhea Miiis l r. and 'Ws, Miffs- elt MilvaPd Nfrex Lawrence Mills of iioutlou ware, afternoon caAerek * •: A. munber from the comtntin- itY attended the Ice CaPadea at the Gardens durio# the week. Mr;. and WS, Jas. %/.titter i3evi days •*air Mt endue Coostaibia TaVd bus of Welborn. Mx and pirs. Lloyd Agnes re- , turned'' home 'on the weekend from a very enjoyable• trip to ,Florida, Mr, and , Mrs. George IiIndg- kinS of Buffalo an we d e w Mis eek end s Jape -11,11V London visi With Rev. and Mrs. S. C. King. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crago, Linda and Nancy returned to their home in. Pembroke after Mspending sometime with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and family and Mrs. Alex Crago. Remeinberl It takes but a moment to Place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. Where is old engine 99? DEAR DORIS — I have been searching the libraries ,for an ancient reading which starts off, "Yes, she's a good old engine, is Number Ninety-Nine!" My grandfather used to recite it to -us-with great dramatic- feeling. It seems the engineer is faced with an emergency, since he has to reach a siding apd clear the track for an unscheduled train coming toward his train Num- ber Ninety-Nine. Tension mounts when he learns his beloved wife is on his train. Could" you help me find it? Enjoying Your Column DEAR ENJOYING -- I re- member it — but I don't have a copy. It was a great favorite in our family. He makes the siding by a hair's breadth. And all tense listners — all ages relax. Can anyone fish it out for us, from a long-unused book of recitations? DEAR DORIS — The boys in our class won't come near me. They say, "Her again!", or "fleas!" etc., when I woe near. It hurts so much that Just hate to go to school. I don't want' boy friends yet but would like to be able to' play ball with them like the other girls or discuss school work. I discusi this with mother and she's so understanding "liut we thought ,you might be able to help even more. Fin 13 and an honor student. Miserable Teen DEAR MISERABLE — People 'can be terribly unkind, at 13 — or 30. But you are lucky enough to have an understanding moth- er, Between you wager yoe'll find out what goes on, Three things own' to me: (1) "Flees suggest a hint ab- out something less than the bandbox look. Do you bathe daily, brush your hair until it shines, shampoo it at.least ueek- ly? (2) Has the honor student hit made the others feel a little un- coMfortable? Never, simply nev- er, give any reason to think you feel superior about your studies. • (3) Are 'you cheerful, sunny, ready to laugh merrily? Do you like people or feel suspicious of them? I have a 10-cent leaflet "Are You Really Growing tYp?" which goes into some of these things and gives hints about how to make the most of looks and per- sonality during teen-age years. I'll send 'you one. Get your mother to read it t too and help You carry out some of its ideas. DEAR 10' — I am single and In My early 30's I used to go steady with "A" of my own age. I returned his diamond for X was attractexd to towhee guy, "B". "IV left the bity. I did too. Then in a couple of Months I heard that "A" had got married. Now - I've returned to the city whore lived before, PA" &a- covered it and has called me on the phone. Just because he is married I don't wish to have anything to do with hi:h. Any- way, at the time of his phone call, I was in a hurry for I was on my way -to work. Tlpen- ending the conversa-' tion he said: "I'd sure like to talk to you so maybe I can call you next time I'm in." Being in , a hurray as I was I answered, "Sure, do that." NoW I'd certainly like to know what I'm to do if he does call again. Shall. I ',invite him in? Quite often I have thought Of him. Shall I go out with him if he does ask? I'm not certain, if he is married but I do believe he is. Any questions I should• avoid asking or be cautious in answering? Classified Ads pay dividends. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. President William Chaffe RR 4, Mitchell Vice-President Raymond McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton Directors Martin Feeney . RR 2 Dublin Clayton Calquhoun ' RR 1 Science Hill Tim Toohey RR 3 tucan , Robert Gardiner RR 1 Cromarty Agents . Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - - Exeter Clayton Harris Mitchell Secrstery-Treasurer Hugh Patterson — Exeter • JACK THOMPSON - Family Shoes and Repairs 8 Main Street Let us prepare your -IncOme 'Tax ForrnS for you this year Reasonable rates' 'and guaranteed service Phone early for an appointment Ronirnberg Insurance Agency Phone Monkton 347-2241 (Open daily •Monday, to Saturday) Brussels Office Phone 65 (Open Tuesday and Friday only) Here at LARONE'S you will find the Latest In YARD GOODS Attractive patterns, in a wide variety of exciting cloths — including: Broadcloths - Linens - Ginghams Crepes - Prints Silks - Linings - Butterick Patterns• and Sewing Accessories Threads Zipperi RONE Seaforth's 5c to $1.00 Store Stationery - Gifts SEAFORTH Brown Eyes DEAR' BROWN EYES — Play it straight. Ask him right' out if the rumor that he is mar- ried is' true. If the answer is yes, invite hiM — out of your life, If he is Still single and fancy-free — in- vite,him in. Dating a mailed man can only spell Trouble, with a capital T. DEAR DORIS — Do 'you think dreams are often omens? I have a pocket book about interpret- ing dreams, but I would like something with a more scienti- fic slant. Dreaming DEAR DREAMING — The one' I recommend is not super- stitions . but psychological. It points out' how the subcon- scious mind takes dream time to boil over. We are' thus en- " abled to let go these urgent emotions which civilized be- havior inhibits during the day. - Not only do our dreams re- lease us etnotionally; they can also give us clues as to why we do things, if we have help in in- terpreting the dream symbols. I'm sending you the name of the book and author, Howtokeep thetraffic moving whenrushilourhits thehotvvater. Rush hour. Every family has one. When :there are dishes to be washed, kids to be tubbed, Dad scrubbing up. Then Sis decides she has to have a shower. It takes a lot of hot water to keep the traffic moving. . That's why you need the Cascade electric water heater—the' big producer. It's got the capacity a busy family needs, and it's economical, too. Cascade keeps you in hot water for only pennies a day. Ask your Hydro about the quiet, clean, electric Cascade water heater. II The Nam* of the Cattle is' Metrical Living. • I. •• """•*""*"74"9^4:•Aw•rteftrit•m4. ,