HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-03-20, Page 6Saturday Night
• The Ryans
Beverage Room Snack —• Southern Fried
Beverage Room Snacks
FRIDAY — "The. Westeners"
SATURDAY "Elgin Fisher"
In the Ladies' and Escorts' Room Enjoy a Sing-A-Long with •
PEARL at the Hammond Organ
March 27 and 28, .at 8:15 p.m.
ADULTS $1.08 , STUDg,NTS 50c
Tickets available from Students
30 Years of Service
Recognizing 30 years of service with Supertest, James An-
drew Lunn was presented with a plaque and a cheque by John
D. Ensort, representing head office in London. In addition Mr.
Lunn 'will receive an extended annual vacation. Mr. and Mrs.
Lunn recently moved from Wingham. to Egrnondville
Ontario Farmers
Meet in Toronto
eAtt• *Kit' tlleir:Plit!ente, • - •
114iPS'S.PllY'.004014 :1 Undt 0,3sis , a.. gUest of! her Pareatst•
COF Euchre
The COF euchre was held on ,
Friday-evening With the-follow-o.
ing winners: Ladies high, Mrs.
Townsend; 'Lone hands, Fern
McClure; -Low, Doreen Dolmage.
Men's high, Neil 'McClure;
Lone hands, Ian Hulley; Low,
Harvey McClure, The next etch-
' re will be in 2 weeks.
.News of
• A farmer reeve of 'Osborne,
who was Warden of Flaxen iu
194$ celebrated his '88th birth-
day on Sunday 'at his home in
Guests present were Mrs.
Harold Berry and, MisS Susan
McLachlen, of Toronto, Mr. aid'
Mrs. J. E. Anderson and Mr.
Allan, Berry. A feature was a
birthday cake made by the far-
mers 84 year old sister, Mrs.
Hiram Copeland,. ,
Mr. and Ma's, James Miller'
were guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Gunning and family of
Toronto. for the weekend.
Mrs.:Mary Jaques visited on
Friday with Mrs. Gertrude Knox
, of Stratford
SATE -IiilARCIL 221ull
9:00 — 12:00
Beginning at 6:30 p.m.
— Presentation of Trophies —
Friday, March 21st
Saturday, March 22nd
Come Out And Enjoy Yourself
Restaurant and Tavern
350 Hayfield Road Goderich
MARCH 27th, 1969
9:00 P.M.
&Plea ten 44Y 01.1f441140-41oridao-,
Ro yal Black Knights of But.; ,Patient in Stratford General •• Xr, and Mrs. Robert Reitb
Hospital of Kitchener Spent the week-
of leroide, 'Wercr'gqestS''St440
tonMisps%alsitehel? rsoevheerolavaRcaatmloinb
with her mother, Mrs, Win.
Mr. and Mrs, WM. G. H. Brown
of Hamilton spent the weekend
with hiS parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Brawn and Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Carter.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wilbee of
Kitchener' spent the weekend
with Rev. and Mrs. Douglas 0
nry. '
Mrs. Lorne MacDonald is in
Stratford Hospital,
. nHearlalWa.hoystpeitais, in Strat-
Mrs. Fred Huitchings of Stan-
pow,. California is visiting her
sister and brother.
Week end guests with Mr. and'
Mrs. Lorne Lawson were Mr,
and Mrs. Harry B,oag, Margaret
and Sandra of New Market, Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice McKee of
Goderich, Mrs. Markin Seeley,
Clinton and Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Johns, Tuckersmith.
Miss Ruth Joynt of Toronto
spent the, holiday week with her
parents Mr. nd Mrs.. Robert
Joynt. •
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright
and family of Brampton are
spending a week with Mrs. A.
W. Dick. •
Mr. Darrell' Schneider spent
a few 'days with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Schneider. En-
route home he attended a dinner
iii Toronto ' held in his honor
given by Ferrante Packard . at
'which he was chosen man of the
year and presented with a pen
and peneil, set for outstanding
work at the Montreal Stock
Mr. Schneider has been. em-
ployed at the Stock Exchange
for ,about a year.
Master Perry Hehn, Rostock,
Ontario is spending a week's
holidays with his-grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fischer,
Miss Amy Stewart and Miss
Beth Malfurchy of Welland and
Miss Helen Stennett of London
are holidaying in Florida.
Mrs. Fred Hutchings of Cal-
ifornia is a guest with her
brother, Mr. Zack 1VIcSpadden
and her sisters Mr's. C:Hawley
and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel A. Wal-
Ma'urY and Flora
arals114incliArt,, the 4440051wuth
ti/Oi„r• ..'br't)ther; Pahl' Ifaglan‘ tat t,het•
imine 'and- Win. Laity' Ale* jright Ninon •
Jewitt, 1"-Tmarallton- Stew left on Fri . fer
Misses Jaeloie McGhee, Lon
don, and Sandra Hu11ey, Winth-
rop are • holidaying with their
grandparents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Mr. Arnold Westlake is a pat-
ient in: St. -Joseph's H'ospi'tal,
London as the result of an ac-
cident at 'his 'home when be'
fractured his hit4
Miss Jane Binning 14lritchell
spent the weekend with her
grandparents, Mr. and MTS. K.
Mat Gordon Lang met- with a
serious loss when his barn con-
taming cattle, hogs and hens, on
- his fifty acre farm on the 12
concession, of Hibbert- Townihip
was destroyed by fire..
Mrs.. Ed Chappell returned
home from Clinton HOspital
- where she was a patient for
several „weeks. •
Visitors_ during the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs.. Alex Gardin-
er end Mr. Henry yogert were
Mr. and Mr& 'David Gardiner and
Shawna, Kb-lc-tan, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Marquardt, Janet and
David, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Burnell Wilker, Sarnia, Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Zuirrel, Rostock.
Hibberts Little Lassies met at
the home of Mrs. Chas Dangles.
Mrs. Wallace demonstrated!. the
casserole and scramble eggs. •
Hibberts Little Lassies met
again on Monday at the 'home of
Mrs, Chris Douglas. The girls
had a choice of three roll calls,
"A raw vegetable" An-interest-
ing way to prepare it for a car-
ried,. Punch, and "My favorite
picnic Mari".
On Tuesday Heather McPhail,
Marilyn-Lang and Debbie Wal-
lace met, their lime Economist.
Mis's •Sauirette at the Agricultur-
al Coliseum' in Stratford, .
ter off Dundas Were "Weekend
guests of WS, 7• g;
camPhelln• Mrs,
Farm people from, across On-
tario discussed proposals for a
New General Farm Organiza-
tion, at a, meeting-they attended
last wee in Toronto.
Chief item at the meeting was
a proposal for a plebiscite by
all Ontario farmers, on setting
up the new General Farm Or-
"The vote is necessary," ex• -
plains-Deliner Bennett, mem-
ber of the committee promot,
ing the proposal, "Because any
new farm organization would
have to be set up, by Ontario
Legislation and it's generally
agreed it,,would be financed by
a checkoff on all farm products
marketed. This affects every
farmer, so each should' have a
vote. Let the farmer decide."
The delegates included Coun-
ty Federation of Agriculture.
representatifes, Ontario Farm-
ers' Union members and Direc-
tors of Marketing Boards, Co-
operatives and other various
farm organizations.
'MembersA the Ontario Gen-
eral -FinnOrganization Cam-
• paign ComMittee spent the two
days explaining their proposals ,
and answering questions. They
noted ideas and suggestions
from the delegates as, to how"
the proposal for a new farm or-
ganization might be presented
most effectively to the farmers
of this province.'
The present proposal "On-•
tains a number of ideas which
have been discussed in several
previous attempts to bring
about, a new strong farm organ-
ization. However, the committee
"suggests that the controversial
issues should be 'decided either
by the farmers on the ballot or
by their delegates .at the Found-.
ing Convention, ,
The tommittee proposes that
the first question on the ballot
would decide whether the far-
mers of • Ontario want a GFO
with the power to make a check-
Of on all farm products pro-'
duced and sold in the province.
This GFO would have one "Lo-
cal" per 1,000 farmers. Each
local would send a Director to
the Provincial Council. •
The ,second question on the
ballot would decide whether
each marketing board should
have a vote on the Provincial
' The third question would de-
'cide whether United Co-opera-
• tives of Ontario or United
Dairy Producers Co-operative
should each have a vote on the
'Provincial Council. 1.
A. fourth question on the bal-.
- lot would deal with the types
of membership and how a far-
mer would become a member of
the GFO. Membership would be
required by any farmer who
'wished to vote or hold office
or receive services after the
Founding Convention.
This three-part question
should ask: "Should Member-
ship .be automatic if you pay a
checkoff?"; "Should member-
ship require a voluntary pay-
ment regardless of checkoff?";
and "Should membership re-
quire a minimum contribution
by • checkoff or voluntary pay-
The level of payment requir-
Legion Hall, Seaforth
8:15 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 21st
Three $25.00 Games
$75.00 Jackpot to go
• 15 Regular Games for $10.00
• Two Door Prizes
(Children under 16 not)
Extra Cards 25e or 7 for $1.00
Auspices Seaforth Branch 156
Royal Canadian Legion
Proceeds for Welfare Work
ed would then be decided' at the
Founding Convention.
The committee hopes that the
plebiscite can be held in "early
June. This will allow time for
the necessary legislation to be•
passed and 'for, fanners to un-
derstand the legislation before
voting. The 'local elections and
Founding Convention - would
follow as soon as possible after
the vote.
The committee emphasized
that the farmer, by the way he
casts his vote on the plebiscite
and by what the delegates de-
cide- at the, Founding Conven-
tion, will decide what type of
General Farm Organization they
will have working for them.
Malcolm Davidson, Campaign
Committee Chairman, emrolia-
sizes, "Our intention is that the
farmers should - make the de-
cisions on these important is-
A bridal shower was held by
friends and neighbors of the, sur-
rounding area honoring Karen
Littleton whose 'marriage takes
place April 5th in Hensall Un-
ited Church.
Mrs. Emerson Kyle and Mrs.
Ross Broadfoot opened the eve-
ning with 0 Canada, followed
by a sing song of old favorites.
Mrs. Keith Lovell and Mrs. Or-
ville Workman entertained the
gudsts with a few games. Mrs.
Eldin Kerr read a poem in hon-
or of the bride-to-be and fol-
lowing thiS Miss Kathy Bell and
Miss Louise Kirk presented gifts
from friends and relatives..
Mrs. Jack Bell arranged the
gifts and presented the honor-
ed guests with a hat of ribbons
and bows. Kafen thanked' all
for the many useful gifts .and
lunch was served by the ladies
'in charge.
Mr. Larry Stokes and friend
of London visited Sunday after-
noon with Mr. Robert Thampson.
Recent visitors were Mr. and
• Mrs. Lloyd Thompson of Exeter.
The Misses Shirley and Sandra
Reid of Scarboro spent a few -
days with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hutton,
Dennis and Diane spent the
weekend at Listowell •
Mos Ruth Horne of Landien
spent Satairday with her parents
Mr. and Mrs, Freeman Horne.
Mr. and 1VIrs: Phil Hera were
given a surprise party on. Sat-
urday evening at the Usborne
Central &haul, on the evening
of their Twenty-Fifth Wedding
Anniversary. There was a large
crowd in 'attendance including
relatives and friends.
Mr, and 'Mrs. Moir, Lynn,
Jim, Joan spent the weekend at
Owen Sound with relatives.
• • Mr. and Mrs, Doug Stephens,
Doris and David visited' in Dash-
wded on Sunday with Mr. and
with. 'Mr. and Mit. Wm, Bier-
MT' and Mrs. Bob Patterson,
Leslie and Linda of Luctan vise -
ited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. George Frayne of Sunshine
Mrs. Wmaylor is a patient
in St. JosephPs Hospital, London
having undergone surgery on
Elintykle No. S Club met at
the home of Mrs. Phil Hemn,
when the roll. call was answered
by the type of roast each girl
had cooked, 'and by what meths
od. The name of the Club wilt be
"Chefs Delights".
Mrs. Harry Ford of Woodharn
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Freeman Horne,
The CGIT Girls of Elirnville
and Thames Road, United Chum-dims ealayed a bus trip to Lon-
don on with their lead-
ers, Mrs. Phil Hera end M.
Reg Hodgert.
Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn Kersiake
spent Sunday &n Toronto. Janet
returned, home after spending a few clays there. .
iii Pet la the enantatineetn4 ant
the Blyth Orange Hall Wednes,
day night with a large attend-
ance. The meeting was ineharge
of the County Master,.Sir Knight
Atiasell Page; of Grand Bend.
Follovvirig opening ceremon-
ies, committees were appointed
tO elle* preeeptory • reports.
Blyth Preceptery was awarded
the. Murray Cup for having the
largest increase during the year,
P.C.M. Sir Kt. Charles Stewart
was appointed press reporter:
The County Master in his
closing remarks reviewed his
work during the past two years.
Fie urged members to stand firm
to the principles of the order,
stressing the great need' for it
V.W. Sir Kt. Walter Scott,
Grand -Chaplain, and V.W. Sir
Kt. Mack SWitzer, Grand Pianist,
of Ontario West, were escorted
to the altar and given Grand
Honours. Later, after the Coun-
ty. Maker had declared all of-
fices vacant, they were given,
the work of electing and instaV
ling the new slate of officers for
County Master, John Hender-
son; Deputy County Master,
Lloyd Hem; Registrar, Bilk-Tay-
lor; Treasurer, Henry Patterson;
First Lecturer, Fred JamieSon;
Second. Lecturer, Wm. Dickie;
First Censor, Harvey Jacklin;
Second Censor, Austin Stinson;
First Standard Bearer; Gordon
Carter, Second Standard Bear-
er, Ron Denham; Percivant;
Milo Casemore,
News of
Mark St. Patrick's
Hensall UCW met Monday
with, unit two in charge. Fellow-
ship Hall was decorated in St.
Patrick's motif by, the hostesses
Mrs. Roy Brock and Mrs. Wil-
mer Ferguson, The ladies were
piped into the meeting by. Tom
Travers playing Irish tunes. The
meeting was called to order 'by
a, reading by president, Mrs.
Vern .Alderdice, "What is to be
Irish". The worship period was
given by Mrs. Ron Mock.
Following along the theme,
Misses Donna Forrest and Mary
Mock gave their experiences at
Toe Alpha. Kathy Cook arrang-
ed a musical number assisted"by
, Brenda Lavender, Gail Travel's
nd.-Susan Luther
Mrs. Alvin Pym of Exeter,
dressed in Hawaiian costume,
showed pictures of Hawaii. Mrs.
Harry Hoy gave courtesy re-
marks. Reports were given by
the treasurer; Mrs. Walter Spen-
Entertain Area Groups ,
The Arnold Circle of Carmel
Presbyterian Church held their
Easter Thankoffering meeting
Monday-evening. President Mrs.
Don Mousseau opened the meet-
ing with a ,poem entitled
"Faith" and welcomed guests
from Cromarty Presbyterian
Church, Exeter Cavan Presby-
terian Church and ladies of the
WMS of Carmel Presbyterian
Church. Mrs.• Mildred Bell arid
Mrs. Homer Campbell led the
worship service which was on
the theme "The Old Rugged
Cross", Mrs. Don Mousseau in-
troduced the guest speaker,
Mrs.•Eric Luther who spoke on
the Ressurreetion. Mrs. Al Hog-
garth thanked Mrs. Luther for
her message.
News of
-Mrs. Frank Evans accompan-
ied by Mr. and Mrs John Cleary
and children of Weston are
spending ten days in Los Angel-
es and Pains Springs, Californ
Mr. Gerald Hollandi is as patient
in the Seafinth Community Hos:
Mr.. and' Mrs. Jim Ouellette of.
Windsor and Mr. Don Benninger,
Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Benninger. Mr. Marvin Benning-
er spending a week in Flor-
'Mrs. Ain Newcombe of Port
Credit with Miss Kathleen Stap-
Mr. and MPS% Frank Kintner
have returned home from Flor-
Mr. and Mrs. Dettglis McGrifi-
ivrey and children of London
with-Mr& Dan Casten& Mr. Dan
Costello is a• 'patient in the Sea-
forth Community Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Looby have
returned lime from St. Peters-
burg,, Fltrrida.
Miss Susan, Huron
Home • EconOtirs' t attended a
meeting of the SeafOrth Na. 3
• Chtb , when, leaden% Mers. Witt.
and! Mrs: Kenneth
Campbell demonstrated how to
Molt a steak, •.
The elati.girla.sAle to eel* a
fen* reed and have a report
•ces what happened Wore the .
nest meeting
Manse over the, weekend. .
Kro, M. Rennie the
past two weeks in. b
was accompanied tnY gr.'' Bid Mrs. Ross Rennie' of Toronto,
MT. and MS, Cilarcelteo Mar.
tin visited' nn suocliqY with lir-
and Mza. Mkt Oenleins '1604-
Mr. ,Rteerioe PinknO Wa'a
Gederkb attending the' funeral
of a COusli; 1.110. Elsie (g.ord-
' fiired) MacKay on Wednesday..'.
Mr. and Mrs. -kand-
on+, kin, and Mrs. °haat MeGregen,
Brighton, Mi. prigh Mats, Perry'
Haab, Clifford and Miss Margar-
et 41-WITCO oil .1A(11406 'pent
the weekend with Mrs. Roes Mc-
Knights of Columbus
Hall, St. Cohunban
Friday, Mar. 21st°
9 to 12
Admission $1.00
In I.O.O.F. Hall
Wed., Mar. 26th
Admission SOc
Lunch. Served
Everyone Welcome
Saturday, March 2Inci
:9:30 p.m.
Refreshments $3.00 Per Couple
Sponsored by.Branch 156
The Messengers net in the
church Monday with 28 present.
The theme Was Easter,
Hymns were sung with Karen
Insley and Mary Lou Thomson,
as pianists. Readings were given
by David Tomlinson and Karen
Insley. Lori Webb led in prayer
and Nancy Jkques read the scrip-
ture. Janet and Margaret Park-
inson favoured with a vocal
duet. and Elizabeth. Levy play-
ed a piano solo,. Cheryl Brine
and Christine Tomlinson receiv ,
ed the offering, 'Mrs. Wm. Dick-
ey read a story from the study
book on, China. Mrs. Glenn Cope-
land led in Bible Study dealing
with 'Lent and read a St.
' Patrick's Storey. Mrs. Wm.
Dickey had charge of the badn-
Messrs Bill Spence of Mitch,
ell 'and Darwin Lenin of Dublin'
visited' Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs, David Wheeler. '
Mr. and Mrs. Don Brine and
Cheryl visited on, Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Pete O'rtlieb of
Mrs Robert Corsaut of Ilder-
ton visited with Mr. and Mrs.
David Wheeler for the weekend.
Miss Margaret De John of Lan-
don and Mr. Ray Consent of M-
erton were Sunday evening vise
Mr.' and Mrs.. Bev, Westman,
and Janet of Grail-Won were Sun-
,day evening visitors with Mr.
end Mato, Glenn 'Copeland, and
Miss Deborah Jaques visited
for a few days with Miss Erie
Shantz of St. Marys.
Miss Sherry Frayne of Gran-
too silent a few days during
the helidays with her friend
Miss Naivey ;ratites
Classified Ada pay dividends.