HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-03-20, Page 4-SO- Cent% "Street, 'Telephone 527:0190... _A 1111111111111gAllillirlilliir 11111111111FgalilliN*312111111111111 111111111111K51111‘111111111111 G111111111111iiiiitiMilla11111111 61111111111111iligi 11111111111111 iiIIIIIIIIIK:i41111111K331111111111 43 30 MARGARINE r . 141)'•Apple Pie ..2 24414 890 01c raffn WWI Frau* Pkg.. ' Cream Pies , in, 37o Toddler or Medium Flush-Mlyes er: L99 WRITE SUGAR OUTSTANDING SAVINGS FROM OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT! 111 PCanadadressed Grade 'A', re FRESH FRYING . CHICKENS EWA lb. size • Top Who ' BOLOGNA by "LiammmtftdbMS.whallaniakds .411 SMELT • YOUR CHOICE • 3 b. 9. . • • Trash Picnic Shoulder Roast • Impotted New WHIM LAMB Shoulder Roost votu-i-lb: vac pac WIENERS • Keirtnatt* farm Sausage YOUR CHOICE c • Mad/ Cut Chicken legs or Breast' rtc, Smoked Picnics . t3Mf or Veld STEAKETTES MILES • Link Sausage - YOUR CHOICE s • Fearnlanit Skinned, Ready-to4al sMOKE0. HAM • Shank Half • • • TabRed l Be Trimmrand ed BLADE oR SHORT • RIB ROAST • Top Veht Na 1 *Am SLICED SIDE BACON Obao 144 (Size 88's) DOL ............. OVer 2.400 00.120*.*-- More than 500 n ostrationg, both throb 'THE 'COLUMBIA. eandsdlithitiajgand full 11 4:1611.1114 EMI YCLOPEDIA Y itHIU'Itrughotionwitasaltir 161:!**ingrr. 414"141inctisngraloosuo'fboyi ,.„tiYfirnilsMistira SMION NO. 1 n 91641.4,'."9°91; dot tootioottitaii . ."1. ,•6/4 130 3, • • • 'THE:i141.Eopt etc . . ,.Alms Oaken: Mau WOutfit:: • T5TColtectie* __af fatty • 'Ll!Ouititiefs • Island •• 0430.ftilit 1 Inger , **non4 10i dpaw ice in line 20 Part ok. flower ,:.art,eFivc45at. iranThoi caania :2*,,tiatufisvood that place ?.Knotk 1,14tabrew • tatter, P•raat"Iff 234Pronou.n .Make lace Pert of shoe a ' af fnikaidslie 'Foray tOtherwlse .Stalks Pish-eating mammals F* JuMplactDanl. Inse precious ston 11114fornae te WIP ItNeHmainder Alcoholic beverage N4Warry 57.Ptimeriode if e DOWN' 141Ite of Taj Mahal 15.Walk unsteadily 8.9/1olusinme. den title ,{.Place for combat OXPO51.70,Ef SEAFQ Wm- 24, 1%1, Mrs. Wallace Ilallgh was heS- teas for the March meeting of Seaforth VI, with Mrs, Alex Pepper as eo-hostess. Mrs.Lorue Lawson, president, chaired the regular opening exercises and DOWN AT THE LANES , BY LER HEE taMENEEMEMIEEEENEEEEm Egmondville League- Team standings: Cardinals, 08 Underdogs, 724 Go-Getters, (sZt Stasnpers, 42. LAW bigh single end tniple, • Hazel McGonftle, 258 and 649. Wife high 0103 Roger .Beinvemo, 331 and au • • Commercial League Team stanctings: -Golden Jets, 68; Noble, 54; Queens, 45; Hab- kirk, 34, Seafoa4h Motors, 33; Born Losers, 23. Men's high ghee' and triple, Curd Noble, 292 and 713. Playoffs begin lyilach 20 and go for 3 weeks. St. James' League Team standing: Golden Haw- ks, 114; Fantastics, 98; Odd- balls, 93; Tiger Oats, 78; Lucky Strikes, 69; Spitfires, 52. Ladies' high single and- triple, Marg Ungarian, 280 and 740. rean, 294;mgh triple, Jack Bed- ard, 691. . • Seaforth Legion League With two weeks left of the reguiar schedule, there has been a definite clOsing of the gap 'for first place. Should the Questions get just a little over' confident, there could be a fight between the Pills and•Sweetnochings for Furst place. The next two weeks will tell. Team standings: Questions, 94 84; • Svireetnothings, 83; Chipmunks, 82; Weasles, 75; Heavyweights, 65. • Ladies' high single and triple, Jackie Melansan, 270 and 735. Metes high single, Howard James, 305; high triple, Neil Bell, 731. EASTER Seaforth SEALS Deat Customer: March 20th, 1969 In a few short weeks the snow and, cold will be corner. replaced with indications that spring is just around the Meanwhile, we have time to make important plans on how to make the coining season run more smoothly and profitable, Here is where Harriston Fer- tilizers can be of assistance. Our staff will gladly help you plan the best crop- ping program and the most efficient fertilizer prOgram suitable to your soil conditions. Just give us a call or drop in anytime for a chat. c , At the .?resent time we are making every effort to put our m nufacturing, loading, delivery and bulk , spreading equipment in top condition so that we can give you the best possible service when the old busy season arrives. We shall look forward to seeing you soon. Sincerely, HARR1STON FERTILIZERS LTD. CLINT014 PHONE 482-9133 Walt RIgney Ralph Buff Inga, Blyfh, Phone 5224266 business, also reading. a poem, "March". Correspondence and"reperta were read by the secretary Mrs. in. Strong, including, a Cour- t sy note from Brenda Coletnalls The pregram, in charge of Mrs, W. Haugh and Mrs. G. Mc- kenzie, Historical Research con- veners, was chaired' by Mrs. Haugh. Roll call was answered by naming "Your recollection of a business now removed from Main 'Street" and recalled many merchants of the past. Miss Belle Campbell, guest speaker, introduced by. Mrs. Haugh and thanked by. Mrs. W. Coleman, reminisced with tales ,of Seaforth, recalling events from its start as a swamp through incorporation, as a Of lage in 1868, and due to a pop- ulation ,explosion becoming a a town in 1895. Present populat- ion is only being about 750 more than at that time. Tize discovery of salt. in 1858 -proved to be a great _boon in the 1870's and 1880's but also resulted in many serious accidents; mostly burns. Early pioneers who did a lot for the community included Dr. T. T. Coleman, xame,1 WA- son and D. 1). Wilson who be- came known as the egg king, creating another boon to the ec- onomy. A disastrous fire in 1876 burned 12 acres of the business section and was blamed directly oh a Mrs. Griffith, who owned a small shop and had, to disap- pear to avoid being tarred and feathered. Another fire in 1891 destroyed the old market house and its valuable contents of town records, • The volunteer fire brigade, then as now, fought many blaz- es throughout the years she said and recalled that the present fire chief, Jack F. Scott had ser- ved longer than arty ether chief. The Huron Expator has served the community through the- many years and early edit- ions point out the great 'changes in price comparisons. In con-- elusion, • Miss Campbell Stated that if the citizens of the future are the calibre of those of the Shut hundred, years, we have no need to for the future '$t. Patrick features included a poem by Mrs. Haugh, "An Irish Benediction", a favorite of the late President John F. Kennedy, also a "Shamrock" contest 'won by Mrs. L. Lawson. Mrs. Haugh also 'conducted a histokical quiz oif Indian and other Canadian topics and dress creations made of newspaper resulted in the best dresged lady emerging as Mrs. F. Hunt, her dressmaker being Mrs. Jaines Keys. Miss Karen MacGregor of Brucefield entertained with two Scottish dances, the high- land fling and 'the Flora Mac- Donald dance. A donation was made to. CNIR and it was decided to continue sponsorship of a child through the "Save the Children Fund." Courtesy remarks were made by Mrs: Erlen Whitmore and members referred to the cover age which 'the Expositor gafe to the 40th anniversary celebrat- ion of the Institute. Lunch was served by Mts. Ar- nold Taylor, Mrs. .James Keys, Mrs. G, Elliott and the hostess. The AZa t ch ilteettni: Of 'coon= oil wpg :tb, • • Ileikavit PegnAluil Ventre with Reeve " Roy Pattisoa PreSiding and all the members Rresent., .Motions adopted included: That read Superintendent C. W Hanna Attend. the "O. S. An- dersen Road School" and regis- tration fee of $50.00 be paid. That the Fire Insurance pre- mium with, Howick Mutual Fire Insurance,Co in the amount of $13.60 be paid. That Council accept the gra- vel tender, submitted by Joe Kerr Limited, Wingham, Ont., as 9$c per cubic yard, for sup- plying, crushing and hauling of approximately 10,000 cubic yards of 5/8" gravel. That the Obey. , Army truck, as besroa,p4 ldye toH to:?:a t $1 attBoirr, RR flctig That we accept the tender of Frank Cooper, RR 1, Belgrave, Ont., as warble fly operator at $2.00 per hour. . -- NOTICE - For Co-op Insurance . Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527,1464 --- John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverage for: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability Accident and Sickness • Fire, fiesnienco Content:, • Fire, Commeieial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron, Co-op Medical • Services • vs ,nd insurance 11.0c4upla4 -shalt 11.intronalte article 7-Moscaliirt S-Worriee 9-Missive 10,,Realan 2'11-TA's e vote ,18-aird's horns 18-part of church 22-Fragment 23-Rugged mountain crest 24-Likely 25,Ocaari 27- Lem prey 29. Wine cup 30-Wooden pin 35-Surgical 3e-Sagacious 117-Plumlike fruit of dog 40-Sufficient 42-Cuble_sueter 49-Presenta- tion 44.Pith helmet 411-"LohoncrIn" heroine SOLUTION 41-Soaks 49 Condensed ' moisture 50-Article of furniture 53- Pronoun News of Seaforth Upholstery Just arrived in time fol.', Spring cleaning, the newest samples of upholstery materials in ny, Ions, tapestries, matelasse, velvets, brocotelles. Over 1,500 samples to choose from and in leatherettes we have over 250 different colors. Free, estimates, pick up' and delivery. Call for all your upholstery needls. Seaforth Upholstery OFFICE SUPPLIES PHONE 527-0240 Ear rea 4. REMODEL YOUR KITCHEN Find out how little it will cost to remodel your old kitchen. -Letus help you plan a more efficient working place. Phone Today for Free Estimate ROSS HOGGARTH MITCHELL Phone 20-'7426, after 6 p.m. Contact CARTER'S KITCHEN CENTRE DEAkEitE OF HANUER KiTCHENS (Canada) LTD. Oren Daily 9a.mno 6p.m. Friday 'til 10 p m. 619 RICHMOND IT. PHONE 438.5916 e q.v.. 4w-h.*: •