HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-03-20, Page 3ACCURATE WHEEL BALANCING • $1:50 per wheel Weights Extra Phone 527-1010 • BELL 1-4.14 by W. W. Haysom your telephone manager INFORMATION OR REPAIR CALLS ' For many years we accustomed our customers to dial 113 for information and 114 for repair service. At the time last October of the publication of our London, Goderich dir- ectory a change was made in our informatkon and repair service codes. A recent study shows, that we remember our early teachings, rather than bow to new, because 75% of calls for assistance (informative) areyerdailing 113 and • an, equal number of customers are still adhering to 114 for repair calls, or locating •cables. In other words: ' • Information from all offices dial 411 Goderich Repair service from Clinton Crediton Exeter 'Repair service from Hensel! Seaforth I dial 4164 }dial 611 May I refer you to theintreduCtory pages.of your-Lon- don, Goderich Telephone directory, especially pages 2 and 3 relative to BusineSS Office, Information and Repair Calls. . The introductory pages of your directory' make !rather good reading; end contain a wealth of information.to provide you--with gond; etortondeel service- and take advantage of OHr EXCUSE ME! THOUGHTI ANOTHER PEDESTRIAN HAD HIT TH' DUST. SETTIN6OUTAND UNDER.' WAS ONLY EXCUSABLE IN THE OLO pAys eeroas THE REASONABLE AND WONDERFUL SERVICE of ita,1 4 They hUng 'rimy! A comfortable Wert They. 1, Ii raakes,Mt.sq..fql,te In my EitiPeritIN, He came teaching -And living And revealing They', hung Him! They Had never known ' Such love; • • -•So filled with ail That is God. Chris an • ivtleuld' receive Aim gladly; divide Or at least, And made them afraid, As it broke the barriers, that • frhis As. the tbArd in a prjes. meAsege*'• by- m of' the Senfe#4 Naeretektel .04.10P•thitt, Ppte _crawled Beneath the 041 se That-104 4441;00' to wasbut that : long. age. It would lie..diftereW neTti. It lie' P9100 to us Bringing Jove, God, The Kingdom, To 1Pf, #0.9. From ograelves,' To free, usl frog!. prIgor ottr-tOstilihy, A.MhAtto4, ' rear, Oh yea, It would he different' • . Civilized, are more .041-ghteneA It threatened their small hearts, ‘I'v11•1`'c44 Pected to apiaeAr t - • J Organize Rabbit Group • Wm. I . H. (Pat) Dickey of Woodham was host Saturday evening to a meeting of area rabbit raisers.' The meeting led to. the forming of a new club, , Paul Chamberlain-df --ArkonaiL.• airesident of the Lambton; Mid- dlesex Rabbit Breeders Asso- ciation was Chairman 'for the evening. Officers elected are Presid- ent, Wni. Dickey of Centralia, Vice-president, Wm. IL. (Pat) Dickey of Weeper(' and Secret- ary-Treasurer, Angus Murray of Denfield. The organiAtion brings to -the area marketing facilities for all rabbit producers. The - new club will work in conjunct- ion with the T„,ambton Middle- sex R. B. A. Meqings are to be• held 'the • - second Tuesday of each month at Elimville Hall.. That separate, . Tivihaant ferolomistemra4. And in their fear, terial (including ti*,Tear win, • Their defensive, . dew). is Crazetter,..diSeelored,.or Hostile, has any eXPOSed sharp OW or Outraged has part Missing.' (c) The . Fear shield has any_ star, or crack They lashed out at Him; running front edge to ,edge, in At the area swept by the driver's And they hung Him. wiper blade. And justified, Rationalized,. Excused This violence yard love. And satisfied, Complacent, Self righteous, CO-OP SEED Pick-Up Your Supply of Oil Now CASH DISCOUNTS IN EFFECT °TM MARCH 31st 14;1 SEWING C INE• .SEAFORTH AREA TeloPhene.' • • IRVIN'S DOMINION • HARDWARE 4RAF0RVI P NONE, . V.,74 1(4 WARNER CQ4.1,0,40S, „of . the 01.-YTH: 4INEER ;EN, YRE your aria 'II URSPAY of -each" w„otek . tor your convenierir"K • • Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, fust Dial Seaforth 527-0240. 65.0-13 List 30.55 775-14 List 3525 825-14 List 38.70. 855-14 Ligt 41.55 560-15' List 30.15 775-15 List 35.35 815-15 List 38.70 8454 List 41.55 thi'' Untarhi Prey** • 'police). Dear Sir; I was reading in an American paper that a triPlr carrying gravel VAS traveRing 94 and spilling t#0 gravel on a four lane highway and tied up traf lie for four (4). miles 'Could he be charged with an offencer A. I am net that well versed With the United States jaws, but Section SS (2) or -the Highway Traffic Act, which governs the, operations of vehicles on the Ontario Highway.. states, "lio person stall operate or permit to be 9perated upon a highway any commercial motor vehicle or trailer unless the load that such vehicle of trailer Is carry- lug -* firmly bound, sufficient- 1y covered,, or otherwise secured, Or loaded,"in t such, manner that PortiOn eft the lord. may heeome dislodged or fall from the com- mercial vehmle Ort r.. et" So, li e could be Charged it,this took place in Ontario. Dear. . • I • have visited Toronto and ether Maio: cities- and noticed signs which say, "No Parking or Standing". What is meant by "'Standing? A. Section 1 (17a) HighWay Traffic ,Act • defineS Park, or "•Parking' as:- "park" 'or "parking"; when prohibited, mew. the standing' of a vehicle, whether occupied Or not, except when standing temporarily for . the purpose of and while ,actually engaged in loading or unload- ing merchandise or passengers:" Section 1 (25a) defines •Stand or Standing as: "stand"' or "standing", when prohibited, means the halting 'of a vehicle,- Whetherroccupied_or not, except for the purpose of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging passengers." Dear Constable Tighe: Can a police officer remove the plates from an unsafe vehic- le? A. Section 47 (4) states, "Where the operation of a motor vehicle or trailer has been pro- hibited under subsection 2, the constable or officer may seize the registration plates of the motor vehicle or trailer that is in a dangerous or unsafe condi- tion and hold them •until motor vehicle or trailer has been placed in a -safe condition." Sub- section 2 explains what actions a- constable can take if he finds an unsafe vehicle. Dear Sir: - Can be charged if I put my trailer hitch in-front of my-rear licence plate? A. Yes. Section 10- Z3) stateS, "The number plates shall be kept- free" frem•--ditt -arid obstruc- tion and shall be so affixed that the numbers thereon ay be plainly visible at all ti s, and the view thereof shall not be obscured or obs ed by spare tires, bur bars, or by Use Expositor Want-Ads . Phone 527-0240 BURNS CLEANER No Smoke, No Odour \sS '• and it- be no. It, 'lust de- Manual used mechanic states that the .vehicle ".*AY rejected W-(A)-AnY;OPecilte ma- terial 0i094 eer409,ardeetc.) is fitted In pike44:0a n4)11 the windshield,. irlp..eitheK 'front side window et. the Ariyer's left and right, (I)) Atitglagng ma- Deer Sir:. I own a second car which I bought a few years ago, just to drive 'back and, forth to work, but now I don't use it very much. The "ear has current 11- &nee plates and is Insured. My brother wants to borrow it for a month. I said I didn't think it was in top notch condition — • like it could be unsafe. My bro- ther said he would take that chance and if he got caught he would pay the fine. Who would me responsible, hire or me? A. Section .48 Highway Traf- fic Act states, "No person shall drive or operate or permit the driving or operation upon a highway of a vehicle that is in such a dangerous or unsafe con- dition as to endanger the driver or operator' or any occupant thereof, or any person upon the highway," poth could be charged, and Oven if," the brother didn't get caught, by the police, how would they feel-if en -accident was caused by this unsafe ve- hicle and someone killed or in- jured. Q. Dear Sir: If a car is insured in the par- ents name, but owned and Or if lie pressed us to forgive As we are forgiyen, We could always • Quote scripture' To back our bigotry. . That would shut Him up! Yet still He persists; Demanding Of us who use His Name, That we live His love. • Could we, civilized,.' Christian, Enlightened men, Crucify the God of Love? Heaven forbid! But just as surely; We would get Him off our backs- And silence love -it - And satisfied,,.. Complacent, - Self righteous, Crawl again. . , • Beneath the shell of self That love •still tries to, break. • t 4 Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want ,Ad- 'and be money in pocket. - To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. Any BIRD SALE up to 40% DISCOUNT Uniroyal HYWAY PREMIUM TIRES FIRST LINE, FULL FOUR PLY Diipartment of Transport Approved SALE 18.95 SALE 21.95 SALE 22.95 SALE. 23.95 SALE 18'.10 SALE 21.95 SALE 22.95- SALE 23.95 I often think 'of March as a bit of a ,misfit month as months 'go. It's not supposed to be winter we mark, the first day of spring this week — still it's a little early to ,start putting the top down .on the &invertible. Seasonal problems notwithstanding, March has had its share of important eveets -•-• good and bad — over the years. In 44 B.C., it saw Julius Caesar slain; in 1152, the appear- ance of Canada's' Bret newspaper; in 1794; the Creation of the United States navy; in 1912, the founding of the Girl Scouts; in 1939:• the German invasion of Czechoslavakia. • Johann Strauss, Albert Einstein, David Livingston, and Johann.''SebeStiati Bach were all born in 'March. And on the third 9f the month, 1847, this birth oturouncement from Ed. inlitirgh Scotland: "A son is born to Eliza and Alexander M. Bell, and there is much celebration in the household." Of course this is 'a most implortant anniversary for all of us at Bell Canada. We could say many things about this man who made such vital contributions, to modern science and com- munications. But it seems to me that his own words are probably a much better summation of his life and philosophy. I thought you might be interested in them: "Don't keep forever on the public road, going only where others have gone. Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods. You will be certain to find some- thing" you have never seen before Follow it up, explore all around it one discovery will lead to another and before you know It you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind. All really big 'discoveries are the result of thbught". .•• FUEL CHIEF MEAtike• Ott, Odin 4 ° bit 'ireemororsileemeeselearoomo' ' '7A1Y. ;part of: the -Vehicle or any Atteeholenis: thereto or by the oad AMP ' I AM -thinking about selling my car to a friend;• and I under- stand VMItst give him a meek anica/ fitness certificate sIgned hy, a Class A mechanic. I feel tilY car is in eXcellent shape except for a few,,Stoile -chins in _the windshield, Do I need to re, Pine. the windshield?: A. The answer coidd.be yes penes whertegle stone chips Mee- The Ve apection . , driven by their teen-age -son, is the insurance good if the-car is News of involved in an accident while Winchelsea ' bageiengboydfiven by another teen- Mrs. George Frayne of Sun- A. That question is a little shine Line visited on Monday out of my line, but I wane to with Mrs. Wm. Walters. thank the person •for writing in. Mrs. John Coward is spend, We dd not• mention names on ing some time with Mr. Murray the air ,or print, but all letters Cdward, Pamela' and Jeffery of must include the person's name Sunshine Line. and address. I did research this Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hutton, question and I would suggest Dennis and Diane visited on that this person contact their Wednetday evening at Ellin- c-insurance agent to obtain • his vile with Mr. and Mrs, Alvin information. Not all insurance Fulton and Larry. companies write the same pol- Elimville No. 3 4-H club met ides- at the home of Mrs. Jack Hern. Cheryl Hern and Janet Kers-, lake prepared and cooked swiss steak by the moist heat method. Notes were given- on two •dif- lerent methods of cooking 'Swiss steak and how to, tender- ize meat. Mr. and Mrs.' Ivan Brock, Margaret and Dennis visited re- cently at lbangton., Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Rowe of Thames Road visited on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters. • Mrs. George Frayne of Sun- shine 'Line visited on Saturday with Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mr. and Mrs.'Freeman Horne visited in London on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole. Master •Kevin Horn entertain- ed Gerald Johns, John and Bill Henn on Friday evenithg it being his birthday that day. • The Elimiville Institute held a Euchre at Ushorne - Central School on Monday evening with 22 tables :playing, prizes going to Ladies high, Mrs. Heber Shute. Lone Hand, Phil Hein and Oonsolettioev Mrs. Theron Creery • • - #9W, - • • And when Re asked us to love each other, . Wee0414,p0f Him eft With a -log* dige1140012 On. the evils of VietnaOL the South -Huron Rabbit Breed- • • spoke. ers' Association.. But we can block His attack On our traditions With such finesse, By crying "radical", , "Communist", .• "Anarchist"; By pleading tradition, 'Doctrine, Society. Oh we could be so neat, And polite And sophisticated about it. Deport Him as undesirable, An asylum, perhaps; ' ' The assasin's bullet; Or give Him a clerical collar; Call Him "Reverend" And simply go to sleep when He RSONAI1 SE. THE 'RIND? Q U CAN DEPEND E YUl EQCAIDE NE* AN .o4PR6*,00.0.1,.04pEs MlIT:ER !ON on FARM ESTATE ARRANGEMENTS at the Centralia College of Agricultural Technology PARTICIPANTS — Mr.- Donald Coxe, Solicitor, Guelph; Mr. Dow las Eckel, Ch, Accountant, Woodstock; Mr. Donald Hart, Fanner, Oxford County • THE PUBLIC IS :INVITED Ikv PAN& 527-1750 • SEAFORTH "" • ,0m6,M ILL BILL 1-4' I DO HAVE Prt-tem DO MY serzsAce wopKAND NATURALLN' FESC1- IT ALWAYS F'SIZ W61:210.46 OROE.tai I WAS 4:4•11.'Y HON& .PRtmot MY WiFe, • UiShit4 HENRY! se on . , TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1:15 p.iirf. There Are Dividends Every Week in Expositor Classified Ads : . Naragmbero.ftworierogglinalo Let us scientifically test your engine's opera- 6 cyl. $ .50 tion and efficiency on out electronic engine analyser. , 8 cyl. $4.00 . • REPACK FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS Include free inspection of brake linings .... $ 1 .45 Lot Open Evenings to 9 p.m. "Serving Seaforth and District for 28 Years" • ELECTRONIC ENGINE DIAGNOSIS - ^' • WS'