HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-03-13, Page 8".• FATHER MURPHY FATHER' CONNELL_ _ MAPLE LEAF PORK & BEEF BREAKFAST SAUSAGE lb. PHONE • :345,020 DUBLIN, DIAMONDS Regular to $100.00 SAVE -10% Regular $160.00 to $200.00 SAVE 20% Regular over $200.00 SAVE 25%' q9c and up JEWELLERY SEED GRAIN GRASS SEE DINNERWARE Reg. 'to $50 ' SAVE 10% Reg. $50.01 to $100.00 SAVE 15% • Reg. 100.01 and up SAVE 20% Discounts applicable on stock and/or orders 'Au wig Keg C*? -PO* bOVe RC Churc .March 16th to . ,tiett community priests encl, ive...:•41iewlrerI4 City. After 40mPleting'Sk ,T.O.s • eph's College in Princeton, he began studies. for The. pile* hood and was ordained on May 27, 1954 first feW nrd, illation, Father Shaliabah,taught Latin, music and religion, During the past thirteen years he has been condecting renewal programs in 37 out of, 50 states in the U.S. and currently his base of operations is Philadel- phia, Via. ... • Father Shanahan has a wide hackground in music and dram- atics. He is a graduate of the ,Pius X School of -Music In Pur- chase, N.Y., and is a fnt'nt stu- dent at the, American Academy of Drairiatic Art and-the Actors' Guild Studio in New York City have always..enjoyed, my stay in Canada, .11S, visitor," Father Shanahan -says.. "NowI -come here to preach renewal of faith and look- forward to this challenge. I believe that people are seeking and Searching. We have basic human needs, and these needs are becoming' more evident. There is -a real hpliger after truth. People are opening up their hearts and' minds to the Gospel message. Renewal '69 is an opportunity. that comes" once in a 'lifetime for some per- sons." • 690 .$1.49 590 980 480 TEA TOWELS Reg. 59c 'only 49c 'each Lustre Net Large Size HAIR SPRAY — Reg. $1.49, Reg. $2.18 — Two 4 oz. jars NOXEMA CREME, Reg. $2.18 • • Clear Control — Large Size HAIR GROOMING, Reg. 89c Colgate — Family size TOOTHPASTE, Reg. $1.15 Large Size Q-TIPS, Iteg. 59c "cheege in. the World and change the Church", "The Knowledge EN-0000n and Its Influence", "Can the church To, day be,,Relevant", "The God :of Promises and the future", "VW, erg Christian. Families", • are are Some of the conteinPer4tY themes, that will be subject mat- -ter for sermons during Renewal '00's Preaching Phase, which be.' gins Sunday in area churches:- "We must speak to modern man," Father J. Claude Prim- ean, Director of Renewal '69 said. "Unless our 'renewal sneak- ers are relevant and contemPV- ary„ our people will turn, them off. The Gospel message, must be applied to the present sit, uation otherwise it will get no hearing. Renewal of the. mind and- heart is basic. That is'why the Church has-'such an impprt- EGMONPVILLE -- d/s John Fraser, Halifax is home on a .months leave with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fras- er.. Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Carter and family spent the weekend 'visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Eaton in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Work- man and family Of Guelph were weekend visitors of Mrs. Cece17. is Rozelle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Dungey and family of Sarnia visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geddes and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Vander- woude and family of Wingham, -Mrs. Douglas Gemmell and Mrs. William Bale of London visited with Mrs. Sid Gemmell on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kruse and'amily of Stratford and Geo- rge Kruse Jr. of Toronto were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Krause. Mrs. F. Dungey is home from Seaforth Community Hospital where she has been a patient for the past two wee'ks.. Mrs. Evelyn Shera of Egmond- Ville who .fell early in January and ..suffered a cracked leg a'b ove the ankle is progressing favorably and hopes to,have the cast removed shortly. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by= low .cost Ex- positor want ads. Dial 527-0240: qvanitaximagat WATCHES Reg. to $25.00 SAVE 10% Reg. $25 to $50 SAVE 20% Over $50.8a SAVE 25% Several at 1/2 Price V Afer,11# 0:,,VgetOet• Degree from 41versItY:,4 Ngtre 134449f -$4t4 Jana. For t44'nat§ i 0 "served as a•histery prefcsser:RtAt Nip, College in Brockville., Currently, Father ConnellIs conducting renewal: Preaching programs thrOughont _the east- ern part of Canada.. "Im eagerly looking`, for, ward to• meeting the .people of this area," Father Connell said. Preaches at Dublin Rev. Paul M. Murphy, C.M., who will preach at St. Patrick's in Dublin, March lOth to 21st, is a member of the cincentian communitx of priests. He hails from Brooklyn, New York, when from, Brooklya, „ Where he received his 'primary and secon-dare training. rather Murphy was ordainefi •a prieSt in 1960 after extensive studies. at the college in Princton,,New, derseY, and:fthe seminary in Northhamp- He spent three years in stud- ies at the University of Brib- beure, Switzerland, and receiv, ed a ,degree, in Philosophy', He taught logic, English •and the liturgy for three years in Ridge- field, Connectieut;a• -a also taught philosophy at St. John's University in New York. Currently Father -Murphy is conducting renewal- preaching programs in the eastern part of the U.S. • Comes to St. Columban SPECIAL OFFER yJ AJAX WINDOW 'CLEANER 18 oz. — Seg. 79c 59c AJAX 'LIQUID DETERGENT Reg. 94c with 8c off coupon only 79c NeitiOn's 6c C/HOCOLATE BARS Robin Hood — Re g. 21c CAKE MIXES -Robin Hood' OATS 5 11.. bag Allen's — Reg. 39c FRUIT DRINKS' Kraft 18 oz. — Reg 67c PEANUT BUTTER' Paramount Reg; 69c SOCKEYE SALMON 24 oz. jar STRAWBERRY JAM Cello Packeged TOMATOES SUNKIST 113's (large size) ORANGES • The. AO,. Toronto .Doininloi*;Benspiel was held in Seaforth .94 Satyr* with a x4V-,e1147 14 both" draws by • .team* representing most of the t*m. and cities in South Wed, ern Ontario. The '.clock. draw draw anct•the trophy as 11•Ylhe4.049rth rieV. F',71,War_Dou• Thompson and Ned. Boswell as skip, Earl BR- O' AriC,e,,Sec*oncl""azikt-Jim Stephenson, lead; -Second prize went to Skip Larry Smith, •London,, J. Wiesman, Vice, Theo Stillson Second and G. SteWardSOn, Lead; Aft er losing his way and end- 'ling up in Lucan Skip, Jim Nes-. bitt of Mount Forest won con- solation prize with Paul Pearce, Vice,T"Ed Roth, second and B. Liebold, Lead. The eleven o'clock draw was won by, a Stratford rink with Dave Caldwell as Skip, R. W. Heal, Vice, Lloyd Sheridan, lead , An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. anq FERTILIZER NOW! and take advantage of CASH DISCOUNTS COMPARE OUR BULK BLENDED FERTILIZER PRICES WITH AMERICAN PRICES HAUGH'S 'GREEN WORK PANTS . Reg. $6.5Q only $5149 LINEN HEALTH & BEAUTY AID DEPARTMENT GIANT REDUCTIONS ON EVERYTHING IN THIS DEPARTMENT HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES: The 8:30 draw was won by An- nie Sallow and the Mystery prize by Rachael Walters. A new member Ann Wood was installed by the president. Sam- ant role to play in helping peo- uel Arthur of Westminster Hod pie adjust to change in the pital was adopted as the auxil- world, in government; in edit-, aries new veteran. cation, in science, in everything It was decided that after April of life. A believer should be the 1st the price of meals at ban-4 first one to understand what is quets would be increased, due happening, what change is all to the rising cost ;of .food. about, because he is aware that the Church is a community of people on- the go, moving and adapting according to the age. The Church is ever new." • The renewal preaching phase is the third and final part of the diocelanwide project in West- ern Ontario. The effort is a year- and,azhalf program of updating of RC Churches and churches of other commitments who have asked• to participa0. At St. James' Church Rev. Arthur Connell, C. Ss.R„ who will preach at St. 'James' in Seaforth, March 16th to 21st, is a native• of Chatham,, Ontario. He was ordained a priest in Woodstock; Ontario, in1.953. Fa— ther Connell received a degree from Assumption University and a high school teacher's certifi- cate from the Ontario College of Early Bird Specials Cordless ° CUPS & SAUCERS DECORATOR CLOCK Reg. $35,06 SALE $22.50 ENGLISH BONE CHINA Bulova CLOCK RADIO ' $1.09. Reg. $59.95 SALE $34.95 40 pc. Service for 8 WM. A. RODGERS including drawer' chest Reg. $88.50 SALE $64.95 and up sevoirm s. To-night and every Thursday Night on 'CKNX TV, Channel 8 Wingham 16 PRIZES EVERY WEEK -• GRAND PRIZE VACATION FOR TWO IN VANCOUVER Just write your name and address on' the back of a sales slip from Goettler's Market and drop it in the entry box at our store. If your name is drawn you are' an instant, winner. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ' IN PRIZES DURING CKNX'S RED, WHITE & BLUE SWEEPSTAKES! 0 YOU C AN WIN! 4;ff EXTRA EXTRA SPECIALS! BATH TOWELS FACE CLOTHS Sub-standards — Reg. $2.95' a pair Reg. 60c s1 n 69 pair' only 25c_ each MEN'S TOP GRADE RUBBER BOOTS ,t 2 74 ALL SIZES Reg. $4.50 m°410' COLGATE BEAUTY SOAP 10c a bar 6 GRADE "A" 2'/-3 lbs. average 1 • pRarucE GRAPEFRUIT 48's ao F F 3 doz., BROI LERS Ib3-7c 0 Pkg. VIM . INSTANT POWDERED MILK — Vitamins A and B added DELMONTE — 48 9;.. TOMAtO jUICE 29c Salada 60's — Save 12c TEA. BAGS Natures Best Golden WAX BEANS end and O.* Shropshire; lead. Consolation went to M. A. Klein, St. Marys, Skip, G. Miller, Vice, R. MeDuffe second -'and Ron Marsden, lead. Ladies' Auxiliary Have Meeting The. Seaforth Legion Ladies Auxiliary met in the Legion Hall oil Wednesday with presid- ent, Comrade E. Brown presid- ing. There were 18 members present. FOR A BETTER CROP PLANT CO-OP SEED ORDER YOUR SEAFORTH FARMERS Phone 527-0770 Seaforth MARCH SALE SEAFORTH' JEWELLERS -(formerly Savauge's) Phone 527-0270 SEAFORTH BUY MORE SAVE MORE 10% to 50% off -Sale Starts March 13th RAYER ASFiRINS. geg 51c - Reg. Me •• ; • • •-..• 730 ,ALL STOCK Terms of Sale CASH article till end of Sale ALL SALES FINAL or small deposit will hold the regutar price of any TRADE.IN your old WATCH ove, Certivelle Enicar or 25% OPE apd get KefUnde or' likehensies Wants 'Watch 48's . •