HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-03-13, Page 5Top Valu (Asst'd "Flay.) ICE CREAM TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED • GREEN CABBAGE • 25o Of t „.. DRUG STORE THE rt • •. The travellitioutnse 4.4" a'grealif source of comfort for the par- parents, of crippled ehlidren well as the child. They.willAt monstrate the correct use= of STRONG s• daughter-Our`p> T -lcenn. with organistitiona 'Own. St. edy, Calgary, Alberta; sons, Ken. Pants. Anglican Church, Carmel now visited with Mr. and- Mrs. crutches and wheel chairs;Jad- Ed Regele on SUnday. inst braces to release,rir prevent. - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor of pressure sores; mike certain Stratford visited with Mr. and thA the child attends as clinic or Mrs. Orville Beuerman on Sun; treatment Centre when pace* day., ary and that bays and girls, who Mi6 Valerie and Elaine Beu- need summer vacation go to one erman of Stratford spent the of the Society's five camps. weekend with their parents MT. There is no other Easter Seal' and Mrs. Orville Eeuerman. organization in 'the :world that Mr. John _Learning of Win-- has a nursing programme for ter of Mr. and •Mrs. Leonard throp visited with his cousin, crippled-children such as in Ont- Strone-Egniondville and Daniel Mrs. Joe Thornton Saturday ado - and this has become pos- Lawrence Murray, son of Mr. afternoon. §:Lbue tbe sauppoinb 4 lit • • an4 AtraiJanie's. Pozatt9 441 nAna of re#"q0lhailie; were eecken.d eldatterp, with.. the 3,4(;!7 1.44.#4 • 0•410.-- 00411914.1 CUDMORE t,.Gordon D: ctitloriere'''Passed .e7 1,3400.4417 afhls late resid, get. Siincee, Stre0, :Weteri #turdaY. ik VAS In Ss SOO ye Surviyingnre bis wife the'• former Catherine Marie -Dirk, itt R NOW for EARLY_ 'DELIVERY and . • DIS.COONTS Phone 5274910' Seaferth , • ^ We• Imiite You To ..111C- • 4§§; Members et;the;,eenerat *ding enYferiftv-,Mrs T J. was ganintf6t;„ the meeting,, ,Mrs. Asa Dec* Is a patient London, hav 44"141 0e ' by arnbtil- * tkeee on Friday with'a rac.ured ankle in; a;:irtu she suffered in an acciilent4it her home. ' TWelya; volunteer .- firemen canvassed village of HenSall • Monday evening for funds With which to purchase fireworks for • May 24th. Approximately $200. was collected but more is still required. AnYone missed and .who- would like to •donatels ked. toe ave• a donation.' with Gerald Flynn or' Bill, Fuss. Aid .. Red Cross Canvass . The Legion Ladies Auxiliary held their March meeting Tues- day, 4th with president,. Mrs. Garnet Allan in. charge. Plans were outlined for -a Red-Cross canvass March,' catering to a wedding and a Bonspiel in Mar- ch. TWO teams will ,participate in a bowling tournament in' 'Walk- erton: Mrs. Evelyn Carroll of Goderich, Zone Commander will. make her official visit to this Auxiliary in April. Mrs. Grant McClinchey won mystery „prize, and Mrs. Ted Roberts• the dress- ing prize. ,,,,,,, • ' • George Walker was taken, by Westlake Ambalince Service to Clinton CoMmunity Hospital last week. ;and:::-pavrrettee. MAnTY,'•ot Siaor.th, .'0111.1).- Father •14ragil and '-nangitelienaffielatt.• deep. purple with matching" b.* 11044r. oak • yr, remelt Murray, brother of the groom • was. hest - pan and Mr..00,g.:AatvaAtetro.**he.r.,.. wedding trip to ‘oorp.. wall and Plew.:• VC* State, 0 tti brig,,weren dreSs of red well.,, feat firing 4. cap e Oat' of7-11041. Blue, with blacknatebt access-: Pr* and a white orchid CO- 640.. •• - `The couple•• reside 'at 9 EsSex Street, Stratford. • MeKILLOP " Miss Elaine Glanville of Cre'll- Run' and Mr. 1ton Foran of Luck- by the piople of Ofitgio ar- ery year, hundreds, of. c Pfe4 chAckerl VV. AK 1? ed and, marry' ,as a 9)-ant' OVer,nente MURRAY y St. James' , Church Seaford' was the setting for the wedding . of Sharon Janet Strong, daugh- • -•••• . • nett). hod Grant,' Lotidont 'broth- Irreshyterinix, , ahiselrpt: Ork: Edgar: god' Harold; RR -.-Hcp.sall. United takingPart. in Hansa* and IlerYin,. uet0716 the service Cr Goddard .• „.„grandgitildren,- ,and 1 ,.great- played an: strumental Prelude, gra.ijddellglkerni'jineret-Servicek',,-Leader,sighe followed; the were '110:14_•Xotidat-Steiw-the.,-n.,---.aei ,cif 'Am* were. Mr-a-Vern-0' C, Diiiney AineraPhen10K1.400 A14000 tof.110-Unitedfidt1;-: with interment in %*eter gerite, Erint,nell 'Ater Ohiseihurst tery:- • • Mrs. orp, and pork Dayrower liras: wool of p -flifeteisean f9r. -Carmel :Church seri/A the Vaited.'911nreit Ott Screbittla ter:St,. filtirs, The War Daint-Preyer wet; Anglican. • Offering was taken ob by grg.-Poaii ritssirvr end Mrs. Rodger'' Veneer. Orip„,,.Vrewbg tocether bl*Pilyntthe world p070-prayer.tron *cep, tion..4frOrn I910•„t0 Mrs. Rowe Iii chargeivt the project- orand. gra. Altlettlic was the narrator. - ' The. ITCW...Met In the- Fellow-. ship HallThursday afternoon with Are0494..P474,. 4§. 4";#,Ples'.*- .4114ier ilfegdiq-,1V.-.1t, Mc Alltatei•ored.„,the deve*tiong:us- 4 Joe the- theinei.- "What iOnex • 34r.n.; Dill No k sang a: 'soloaccomPanied, by ligR-.-04.4*/oamAo,„ The study oil 011,61n,1 * presentedby 1ff "14.:0.4:2Keg ' JAMS, JELLIES or MARMALADES . The ,hrlde wore a own of vrench crep.eiliaturins-04, • :Irtoo*iter'Sg4kx3.9056A ,pird. Waistline; with a fait.; filet nursing-Se . 419-g7.-70.0y: .trtim .:Uctq: :ShriuldOr ,arid Society for crIppio4:0 'no -batkled00-Az4ritip;.4 en:tesTmr;01141 Pi:$*1470 1400 by 1?e.WS • at the Wald. • • eitil.d'TekaMlitatJeni; . . e ,oP• sped pearls Belli , ,„". nrirsea'ors:o11:0* !OW . piii.riolocit F.0119 ?fienitt. grad 4 `she parried a White 00./4; uates who have had alleciar ' Thlt '.irear;": -net liaketis and! ttaPitt.1,Pk.,„ training •in ...:94hOl4a410* raised; • - .P1-stz:(4 ItaYB•li.44 many Monthslraining. 'OW; ge,le#01 ‘141-1)44. 114194*1 f.4 nPITr' 'Pne' working *ith"Olgplett 0016.,. whop :seii4i0C-0# Easter Se wore"a floor ..lohgtb-''govon. of ren, before' heinenssigilw 'to. telbelpeal.2eainpatO he one of the cighteen,. oisirict `'sponsored hy nursing.:: offices;. cperatect clilk • Ontario ,Sneietk, 3 " Children ..tholigh-;gastey Seal A144, From ;district eftinet,•:. cP-kqn‘Agt . coniSetelY COVO:Oiltgrio• lego4c.• .'BiQiA0At'110( •'•:P*0 ing in close ce-ardinatioh, Want district public' Pr0.1i4 413:,•14...148 , doctors, parents and the. Easter • 50441:414',W9A,97,. Seals service clubs,7 addition. •:: to their nursing chitia00,afteriA clinics,iiig treatment ,centres and hospitalS, these highly Spec. ialized 'nurses wil make more' ti*e 20,009 home visits in . year. Ira .the AF*4, Q' 14, 1:::7°'N.4N111'17s:si 'Is' SEAFORTH WARNER: COL,Liff06 of the !MYTH SINGEIA,,CE„ht". THE will be in Tieini' area: THURSDAY ofoi.t.ch: walk for your Convenience.. . . „..„ . . ; p nd SAVE at KEATING'S (Reit10. ASA-REX 6 gr. Acetylsalicylic Acid PAIN RELIEF TABLETS SAVE When you're comparing prices, it's comforting to know Rexall Quality is Guaranteed. Our name on the package says so. Whenever you see the Rexall name on Health or Beauty Aids, it's comforting to know we guarantee you'll be totally satisfied, with qual- ity as well as price. You see, we're the only drug chain in Canada that formulates our own Pharmaceutical & Beauty products. So, of course, we can brine them to you at a large saving. over so-called °famous" brands. And bernu-e they carry the Rexall symbol on the 'package, you kknow satisfaction is guaran- teed, so start nOw to_compare & save', then . . . Look for our name Listen to our people. They're both there to • help you. GARBAGE BAGS 10 Heavy duty 26" 36"-Compare at 79e ONLY 3 9c KLEENEX TISSUES Compare at 2 for 69c ONLY 2 for 55' KEMING Compare with , leading na- tional brand up to 95c. 100 ONLY • • tzv', a Top Volu Creamery Canada 1st Grade Westinghouse Budget LIGHT BULBS Compare with leading na- tional brand up to $1.50 Compare With leading na- tional brand-14 oz.-up to $1.19 REXALL DAN r 8 oz, ONLY. Cr of • M131 Antiseptic mouthwash 20 oz. ONLY 7 TEA11111-UP Clear Hairdressing for Men 41/2 oz. ONLY a Hairdressing and Conditioner Compare with leading na- tional brand •up to $1.19 REMOVER ' p Ballet (2-roll or 4-All pack) Assrd Colours. Bathroom Tissue ... 8i Rolls 88¢ AylmerFancy • GREEN PEAS • • 51z1.00 (Spew Pack/ Powdered„ • FAB Detergent ANACIN TABLETS LEMON JELLY ROLL Shirley Gay McCain's Fancy Frozen French Style • GREEN BEANS 5 14: 88* SAVE 10c-ASSORTED COLOURS 3, KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE 89xes $1 00 of 400 • AMIE IRK ill NM MI INN MIN .6)040,1‘r-`'"ieg* ••:•••• . PKG. OF 2 • BULBS • (25, 40, 60 or 100 watt) Hygrade WIENERS Top V4fu l ooleman'•Xpicure Sliced .... .. Vaet 43 SIDE BACON ,,vt,t,frawl,„1„„.2 ,0,;;Tzwirr.,....rmskitprz Corned Beef Rolls '111190 COOKED MEATS 740, Win a $100.00 SHOPPING SPREE easy to enter - nothing to buy Come in and fill out a coupon . ' for REXALL SHOPPERS' SWEEPSTAKES PHARMACY