HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-03-06, Page 10r
ing to .o.ne or even two , gifts, I
can't see another separate one,
unless you consider yourself a
special friend of the family,
21 Mormons were 41 Preposition
its first— 45 Prescilhed
24-Bit ' =Mutt
26 Chink! 45 Ireland
33 Visigoth: klag 45 Distress call
34 Short jacket 51 Hail!
36 TlIier 53 Nickel,
37 Seniors (symbol)
42 Level' 0 Army ,officer
43 Nostril (0.)
l7ItIfiMi I Ha, isicws-i
NH ' NEMO NMN191 , iglu
con UM
ROUn umom
vinmil orinp, oix.1 orammREIM MM MEM OMO Uld nmo HPIMEIWC.l mnmmpq aziximno moomum
eter- . id:134'5:41s,,3& years.. ago. He Was with M. John-
ston, Toront.sh-lfhere"-he receiv- - (By the. 01-ita4 Provincial ed his licensee After` being in Police) -
winghtall he came, to ,Brussels
In July, 1941 *ben.„119 over 12ear Sr;
the Walker hneineSS:-In 1937 if a young persen with 130
thin- after putelmaipg_the build-
Mr. and MI'S. ' a Ran are not
leaving Brussels, where they
have both been: ,active in Com-
munity a v- ffairs. They have mo
ed into the house formerlY oc-cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Meehan who have, moved to
Lucknow where .they, are in ,the
hardware businesS,
e moved t
Taxation officiati also pointed
out the widespread belief that
interest and dividends under
$10.00 do not have to be report-
ed is incorrect. All interest and
dividends are considered in • -
come and should be reported on
the income tax -form, whether
or not they,, were enough to
warrant receiving a Ts Slip.
The euchre party held in the
Odd Fellow's Hall on Wednes-
day- was well attended with 14
tables in' play.
Winners were:, ladies' most
games, Mrs. Alex Dennis; lone
hands, Mrs. Pat McGrath; con
solation, Mrs. Laura• lugs; .gents
most games, Harvey Dolmage;
lone hands, Alden Crich; conso-
lation, Charlie Eyre.
Name Euchre
the 'resent loss- day instruetien • permit, was
driving a car, hut the person eel
companying the young per6,0(
had his permit under suspen-
sion, would ;the young verso:LW
Bcencelie valid?
A. No, it weuld not be valid,
and the 'holder of the 120 day
instruction permit could -be-char-
ged under Section 22 (1) of, the
Regulations whiclistateS, "After
the 31st day of December, 1966
and subject to' subsection
person who except for lack of
instruction in operating a meter
vehicle, is otherwise qualified
to be issued a driver's licence
may apply for an instruction
permit, and thecPernlit may be
isued entitling the applicant,
while having the permit in his
immediate possession, to drives a
motor vehicle, other than a mot-
orcycle, upon a • highWay for a
period' of 120 days from the
date of issue and the person
shall be accompanied by a per-
son, who is the holder of a val-
id driver's licence other than a
driver's licence restricted to the
operation of a motorcycle, oc-
cupying the seat, beside him."
The owner could be charged un-
der Section 13 (1) of the High-
way Traffic Act which in part
states, "No person other than
one holding a chatfffeur's li-
cence shall operate or drive a
motor vehicle on a highway un-
less he holds an operator's li-
• sense issued: to him under this
section, and no person who is
the owner or in possession or
control of a motor vehicle shall
permit any person who is not
the holder of a chauffeur's or
operator's licence to operate or
drive the motor vehicle"
Farm Rep.
Information Slips
Recount Interest
A good "Joe" to li. now when it comes
to farm buildings
When you begin thinking of a:new farm building, you usually know fairly
well the. job you want done. But . then comes the question as tO what size
your building should be . . . what kind of construction, what it will cost.
Here's where IAN McLEAN, Of Monkton, can help,3fou best. With his ex-
perience and our engineering department's wide range of plans' and types
of construction methods from steel frame, pole frame, rigid frame and
arch rafter, you can be sure he'll arrive at the best building for the job......'.,
When you talk to IAN,,you'll find he talks your language, and understands •
what you want to get done . . . 'and why. He can show you erected Beaver
buildings, and supply connon sense factual information. He's a good man
to know.
For Further Information or Appointment Call
.or;aver Ei ngineered Farm Buildings Are Fitted to
Your Farming Needs !
43yolcarto Is
25 Gaelic
;:artirtirwil clo.ser
10 Clinddilltilkla
19 Egyptian stns
13 Expunger
7 Its essits144
emical altit
• holder
20 Shone
17 Measure of
30 Enervate
12 Lacked
5 Remove.
'Mach of thhi
7 Ice-cream
9 Anent
at, sorrow
state Is
28 Bound
29 Mixed tips
30 Thulium
31P 32 Behold!
33 Encourage
e slav
It contain
the tamed
39 Stagger
41 strips
47Paid notice
411 Legal matters
30 Steam sr Goddess of
54 This state Is
debits -
S7 Comes in -
`Wow, do I need help!
-)DEAR DORIS — Please send
me your chart for Curves. I am
now 30. I used to weigh 115
pounds, but with having one
child, three miscarriages, many
illnesses and much surgery I do
not even hit the 100-pound-
I am very disgusted with 'my-
self; so much so that I have no
ambition, although until this
past year had more than I knew
what to do with. I just sit and
brood most of the time; do not
even have the desire to go out
'or have .anyOne in. I try talking
to myself and vow each day will
be different but can't seem to
create any difference.
I'd like to know if these ex-
ercises would be harmful for
me to try, as in the last seven
months of 1968 I lost 50 percent
Of my stomach and had a disc
removed from my back.
My main concern is the bust,
which is now nil, and my thighs.
Still Hoping For Energy And
Not only excercise, but a good
body-building diet and a se-
rene outlook, are involved in
rounding, out the curves. The
chart goes into all this.
Give yourself time. And be-
fore doing a single bend, get
your doctor's blessing on the
suggested routines. It took more
than a- day or two to get into
this slump. It will take months
of faithful effort — in eating,
sleeping, stretching and positive
thinking — to get back your
DEAR DORIS I was engaged
for about tw.o weeks to this fel-
low when all of a sudden,
One night we got in a puar-
rel, He took the ring, and after
he took it he was sorry and"
wanted me to take it back.
1 want to take it back be-
cause I` love him so very much
and I know he loves me, too, be-
cause he told me so hundreds of
tithes, but I really don't think
we would get along very well
in married life together. Can you
help me in any way?
All Mixed Up inside
DEAR ALL .— Just by saying
Don't Do It. If your socalled love
won't stand married life, why
put a noose around your neck?
DEAR poms — I am a mem-
ber of a church choir. Our rect•
tor who also sings with us, hats="
lug a beautiful voiceV is leaving
shortly. We have supported him
faithfully and esteem him great-
My question Is, should I give
him a small going-away gift?
He will receive a' congrega-
tional gift, to which I will sub-
scribe; possibly also a gift from
the . choir.
I should mention that I am a
florist and thought of having a
small -arrangement sent to the
rectory at the parish he is to
move OS; at the time of his ar-
rival. This would be instead of
a' parting gift. What is your
opinion, please?
;• Cholster
the last idea best — with a
note inside wishing him well in
his new work,
Since you will be contribut;
Funeral. Service business, 14
Brussels, took possession on Sat-
lYfr, Watts,. whose home was at
Belleville, came to Brussels from
BrahtfOrd where he was ' asso-
. dated with the Hall and Rob-
inson .FVIeral Home for the
past five years.
Mr .and Mrs. Watts and their
five children, three girls and
two boys, have taken up resi-
dence in the D. A, Rann home.
which they also acquired when
they purchased •the business.
• D. A. Rann, a native of Wrox-
As many as 5,000,000 Cana-
dians are receiving T5 Informa-
tion Slips this year for the first
time, Department of National
Revenue, Taxation officials es-
timate. T5 Slips are, sent by
banks and other institutions to
people receiving $10.00 or more
in interest or dividends' during
the year. One of the questions
frequently raised by taxpayers
receiving these slips for the first
time is: "My wife and I have a
joint bank account. Who re-
ports the interest?"
In the 'case of a joint account
in which all the money was de-
posited from the husband's ear-
nings, or from money he gave
his wife, the interest must all
be reported by the husband.
However, should the money
in the account originate from
both the husband and wife,. the
interest could then be divided
between thud in the same pro-
portion as their contributions to
the account.
- where and travelling' in, a vet-
the instrtiCtion permit ter drive?.
or41434 .1..a121,401.19F1' NitPU•44%ttih4-44'red.r:
mit Was .going or coming some,
WS unable too drive or be in
it be lawful for the holder of
Or vehlele, and the- owner, who
the, front seat beside him, would
:41.4 heor .;et ik VIA licence
A. According to the law, the'
ansWer would he no: As' stated.
pievionsly,"the.holder of an in-
stroothin permit must- have a
Person Who has a valid driver's
licence-Occupying the seat -be-.
side -him. There are other
charges which' could be laid if
the reason . the holder of the
valid licence was Unable to
drive Nvas: due . to alcohol or
lowed to drive the car so they
not sit beside the driyer was
due to parcels Or other,objects
crowding the' driver.'
. . • - • .
Q. Dear Sir; •
If it was late at night anti the
driver and -owner of' a car was •
too much, wider the weather 'to
drive properly, but his..Wife was
there, whether she had a li-
cence or not, would She be al-
drugs; or if the reason he could
would reach their destination?
A. It wouldn'ton matter What
time of day or night it was nor
what the reason was, the law
hstiacu. ts e that you must have a val-
id licence to drive a motor ve-
Q.. Dear constable Tighe:
Do I require diitectional lights
on a trailer which I am build-
ing. to haul my snowmobile on?
WIdtb at
any viArt in enOstsi0r-..0q #0408 or bliVing4.140410:0*gestPf
feet •.-Shall
,.,mechanical or -electrical.Agnev ups devices that eon#ify:witb.
AltibseCtiOnS 4 and 5 of section
- .
Q, Dear Sir:
I notice that the4DePartMent
of Highways snewplo'vvs have
flashing blue lights operating
when plowing the highwayS and
I feel this is a wonderful thing.
I notice our town snowplow has
a blue flashing 'light; but they
never operate it• when plowing
the roads, Is there any taw col"-
ering the use. (4... these lights.
A. Yes, there is. Section 33,
Subsection 31 and 32 of the
Ilighway, Traffic Act states, "No'
persoa shall 'operate on a high-
way a motor vehicle or road-
building. machine''while being
used for, the removal of snow
from ,a highWay unless the mote•
or vehicle intermittent flashes
of blde light visible for. a dis-
tance of 500 feet." and "No per-
sou shall use a lamp that aut-
omatically produces -intermit-
tent flashes of blue light on a
motor vehicle or road-building
machine other than a motor veh-
icle or road-building machine
while being used for the remov-
al of snow from a highway."
"blue coal'
Champion Stove and
Furnace Oil -
.nceom,.vs P Pare e,
14:71;11).! this r17,- axalnteed ;fax
phow 014.113,r pir an
'Insurance . Agency
Phone Monkton 4474241
(Open to
Braids office, Phan.. 6S
Tuesday and .only)
Every week• 'more people die.
cover what mighty jobs" are
accomplished by, low- Cost Ex-
positor want ads. Dial• 527-0240.
la a,
'Office in 1VIaonie Block
Phone 527-1610
tat. flag
Our 'Farm Team' Is At Your Service From P lanning
to Completion
A. Section 33, Subsection 29 1,
Office 527-0150*— Res. 527-1053 'states, "Every motor vehicle or
combination of motor vehicle
Beaver Engineered Farm Buildings Are Fitted to
Your Farming Needs I
Good "Joes" to know when
it comes to- building
Ron Hern, Don and Reg Chamney are only three of the several gen-
eral contractors on the "APPROVED BUILDING CREWS" who assist
Beaver Lumber_ in the construction of their farnr buildings in„this
area. These men, working from Engineered Plans and under the gui-
dance 'of a Beaver Farm Rep.,. build direct from the building material
supplies of the Beaver Lumber Store. This team is always as
near as your phone. during construction and in the future , . . a re:
assurance of responsibility you' can count on from Beaver Lumber.
When it's time for you \to start thinking of a new farm building, why
not let our experts assist you ,. . . besides it makes you' part of the
RON 1-1
ant- Ads
ishorii‘it: 5,2740240,
WIN HMI 357-2581
L. UP 114 13