HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-03-06, Page 6114449N klo,o hocil i$o r Maintenance TURKEY (Continued from Page 1) mittee intends to "stick to its • guns" until the work is com- pleted to its satisfaction.. - Reeve Westcott said the.,up- per floor of the assessment building had been constructed '"for future county expansion" but that a tenant was being sought to occupy the space un- til it was required by the coun- ty...-The hoard of education had not reached its decision. by Fri- day's Session regarding the lo- cation of its offices, but the chairman's report noted that if the school board did nbt move into the county premises, an- other tenant would besought, About 40 applications for the position of curator of the Hur- on County •Museum will be dis- cussed soon. The overall mu- seum budget is estimated at $24,200 and was approved. A new caretaker, Martin Straughan, will begin, duties March 1. Use hp0Sitor Want-Ads- Phone ..527-0240 CORD ROSS and The LAMPLIGHTERS FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENING Beverage Room Snacks AT THE , : UEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORTH SUPPER Northside United Church Wed., Mar. 19th. at 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $1,75, Children, 12 years and under $1.00 pre-school children free • CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth 8:15 p.m. , Friday, Mar. 7th 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Games $75.00 Jackpot to go Two Door Prizes (Children -under 16 not) Permitted) ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 2.5c or 7 for $1.00. Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 • Royal Canadian Legion Proceeds for Welfare Work Mr. Nicholson reported that work on removing dead elms along township roads is con- tinuing, nineteen have been cut down with 120 more to be re- moved. Council approved payment of road accounts for $4,634.47. Council approved grants , to Salvation Army of $15.00, to Huron Plowmen's Associatioft of $25.00 and Huron Soil and Crop Improvement of $15.06. The Town of Seaforth in a 'letter regarding an Ontario Housing Corporation. survey for housing for older citizens .and for. families to be carried Out, asked •Tuckersmith to consider including Egmondville done- at the same time. The Connett agreed to-• co-operate with the-town in the Survey. The Minister of Finance, lien, B. J. Benson,, replying to raresa. intim 'which had been *lit bk Tuekersmith, eitpreitted- &hip . prove of ...amendments to • es- tate tas, .'explaitted ilia atrtend~ thentil in 'Council .O.Stirea.'; sett satisfaction. with the ainelide meats.' — • • Day, or Prayer PARK THEATRE COPERICH on the-square Phone 524-7811 ,MARCH MOVIE CALENDAR • . ;Thurs., Fri:, and Sat., Meech 6, 7 and 8 • "Werld Safari"' . Showtimes 7:30 and 9:15 , p.m. Sun., Mon., and. Tues., March 9,10 and 11 "Hot Minions" starring Peter Ustinov and Maggie Sunday showtirne' p.m. only,other evenings at 7:30-end 9:15 p.m. Wed. through Saturday, March 12 to-15 , "Boston Stranglir" . starring Tony, Curtis, showing at 7:30 and 9:20 p.m. Restricted to 18 years and alter; • Saturday Matinee lit 2:30 p,m. "The Sad Horse" and "Cow Dog" "Thunderbali" starring Sean Connery, showing at 7 p.m. only each nite "Fr0111 Russia With Love" with Sean tannery (Adult Enterteinment) showing at 9:15 only each nits. moor ••••••m. . Thera., Pd., and Sat.; March 20, 21, and 22 • The Beattles in "Yellow Submarine" showing 7:30 and 9:10 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 2:30 p.m. Sunday through ISiZlis7;e1—ay,Tiarch 23, 24, 25 and 26 Eric Soya's "17" a great Scandinavian film. Restricted to -10- Yeett and Over. Sunday showing at 8 pan. only;` Mon. to Wed:, 730 end 9:15 Thur.., Fri. And Sat, March 27, 28 end 29 'The Brotherhood $tat'tin'g Kirk Douglas (Adult Brithirteintrterek showing at 7:30 et)cl 9t15 p.tit ' Esturtity Matinee at "The True Story JesSeJameS Sunday thrOugh WeduesdaY, March 16 to March." 19. SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY presents "THE GRA...$ COMPANY" At SEAFORTH ARENA. SATURDAY, MARCH- 8th 9:00 — 12:00 DRESS — CASUAL ; ADMISSION $1.00' DINING & DANCING FRIDAY' & SATURDAY . MARCH' 7 & •8 FLOYD A .SILLET Winner of the Canadian,COuntry. and Western Music Champion- ship the last Two Years. Come Out And Enjoy Yourself PIZZA PATIO ' Restaurant and Tavern 350 Bayfield Road Goderich Sponsored by Branch 156 . ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION •t, Hullet council Accepts Tender - (Continued from Page 1) council were for general govern- ment (e sec u t ire) expenses, $81,100; the general government (administration) expenses, $67,- 700; and construction safety, $7,400. HuronvieW budget was ap- proved at $745.456 the county share being $78,900. In his report, Reeve Robert Lyons, chairman, of the Huronview com- mittee, noted that salaries and employment benefits now ac- count for $541,000 or over 70 percent of the total budget. • thentnstsoryv arbitration is thought to be upcoming .in the meitter of a waft settllenterst with' union employees at the home who would not agree to an offer made by the committee. A new roof for the 1954 addit- ion estimated to cost $11,000 has been ipeluded in the budget. . • lrt9gkr f t tIZ:1 ,tn tai t4tn$ of" Wonegs.InstitfiWiWaskPre,Char Char. '• les Mayo, Seaforth .who cussed "Present PSY.Educatlon .' under the headings, 1.1 Parent Factor,2. Education Factor and, 3. -Student Factor. Ite • was, in- troduced. and- -thank*It- by the president . MM. Vd Chappel. Mrs. Penelope Fell Verna Brooks were hostesses -. for the meeting which was held in the Township Hall on Wed- nesday afternoon. 18 members and 3 visitors answered the roil call "News item from another country!' • -Thank you notes were read , from Miss Brenda 'Kerslake who had received an tustitete cup and saucer for • completing_ 12 4-H Homemaking . prejeete and Mrs, George ViViart who had re- • ceived a plate with Perth County crest for completing '18 4-H Homemaking Profects. A denat. • ion was made to BunnY'Bfindle. Soine articles for the Northern Ontario bale were. handed In. Mrs. Glanville hatt, purchased the material for the quilts 'for the War Memorial Hospital, which are to be quilted at the March meeting. Plans were • made to sponsor a dice in the hall March 22nd' and a card_ party on' March 28 with Circle 3 in charge.,, Leaders training schools and Short' courses were discussed, but left for the March meeting, Mrs. Wilbur Glanville „ pre- sided for the programme Open- ing with a paper on the Motto,•• "World 'affairs . are our affairs." Mrs. Gordon Laing contributed ,.....accordian solo's while Mrs. Cede Bowman spoke • on. "Letter Friends". Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Viv- ian returned home . last. week from a three week trip to' the sunny south, Mr. Alec Miller is home again after undergoing surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Miss Edna Miller, London, vis- ited overt, the weekend with her • parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mil- ler. • Mrs.. Lloyd Miller visited Sun- day with her mother, Mrs. Rob-. ert Duncan at Huronview. Mrs. Violet • Quante, Brace- bridge, visited this past week with Mrs. Irene Quance. • T6141111:1 from, Page-1). Presently working on' the assessment building, be budget,, XF,.11nrden•predieted a note 4.VIvas understood that substantial increase. .He c adVoea !-• 'the' size et the parking lot was ted a system whereby the boarti 'tn. be doubled "at a cost to the would approve any capital -ex :‘• •C-rateD4YnrS" if the board lecat. • Peediture of $100 or more. 'There is a tremendous de- mand for audio-visual aids," he said and cautioned the board it was advisable to "look at the whole thing" before buying be- cause one single expenditure could lead to a series of expen- ditures in the future. Mr. Cochrane stressed the wisdom asking principals to "justify" their requests for eq- uipment. Exprdsing a fear that aprin- cipal thought the budget for his school included several thousand dollars for equipment Mr. Dun- lop suggested he might be in- clined to "spend every cent of it". John Henderson, Gordon Moir, Clarence McDonald and John Lavis have been appointed as a committee to deal with non- teaching employees following a letter from the custodians at CHSS regarding a wage review. In other business, the board agreed to invite a representat- ive of the Stratford District Home and School to the next meeting; and gave the direct- or authority to increase sec- ondary school staffs as recom7 mended by previous boards. OHA 'INTERMEDIATE 11" PLAY-OFF HOCKEY GROUP SEMI-FINALS DURHAM vs. SEAFORTH SUNDAY, MARCH 9 2:00 p.m. RIDAY, MARCH 14 so p* SEAPORgai ARENA AdiniiiishiliAdnIta SI^ chikkert under 12, 50c 200-' Witt 4414AMBS IN A BOST OP SIM111 SERIES Hullett council meeting Mon- day accepted the tender of George Radford Construction to crush, haul and spread on town- ship roads, 12,000 yards of gra- vel at 79 cents a yard._, James Neilans was appointed warble fly inspector. Tenders of James LeiShman for warble' fly sprayer at 12 cents ,a head and of . Murray Ross for powder. at $5.25 for 1.5 pound bags were accepted. The price for spray- ing cattle for warble fly was set at 18 cents a head sprayed and 50 cents per pound foe,pow- der. Council asknowledged receipt of advice from the CPR indica- ting an intention to close area stations including Blyth and Wingham and council agreed it would not oppose the move at this time. • Considering appointments, council ' named Bill 'Rogers to represent the township on the Blyth Recreational committee, Charles. Scanlon to MODA. and Clare Vincent to MODA 'ourist Council. Grants of $15 to. ger- Soil and Crop ,ImproveinenttAs- seciation and $100 to the }Blyth Agricultural Society weitkap- proved. A Drainage engineer He' II& erstadt, met with.council as- the 'report on the,. Veenstra drain was discussed with interested ratepayers, It was agreed to re- ler -the—report for further 'Con- sideration by the engineer. Council approved road ac- counts of" $4,274.62 and general accounts of $2,538.07. . Reeve Hugh Flynn presided News of , Woodham Miss Jacqueline Beckett, nurse-in-training at South Wat- erloo Memorial Hospital, Galt spent the weekend with her par= ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beckett and Geraldine. Mr. anti Mrs. David Wheeler were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Robert Corsaut and Ray of Birr. Miss. Jean Copeland took part in a trip sponsored by the St. Marys Horticultural Society to the Ilome Furniture and Flower Show at Cobo Hall, Detroit, Saturday." Terry and Wayne. Pringle of London visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland and girls. Mr. and Mrs. John Temlinsou and family were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jaques of Zion. Miss June King of London visited, last week with he par. ents, Rev. and Mrs. .1. C. g. at the meeting which was at. tended, by all members .of coun- cil. 0 IT Y •WILLIAM J. BRADY William J. Brady, -87, 'died in lluronview Monday following a short illness. 'He was born and educated in Toronto working there as a sale- sman until his retirement in 1955. He has resided in Seaforth - for the past two years. Mr.-Brady is survived by hiS wife, the .former Florence A. Burton and by one son, Dr. Paul L, Brady, Seaforth. He is also survived by 9 grandchildren and , 3 great grandchildren and by a sister, Mrs. Rita Carson, Toronto. He was a member of the United Church. Resting at 'the G. A.-Whitney Funeral Chapel • where services were held Wednesday, conduct- ed by Rev. J: Cliff 'Britton. Ire- t -rm,ent foMnwed Paviklarwin cemetery, Toronto, pallbearers being six grandsons; Bryan, Rob- ert, Bruce, • 'Steven, David and , Peter Brady. Dublin. institute— Dublin WI met at the home of Mrs. Ann Burchill, opening with Mrs, IL Britton, president in charge. • The roll call "Little known industries on our 'doorstep" was answered by 14 members and tared visitors. -Minutes were read by Mrs. T.. Butters in ab- ience of Mrs.. J. Statton, 4ecre- lary. Mrs. Ann tifirchill' read the treasurer's report which was adopted• on her motion and seconded by Mrs. C. Fried. Sunimary report on baking with yeast at the Coliseum in Stratford, by Mrs. T. Butters, with four members attending. Mrs. Charles Friend was pre- -sented with a gift to attend the 15th anniversary of the nurses' alumni of the -Toronto General Hospital to be ld later, Where the trained. gift was pre- sented by Mrs. .,Pethick. The •Tweedsinuir h story of 'the Lorne Aiken farm was given by Mrs. U. Aiken. which proved to be very interesting with all the changes" being made. Old and new pictures were shown to matte a donation of a prize to the•music festival, Mitchell, Ont, for the the one contestant, A letter was read by Mrs. T. But- ters for a, delegate to attend the conference to be held in Guelph in April, Mrs. J. Statton is the delegate. A layette of baby clothes and ' crib blankets to be sent to Northern Ontario was discussed and passed. A, letter was read on short courses on advanced dressmaking, hats, children's 'clothes, home fufnish- ings and was agreed upon to be held at a later date. Mrs; P.. Aikens convened the progrant on Canadian Industries. The March Meeting to be held at Mrs. J. Nagle's with Educa- tion as tee, topic. Courtesy re- Mario were given by Witt, R. Aikens. The , meeting thett ad. Wilted. A ,bake• tale was held Wwith Mrs. T. Butter and Mrs. J. Burehlll as auctioneers width proved very successful. Lunch Was Served by Mrs. C. Roney. and Mrs. H. Britton. - Red 'Cross Notes ited Cross will beldilit Oat. itAide TAW"' eit.Vrldhirilfar, 14thWeioot: TAO Meet- ing requested. Maio note ' date. CONSTANCE COF Euchre The COF held a euchre oft Friday evening with the fol- lowing winners: Women's high, Barbara Jewitt; low, Mrs. Wil- mer Howatt; lone hands, Doreen Dolmage. Men's' high, Douglas Riley; low, Jim Anderson; Ione. hands, Bob Dalton. There will be another euchre ' in two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Simon DYI, of Galt visited one day., recently with Mr. and MrS. Bert Haver- karnins 'and (Gamily., • Mr. Sam McIlwain of • Goder- ith M". Bob, MeIlvea!In of Raei- field visited.an Friday -with Mr. Mon. Georsne lVfeIliwa'n and Mary, Paul, and Kevin Crozier. Mrs. Irene • Grimoldby spent the past week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fleming, of Sea- forth. Mr, and. Mrs. Dougas Riley, Kim and, Greg spent the week end with his , parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank RHO!' Mr. and . Mrs. Jack Crozier and Brian of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crozier and Lori of Seaforth visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. George Mellwain and Mary, Kevin and Paul Crozier. Kevin and Paul returned home 'to Listowel with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ron McKay and family of Clinton visited on Sat- .urday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan spent the- weekend in Toronto. Sunday visitors with Mr.-and Mrs. John Wammes and family were Mr. and Mrs.' Case Warn- mes of Blenheim, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wammes of Bothwell, Mn'. and Mrs. Leo Sanders of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Marris Bos. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and Kerri, Mrs. Annie Medd visited on Sunday wth Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnston and Bruce of Grand Valley. Mr. and Mrs. George McIlwain Lynn and Steven of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Kingswell • of Clinton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Melt- wain and Mary. Miss Betty Hoggart of Lon- don spent the weekend with her parents, • Mr. and • Mrs. ,George floggart and Harvey. Fireside Group Has - Meeting The Fireside Group of First Church met in the church ball On Tfiesday evening and` were entertained by Dr, James Towne of Mitchell and a quartette of barbershop singers of Stratford. They were introduced by Har- old Coleman. Dr. Towne told how the barbershop singing came into being, it having been started in the Elizabethan days but was not continued until the 1850's when it caught on in the United States. - The four men sang such songs as "The Old Songs",,"Side by' Side", "Down Our Way", "Honey", "After Dark" and "Sleepy Town".- lie also- played the tape recorder for a number of songs. Bert Moggach pre- sided over the meeting and Mrs. Robert McMillan read the 92nd Psalm for the scripture lesson. Rev. D. 0. Fry led in prayer. Mrs. William Brown presided at the' piano, MM. Harold COleman read' a poem written by the late John Beattie. During' the busi- ness period, ways of spending the money they had made 'was discussted. Scott Cluff thanked the quartette and Dr. Towne for coming to Seaforth and giv- ing us such a good program. A cup of coffee and lunch was ser- ved:..,00.4.00010 .00 1 fteirtemberL/Lt4es but .a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad :,attit be money in pocket. T464Vertise, jest Dial gia.forth 1$214,124. withwii0.00!ektio!Plommia0040.00.0%..010000...0.1.‘00 St. join* Bore4n, .„ 4 bltc Church, where an interdenominational' World's Day -of. Prayer Service will be held Friday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. Sister Anne of St. Patrick's Pariph,_Duhlin, will be the aPeaker.. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot spent the weekend with their daughter Mrs. G. Adan and fam- ily of Kitchener. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Elliott Layton is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Smith, Bluevale were' guests of Mrs. H. Berry, Sunday. Mrs. Wallace. Jackson visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Angus Belmont last week, Mrs. Harvey Taylor returned hen-W. Vole a trip to, Florida on the weekend. -Mr. Gregor McGregor is a pat- ient in London Hospital having surgery on his eye. Itrucefield firemen' were call- ed on Saturday night to a barn fire at the home of Adrian Tim- merman, Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson have returned from a two weeks vacation in Florida. Huron (Continued from Page 1) McIntosh Was instructed to ad, • vertise for a warble fly inspec- tor — applications to be receiv- ed before council holds a spet- lid Meeting on March 18. „. .A complaint from Warden Haney regarding water laying on drain is to be investigated by road superintendent Allan Nich- olson. ' Council received a letter from J. W, Britnell, Huron engineer, with a copy of regulations out- lining. hours and wages for em- ployees in road building Indus- try, especially with regard to holidays and overtime. A letter was reeeived from the Depart:mut of National De- fence asking for legal survey plans on the road to be built on perimeter of Canadian Forces Base at .Clinton, Burns Ross, surveyor, has sent these plans to Ottawa; Council gave approval to the react. ,-superintendent., to -attend a scool St the 'University of Guelph for a three „die 'Course forroad SUperintendanto, kr the Ontario . Good Rotate Assiitis. tion,. • ed there, -Merphy suggested it was attet to separate -school rate- -04MS to rent accommodation ti)4t1 to enter into a capital ex- penditure and chairman Levis anted there were indications that county council would be Phased out before county school :boards. 41Vhere would that leave this 'board if we were located in a county building?" he asked. Even if regional government was upon us in five years, the saving would still have amount ed to about $25,000 during the interval, Mr. Elliott contended. Following the vote in favor - of Clinton the board decided to consult Page and Steele archi- tects regarding sketch plans and - working drawings for the reno- vations. Mr. Cochrane was instructed to prepare a report concerning the office furnishings he and his staff will require and the office furniture which is now unused throughout• the county school system. In his report, business admin- istrator Roy. Dunlop requested the board to hire an assistant for him. He claimed the work- load was sufficient to warrant this addition to the staff. Named. To Hospital In the Eadiee and-gscnitv ROO POI411.01.P4.04Si PEARL 01)10 lianimond Qrs0 FRIDAY AND SATUSAY I" Refreshments HARDTIM-ES LEGION HALL Saturday, March 22nd 9:30 p.m. $3,00 • Per Couple I V