HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-02-27, Page 7SFAFORTH MONVIVIENT WORKS A11 Types of • CEMETERY MEMORIALS - OPEN DAILY Tif PRYDE' 8- SON Inquiries are Wilted Telephone ISIOrolierfn EXETER 2350620 CLINTON 4824421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willie Dundee CONCRETE SILOS FUNERAL WILLIAM JAMES McLEAN William James ,McLeen pissed away Monday, Pelbruary 3rd, in 'Henderson, General Hospital, Mount Heanilton He was the son of the late Mr. end Mrs- James B. McLean of KIPPetra Survivors infellude his wife the former Zeta Pearl, Fasemome of two daughters, Mrs. Lewis (Geraldine) Wilbur, Mrs. Floyd (Betty) Rock and one son, William James, all of Hemiltora; two brothers Fe nine, Toronto,' and' Clarence, Londone two slis- tens, Maw. Dorothy Geddes, Owen Sound' and' Miss Rose Marion, Exeter, and four gxemichildren. Funeral senvtee was held at ..Mount Hamilton United Church, Thitrsdiay with Rev. E..j. Kersey officiating • Interment it ,too le Place iar 01'6 White Chapel Memoir- Gatc11, Rrainailten. • Somebody Wants What You Don't 'Need ! SELL 71hrough kuron Expositor Classified Want Ads ' energy food for todays boys St girls Order Today Winchelsea • •R • Mrs. Geolfge ,Frayneh Of Sun- shine Line visited on Saturday with Mrs. Wm. Walter. Mrs. John Coward visited in Kirkton on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hannock and at- tended the euchre at night. Mr. and Mix. Lorne Elford of Elimville North I/dotted on Sun- day' evening With Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters. The Elirnville Womein.'e stitute held their meeting on Wednesday . with their dessert first. Mrs. McLellan showed pic- tures of Africa, There were 24 members present. • Mr. Wib Coward of. London visited on Wednesday with his mother, Mrs. John Coward. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pattersen, Leslie and Linda of -Lucan ited on Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. George- Frayne and also called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mr. Danny Walters attended the Tuckey Banquet on Satur- day evening in Lucan and spent the weekend with Mr. Bill Brock in Exeter. Mr. and grs. Lloyd Webber of Elimville visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hutton, Dennik and Dianne visited in Moncton on Sunday with Mr. and IVIrt. Rueben Pehlke. Miss Kathy Here of Clinton, Gary of Dashwood and Brian of Stratford spent the weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs-. Phil Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole of Byron visited on Saturday -even- ing with Mr. and Mrs, Freeman Horne.. For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE JOHN A. CARDNO‘:, Insgrance Agendy• Phone ..52Y4/490 t &Worth Office Wee* OpPesito Soforilt,14,10tois efelearrealaftwermarearetririe0100.10180.1000e0 ZION Mr. and fMrs. Jack Malcolm, Mai. and Mrs. Frank Pinder and Mee and MM. Bert Tubb were the guests of Mir. and Mae. Char- les Roney. • - Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Perrin, • • Mitchell visited his' sieter, Maw. RenaeFacey and atcrwatt on Tees- Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper called! on Mrs Glenn PePPer and Me, and .Mrs. Boss Pepper and family recently. Mr. Laity Barker, Landon, • speat theweek end with his ---entsMreatnet Mrs. Lawrence el leer and Wendy.' Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell _called at thee Lindsay -Funeral Hoene, St..1Viams ta see the late Alekander Criago 'who passed • away on Wednesday. • The visiting ladies, (Rm. Ross. Peproeir and Mrs. Russell Roney from Unit 64orf the UCW Called on the shut.ins on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker, Mr. end lefts.. Lawrence. Barkee speet Sunday With their sister, Mr. and ..Mrs. Alvin Williams, Burford. - Mk:" and Mrs. ,Ramen Bush- field relented lila- .beother, Mr. Charles Busilifield in London hospitah Mr. Charles Roney is attend- ing meetings in Toronto for the nett two days. Mr. Larry Bather and stisDer Wendy spent a few hours ski!. Ing in London Sunday afternoon: Me. and Mrs, Geelegie Mitchell . and family wetne dormer guests of Mr. 'and Mee elifif 'Docking , and Walter Friday night. Mins. Beta Wright returned te her Mine •Onelph atter uPeOdhig !three web. with Mr. and . Jack ' 'Sundt*" ViVitkico *kb Mc, and EMS. eltek Ihrreltithf. Weide Mtg. Hate Hocking, Afifteltalk . Candle. ernalidni; Jalek •Gloot and •,krift Mt and Mrs. Wadkind, NtrOdk and '•Petriela nitrate won Wino for the weekend. „. CARS- 1988 Ford Galaxie 500, double power. 1968 Pontiac Parisienne 2-door hardtop, • double power. •:2-1968 Pontiac Laurentlans, one 8, -one 8, P.S., A.T. 1908 Chev. Belaire ,6-cyl., A.T., P.S. ;„...„1968 Chev. Impala, 4-door, A.T. .• 1967 Dodge 600 PA, P.B., 8-Cyl. 2 — 1967 Pontiac Laurentians, 6 and 8-cyl. 2-1967 Perisiennei, 1 luirdtOP, 1 sedan. 2-190 Ford dalaste 500s, 2-door hardtops, fully -equipped. • 1967 Ford Ctistom Sedan, PO. ancly,11,, 1967 Beaumont 4-deorAeditai tt,-8 `auto.; • 4:door hardtop, 4 075.1.510,40.40:41.••0051101. ineplher? answered the roll call. A collection Was taken to go toward$ purchasing blankets for The WVt9p Unit lieet- wg for February was held in the elmeh• !PRIMO with Mrs, .Sheldiee opening with a Mine. Ernsutt,P000._ Mr. ollid-Mirs, nowt Truviss and 11fr. and.!M RAY Altethee have Damped hive PM giAr .91V910*--- - The • scripture. lessen from • • n • • In an iigie4 ft; 100Ultif *11*.d. 61001 Wonl#,R0 organd.zntioR,i4 tine girl** Vatte0 'OliOren megOnig. o f Ue.ladi ithe•pon- 0;100049P Wats Hay'„ A. II; Daiypard,.preFallect• and opOiledi••••the meeting WO OnaYer. *The faIROwing were elected: PireSide114 Vern .1-kaniiille6i; 141 vieed#107.4 emit, Mr0, liOusi;04010/4, 2nd Vioo- presidenp„.. LloYd Barleeir, seorutury, wi51..=p1.14 Nil' as. sista* secretary, MOO. ° Flee. Murray Chrietie, Mrs. 1.1are4 POthielr• and Mrs. Leslie Millet Were 013Paltteell as a 'corn. mititii* * - naaninaitie ° ether of- fiCR.M. It *as (*WA. gin...baffid meet14100 on -the Stegener- reonles- day of each Month. • ' AU cptr.9 C,PrO.heS.i-SOPOIS; gifeidt4it cOVerake;•: 611110, P321401 VAtef 60.110:,* flU0:1 014gotlk etc.3 ;Y. OW '411441.019* AGENTS: JSmes •Keyt, .11K peaforth; V.,' J. Lan,e- , •Seaforth; Leipe tTr , Londesboro; SeiwYD•Bakefl"BrUsitag. Oar*/ &vireo, Clinfri,,,Oeorge Coyne, Dtiblin;: Donald' ft Exton,. Seaforth•,::' '"gse"'":1*Ithr-*"'' 1140Kjillop 04 the ii""4 'k"" Luke 1-10 was followed The Afelcillop UCW Unit met Mrs- Wet*? )311041,4foolt re e. prayer hy Mrs; Arthur Heard, Wednesday .afternoon at the turned home after Vending two to your Faith" was Tead by Mrs. with fourteen ladies present. '''''''''41.41"1.Vm aWrit snd Abs. Sam- Sasking atoCuwila: :skater' a:d An article entitled "According home of Mrs. Laverne Godkin Sholdice, also a poem" I know toiSE4 Norman Schade presided ewain and ouel Lava at ther relatives, not what the future bath". Mrs. for Devation0. Mrs. Graham Sholdiee return- Heard gave a, reading on "Hum- Mrs. Gordon, MeGavin read a ed haute from ,eeteoreo crewed ility", poem and led, in Prayer. Hospital last Friday:. very interesting topic on "Hong Mrs. Leonard Leeming gave a forlArtte ribuonsialnessd Doepneniiisingprwesiltdheda lamsomeer. ancilspeotletta Ntewormandsonlet Kong" and "Lotus" taken from poem. The roll call was answer- may with ma,. and Mai Geraddi • the new study book on China. ed by "Why we like the winter wililiamson at CoilfgagW004. In opening she offered prayer time". Reports were read also Mi. •and Mrs. Stewet meeteR and read a suitable, poem. thank you cards. The World Day land Mr. and Mns. Jack Trydivas Hong Kong is the most visited of Prayer was announced for' have returned from a water OUP Pa*rthePae4fitandrtiniginis March to Oalifoonia. sight seers. An influx of a mil- lion and a half refugees would WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 45n 0•••••••••••"••••••••••• Nor !eo the ultimate shoppers and • Plans were made to cater to the.banquet for the Boy Scouts in the rlurcit March 10. 1968 TAX5.010tELTU ARIVOLD STINNISSEN GROUP • LIFE - ACCIDENT and SICKNESS • MAJOR MEDICAL PENSIONS. • .ANWITIIIIS Representing• , .„ Company - Homey Cealig gave--- in Prepared in your ovirn home Write to STAFFA ENTERPRISES 108 Brampton Road, London, Ontario, or Call 439-8566 FOR APPOINTMENT WEEKENDS ONLY timeipeds.., more the streets. On February 12th. Mrs A. Daiyatan11. and 14* Relsis McPhail presided for -We Chia- Meeting of the United .Church Women held in the family Life Centre. The neeeting aPetteed with ai hymn followed by the .scripte ure lessenetaiken from .ThIeleelele. ion Chester 4 Euritli read by Mira . • ow. A reading "Shelf Space" was e....gillyeni›./..11A's. A __IL.Daynardefele.. . loWled by piano solo by Mlle. Robert McCaughey. • Discussion groupie were formed to discuss ways and means of planning meetings' to make them both in- • eiting and interesting for the cos ing •yean Maw. Ross IllePhoil gave a needling fOliowed by ratite ine business with the President WANT ADS BRIATo,QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Miss Vera Hatinhiete, In charge Seeetnall "thank yore" notes were " read. The roil call was answee-• ed 1Sy the paying of fees The meeting closed! 'with Hy- mn '557 followed by the Ilyz- path Benediction. Lunch • was served by the hostesses, Mrs. John Hocking, Mrs.. Walter Increase 'your, milk production and beef_cattle . by O'Brien and 'Russell building a concrete silo for high, moisture corn, `hay or en- The• reanainder of the day was _Spent quilting, Geavildine Templeman, Linda and . Reedy. Moore were among the Mitchell „High School stud- ents whO attended the Music Festival in Toronto :on Friday. Alec Miller is a patient in St Joseph Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman and family 'visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, Huatain, Tease/aster. The February, meeting of thi6 17th ,and Boundary. was held at the home of Mre. Bilartin Bean Mrs, tennis closed the Meet- with thinbeen members piesent. create a serious. problem. for any country as the tiny colony ing with prayer. Mrs. Bennett opened with Lunch was served by Mrs. Call to Worship. • of Hong Kong. More than half John Burch, Mrs. Wm. Roe, Mrs. The scripture , evading was the population• live in the most overcrowded spot on earth in a Don Dennis and the hostess,• taken from Mid Corinthians Chapter 5 verses 1-7. Mrs, Bem- city that cannot expand territor- jelly. Thousands live in hovels, Euchre Winners neAt 'heal offered prayed'. ---Eueetheee -e-tereetninge etiople" "rv- T i's an ever present enemy. been to CulelieSal." Other read- ings, "TAP to the Moon?., `.7by a UCW?" and if ankeele wale given by Mos, Craig and Mrs. Bennett leaving money thoughts to think' about. Mrs. Baan •opened the busin- ess, session with a, poem, "Tho Christians 'job. Repoinne of 'the diffiewent committeies e given. It was decided to help with. Sewing of pyjants for the Childreni's Aid. The collection was received and dedicated. An exchange of Valentines was en- joyed. The 'meeting closed with the I:Benediction and the 'hostesses , Served lunch. .0410 • SEAFORTH • spamsored. by the Walton Wom- eill'S Institute was held last dlay evening in thie ,Community Hall 'with .' the fallowing coin- inittee in charge. lefrs. James Axtenenn, Mrs. Laverne Godkin, etre. Edward Godkin, Mrs. David Watson.. . Prize winners included:' Lad- ies mrs. Jaimes Clark; lad- ies . Mrs. Edward Miller. Gents high, Mr. Wm,. J. Leam- ing; gents low, Keith Clatrlo4 Lucky chair, Mr. Jack 'Simpson. Birthday neareet Valentines Day Keith Clank. Sun We Assurance of Canada TELEPHONE 527-04 117 GODERICH ST. EAST ' "Latins'" was a young gall who was taken into a missionary family and from the wife she learned about Lord Jesus. , Mrs. Allan McCall, vice- pres- ident opened the business port- ion with a reading entitled "School Children in Hon g Kong." The roll -call was answer- ed by., naming who you had vis- 'ited last in hospital or shut-ins. Mrs. Pen ,Aglille....enVe the •see-retarys 'report and read two thank you notes., M. W. C. Hackwell reported that three quilts had been quil- ted It was 'agreed $12.00 be charged for each quilt from • now on in place of moo. It was decided to. send a card to men in the Unit when in Hos- pital also members sick at home Mrs. Nelson Marks was appoint. e ed to look after the.oending_ste cards end Mre. Douglas Eirnis to' send bow of fruit to members in hospital. •Mrs. , • Alexander Gulutzen • and Mrs. John Mc- , Ewing were appointed . leaders for the Copper Contest. Rev. Le- Drew of Brussels, will be guest spealoer of the World Day of Prayer March 7. Mini. Mac Sholdiee read this tneasurer's report and received -the offering which was deducet- ed by Mrs. McCall. The familial bazaar will be held. III 16 with a committee to be appointed later. ' The meetinig closed with pray- er. Lunch was served by Mrs. Ernest 'Stevens, Mrs. Torrance Dunclas and Mrs, Dendld Achill Overseas relief. Lunch was ser- ved by the hostesS. Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastimei Weekly Briefs , e committee for February 28th Euchre Party will Include: Mrs. Ralph 'Tray*, Mrs. %lax Glintren, MAL Margaret Hump- Mns. William Hump. ries and Mns. Illorrance DundaS. Me March meet:kg. of the Walton' Women's Institute will be held:refbruary 20th with the Resolutions committee, r Hubert Williamson and Mrs, Al- lan McCall in charge. Colored slides 'of the Harwell:an Islands will be Shown . during the eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs: Allan McColl and Beverly attendedi the funeral of Mrs. J. IL Wilkie aCLOnelon last Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs, Robert Stevens . and family of London visited oven the weekend with Mr. and. , . • News of Silage. DO YOU NEED ANOTHER SILO? ,NOTICE — For Co-oP InsUrance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 — John St. SEAFORT.H, Complete Coverage for: • Auto and Track • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Salami • Huron Co-op Medicil Services • • Wind Insurance Pace your order now for erection.in. time for this year's crpp. WES. HUGILL and SON CONTRACTORS Phone 236-4928. • Zurich Read' the AdvertiseMents -- It's a Profitable Pastime! 11 Your Ontario Hospital Insurance would like to hear from you (before it's too late) Let us prepare Your Income Tax Forms for you this year Reasonable rates and guaranteed service Phone early for an - app.ointment Ronnenberg Insurance Agency Phone 'Monkton 347-2241 (Open daily Monday to Saturday) Brussels OffiCe Phone 65 (Open Tuesday and Friday only) t ..0445540-4044.50^55, • Call 5276-0240 IF IT'S NEWS IF ANYONE HAS • Health insurance Registration Board, 2195 Yonge Street, Toronto 7. Serving Ontririo!s Health Insurance Plans. When you turn 21 you are no longer covered by your parents Hospital • s Insurance. `You must take out individual membership within 30 days. Get your ap- plication form at a bank, pr a hospital, or from H.I.R.B. When you have a new address notify your group. If you don't belong to a group, write H.I.R.B. When you are newly wed. the "family" Hospital . •Insurance premium must be paid to cover husband and wife, Ifyou belong ttfi a group notify your group without delay or if you both pay premiums direct, notify H.I.R.B. When you move to s =new job you can keep insured by fol- lowing the instruc- dons on the Hospital Insurance "Certifi- cate of Payment 4. Form 104" /hat your mesent employer is required to give you on leaving. 0 0 MAPLE. LEA-F- .7 DAIRY Ph9ne 527-0810 • Seaforth Dairy PrOducts are available at GERALD'S SUpERTEST STATION Sundays, Holiday,s, Everyday — Maple Leaf •noomennuawalr 8th, 16th UCW February meeting of the 8th and 16th UCW Unit was held of the home of Mrs: Jan Van Vliet Thursday afternoon, February 13. Mrs. Clarence Martin opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Martin read the scripture "Pick Up Your Own" Mathew 16:21, 24:28. The topic "The Battle of the Bible" and Dreams and Dreamers was taken by Mrs. George McCall: The regular Col- lection was received, Mrs. Douglas ' Fraser was in charge of the business part of the meeting, The minutes were read by the secretary and eleven • • • • 41, • r • • • • . • • 0 STATION WAGONS— ^ , 1966 Chev. Bel-Air, V-8, P.S., auto. 25 to choose from — 25 Pontiacs, Chevs., Fords and. Dodges from 1963 to 1966, in hardtops and sedans, most with power. , TRUCKS.— ./ 3-.4967 GMt 3/4 -Ton, oust= .cab, 6 auto'. 1967 Chev. %-Ton, standard 1967 Ford 1-Ton, auto.. 1967 'Ford 3/a Ton Pick-up, standard- — 1967 Ford 1-Ton with duals 1984 Chev. 1-Ton Stake with duals VANS- 1966 Ford Econoline Super Van. • • • • • . been fired • • . made good • • -: returned home • • . sold his farm • • . I3een sick • • . received an award died, been born married absconded had a fire been promoted "Since 1860, Serving the Commurdti ?int" suArpitni, ONTARIO, CANAVA BRUSSELS — ONtARIO MaNE 173-1h* Honte Of ,:llOthir Wed Cate, ,0130.111/4RY Anbrarnrahledre. •