HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-02-27, Page 5but when the:molt* mop. some children w eventually be le, dekedeet in movement and
speech, thetime „Old cost net •
important. It 'is most important -
to know that every Easter Seal
Out will be of benefit to a crip-
Support the local Easter Seal
service club's. crippled children's
appeal by sending a generous
their physical Meal:414MP, or
have made such great tgappre-
ment that they have carried.on"
a normal exigence. The PUblie's
support to the:Easter Seal"cam-
paign has made Additional ser-
vices and expansion of activities
possible so that the Society,
through its field offices, is
tiunally reaching out to help
Children who have a physical
disability and need 'assistance.
Rehabilitation for crippled
children can very often he a
lengthy and expensive program,
MRS ii50:10,00144.RY 1).401010 4;4'4
•,-109140%11*i`etriek t00..1044..144444:.rorti*
OC13474;,,,1540.$ • Aro;
POStiO.rWAt,T4en.deteon.gen,•:. lieedelAdreg...,441bWimeeti
tirak.gOapitAVItangltoth• .atter.'w grand...1_0400;W: ..tWO.
-$0.afortbi Welt, .001114 *
ary Patrick was the .claugh• and ene deter, Rena, '0040411.
ter of the. late Mr. and Mrs. One son, Willian‘ Predeceased
Donald MacKenzie and was . her in 1080.
born and edneated in Seaforth, Mrs. Patrick was a -member
'She spent. most of her' life in of Egmon.dville United Church.
'iltic,kertanith bnt her later years The body rested at the R. S.
were spent in ,linmilton. and •. Box funeral home where the
Toronto. ' ' service . was 'conducted, by the . Her husband predeceased Rev. Douglas Steven, Monday at
in 1955. She was the dear moth- 2 p.m.
er of Neil, Stouffville; Donald,The pallbearers were 'James
Phoenix,. Arizona; Robert and
Donald,. The
Mervin Lane, Earl, ,'Mae-
John of Tuckersmith: two Naughton, Robert Archibald,:
- Robert Tyndall and Arthur Wal-
lace. Flowerbearers Were her
Remembers It 'takes but a four 'grandsons, Kenneth Pat-•
moment to- place . an Expositor rick, Stouffville; Kenneth Westa-
Want Ad and be money in way, Sudbury; Paul and Rabble.
pocket. Te advertise, just Dial -Patrick, Seaforth, Temporary
-Seaforth 527-0240. entombment was in the Pioneer
Memorial Mausoleum, Seaforth.
.00.-100.9 -'Easter'''Seale,:tbnV n Rill continue signify scale: befit
are P-0.114 ,;Preparett ifOr the X00.-Sevelv. his-
mailing to xwiiiY22,0*0* ow 0;7 of thA'Onterin. 'Siaelety for
trio homes. . Crippled . Children. and :t,lta'as.•
gaster Seals is one of - social:on with,
,gest. voluntary- projects under, -there bave.‘'been -110,10044.er.t town; in Ontario..hr the.; interest children' who have ,..0Vere.Or f,- ee
of children. In•=0 cities, towns
and Villages,- members 2f Easter
Seal service clubs such as - Ro-
tary,• Lions, Kiwanis, Kinsmen
and others will see that appeal•
letter's and Seals are -sent to all
residents. in their community,
inviting their contribution,s to
-help boys and girls who have a
This year the Easter Seal
campaign must,raise at least
$1,500,000 ,to gurantee that the
care-and treatment needed by
more than 14,000 crippled child- '
• ,ptwen•-Sound'detechmeht
of„the 04terloi.PrOvine101olice.'
teeerefik CerPOrel
mar '‘retireMent
from the-fOrce. and Snell
at a „dinner held:recently,.
at the Canadian. Lemon *IWO
Seund,- About 100 trier* were
PreSent, . , S •
. CorPeral-Sitell mitt his wife
recently returned to occupy
their residence in SeafejIhr.,
was with the Owen Senn& pi*.
ice detaclunent about four years.
A former Seaforth chief of 'pol-
ice Cpl. Snell served with the
OPP in .Seaforth and Glide/10h
before being transferred to
Owen Sound,:
The presentation of a bench
saw was made to Corporal Snell
by Seargent-Major C. N, Ander-
spa of the Mount Forest detach-
ment. lie was presented with
his retirement badge - by chief
superintendent, R. Taylor of To-
ronto. A bouquet of flowers was
presented to Mrs. Snell by Mrs.
Among those from this area
who attended the event were
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon IVIeGarvist,
Walton, Mt. and Mrs. Allen Ad-
dison, Clinton, Mr. ant .Mrs.
News of
Rebekahs. Meet
Edelwiess Rebekah Lodge met
Monday evening with tbe noble
grand, Mrs. Gordan Papple, pre-
siding when March 31st was
set for a supper and social eve-
ning to commemorate the 150th
anniversary of -the founding of
Ocidfellowship in North Ameri-
A carload of members have
been asked to a meeting of
Morning Star Lodge, Brussels,
on. March 11th, when a travel-
ling Bible is to be 'presented.
March 28th at, Clinton is the
date of a public speaking com-
petition when a student will be
selected to take part in the Un-
ited Nations pilgrimage for
Members are invited to at-
tend, and take part in a meet-
ing of Morning Star Lodge,
when Mrs. Marion Wilkie of
Owen Sound, Rebekah Assem-
, bly president, will visit there
Donations were made to the
president's project, a new
piano for the Rebekah and Odd-
fellows Home at Barrie and to
Bunny Bundle for Crippled
. Mrs, James Rose won the
mystery prize.
Staffa: W. -1-..spOris.esOtt:
t A'Pro, _e •
Vighr0 party ,an
Township .flail elfrrx):40Y. evens
leg with .14 tallies. -in play;
Circle 2 was 01 aOrgP: 04110
eYerdeg..With prizes . awarded to:
ladies high; • M r a Le On a r d •
Strong, Seaforth; 15.15iies-
MrS, Spencer jeffreyi... 'SOUK
gents' high, Mr. Jim Sinclair,
Seaforth; gents low, gra-
don Scott, Cromarty; lone bands,
Mr. Jack' Dearing, •Sta.ffel. near•
est birthday, Mr. JiM Sinclair,
Seaforth; lucky chair, Mr. Lloyd •
Cameron, Staffa.
Miss Joanne Warden, Water.
loo' University; Visited tbil pest
week' with her father,' Mr. At,..
vin Worden and Bill. -
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris flew
to Winnipeg 'on FridaY....Owing •
to the Sudden, ;death .of
Norris sister, Mrs. Mike Cha- • bola, Winnipeg Manitoba.
Bob Templeman, University
;Of Guelph, visited over the week
end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Templeman and fam-
• -
Hibbert township donation to
the"March of Dimes” this year •
was 231.65 an increase over
• David Kemp, a teacher on
Broughton Islands, North West
Territories, is attending 'a weeks
conference at Montreal and flew .
home Saturday evening to spend
Sunday with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Kemp and El- .
Mr. and Mrs. Toin Scott,
.Cremarty and. Mr. and Mrs. John .
Templeman attended the Thur-
sday session of Farmers Week at
Guelph University. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan and
Faye, Kirkton and Mr. Barry
Oliver; St. Marys visited Sunday,
with Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Mil; •
ler and 'family. •
Mr. 'and Mrs. Wm. Bierling
of Dastrwood visaed en Wed-
nesday with Mr. and Mrs Doug
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle of
Exeter visited on (tVlondlay even-
ing With Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wal-
Mrs. John Coward, Mrs. Phil
Here, Mrs. Tom, Carmpirell vis-
ited sru Exeter on; Monday even-
ing with Mrs, Newton Clark.
Mrs. Wilbert Glanville of Staif-
fa visited on Monday with Mr. apa I. Wm. Walters. .s
Mr. and Mirs, Barry SPa-TWthig,
Mrs. Irene-Ford of London visit-
ed on Tuesday -with-Mr. and Mrs.
Freeman Heron.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hera were
guests on Saturday evening
...with, Mr. and Mrs. lirarald 'Rowe
of Thames, Road. •
neeecolly,, .
W,..e .
011.04.1 few-43*-Visl#113.0. .*11.41:
Mr and C.IYf,est ,V4AP.44 Van -4er Maims, Pe%41 'ark end ''.114argie ne 9alsVilla .004 .oglith W. ure,.41eba Whyte,. Jetirm, Amy
dreasOand Xerri of OSItewa,
M. Dill Dale ate. l/Ir.9. Stew-
art Date "Vietted..with-Mrs. J: L.
Ben of Seaforth last Wednesday
on the occasion, of her birtilnloy.
Mr. and aVirs: John., Mann oil
Godeatieh visited on Thursday
with Mrs. Irene Grimoldby.
''r. and Mrs. Charles Hart, of
Gosieriels Mr. and 'MM. George
Hart of Brussels visited'on Sat-
urday evening -with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Buchanan and, fam4Y-
Mr. and Mrs. Art Haverkamps
and family of Gaderieh spent
Sunday with. Mi. and -lVles. Bert
Haverloanaps and family.
Mr, and Mns. Toms Riley Mr-,
and Mrs. Ern Ellwood of Clin-
ton visited on Friday evening
with Mr. and Mors. Frank Riley.
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Snell of
.Blyth, Mr. Wayne Hoed of Dub-
lin. were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dale, Kathy
and Cheryl.
Mr. and 'Mo. Jim Preszeator,
Billy and Debbie, Mr. and Mns.
David Prestcator and Christine,.
Miss Betty' Konarski of BlYth
visited' on Monday , evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcaboas
Linda Dianne and Nancy, on the
occasion -of Nancy's bilthday.
Mr. and' Mrs. Ross Millson,
Sheryl, David, Patricia and Dan
in of Woodstock visited' over the
weekend with Mr, and Mrs.
Minoan, Valerie , and 'Billy.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dedrick
and family of Simcoe, Mrs. Paul
McMaster, Clairol :and Mark of
of London spent the weekend
with lVfr. and Mrs, George Hog-
gant and family.
Mr.. and Mrs. Don Buchanan
.alltentled the •55th' wedding 'an,
nwersary of Mr. and, Mrs. • Will-
fred Buchanan of Merton on
Seturdlav evening.
Mn. and Mrs; Ralph' Glew of -
DorolvesSer spent the weekend
with Mrs. Elma Jewitt, Brian
and Bev, Mrs. Annie Leitch.'
Misses Mart and Nancy. Buch-
anan of Brampton spent the
weekend with their parents Mr,
and Mrs, ' Don Buchanan and
First Church
WMS Meets
First Church WMS met in the
We are ready to help you
with your • requirerrients for —
Centennial room of the church
when Mrs. Jack ThompsOn pre-
sided in the absence of the pre-
sident Mrs. Jas. Keys. Miss Jen-
nie Hogg offered prayer.
The 110•11, call was answered
with 22,, beingpresent.
'suitor was read from the
Leprosy Mission expressing
thanks for stamps.
Miss Jean Scott, Carolyn
Thompson and.Mrs. Van Rooiien
will look after the programme
at Seaforth Manor. It was an-
nounced theWarld's Day of
Prayer w01 be held March 7 at
The St.' James Roman Catholic
Miss Jean Scott gave the trea-
surer's report and received the
offering A poem the year 1000
Valentine was read by Mrs. Jack
Thompson. •
Mrs. Harold Agar was .in char-
ge 'of . the devotional part arid
.read a poem on' "Progress"
The Scripture lesson taken
from St. Istke the 15th chapter
was read. by Mrs: Van Roo:jen
and explained by Mns. Agar,
The Study Book "The 'New
Acts of Mission" the .second part.
enaled. "Living" was taken by
Mrs. Sam, McClure and Mrs. As-
sn. A reading was given by 1%m.
Sam 1VicClune, "Its in Our POW,
Mddei 21J86
Suggested list price 195.00 ,
Mrs. rtaahael Ahrens is Siserel-
ing a few' daps in Burlingtee
with Mr. and Mrs, Donald Ah-
rens and
A basket of flowers was plac-
ed , -in St. Peter's Lutheran
Church 'on Sunday from the
funeral of Mr.. James Sidwell.
Mr. Sidwell was the' grandfather
of Mrs. Carl Welt,
Mr. and -Mans. Les Wietersen,
Bornholm, visited on Sunday
with Mrs. August Hillehrecht.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sc herb-
arth and family spent Sunday
with Mri, and Stns. Fred Jackson:
in Stratford,'
Mr. Peter Biemers, underwent
surgery at the Stratford Gener-
al HospStal ,on Monday.
Mrs and Mrs, Joe Smith, Sea-
forth visited Friday with Mr.
VcIll ism D'e ,
Mrs. I lasisa, F3etternsan re-
turned tO her ,horne here in
Broditagon, best Thursday.
13 Cu. Foot ,
No Frost
Model 130t-81.1T
Suggested list prle,405.00
News o
• I
tatiqtwry and printir*
for.._: _.very purpcige
Of free Furniture
Ncy Office supplies
Filing Cabinets .
0 Continuous Forms
0 Counter Check Bdoks•
Adding Machines
0 Ruled Formg. •
0 Ledger Sheets
Loose Leaf Binders:
A dishwasher can save you, a
lot of daily work and is more
hygienic. (washes your dishes in
140 degree wafer).
Model 31J71
Suggested list price 214.00
is t
2 Pre-Spring $ Price
le a
Phone 5271,0240 Seaforth
Guild Meets
St. Mary's Guild met at the
home of Mrs. Charles Friend
With seven members present.
The scripture lesson, the med-
itations and prayers were read
by Mrs. Fred Guilfoyle.
Mrs. Roy Burchill read the
minutes and correspondence and
`gave the financial report.
An invitation was extended to
the Guild from St. James Church
Seaforth to join with them in
the World Day of Prayer Ser-
. vice on Friday, March the 7th.
The penny-a-day collection •
was taken and an auction Sae
was planned for the next meet-
MS:S. Friend read an article
froth the Moron Church News
on, the meaning • of Lent:
MrsAmithieloted the meeting
with proof.
RANK KLING LTD. sEA,0„,.. PHONE 527-1320
;Mott,.' Snell,
Mr. and s.'
of God