The Huron Expositor, 1969-02-13, Page 6wrowarrolipm, 'It's Happening February 16th, 1969 1 p.m. TO, 11 p.m. DOn't be a "Hollywood Square" or "The Outsider" and be "Under "''Attack" join the "Good Guys", and go "One Step Beyond". ',The Name Of The Game" is SEAFORTH SKATE-A-THON Be one of "Hogan's Heroes" and "Telescope" the earnings for the Scout Hall into a "Bonanza". Make it "The Dating Game" and bring your girl friend — We'd 'even like to see some "Mothers-in- Law" there. The "Man With A Suitcase" will be there with prizes for the youngest, oldest and longest, skaters! Help "My Three Sons" make this SKATE-A-THON a real success. Our own "Gal- loping Gourmet",will be there ivith refreshments. You may have "Twenty Million Questions" — if so call: 527-0883, or 527-1890. 1 Sponsors pay for each minute on the ice. So the more spon- sors you get the more money you make for the geout Hall. The Scout Hall is for the use of Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, Brownies, Guides and Rangers SO EVERYONE BENEFITS I - Prizes for the youngest, oldest and longest skaters. So make this .a real family affair. • PICK UP YOUR PLEDGE CARDS NOW AT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS' WHO KINDLY SPONSOR THIS AD: • Commercial Hotel Tyndell's Barber Shop Walden and Eirciadfoot Bill Hart, Oil and Coal Pitmlgeres 'Place Fret* Kling Limited The Huron Expositor Larone's Stationery Stewart Bros. Teylor Shoes ' Irvin's .Hardware . hulleeMeiters Whitney, Ournthore- Vincent • FOrtiri :Machine-1y B(l.Macaulay Ltd. Hildebrand Paint 'an& Paper Toronto-Dominion Bank Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce nowcisffe,(Notors,, Seaforth Afore Don Eaton1 insurance IGA Jain, A. Canino, Insurance Read th,e Advertisements — It's it Profitable Pastime! • WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 - aturday, February 15th The filuetones' Come Out And Enjoy Yourself - PIZZA PATIO • 3 one-act comedy plays FEBRUARY 15,1969 at 8:30 shdrp orth.- District High School TOWN HALL, SEAFORTH FRIDAY, FEB. 14th DRESS — CASUAL "ORGAN GRINDERS GARDEN" At SEAFORTH ARENA FEBRUARY 15th. 1969. Huron County Junior Farmers' Restaurant and Tavern ' 350 Hayfield Road et 130 p.m. to receive and adopt Directors' and Audi- tor's Reports, general business, and elec- tion of three Directors. The retiring .dir- eetitrs are It. Archibald, A. Broadfoot and W.: R. Pepper, all of whom are eligible or r:e-election. MI Members are invited to be present - 418$1 ,MARGAggr Seeretwei Established 1876" NOTIMia hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Policyholders of the Com- pany will he held in the DRAMA FESTIVAL 'Admission 75c ..ebruary eviset Edition ADMISSION $1.00 aiogaftrooramarrPeoom...wao.•io• niinued Inara Page 1.) • A*, recordsthat ear , Angie-American venture, Men said the Canadians elt- preSsedt their gratitude for his contributions with ?dignified -congerdaliie-Leferrin8-10-111M-- as "Our pod friend Dic/r Noon, who was there." In 1017-18 Fort Worth's plane was the Curtiss JN-4, affect- ionately called. the "flying Jen- ny," and Pot Luck Supper. in St. Columban Hall Mo Feb. 17th p.m. Good prizes, Admission $1,00 Sponsored by the Catholic Women's League Friday, Feb. '14th their experimental station- on „any legal difficulties but. didn't Crombie Street to the town think there was anything to '- . sewer. The request had come '' worry about: 8:30 p.m.' forward late last year and in lieporting for the protection Ladies Please Bring -Lunch the meantime had been consid- to persons and property commit- Everyone Welcome Admission 50c ered by the dept. of health, the tee -Court; Dinsmore said two . health unit, planning board and meetings had been held with the ,„... _..,_ ,,,.....„....... OWRC. None of the groups had police association to discuss objections providing not more salaries. ....t than 100 gallons of fluid enter While conditions of work were, the system a day and that use iuitable a salary schedule equal RECEPTION -of the beunitlAil 'be confinedto to that. of ZinvLhuam wmaesanbeiling. EUCHRE PARTY C.O.F. Hall, Constance • Walton Community nail Ken Wilbee's Orchestra 'Ladies Please Bring 'Lunch _ Texas 'Monument Hector Hays of Windsor is shown -examining a list of names on a monument at Fort Worth, Texas erected in mem- Ory of . Canadian flyers killed during the First World War white in training there. Included is the name of his brother, Stanley Hays. FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENING SNACKS: Sauerkraut and Pigtails AT THE QUEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORTH Seaforth Figure Skating Club presents its 19th Winter Carnival •THE COUSINS FOUR, -under the direction of Mr. Bruce Brady FEATURING LOCAL TALENT Outside Skater and Sectional competitors as well as by members of the Inter"-Club Skating . Group SEAFORTH ARENA • EUCHRE TOWN AIDS SCOUT PROGRAM Valentine ICENNICKS- - • • Mr. and Mrs. James Keys of • McKlittop left Friday to, .spend some tinte RD. Florida. Mrs. Peter Barman 'visit- -lug her-three danglititAks-inVoine Itreai for a week or two. Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Pryos, Jar-. vis Street spent the week- end in kitehener with 'Mr. end Mrs. Alvin Pryee and family and attended the Pryte•-Rullnian Mr. and Mats. Ivan Forsythe and Mrs. Harvey Moore left last week for Florida where they will spend several weeks. Mr. Garnet Stockwell' of Lon- don ensued entriends on Sethi,- Mns. Robert Campbell of Eg- mondvgle had the misfortune to fall and break her .collar 'bone. ADMISSION - Adults $1.00 Students, Children 50 cents Noon was a .4kget.. of Jennies and as he,..c.le4Cribes. if, the life of a rigger was truly a case of • ',with- • oklr- cadets, did 4.4eip level ground '.he§t tcitImk.ttlli the.: -• un- dercarriage, shoe "'absorbers, lower -WinSs-*.laeol.S.:..04 rons;" $4,4 WOO; '1 444: .0900 (Continued flout Page 1) . fered with their other activities. , Council agreed to allow Top- notch Feeds Limited to conhect . • cadets were the lucky ones who female, working 4P;),' had Crashed .once over •lightly flies was dangerous business, but not wiped ' said Noon. Nat,,IPAIX-VetePileta it was the job, Of Noon" and killed in crashes '''hnt• engine, men and riggers On the ground died as well. "We lost more -men to..pro.- pollers on the ground than pa; Ots-," said Noon. lie 4plained that many of the smaller .were sucked into the propellers by the • comigession when • the pilots Were revving op ti*.en., en- glues. But, if there was labor and danger, there was also love In- ynived .Noon's relationship . Jenny,- He spoke 'with admiration of her performance_ in flight- "The Jennie's construction kept 'up with The spectacular 'fi,.44.'acrehatits being ' oped daily aetual aerial war- -fare by the-TreneheBritish, -0er- man and later American aces." "And it was a thrilling ex- perience," he said, .to see our wing/nen gradually develop 'skills in flying, from the grace-' ful. Immelmans of Captain Castle to the barrel rolls, falling leafs, loops and nose dives." - The Capt. 'Castle he referred to was the famous "dancer turn- ed flyer, Vernon Castle, A con- temporary, of Noon's at Camp Taliferro, Castle was killed in a LOCAL BRIEFS • ,should be. a limit to the num- ber of sows involved • in the building. Mayor Sills agreed and said he was not aware of his :c6b0 to; et q, crashed plane 44-agX ati":with the Jo:4i possihig delay.; This .often necessitated §peodft. whole nights ,freld' and, tnoong ne eded repairs ,..ighLon,the... spot where the plane had APii0 over. , • , And like .44104 '-r.vith ATI WINCHELSEA I Mrs. -Wro. Walters returned' to her, hot* in Winchelsea' after .being ,a patient in .$otith-lauron Hospital,. Egeter;.fortWo weeks. CASH BINGO, Legion Hall, Seaforth 8:15 p.m., . Friday, Feb. 14th 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Games $75.00 Jackpot to go - - Two Door Prizes (Children under 16 not) permitted) ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25e or 7 for $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 • Royal Canadian Legion Proceeds for Welfare Work crash iii early- 1918. , Nee ,4-14 now PrOtidUtrof the yJerribo Castle; Memorial Assoc- intl a group of Weald War 1: ex7fliers,, Carswell Alt -PM Base--personnel flying" enth - tags and Castle fans in gunOrst "The Vernon Castle Memor- ial Is my dream come true," said Noon, • Prior to the -erection 9f a monument, the association had held Annual memorial services at ,C .stbeet sign i Benbrook named after the famed, flyer. There Is here in. Greenwood Cernetery„. anether monument to the lesh renowned RFC offi- ters and men who died. it Stands imported British soil. Noon compared the co-opera-tion and generhSity of all those who contributed to the establish- ment et the memorials to that orlginaLTexas hospitality which broti hi him • back to Fort Worth'to live 50 years ago. EUCHRE In I.O.O.F. Hall Thurs., Feb. 13th 845 pm. Special Door Prize Admission '50c' Lunch Served Everyone Welcome Valentine Read the Advertirements --, It's a Profitabto Pastinte! ;,'..,,................-......,.......-,--,r...,...o-,...-..........r 1 In 'lb. LOAN? andE"5ts' RàmEno PE: , Organ * Vhs44*.nit with AR/4414o , FRIPAY. AND 5ATO:10*Y Members of Lodges, Councils and Service Clubs in the area, are invited to attend BiOTIIERHOOD Admission 7'5c Lunch served 'Sponsored by Dublin Continuation School ' VALENTINE 4n. 0 • it" 4 V Coon. Bert Moggich suggesi- For Mr. and Mrspkailes Little edintroduction of added bacter- (nee Marie Scott) in into the sewer could be help- Friday, Feb. 21st M. He felt however,, there • creases from $4,400 to $5,580. The chief had requested an in- crease from $5,500 to $1,500. A 'request to consider an addition- al man for days' Off had been refused by the committee. Meetings are to Continue. Coun. R. S. MacDonald, chair- man 'of the public Works com- mittee said adjustments had been made in rates paid town street' employees "effective jan.. 1.. The foreman is increased to $2.10 per hour and ether rates , increased to $1.85 and $1.80. - Referring- to, the. work done by the crew during recent storms Mr. MacDonald" said he continued to receive comments from people who . said' Seaforth streets were the, best in the area as far, as snow removal wag': conierned. , Reeve Flannery suggested the, committee consider having Oth- er members of the staff become familiar with the grader so that if necessary it could be operat- ed continuously, . Former Reeve Carl, Dalton was appointed to represent the town on the Maitland, 'Valley. Conservation Authority. He is chairman of 'public relations for the 'AMA. Mayor Sills enquired why the Hayfield River ValleY was not attached to 'one of the authori- ties and it was agreed to, make enquiries-. • Other appointments included to Seafonth. Commtmity Ilaspital Board, 'Rev. D. 0. Fry; to Sea- forth Planning Board,' L. T. Habkirk for three years, Reeve J. F. Flannery and Coun. L F. Ford; to Seafoith Recreational Council, Conti. . Betty Canino, itolSert , Wilson, Harry Vett; . '' Mayor . Frank Sills, Deputy- Reeve Winner Cuthill, Miss MitrYanne Weiler, John Simla-. men, 'Dr. Maurice Clugston, Mar- lon Vincent-and Coun: -William Pinder. As the meeting concluded Mayor Sills drew attention to the increase in rabi "s and sug- gested a clinic sho d be held in Seaforth. •He d he had been informed that decisions concerning clinics were taken In Goderich following on a re- quest. McKillop Fire , (0,ontinued from Page 1) To father reduce the risk neighbors organized a bee, and drew burning and smoldering hay and straw away from the building area. About' 20 men -leaded wagons .which tractors pulled to the field. Seaforth firemen stayed at the scene ,until after midnight but left two members Joe Nigh and Peter Kling to watch for. further . outbreakt. They . went off duty nt 5:20 Tuesday. Mrs. Eckert said Wednesday no decision had been made con- cerning rebuilding, although it was expected • alternative ac- • ceminodation Wilt be netessetry. She said there would be a short- age Of straw and hay. '24-HOOr Sep-rice .-.743tobitiistor bite s'Otist for $6,d6rt '11614440,-thelobby alleividriht-npen h6nria eontrietnting 'Men- day V,htlarli 14.•••••-• NIGHT SEAFORTH - LEGION HALL Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 830 p.m. iherp Guest Speaker Frazer Earle National Program Director of the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews • Added program, social and lunch will follow Sponsored by Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion JacieEisier - President Secretary VALENTINE'S -- DANCE BRUSSELS LEGION HALL Friday, Feb. 14th Music by Desjardine's Orchestra Restricted to 21 years and over Sponsored by Brussels -Bowling . 'League.