HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-01-30, Page 8• DUBLIN • Mary Anne 'O'Rourke .daught- er ' of Min. and Mrs. . William - O'Rourke, 'Dublin obtained the highest mark Grade 1 Theory from 'Parente ConServatery of ...Music in the- Stratford Centre: . St. 'Mary.-S Guild met at the home - of Mrs. Fred Guilfoy, with Mrs. Wm. - Smith the idea in chagre. Mrs. Roy Burchill opened the meeting with a reading entitl- ed, "Worth the Price." Mrs. Charles Friend read the Script- ure and the meditations and prayers, from, the Study. Book, , "The Upper Rocan'.' Minutes 'and the financial re- port were "read by Mrs. • Roy Burchila Thank you notes' were r ead) Lrom Mme. E. Kellar and Miss • JUdith Friend. Mrs. Wan. Smith was re-elect- ed president and Mrs. Roy Bur- chiLl as Secretary- 'treasurer: Mrs. Smith closed the meeting with prayer. • • BURN S. CLEAN ER No Smoke, No' Odour • HEATING OIL Walden & Broadfoot 527-1224 - Seaforth 11' To The Town of Seaforth, The Seaforth Police Department, Seaforth . Agricultural Society, All Those Merchants, BuSinessmen and. Companies Who Contributed Prize Money and , Merchandise, As Well As The Many Spectators and Contestants Who Faithfully Supported Our Winter Carnival. Also A Special Thank You To Everyone Who "Helped At The Track, In The 'Booths An At' The Gates. , • • a a.r-Var,. SE. FORTH./ 01.11X4 .AN: 30,, 1969 ;Ws'. Alwer Deb atia>at: Banner Gena14; „. POI*. ' ono ton Office Ili ,Metsohto Block b Main Street Phone 527-1610 r Seaforth , ^ Delrigeztt4 as boa ilk St, jam* 9147.9 rr 2.01uWier; Road Mainte Tbit wiPpers' Wee 104404 alitk Xxs: 'Amphur D6YealalUr If4Hflume2M WOWC-9U nmm EMMNO SWIM WOMUM ONO MN • MO =EM0, ..gF1WOW F.0 " flM .00-4 w G 964 i41 um Oelia H9ME1 MOW MUM ininEion mom gIMIOMD WO 0 0001 ME,q1c0W t2GIS '4 isaum • $DePliiadigthe--41tallan,rIver.._„ 4 Month (04: $11 Ufitabut 'I Sharp 8 reace Portal • 9. pronoun 10 Mince 31 Reviser 12 Sea nymph.4,.. 22 whue 25 Rainbow 26. Observe 27Entice 28 Imitated 3.3 It borders on ,t the - sea • • 569.75 fin* 5110W-7-Vparbn---t-e-imProw-g. throughout 1968. S--11000-1140%. M TM*iatlealeY; commissioner, Mold members-of coupty council Meet ing in Gpdp*h Wednesday that a staff of 15 figRiPie assessors 34 Waken 44.1l1ghWaY 36 Large city45 Great Lake this county 48 South 37 Sacred cantatas 41 Excoriate 42 Cured meats 43 Psyche part. 4* its largest liver I.A.,10erritinS 134648e whisper 1$1sTrgadve Word 36Told 44,004 tab.) 39 Priental plant 20 Pia .41 Pianmist - er (Pr.) 2.2Es g.3.1)Ipthong •• 24 Ireland =Animal fat, 20 Artificial language 301ligher 31That thing 32 Anent . 33 Foundation 35 Esau's litter name 33 MeasurenE area • 39 Accomplish 40 Ship's record 42 Engage/ 47 Fondle 48 River in Portugal 40 Worship 50 Vnie 51 Mohammedan religion ' SS Lightest 55 Prehistoric weapons 50 Argues VERTICAL 3 River in Europe 47 Writer ot Poetry 52.Near 54 Medico! ;OW eansolition Miss Mary Margaret Kelly; Mew' b10, Mn 1Winirt Watson; lona bands, Mn, 1-10.M7 Mac; consolation iivre Gordon and three full.-4me clerical wor- Noba• kers would be required 'when the assessment ()Mee is at fsa strength in the spring, The road committee of %iron County Council reported at Thursday's Session it had man- aged .to stay within its esti- mated budget for 1968 even though maintenance coats were unusually high. Estimate for winter ,road care for 1968 was $115,000 when in fact actual costs were about' $28,000 over that figure. Coun- ty engineer James Britnell blamed severe snow storms in the latter part of December fog much of the increase. The county spelit $12,934.30 on snow fence; $71,889.90 for salting and sanding; and $58,- Huron' Makes Appointments The following are the county appointees to the five county hospitals for 1969: Beecher Menzies, Clinton Pub- lic Hospital; J. B. Fisher, Wing- ham Hospital; John Lorigstaff, Seaforth Community Hospital; Glenn Fisher; South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter;' and John Scheaf- fel-, Alexandra General and Marine Hospital, Goderich. IRVIN'S 1 DOMINION HARDWARE Presently - then are 11 asses- sors on staff including. two sup- ervisors, wo grade four asses sors, two grade three assessors and five grade: twe assessors. One more grade two or grade three assessor and two 'trainees will be sought in the Spring. 'Equipment purchased 'to date amounts to about $4,000 or one- quarter of the ,estimated for equipment, Furnishings and • filing cabinet partitions will run another $12,000 it is expect. ,ed, Actual cost on the 'new as- sessment building , itself was re- ported to be $134,378. Assessment commissioner `:Hall praised council for theilMe facilities, provided and noted the new building was as ade- quate as any in the province. - - "You have given us the tools," he said,, "now it Is up to us to do the job." • Statistics for one .municipali- ty have been completed with less than one percent error in the new key-punch system, It is hoped the assessment staff will be ready for IBM compila- tion of facts and figures by ear- ly Febrile*, well ahead of schedule. .5 C la . *. .. Is IS , kit ks ... it, . .. a is' All iliM111111 . 4 an iii i1111111111 41 ii . . . . illiall ,0 0 .... I. i. . :... . SY -E1 11105:. SATURDAY,, ciSpay..eto • cowl sys- tem and mentioned 11 -1:0..... q.4,- ler the Timber of new modern bridges which ' had replaced "the old iron, cages that used to let the horses thpu0"). Total road -budget preseiged for subsidy 'was $1,378,2$.1.4 WTrden James Hayter, 1968 road chairrnap, received coun- cil's approval for an animal boost of $1,500 to Engineer Britnell's salary, now $49,000. Warden Hayter said, "%vette just keeping Jim (Britnell) in line with other engineers with his experience and qualifica- tions." Considerable discussion was heafd concerning new regula- tions In the Employment Stan- dards Act by which snow re- moval crews are not thin the meaning of "mainte ance" in • the Act-and thereb must be paid. time and a half for over- time. Council approved a 1969 road committee recommendation to petition • the minister of labor and the director of employment standards to allow employees carrying out these maintenance procedures to come with the meang of "maintenance" .and there r,w become exempt from i the n regulation regarding overtime. Mr. Britnell explained that aside from the fact that road crews had never mentioned dis- atisfactjon with the present ar- rangement, if the new regula-- lions were enforced it might be- come necessary for the county read employees to work short- er hours iS" the fine weather to compensate for the overtime expenses in the poorer weather. It was the county's policy through the &ears, he added, to' ensure road' crews of a full week's pay every week. He said he felt the new regulations were designed to cover work- men who were' being exploited by tmployers. . Mr. Britnell told ceuncil he was proud of the county snow crew who often 'worked. long •hours without complaint . dur- ing a storm. He cempared the cost in the county of about $340 per two-lane mile for winter road maintenance to the.depart- menf of highway's -budget of about $2,800 per two-lane mile. He said while many residents in the county expected the same service on county roads as on provinical highways it was im- possible to provide with One- third the snow crew, one-half -the equipment and about one- sevenths of the budget as com- pared- to the -provincial highway snow clearing. • A very wet summer raised the cost of weed and brush, cutting and spraying from the estimat- ed cost of $35,004 to an actual expenditure of $52,501.35. Total road construction cost to the county during- 1968 was $467,471.25 and total-bridge con- struction amounted to $135,- 23322, both figures well with- in the estimated budgets. (At the inaugural session of council Tuesday, Judge R. S. Hetherington' had praised the county officials for their efforts ON OUR RED TAG SPECIALS Grey Council Meets Name Committees -t• OFFICE SU.PPL,IES' THE HURON EXPOSITOR 4 Phone 527-0240 Seaforth IRVIN'S 'blue • coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Office e27-0150 :- Res. 527-1053 0 DOMINION HARDWARE PHONE 527-1160 SEAFORTH ARNOLD STINNISS EN GROUP - LIFE - ACCIDENT and SICKNESS • MAJOR MEDICAL PENSIONS ANNUITIES . Representing , Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada • Call, 527-0249 IF irS-NEW IF ANYONE .HAS , ...died • . been born . . . married . . . absconded . . had-a fire, ▪ been promoted ate • CONTRACT . MALTING BARLEY TELEPHONE 527-0410 117 GODERI CH ST. EAST:- SEAFORTH te0-- 44. CONQUEST ,VARIETY Order NOW -,-i- Supplies Limited . . . been fired . . . made good . returned home . . sold his farm • . been sick • . received an .award Fertilizer Supplied • duals who have already signed petitiOns for the construction of Municipal Drains under the sin- cere belief that the total assis: tance available would be two- thirds of the total cost of the drain Therefore, e request that the one-third grant- contributed by ARDA funds be continued on those drains that were petition- ed, accepterand referred to an' Engineer for examination and report, prior to January 1, 1969. -That St. John Ambulance be given• a grant of $10.00 and the Salvation Army be given a grant of $50.00. -That the hourly pay for the maintainer operators be in- creased from $1.90 per hour to $2.00 'per ,hour effective Janu- ary 1st, 1969. -That 'the hourly pay of the . Road Superintendent 'be in- creased from $1.65 per hour to $1.75 per hour 'effectiVe Janu- ary 1st, 1969, The following accounts were paid: Ont. Good Roads. Assoc., meinbeithip fee, $15:00; Ont: Assoc. of Rural_ Municipalities, membership fee, 15.00; Assoc. of Ont. Mors and Reeves, membership kfee, 20.00; Salva- tion Army,,grant, 50.00; St. John Ambulnce, giant, 10.00; Municipal World Ltd., subscrip- tions and supplies, 71.42; Ont., apportionments of fines, 148.91; CPR, installation of pipe; 'Uhler Drain, 429.1Q; Crawford, Shep- herd and Mill, 1968 account, 50,00; Wilbur E. Turnbull, col- lector, balance salary z and ex- change, 65.00; Ont. Hydro, Molesworth, street lights, 23,13; County of Huron, tax collec- tion charges, 333.3:2 and 1968 leafy spurge account, 265.82; Ross Engel, -fox bounty, 2:00;. BP .Canada Ltd., furnace oil, of- fice, 18.45; Lothar Weber, of- fice supplies, 2.02; Jim Dobson, garbage collection Ethel Village 20.00; Brussels, nursing home account, 57.43: Geo. Mutter, stove oil, welfare, 31.00; wel- fare, December,. 331.02; Robt. L. Cunningham, gasoline, fire truck, 5.40; Gordon Ehgel, gas- oline,„fire,truck, 2.00; Canadian Tire, gaSoline cans, fire dept., 3.76; Elwood McTaggart, main- tenance fire dept., Nov. 'and 'Dec., 18.00; firement, change- over to new truck, -2100; roads and bridges, 6,599.73; total, $8,608.51. The inaugural meeting of the Grey Township Council was held on January 13th, 1969 when all, members were present. Reeye Charles Thomas and Councillors Lawson, Ward, Mel- ville Lamont, George Wesen- berg and Donald Martin took the oath of, office before the, clerk. Ex-Reeve Clifford -R. Dunbar was present and spoke to Coun- cil and. expressed his good wishes for the -coming years. Reeve Charles Thomas, in his inaugural address, welcomed I- • •, • REEVE .CitAkLES THOMAS the two new members of -Coun- cil, George•Wesenberg and Don- ald Martin. Committees were appointed as follows: Roads and bridges, Law- son Ward, Donald-Martin and Earl . Bowes; drainage, Melville -Lamont ,and George Wesenberg; property, George Wesenberg and . Melville Lamont; fire depart- ment, Donald Martin, Lawson Ward and Robert Cunningham: Resolutions adopted included: -That Clifford R. Dunbar -be appointed as a member of the Seaforth Community Hospital Board and be paid mileage at the rate of 10c per mile. -That Reeve Charles Thomas be ejapointed representative to the. Maitland Valley Conserva- tion Authority. -That Donald Martin and Ken- , neth Bray be appointed to the Brussels, Morris and Grey Rec- reational Committee for the year 1969. -That Melville Lamont be ap- pointed Trench Inspector under . The Trench Excavators' Protec- tion Act. -That George Pearson and Chester Earl be appointed as members of the Mount Pleasant Cemetery Board for a three-year term. -That the Ethel Community Centre Board be appointed as follows: Alex Pearson, Bruce -Speiran and John Conley from. Ethel; Mrs. George Pearson and Mrs. Thomas .McFarlane from Ethel Women's Institute; and Charles Thomas and Melville Lamont representing Grey - Township Council. -That Lawson Ward and Don- ald Martin be 'appointed to the Craiibrook Community -Centre-- Board representing Grey Town- &WI', Connell. -That Reeve Charles Thomas be appointed Welfare Adminis- trator for the Township of Grey. -That membership fees be paid to the 'Ontario Good Roads As- sociation, $15.00; `'the Ontario Association. of Rural Municipali- ties, $15.00 and the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves; • $20.00. - • Protest Change In Aid Whereas we .have -been ad- .. vised by the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, under - date of December; 20, 1968, that the one4bird grant Presently be- ' ing paid by ,.AltDA on drains constructed under the Drainage Act of . Ontario, will .be discos- tinted after Anuary 1,„ 1968; And whereas we feel that this action hi unjust to those indivi- 0. COOK BROS. MILLING Co. Ltd.. t. "Since 1860, Serving the Community First , " SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, CANADA r Phone 262-2605 , Hensall •daaa.••••••••..••••••••-•• JAN UARY' CLEARANCE SALE! Outstanding Values on Many Items in the Store ! 1.0(Y9 --- 20% DISCOUNT During Our January Clearance Sale on ALL SEASONABLE LINES ARONE' Seitepth's 5e to $1A0 Store Stationery - Gifts suArbitim, t.r THE OPTIMIST CLUB OF SEAFORTH -••••••r• EXTENDS A SINCERE •