HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-01-30, Page 3Press . . ;Villa, ' 03• $ ,;ettaiir0thint . ,rtaineolberr. It- talfO'S..f 71?Ot „moment to plaee 'all Prposi WAnt".:/0 .14P, d; ;be 'money. ponicet:.-.'.To:..ndVertag.-,.-,ju04-.1)101y. Po'l?.ili:.027.,;(i ' ,lames" League ' Teo standings; r anitastiesl, 85; Gomm•Hawks, WI; Oddballs, 56; Tiger Cain, 50; Lucky Stailte4, 41 9Psdieil"'Ll'el9high' 3•pitill el& and triple, Jeanninie McCue, 254 and, 716. Men's high single, jaelt. Unger- ian, ,311; high triple, Gond le, 748. *1:006 MARKET*. Thursday, Friday and Satur Red Rose Fresh Ground COFFEE 1-1b. bag Duncan Hines Deluxe Assorted CAKE MIXES s • • -2 lge. pkgs. 7' Pelsey — White or Colored BATHROOM TISSUE • 3 2-roll pkgs. 7 Colgate_ Giant Size •Tins AJAX CLEANSER , Stokeley's Fancy Quality TOMATO JUICE • • • • 3 Ige. 48-oz. tins $1 Stoney Point Canada Choice - Country Club League Team standings: Twisters, •62., Half and Half, 50; Lucky Strik- es, 44; Pin- Pickers, 39; Rebels, 35; Combines, 22. Ladies' high single and triple, Martha _Yam Geffen, 273 and 69a. Men's high single and triple, -GOrd Noble, 327 and 799. Offkers -for' Watson,4 son, Bert McClure and Janie W Sr. (rear) Morley Storey, D. Sills, Jack Eisler, J. C. Cornish, Elmer Rivers, Geo. D. Hays, Rev. D. 0, Fry, Max Learn. Leghorn itranti:,.!S*6 Officers: for Seaforth Branch,156 Royal Canadian Legion were installed at an,impressive ceremony in the recently reno- vated Legion Hall. They are (seated, left) J. F. Flannery, Chas. Woody, Cleave Coombs, president Wm. Dalrymple, Mel Melan- . TOMATOES 3 lge..287oz. tins 890 Shirriff's "Good Morning" MARMALADE Orange TANG 24-oz• jar 49 ° Bag of 5 pkgs. 95 All but one of the service de- ' partments of the Huron Conn, ty Children's Aid Society - have reported increases during 1968. While the number of faniilies' and children under the watchful eye :of the CAS i5:: on the '4.1Se as is the number of unwed mothers . who apply for assis- tance, statistics showed n ta percent decrease in the nuin.- ber of putative (narned)'fathers: . Miss Clare Mclipwan, local di- rector, explained to county coun- ty council Wednesday" this: was prnbably due -to the fact that expectant unwed girls some- times decline, to name the fa- tilers of their, babies even though the, men would be counselled by CAS concerning their rights and'- resPOnsibilities to the (unborn children. On December 31st last year, CAS had 98 children in care; were working with 93 protection families having 291 • children; had 16 children on 'adoption prohation; and were helping 11 unhurried Mothers and four pu- tative fathers. Even more ° startling trends were pointed out by Miss 'Mc- Gowan *ho told council CAS had prepared 24 'official guar- dian reports showing an in- crease of 41 Perdent in the County divorce rate. Most members of ,council toured the-CAS offices Wednes- day morning. G INE U.S. No. 1 CAUL OWER COOKING ONIONS 3 doz each 490 10 lbs. 590 FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SELONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY Leyione Ladies' Officers of the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary were installed in a cereniony condncted by members of the Clinton Legion Branch at the same. time as Branch 156 officers were installed. ' Officers are (seated, left) Mrs.' Thelma Coombs,. Mrs. F. Wal- - Council . Will iinone 52,7-0990 Free Delivery ¤ t. s . n ,•,•••1. 1.1C met at the home. J.kn• Thu-raday antenr,opin with 17 members. Tyr:Aleut. S:lott-opaned• the meet- ', w'th ,a readIng ands read .ceriipture. Ed Bell favored with a sol.o. Scott and Mns. • gan-te reariritirs whle Mrs. .14,-olorn led in, prayer., Ed Pell ' read New • Reilcnnt'cina", and eon- duri•t4 the 'business. Trisasur- -'v rentrt *a4, e,iven by Jane ' 1\71' It0 71 f110411 Gladys, Ida I 'McVlit;- ',-,1% rti-Trite Shepherd, George Mlaarhall and Rev: and - .11,,-r4, w'rie mad. It was de- 'ha •ethe apron pro- ' ara'n thh s year. • "Classified Ads pay dividends. P4.46 527-1750 a SEAF0121-1-1 As indicated in Warden James liaytert address to coun- ty council, Tuesday, an official plan for Huron • Count? is of prime importance -this year, Late in December, 1968, county . council's planning board met with E. A: Gomme of the de- partment • 'of municipal affairs to discuss the matter. 1967 Chev. Sedan, 6, H59517 Every week more people dis- - cover what mighty, jobs are „atcomplished by 16* cost Ex- spositor want ads. Dial 527-0240. ed it would be quite willing to assist in any way possible to have such controls established. It was 'also learned of' the board's intention to interview various firms of planning con- sultants to 'select one which will be responsible for prepar- ing the• official plan for Huron. A report will be brought to the February session for the appro, val of council befor any emii- mitment is made. ,In addition a Dalrymple ' sticeeedS Charles Wood and Mrs. Brown - succeeds Mrs. Frank WaIkra, In handing. over-his dutiesi. • Mr, Wood paid, tribute'. to; the, members both, lantl1;0040.•Win!._ their'ieo,oporationj had contributed to 'such ' 4' degree to at successful . lie referred to ' the .-Viopr of James , Watson . 4V4.40714g" ,out ,'• tie bill renovation prngram and,..testeWard, 0 who. in r addition lq.;hie ;:regnlar - diztieshad ,arranged,special,n$4:- hzbits. in connection with the Remembrance program and . sPecial Christmas, season', d0- orations.' • A feature of :the evening was the,presentation of a cheque for $1,000 from the Ladies' 'Auxin- ¤ ail, as a contribution • towards. the hall renovation .program. t'al.x*Keiilia• led. as president'nf 'the • .Boyal de4451tall . Legion.lirenek. 450, 8eafert1), and .g.ra, Edward pXesident the Women'a Auxiliary at int-pressive installation. ceremonies --conducted by raembera Clinton Branch in the Legion Hall here4 Saturday , The event bad been .SebEdlit, ed earlier , in the month but • storms and blocked -roadS-Pr9- ed postponement. .0- Legion officers in addition to president Dalrymple are , vice- presidents Cleave Coombs and L. B., IVIelanson, secretary,' jack Eisler, treasurer Morley Storey,,, Society Work Is Increased padre BoV: p..04 Vryi ..serOant,,., at-arias Ja ,F--2441ne,10.k,e17040, tee: citairment.mentbox4p, Wm. Cfghea; speelat events, gorge Hays;, Welfare, C. . For Official Plan in OPPortY), Les Biegnhuacdt sick ands visiting, Amer IliVazSi .-Vn- tertall*kentigaN Learn; douse, JOMU(4,, WAWA.- activity,. Bert, 9100 , Although nothing too conclu- sive was laid out in Wednesday's report of the 1968 beard to council, members accepted a recommendation that each lo- cal municipality be informed that the first step as an interim measure to 'county Planning would be to implement subdivi- sion control, The board indicat- LUxil iary 1967 Chev. impala 8, 4-door H.T., A.T., P.B., P.S. & R. E44230 Read's S` aoes & aLuggage BIG;WINTER. CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUES 1966 Chev. Impala 8, A.T. & R., P.S. and P.B. — H52499 $111.5. . Ladies'. "officers:: Past president, 'Nits.:4alterSI president Mks. BrOwn;:-,.00P, WeaidentS, *r§%.114r.d: je§43 ters, president Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, Mrs. F. Chappell; (rear) Mrs. L. Wood, Mrs: A. Muir, Mrs. A.Du'hlop and Mrs. M. Mc- Grath. (Expositor by Phillips). osed bud- get far 1969' will be presented to council at that time. • Selects Officers and'. 14ttio; ;with Itargneiaivi* and a.1,4, 4;44' Mrs. `Predericle OtaPple;i'' Seaforth .1,egto.n :Plague "471f21;doir ;Ohm lietnder- ts1;ertaliretr4,411,arriglenwnetsh 1009c1114h41.-",'' Theigirtswo. ,gtstig,r47, :2117et, Weigel* :52; ' Ohipullmkg, "We ails!. Pleiesecli -la revert Otat MeOratts; Ilea tvrbon NVIQ9ind'aoA.;tT33,t,;t2p'hl!wb sot IVIt4P 4111.:4- the y 0: 0 44:4 7.....r9V744: Lashes' 114,ggir .611040fr A414 '2'4. H'19P411 15041 f. Burn s UMW * Seaford Mixed'LL-eigue• . . Team, standings: Orioles, 62; Budgies, 57; Robins, 54; Blue Jays,. 51; 'Cardinals, 49; Canar0 ies, 43. • Lads ' high single and triple, Sen Nietlson, 276 .and 641. Men's ..high Jahn Smith, 308; high triple, Jim Scott, 758. ' * Egmondville League Teani standings: Cardinals, ) 47; Underdogs, 39; Go..Getters •, 30; Charlie Brown, Stompers, 28. Ladies' thigh !single and triple, Yvonne Feeney, 312 and 683. Men's -high • single and triple,' Ringer Bennewiies, 231 ,ancli- 657: git$ 10;e,t,51 .1%abYiric, 2438' the .a.aellidauPa° oilurgh ; and ON; loddiazt high gigues '+t0-dare, ' mai Wood, 835land Jean,Eateih; -1.4en$ high *40' $0,-Or,Pe‘ " Pun Wood, 004 Pen 0.00,0(1; 359. • • - * LAM& toedete; 0?-14' LegnibaSiit, 789 and, Anal ' Wood, 778; Men'si Neu tiniples tba dale, Dort, Wsect, 838 .and! . pan, zabon, Use Expositor Want-Ads Phone 527-0240, Lot Open Evenings to 9 'p.m. "Serg," Seaforth and District for •28 Years" THE WEEK'S A-1 USED CAR BUYS 1967 Chev, Sedan, 6, & R. — 1158875 4 0. 1966 Ford Galaxie "8" A.T., Radio—H58668 1966 Chev. Truck — C90404 1965 Chev Impala 2-door "8", A.T., P.S. and R. -1158614. , 1965 Ford6, 1161252 -1964 1/2 -Ton GMC"6" with livestock box — C90971 - SEAFORTH PHONE 527-0690' WINTER CLE4RANCE SALE 20 to 50% REDUCTION •CAIN ALL Men's and Boys' Winter Jaccets, Underwear and Gloves 1964 Volks. — 1167032 „ 1963 1159332 Rambler — Chev. 1962 "8", AN., P.B. & P.S. —_- 1158753' , 1961 Plymouth 43, S A.T. 943858 A'II Men's Insulated Boots Rubber and Letitheti Hi-Citts ILL,GBILL MIPEEDY Good Assortment of Women's Style and Cocktail Boots 6.88 8°88 9.88 2°88 GUESS SHE MEANT HEARD ABOUT GOEEZ5Y 7i4E GREAT USED CAP CALESMAKI. it& SPEEDY Mem' IsOVEI? SO YOU'RE SPGEOVP I'VE HEARD ABOUTYOULHoW ABOUTA PGMONSTRATOWP Boys' Rubber Insulated Boots