HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-01-23, Page 7News of KIPPEN Mr. James and his Sister, Lois and Brian Triebner spent the week end at Montreal, while there they attended the hockey . game between Canadians, and Boston Bruins. Mrs. Nelson Hood has return- ed home from South Huron Hos- pital. Brian Triebner attended the Standard Life, Insurance Ball at the Queen Elizabeth in Mont- real. SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS , All Types of _ • .0 CEMETERY MEMORIALS OPEN DAILY Y.-PRYDE' SON Inquiries are invited— Telephone Numbers: 4 EXETER 235-0620 - CLINTON 402-9421 _511AFORTH: Contact Mills Vuldas DEAR 'GRATEFUL "— is the, thing, . either .befere , or after. Could. be flowerts, ehoeo- lates,..eheese, a.' cup and sauden Where •there are young fry it • goes over big fOr. pull' some- thing special out of your bag for them., - One of the -beat guest gifts we got was a' bath:net and huge • bath towel in the brilliant or- ange Shade of our new yellow and) ;orange bathroom. ,t`firis knowing . guest was observant .and thoughtful. The gift—ar- rived after she left. , ,DEAR DORIS 1 ant a girl 14. When .1. was two my father was Idlled..in an accident. Six yearslater my mother remarried was -adopted by. any step- father. 116 *not tesPorisible for my support because my mother receiMes Workrraen'S Compensat. ion.' • ' My brother and 1.-are• deter - Mined Ile pay for our own eIts pehsee When we attend univer, silty What would tiuiuc . to knew IS this. lloW old would I :Mire "to be and whatlegal pan, ' cedUre -would I use in order to hate my :adoption rescinded or revoked.? I would- Of course,. re, wane my former name. Honor Student Let' us prepare 'your Income, Tax Forms. for you this year Reasonable rates -and guaranteed' service Phone early for an appointment Ronnenberg • Insuiar!O 'Agency- Phone Monkton 347.2241 (Open daily Monday folatorday) &Crag* offiii iihot. 65 (000n iroad•i st4trida9,ohly)- 'Nf). Oeett. .p "0.511.W. :•:Stulabine On Wednesday after.. POO/I 401441,h4tect tO' the success Inttiraoco Ationcr 1.-Intit X,aid Pt' on, -11th sOOp ••• of . `. 0Y:' ' their time . at . ote t o, toppo. counkr _ 'per, ..., :.:-. ' • clinics.''" ,,--- , proireariegt '"'Association! . assiqtn, „gctr ,§nell infn- ofgPt: 73k 'go:Ma 0 0 „ ' ,149.111 StrOt'• 7.1141,*1 . C •,,.1•Fued.r Rising through fbe.. Ork; ; Ontario is is: not.v: .glivtdOt . into: beef feedterts M. the 0 Ameultore Phone 5074610 . oeforth 'AtCd Appeal in „A. Ontario r corn: . four efinn1;0 41811; :distri*:,• with Wilk 'of WO county. ... '•. . . , 9(0,4 iii Mooserk/O-111De1i : , ilia fre , .11t.O0Oq' , biSageg: t#.:to roake .,A.pOsaible .for pbYsi011 44400,:ailol"ts,":.;to use tbe, each diatrieC'coleliairmatr, being :auntities.:: ;and, thrinigli Th4,0 birs.4941.119 of' s.4 feedlots. , ;ident, •outlined`'Irtieon. Beef ru* POiVast Oe 404 and Amble -U Sparse - Lances United Etat$ 10 Set trea, #2 NIckel. .• • 23 FP- 41.11:14:°.'11:.'"." *liZio-ok‘.iblif. • h9X4. 35 Grant. .11:143"1!*;1;':1144:141:611-41:01iii414:4:101:: 414.wdzsie00,70. 40.1Mimnbtellaffitle- 'SO LIMP14.4 countror,'.: 1117.440010.• $21111,i3linSim 611Atmorati EtiNoblemen $7 Reasonable loising .$20rickie 3790in.-, se 10.Putaback7,. •:- 201 4 I .44 o'Nfforile. dUprout $7.7401 4.0.Ati#rlsit .:Sfiterb *taus • ..,44 YeaWalli ' -"s .'Obserit 37 vat,bitrot.r. s",.cgdou 43 Plural .11dth% :404' era reSearo Prolee - - - dt ha , shelterect eireadt ' Genii% Aesocsa- taWk rellerted cOneern- ' Ilawdiesppo -Iro totaLeast of Poi00Q were #14)* operatio wOrkshops n; might be col14,t4e lB Zed, The everting haratlitei all the eot wa k,ll" an emoUoial as well as a': fin- P4rt.,9f the tbei heart-beat e,.: OPPII Pities. to -O4tR4ui'adeqnatek • nig thelx.' , . ;.otherk. -cantiklued., to • cligrigeo, .1%IxquderSqu.10 loos of Murray Cardiff . Classified Ads pay paY Widen* 1c0i -MO: X0444400 vinTIWO,,, :Valid at k satisfactory vate-ls, eapwaiglf•-gbainna*:. jo*Avueier ',midi sou, tipAr444,Ases.,:po .10.000,ept commit*, Asps lowoolhe tams 0f mated . logton, RoAfi,imiteeto' to 11v if us condition will al 419 15;.-'10s1/0040.1,0. ,PrOdikeere Vitsited feedleti*t4, " -.- • ,.- . this oonvicticl#• tnalcing. tlie4,,.,*cpanSiot live by bread QiJ. . ns .P.44474044 of the Workshop ViS40 :also were nude to MAO. " been se-L , - -• t• ' 'Brown, states 'Oat, Bib em wrineiter end Rob .r.00t4,-,s,,, thi,1 0010Q, Apo ,biproiement tag flrovigellat" Beef ltairOve- " Parted. Instead suPSYlug -* *Ades,' twToiodti- lifili,.04114 funnel more funds - 404 energy- primary concern, namely. 714:; placing physically handicapped adults lutO petitlye Every human 1110am.: being-. -has ; ,fundanlenta),.':,neeCfOr-sOnio ac, - tivity iMgcu regarded as sig- nificant VA:010.. ,0a1,1aak -, .4.4., ... IgrVe Hall wae *ended anclal need. to be c.Q.#031404F, $.1.tot mOrk.'reassitrirg, .moot aa0fitinaaa.:(413 .ta 14V.. - enorOlOot., The • aatiti., report 04Y0, .000fft0Y,-Ti OTy•ari. Preal40,A;";, record:partial ."Of of :,this Foundation which began 'looreesInglY we: hav& realized the wisdbm 044 raava:::1:41,t0L' 1957.-.1 tO 000101 . In der *Mate melt Mare intenet 0;4 senSInOl'asiZA for Beef ' iroPrOTOIROAlt. ,pregrams in -Mr- , on, 111 tc), ithiva. e clikrePter,r0 for cOcb, of the sixteen townships Were No Si*Otie, o k-1/4?-0! 11101 comparatively simple itil?a, , are done lit,,, shops do • tax the Pg.pactkigt,O; the. worroxViiiit n do 119Weira#ehaiP ti)::104.c4-;: Wm* Ir.ORtli1C'agvelop skills and permit the tlke assist poop's' :learn' to . and to to, 'to-operate, WW0tbers, At tliOge:.'nPashoPorj•-,b0140 making the Foundation's 61 p.FaduOtA; 4614g Outi,0000, vio* for industry and provid- ing repair SerOloeS, AS a -whole. roups eet Iron any phyocai cause miet ProVide, for these peoPle, to the worksh.OPo' A4)0100118 not- 'at l disadvantage, in trying to ,• sicalAy 414014 adults' are often find; such activity or *Olt. TO lug, and- Ontiebing tO- •-vatienAtfictlier4oria and encom- pass all adult yitO batibecO*0 1 criiPled•not -only. by totio _but . elected. , Results 'Me elections were as follows: PoPaklealt, Carreen_ • Craig, RR 2, RAI Weer: rpm*. • idea,- WtO• Anderson, tondos- bore; Secrelary-Treastire, Don ahston;' PrOvincial Dir- ecr to. Ontario Beef lmpnove- ment Re r1114..,Aire, ; 014. g Ether- e:-.Thelterntartly Unit 1 of • Ten delegates will rePreeent. help them not only grout:441W- HEATING Walden ik Phone 527-1224 3eitertis .`$Oeller. • , .• • .1-make a profit, o„plootb of' the . 'A; new workshop bOt '1147°10113gic.,.allYit is - till ', disabled'are llsnalln40 4.44,04 .,,,..theelICW of Brucefield United Boron Beef Producers' at the oot 'was opened, daring: PAW, 'JP*, the',OFOati;Sat.101K, ,WarlAere:41eo,,,o_eit- 44P- et pow% afternoon at Ontario Beef Improveinerit As- .•yeari....kbringlog -1Vt.heA num, FininttiOn ,,i'hegan portine,,,,;:"OnlY,Ooltt op per, liti;:u,me Stuart 1,,ah 17 helps all disabled adults from do. not become self-supporting WS, Haan discussed the 'life work in -195 it serveS' and socration Annual Watling in Toronto, February 1Sth end 14, 1969 vithich is Open to any vie). an interest.in beef cattle. merd4cAs Present the proViriee, with plans being ber- now /operated •":.thronthont cent reach this ,Point. Those whif • 13 years of age,:and .nyeroind all money. e011eetect igq-ailC/ is spent in Ontario. The objec- tive for ii?,69, to swum, All campaigners. are ',velum- teer workers and many doctors in the. various workshop centre ARNOLD'STINNISSEN are trMally sent borne where they are kept siapplied, with6, work, while those,who can pro- gress beyond the, 00 percent level, continue to work in the shops until they can be placed ,ir jobs in the community. GROUP LIFE - ACCIDENT and SICKNESS - IVIAJOR MEDICAL PENSIONS , ANNUITIES iepreseuting un Life Assurance Company of Canada TELEPHONE 527,0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST — SEAFORTH • William M. Hart FUEL ETC. PHONE 527-0870 SEAFORTH apd work of Dr. Grenfell and --Mirs, Omagh spoke en Happy Thoughts for the New' Year. A contest' making dresses out of nevvspaper followed with' Kra Chapman and Mrs. Walters being wirmera 'Pita President, Mrs. Chapman was in charge of business. A let- ter was read from a member in Florida. Mrs. George Swan of- lered her home for the February meeting. STANLEY..'„ 'The Stanley Unit COW met at the home of Mn. Mrs. J. Cornish give a reading, K'The. New Year". The Scripture Philippians -3, verses 7-14 was given by Mrs. Cornish, also a reading, "Travelling tlexhigh the thriterse." Mrs. W. McBearth read on, "The Passing of the Old Year." The' Study Web was given by Mrs. Stuart was on China, the problen under thie . rule and also on their astir:lit- . are. Seine beautiful •iltitese art. ides were shown-by Mrs. Stuart. Mrs.- D. triebner took the meeting with a "Prayer the New Year." She February 12 meeting to be at Mrs, Stuarts when those taking part will include Mrs. C. Henderson, Mrs. G. 'Clifton and Mrs. Scott - Duna was 'served by the Host- ess land her helpers, Mrs. Stuart, Mira L. Forrest and Miss 'M. McQueen. • DEAR ORIS advice from 'Doris Clark & 'FAMME PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Sex is: for marriage • ....DEAR* DORIS — I amr a mit,. versity student, 22 years Of age. My problems is that 1 have an 'attitude whit& seems- to be tert of 'date 'with today's "new mon aidlk foci, " -Peri/Arm wrongsy so, that sex should be saved strictly; for marriage. • ,Iliarve four room-mates who • don't- share my -views,. and; in- .r•clulge freely in premarital vela- tionehips. One even takes pride -in being called 4,`The Big Shag'," by which I am 'Completely un). amused However, is it me that is the eloAnn? 23 Ontario Street Stratford, Ontario Phone 271-7581 DEAR ,slimpt4T —_you can no Mae rescind a legal 'adopt- ion than a chEd born of natur- al parents couM..decide he was not their offspring. AcloptiOns are permanent and, binding. • But what is the real bangulll Some resentment of your new, father's take-over ways? A feel- ing:that Mate its mere abseated with beinglids wife than being your mother? fathers don't halvejt easy, believe me- But- what's to pre- vent . yon paying your own way to undivensity — if you can earn the money? • DEAR DORIS — I would like your help on- how to entertain Ladies around 70 years- Mid at' a. tea. party. ;- ; . Honing yon -can heilp me as you halve before, ''. Suggestions Wanted -- NOTICE—, For Co-op Inarance call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464.— John St. seAcoarn, compt.t. cover•g• for: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability. • Eniployer's Liability • Accident and Sic.kness,, • Fire; Residence, Contents •- Fire, Commercial • Life Insuriance & Savings •. 'Huron Co-op Medical Services , • Wind Insurance Bozo Fen L. Gibbs, A.PA,. Howard Fannie, C.A. JAN •CLEARANCE :SALE! Outstanding Values on Many Items in the Stores Mrs. Ivan' Brock and Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne visited on Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Grubbe and Michael of Farquhar. , Mr. and Mrs. Murray ° Coward visited on Monday with Mrs. John Coward.- - Mr. Larry Fulton of Elimville visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hutton, Dennis and Diane. • DEAR" SUGGESTIONS Much depends on whether the Ladies know one another well or are meeting for the first or sec- ond time. Old Friends scarcely need organizing into garnes — there is usually no much talking to net done! If- there are ahririkino. violets 'amorir., them,. could you coax them into helPing you serve? This is sheer fun for folk (Who have devoted several. decades to giving service. And it chases the jitters, Fm sending a sheet 'of. germs Which. hit the jackpot with some of our Senfoss' Chiba. ' A Aft, ,DEAR Bozo — ,Fnarn where I sit it is the .'''Irrew moralists" i.ytho are doing the clowning — Le.; acting up. Laber.''on, ',when 'life becomes reat„" and a,• sea partner worth going all out for, is the time to /possess her for, keeps, as a wife, -Fru sending .yotyla helpful) article Mao* this! Readies -Digest new paperbaelt Sex and Marriage ,is Worth reed! lug on the. subject too. . DEAR. DORIS — When spend- lug' a few days with friends' din another part of , the country., what would -bean -apPropriarte way . ofcePkying them for their kindness „and hospitalitY? We rarely see each other. I alma be staying for several days with some of the families. I am a . god . professional vvoman but have to. budget care- fully: Grateful DISCOUNT USBORNE & MB; BERT-MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY • HEAD OFFICE - Exerza, Ont. • Duri Our January Clearance Sale on ALL-SEASONABLE LINES Directors: Martin Feeney -; R:R. 2, Dublin President • Clayton Calquhoun R.R." Vice-President Science Hifi Wm. H. eheffe R.R. 4, Mitchell Tim Toohey - R.R. 3, Lucen Raymon&MOCurdy R.R. 1, .Kirkton Robert Gardiner R.R. 1, Cromarty, Stationery - Gifts sEktimmi am Hannah of Kirkton. • r Seaforth'S 5c to $1.00 Store News of WinchelSea Miss Kathy Hera of Clinton and Mr. Brian Hern of Strat- ford spent the Weekend with their, parents, Mr, and Mrs. Phil Hern and family. ' Mrs. John Coward spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mr- • aftli••••••••••••••.411, I. • • Als•A•10•0.....dIani•VYA Miss Elizabeth Ulch of Kirkton Hugh Benninger - Dublin is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coates • Exeter Freeman Horne and Ray. Clayton Harris • Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hutton, Dennis and Diane visited on Hugh "Plerretastri"sursil• Exeter Saturday evening with Mr. and rio surance e to Du. ..,1),9 YOU KNOW .14IE .4 POINTS BEHIND taw( AD. When You See An Ad in • THE, HURON EXPOSITOR THIS IS WH4T - IT MEANS . . -1. A REPUTABLE STORE . a store that lives up to its advertising bar- gains, has a reputation to uphold. 2. DEPENDABLE QUALITY - in the merchandise it sells Merchandise , that, is exactly as represented. 3. HONESTY in advertising messages and in dealings with the public. No attempt to falsify or, 'deceive. , • (befOi WO When you atenewifwea ' dte "finally"! Hospital In:insetted pteintiira, must be paid to' cover husband and wife. If You belong to a group notify yoke, gtoutiVoithOur delay or if you both 4. VALUES NOTICE- TOWN OF SEAFORTH The snow otorins of the past two weeks bacie .produced very hazardous conditions for driiiing or*alkifig on the streets of the Town. In many places the efforts of the Public Works staff to' keep the streets open have been made less effective -and more•hazard has been created by cititens depositing on the road snow from their driveways or sidewalks. The citizens of Seaforth are therefore asked to co-operate with the Public Works staff and are asked to refrain from deposit- ing snow from their property on the roadway. E. M. WILLIAMS, ,Clerk, Tiown of Seafortik 0 • • Wiiien,you turn ,1 you are no lorger covered in. your parents! Hospital Insurance. You must take outindiyidual membership within, 30 days. Get your ap- plication form at a bank, or a hospital, tit fe0M.1- When you have a new address ncitify your group. If you don't belong to a group, tithe Every Huron Expositor advertiser has an important message for you. It pays to read +ern all pay premiums direct; 4c, -4 4- a, 4r notify 1/11.13: • MAKE YOUR PURCHASES THE SAFE WAY CONSULT THE ADS EVERY WEEK IN e •••- 111 Phone 627-0240 Settforth "Since 1800, Serving the Community First" P.11.11 - , railanY)ogrti, _ 2195 YOttkeSti "A-Toioa:07, .• !S001491„itarla `s-410,104t4001410. qa• When yoi4naivite'ttc, a new job you can keep insured by f.61, lowing the Instruc- tions the Hospital Insurance "Celt& eate of Payment Form 104" that vAii present employer is required to. give you on leaving. , .V.A. • 11 •••