HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-01-23, Page 6•
of 'the :4* ..ar
.4 .4071:
`Miss Bontnier ,Dalrymple, . Wing.
m. sent the „weekend w
110 parents, - .
Mrs 'D. gem, Clinton, '31.4itod,
with her mother, Mrs. IA,7nfla0!
1440 Sharon Burdge, Owen,
Sound, spent the weekend With. last Parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Auger-and
fntni4r,.:Relmont, visited .0.4 %Olt
day with Mr. and Mrs, W. !Wk.'
sou. •
TheaBrueefield United Church
held its annual meeting on Sou,.
day with. a good attendance,
Rev. E. D, Stuart was.. chairman
for the meeting with Mel Gra-
ham secretary,. . ;7 •
OrgailitatiOnn...pfhiplited fheir
reports. The retiring StewiindS
were a. orootoot..C;
son, Mrs, J.'Mustard and Mrs.
H..Berry. Reidaeingithent,4vere
Burdge, Alex Townsend, n.F01:termgb•m, and John Mof-fatt.
Gordon Richardson retired
from the Elders on uriing. to
Clinton And. Mrs. Mary Haugh
was re-elected for a oneirear
term, Mrs. John Henderson and
Kenneth Scott were elected as
Elders. for a five-year tern. ,Mrs..
R. Taylor retired as treasurer,
Mrs. Wm. Scott taking her posi-
tion. Mel Graham, and John
Cornish are auditors. t
Mrs. Berry gave the church
treasurer's report showing a
substantial bank balance.
The meeting closed with, pray-
er by Rev. E. D. Stuart.
Phone 527-
SatisfactiOr Guaranteed
The March of Dimes , opens
its 1969 January campaign for
funds with a new'symbol and
a changing rile in the rehabili-,
tation of disabled adults.
Different departments of gov-
ernment have -taken over the
casework streideS' of the Reha-
bilitation • Foundation 'for the
Disabled, but it is still respon,
sible for physically diabled
adults who are unable to leave
their homes to work
These people are supplied
with various appliances such as
'wheelchairs, crutches and spec-
ial lifts and when it is felt it
will help their rehabilitation,
work is found for the o do at
(Mel Cr1's) Spec. Pack
Rein' a Ow
daYa,in: Whigilem relative*
and. attended th0 NOM the 440 Arthur Fagot'',
an-474-fra:ITatt Whiteman
elgraVe„ called On friOndS in
A; Auburn,
is visiting With. ken brother, Kr;
Lorne Wilson and 'Niro. Wilson.
Mr. Robert Alan is a patient
in Victoria Hospital,
The flowers in the Brucqfield
United Church were in melnerY
Cavan United Church, Win-
throp, decorated with potted
white mums, poinsettas and
Candelabra, was the' setting for
- the wedding on Dec. 28th, 1968,
• of Edith Marilyn Boyd and
. Laurence Harvey Taylor.
• •••••
w, •
-- Church 4roups Meet
Northside UCW
• ,
ad Ove a reading
, "Stan'ding '-at the Portal". Mrs.
Ida Close read the scripture, Gregor lead 'using as the call to
the, topic "Man and his familY scripture and Joyce Wilson and
• Ch'ila", Mrs. Balea dfont read Dorothy liteGreger gave short
rear". MI's' H. Carmniell gave Mrs. Henderson took Charge courtesy remarks. - of the businesS part of the meet-
ing and opened with a poem,
First Church. WMS "I'll Think It Over Lord".
First chuvrh*.a111.g. Met in the The treasurer's report indicat-
Centennial Room of the church ed funds raised were: rTucker-
with 18 answering the roll call. smith unit, 893.40; Stanley unit
The president, Mrs, Jas Keys 87P.80; junior group, 769.53 and
°Petted the meeting with a, poem after,,, donations and currents ex-
entitled "Only God Knoweth". penes had been deducted, a bal.
Mrs. Jack Thompson offered ante' of,926A5 was on hand.
prayer and Mrs. Jas F. Scott Mrs. Paterson was added to
gave the treasurers report in —the kitchen committee and the
the absence of Miss Jean Scott. committee is to purchase dishes,
, Mrs. Ivy Butt sang • "Lord, silver and glaSs as well as a cof.
'rake Me Back to the Eaith of fee maker for the chiirch kit-
My Childhood" accompanied by chen. Articles for a bale of baby
Mrs. Madaregor. clothes are required to be in
Life .Memberships were pre- early in March and will be sent
rented to the following: Mrs:' to Wrinch Memorial Hospital.
Chas MeEay, Mrs, 'Jas T. Scett, Mrs. G. McGregor read a letter
Miss Jennie Hogg, Mrs. Francis from the group's foster child.
Coleman and Mrs. Robert McMil- Mrs. Henderson closed the
Ian. Mrs. D. O. Fry paid tribute meeting by benediction.
to thete rrienibers and Mrs. Xas •
Keys made the presentations.
Mrs. Helen McMillan, group .
leader pregided over the devet- uounty 4-1I Leaders lonal. The Scripture lesson was
read b'y Mrs, 'John tholupson' line Huron County 4,FR Agrk.
and each verse explained by . Ultural Clubo Leaders' .6;ssociat-
Urn.' Helen Mottlfart. She also ion will hold their Annual Meet-
opened the new Study took for ing at the Ontario Department
Ohre year orb New Aida on twigs. of Agriculture Board Room in
4 stet and mitlirted the first ehapt- Clinton on Wednesday morning pr., when 4-H work during the past -
M's, Francis -Colemitn is JO' year will be reviewed and plans
• act tag literature Secretary in will be formulated for the com-
Place of Miss Jessie. Praiser.: ing year,
The 4-PL Leaders will be guests . ,
orCU titre v - of the Ontario De artm ut of BritieeOtild VOW • A and' l . 00 at ai n6oli
The.first.:.'ineeting,, of Brace. dinner th6 god Clinton. field UCW for held'In - /0: 1006, there, were 24, 4.41
e sada roam lilleadast with Agricultural Clubs With 80 Lead-
, ,tiroui*.`three iirueliarge Of staidly era ht Mikan County. Robert
0010tikshfiLlitiv. Pred Molt* rotheringliam, BR 3, Seaforth,
and Mrs...StuartWilson lent it thaliman of the 4-R Leaden'
the,:41•4410teli, ,"1Vhat "liateciation. „ , ,
The bride's parents are Mr.
- and Mrs. John Boyd of RR
Walton. The groom is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor,
RR 1, Londesboro. The' Rev. J.
C, Britton officiated at the
double-ring ceremony.
The bride, given in marriage•
'by her' father, chose a floor-
length wedding gown of white
lagoda. The bodice was high-
lighted hi a rolled wedding
band collar and long sleeves'
touched at the wrist with,a cuff.
Elegance was portrayed in the
gently controlled skimmer skirt,
while delicate Swiss guipure
r.lace fermed three narrow panels
of attraction
falling from neckline to hein.
• The; main centre of attraction
was focused on the detachable
chapel train, cascading from
the back neckline. To complete
' :her bridal outfit, she wore a
French pure silk illusion fing-
ertip veil, caught up by a flor-
al cluster. She carried a bou-
quet Of red roses and ivy
• twined with silver bells.
The matron of honsir was Mrs..
John Oke, RR 3; Exeter, sister
of the bride. She wore a semi-
4.1 r A-line floor-lengthr gown of apple
- • green shntasilk, with elbow-
length sleeves of matching green
lace. The' back feature was a
matching, softly draped lace
panel. Her headpiece was of
green tulle and a cluster of
white_mums and she carried a
bouquet of white mums, red-
ribbon and silver bells.
The flowergirl, Miss Sharon
• .
Dale, of RR 4, Clinton, niece of
the bride, wore a floor-length
Princess styled red velvet gown,
with matching velvet bow as a
headpiece and carried a bou-
quet' of white MUMS centred
with a red rose.
Mr. Neil Stapleton of Dun-
gannon was groomsman and the
,ushers were Mr. Harry Brydges
of Wingham and' Mr. Douglas
'Boyd, RR 4, Walton,
• Mrs. Harry . Rrydges, the
groom's sister, played tradition-
al wedding music and accom-
panied the soleist, Mrs. Bruce
Whitmore of St. Catharines,
who sang "The Wedding Pray-
er'!. and "0 Perfect Love".
For the reception which fol-
lowed in the church parlour,
the bride's. mother *ore a wine
orlon knit suit with winter
white accessories and corsage
of white carnations. The groom's
mother chose a deep pink crimp
knit dress with matching hat,
black accessories and 'corsage of.
*hite carnations.
, Guests were served by Misses
Lynda and Helen Warren of
London and June Hillen• of Wal-
ton, RR '4. •
For travelling the bride chose
a red orlon-knit dress, with
white kid trimming, black ac-
cessories and corsage of white
Guests were present from
London, Stratford, Fergus, Win-
gham, St. Catherines and Toron-
- The bride is a graduate of
O.A.C. Guelph. They will. reside
at RR 1, Londesboro.
• Prior to her marriage, the
bride was honoured at a dinner
party and shoWer in London
with fellow teachers, as hostess-
es; and a shower' in Winthrop
Church, sponsored by friends
and neighbours.
Unit One .of Narthsidie
- meet at the home of Mss. Britton
• and started with a New Year's
poem read by President, Mrs.
W. Broadfoot Jim Rowat gave ▪ an interesting, talk on his trip to •
Niagara to attend the convention •
for youth of" Talk Alpha: Mrs. F.
Roberton. had charge of the de.
Means to be a Christian". Mrs.
Wilson told of their trip to West-
'Minster College, and a short skit
"School for TYCW Members"
was presented• by seven, ladies
of the,group who gave different
ideas about attending and help-
ing with studies. Joyce Wilson
thanked the ladies for their
helpful, thoughts and ideas.,
Group three conducted the
worship period. Dorothy Me-
^ • ,
News 'of,'
Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Stan-
lAke, Exeter visited her SO*
aril Mats. Herb Britton o
-Returning to there work after
holidays are Miss Joan Britt*
Toronto, Ethel Mee Malchell,
• Toronto, Nancy Lannin, Loo4ont,
Mary tonnin, Stratferd, Gladys .
Honey, Stratford, Larry Barker,
Keith "Mailenitn, Lenialon, Moo
Roney, Waterloo, 'Carl RotleY,
Mr. and Mrs. Roes Pepper and
Nancy were dinner guests of
Mrs. Alma Tubb, Sunday night
Mr. and Mrs. Georgi Moore,.
Staffa, Linda and Woman ,visit,
ed. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence' Bar-
ker and Wendy on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl "Kemp and
family vksited Mn. and 561.0r
Glenn Pepper on' Friday night
'Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper
took their daughter, Mrs. Cyril
Carpenter and Karma to 1Vialton
on Saturday where he--flew .
her' 'home in Victoria, B. C.
Mrs. Mabel, , iiiiggerson *emit a few days with her daughter,
Mr. and 1VIrs.Keir Elligs.on and
boys, Rrocithagen.
Mrs. Roy Hammon and Susan
pent a few clays in Sarnia last
MT. John Lannin' who was op-
erated on last Monday is still a
patient in Seaforth Hospital
but feeli,ng hetter.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bur-
Mitchell were 'dinner
guests' of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton
Malco'in Sunday.
• • Wanted
For Cutter Races
to be held In . conjunction with
' !Winter Carnival on. gkurdaV afternoon
.Feb. • 15th
' at In
• Park
Entries lost be made no later
than Feb' 8th, 1969.. To enter • „;12z
. contact Brtice'Depee, Secretary,
Clinttsn 011oiton, Ont.,
iiiione .482p485,- Some cutters
alailable liinited number of
entries will be accepted',-Entries
*doted in order received. ttre
eery' entry -receives -a prize.
The government take-oVer of
casework, makes it possible for
the organization to &vete more
time and, effort to finding sui-
table `employment for those
able to work. This is its main
interest as there is nil better
way lo feel you are a Part .of
the, community than to be able
to do work and to be paid for
There •are incideiltal benefits
— the disabled who go to work
An Expositor Classified will
pay You dividends. Have you
tried one? Dial 527-0240.
Horses and Ponies
Tin • ,
j. Asst'dEroit Sw,eetoned HI-C , •
York Fancy Cut
SAVr6c Soft Rite•
feiSMINN •
gee or 'Veal;
-Rea Brood Shoulder at "
The King All Soots
Arne Rib ROO T
4Top Yalu iS *V0t10000/
Cooked ,MEAT
iteimy tot 't"t104
lb. 5 . ;Legs ,Or Drumsticks 16. 'Da
10' ;Pre}itiy Cut
AST lb to .; tap
Turkey BRE
OLIO; or „Shoulder
1411111*HAIVI.' "..,.
Geld Seal Sockeye Farm.,house Fiecon Asst'd
SALMON .731.;:x..59it Cream Pies 31Z.1
Top Volu — Creamery
Canada 1st Grade
--SAVE UP TO 10c
Shirley.. Gay Cinnamon
Prices Effective Jon. 22.25
Incl. --. We Reserve the
Right to Limit Quantities.
• •
US. No. 1 Top Val U.S. No. 1 (Size 156N) '
TOMATOES 1.-;""e 6.
. 39 TANGELOS ..2 ,t; ;Ab 01E.
U.S. No. 1 (Silt; 24's) Gonads No.
CELERY . . STALK a P.E.L 10-lb. r-
. • •
SfAtratilifirt *V44?..errat.'.
are glad to be off welfare tolls
and the- money they -earn be-, , comes, more spending power in
the community: •
A few-months ago the March -•
of Dimes Changed its symbol
from • the ' red maple leaf and"
have adopted a green fit tree,
with a branch missing. It is
indicatiVe of the 'fact 'that al-
though the people they are con-
cerned about have a disability,
they still have plenty of abili-
ties left. That Is why 'the bill-
boards that will be seen around
the countryside this month will
show the green tree symbol
and the words: "The Ability
Fund — 'March of- Dimes".
Mrs, W. Roe gave a pre en worship two verses of hymn
Mrs. ZlieKenzie had charge of 157. Betty Graham -read the
a poem "That/0U CITY Now meditationa.
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