HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-01-09, Page 1town creating an added hazard The students stayed in ''pri; •
at many•intersections: vete, homes throughout the
Ntarly - 200 SDHS students Ens94 left Seaforth 41:30 .
were stranded in Seafe#4 .,TneS- on TueidaY to'
day night when Scheel • buses' make' the rounds .bolero town-
were unable to • complete their ship roads were blocked:
routes, Babldric Transit repOrted their
... , . y 4 blinding storm -whichevely, -
'' ---()Tt.:#100ksaicl. Nes,tb nrakba-
Ayvotity 'mire:- swept, ,,:Teme
Huron on TkiesdaY:an&d y Rd
• oPO,Ti.f. WOW inches ..,,OP2nOio• on
theleaferth, area. ,,,, •
',The ,snow, Ivo .::',40ol.n13-, I 'd
..W,IglOgti,g winds and' 11,
i.... , gee tFOOr0„:„Peoffi ,4 ,. t County toadlisoaii4ilt :
drifting'snow, ,
A ' number of whoineterists
braved, highway travel drove. off
the road' as• the blinding snow
t reduced visibility to nil , . t
times, Motorists were forced to
abandon their cars and walk o
• ,
the 'nearest ,shelter. •
- no...tapof almost con-
, tintlOn* .storms. since PhriatineS,
Tuesday's lilast',,ereated al-
.most. unsurmonntable, task for
road illabitatIliiiee people. Many
• had been, at ve* around the
clock in what became a losing
battle against ever" ,deepening
Even within the town limits
the heavy snow fall resulted in
many cars 'being bogged down.
Motorists left their cars in the
streets and walked home.
Six and seven-foot snow banks
are common on most streets in
.43:0,111piie .tooks ixirotou7:d home
4aY'4nierning but left. -SD
m returning • the ,atom.
students to their•
60Y r s4): e
0 rt0 keep_ town, streets, clear.. t
01Pitli-.00116:*t crew have been working.ibug
New .Year's Storm
by a - snow storm whieh,• wan fanned-, by 30 mile an heir/
winds. In a number of easelt
celebrants • at New Year's Eve "
gatheringale town were unable
(Continued on Page 4)
Begin • Year-Long Tour
County afid Town
Combine on wer
Jack Durst points to the countries which he and Bill MacLean Will visit during a 26,000
mile tour through Europe and into Africa and Asia. The two EgmOndville youths left on the
first leg of their trip by air from Mallon on Sunday -and are Wet k until January of
next year.(Staff photo by Haley). .•
Seaforth Council Monday
night agreed to co-operate with
Huron County'in the constr c-
tion of a 60-inch storm sewer
that will serve the town's re-
. , quirements as laid out in the.
McLaren report as well as
county requirements when Main y
Street is rebuilt next summer. Two 'Egmendville ouths--:-.'-, The cost to the ,town is estima-
ted at $36,560.
Discussions leading to the c°-
gree on
Conn: Moggach inquired as to
changes necessary in existing
water mains' and' it as indicated
this was the, responsibility of
the PUC and that necessary
planning was underway. On the
basis of preliminary testing it
(Continued on Page 4)
• ei operative approach to provid-
-000 Mde Travels ng storm sewer capacity -had v-i
' Orin 26 • been underway withthe coun-
ty for some months_ and the re-
.1k.0 -Odyssey. that will last a moments as they' contacted.— and go on to, the Hebrides Is- sults of the discussions were re-
year and take, them, more than friends and friends of- friends, lands in Scotland where they :Ilected in the agreement which
-2600 miles7 across Europe and wrote , Canadian embassies expect to visit some relatives- council approved. As a result
through much of Asia and Afri- abroad and talked with travel Visits to Ireland., Wales and of working together a substan-
ea ,began.. Swidak night for two agents of the countries they Southwest England follow and tial saving can, be affected in
Egmotidville youths:' planned to visit. ,,, . • they .will return along the sootht-- the preVision of facilities which 4' • •k, coast of' England to Dover. - the town will require as the
Jack Durst 22 and Bill Mac- Theif parents, Mr. 'and Mrs.
Lean 19, 'flew from Melton on Eromerson Dqrst and Mr. and Limited initially to 44 lbs. of • storm sewer program is ad-
the first leg of, their , journey. Mr& Norman MacLean now 'luggage each, they expect to yawed. ,
" They expect to *tie back in- think it&a good idea their sons purchase, some equipment when Possibility that some reduc-
, Canada iii-Iiinnark,44, t:year- say,' but were a' little hesitant they obtain their camper so that tion in the estimated 'cost might
• flight - The Sunday ok.''thenv:. at first: they can do basic housekeeping. result was suggested by Clerk
.1c and and • "Met think they believed They _Plan to • provide all their Ernest Williams when he .said
. from there they went to Wieden- Us.;" Bill said and Jack added, own meals in, order to Cut Own the county was reeking at alt"
existing sewer along a portion bruch, Germany- where a Volks- "actually We didn't believe it expenses. • t •
of Main Street and which wagen Camper was waiting for *ourselves?! . By June they hope to be in per-
them. The camper will be their The travellers expect to spend Belgium and Holland and on up baps could be. used by the coun-
' 'home for the next twelve under $2000 and have been say- to Denmark. They will travel tY.
As Site
Lots 'Of Snow
Gerald's Supertest at the corner of Main and Goderich
Street is barely noticeable over the ten-foot piles of snow
which reach almost to the station sign. The snow banks are
typical of conditions throughout the area as storms continued
to add to the depth. (Staff` photo by Haley).
-'••••,„ '
a venture. However, it wasn't
until last spring that active
planning got under way. Since
then there have been few idle
Seaforth Council
Sworn Into Office
bay they will return along the,
coast of the Arabian Sea and
the Persian Gulf to• Baghdad in
Iraq -and into Damascus, , Syria
and Beirut, Lebanon. -
"We • are looking forward to
India", Jack said and recalled
that Jim McNairn of Seaforth
had spent some months there
two years ago assisting in a
In a short but impressive
ceremony, Mayor F. C. J. Sills
and member's of Seaforth Coun-
cil were sworn into office' in
the town hall Monday morning.
The event was unique in that
for the first time in Seaforth's
hundred year history, the coun-
cil was assuming office for a
two year term. Clerk Ernest
Williams officiated at the cere-
mony. -
Rev. J. C. Britton asked for
A bid to have the school
area offices for the Huron
County Board of Education in.
Seaforth has been made by Sea-
forth council. ,
In a written communication'
'to the board, the 1Vlayor,'F: C. J.
Sills said, 'We in Seaforth, feel
that this town is the logical
site for a school, area office,
especially with the possibility
that your unit might be com-
bined with, Perth County when
Regional Government is. form-
The mayor went further and
offered three choices to- the
board: (1) for immediate tem-
porary use, modern office
space that is part of a factory
that is not in use at the pre-
sent time, (The length of tem-
porary useage could be up to
one year.)
(2) A number of people
around Seaforth have expressed
a desire to build -a building to
the board's requirements on a
rental basis.
(3) If the board would con-
sider building an office of its
own, there are 19 acres of land
-around the Seaforth District
High School. The, land, now
-owned by the County Board of
Education, is adjacent to sew-
ers, drainage, power and roads,
and it might prove advantage-
ous over the years as the tax
situation involved in „rental
(Continued on rage 4)
divine guidance on the delibera-
tions and in a short -address to
council referred to the new two
year term as being of a length
that-would permit plans "to be
initiated and brought to a con-
lie warned against the intro-
duction of politics in the accep- ,
ted sense into the deliberations
of council. Agreeing there was
a place for politics he doubted
,.Continuec, on, Page 5) ,
The ,Huron-Perth Separate
School' Board • will establish
headquarters in the -.former'
UDPC building located at the
corner of Main and, John Streets;
• Seaforth.
"The board agreed to accept
the proposal of the owner, R. S.
Box at their meeting at St.
Jame's Separate School, Mon-
day night.
• Vincent Young of Goilericji,
"chairman, conducted the busi-
ness at the , first official meet-
ing of -the new, board. •-
A three-year lease was Apo
proved -by board members and .
the rent was set at $2,05.00 per
month .far the ground floor.'
The rental also. holds the• sea-
-and storey for future use.by
the board. 'Should the board'
quire, the second floor • to.' be
renovated for additional office °
accommodation, the rent would
be $325.00 monthly,
Also included With the
ground floor, is a 30' x 30' stor-
age area at the rear of the
building: The building is to be "
renovated and ready for occur
pancy by February lst.
The work involved in cOnvert-
ing the building to office .use is - •.
the responsibility of the _land- •
lord-and includes a heating sys-
tetri, cooling, carpeting, wall
panelling, toilet facilities And
partitions to: provide' the re-
quired number of offices as well •
as. renovating the front of the
building. --
An alternative proposal for
board headquarters was sub--
niifted by T. C. Joynt of Hen-•
sail who •offe'red a building -for-
rent "which is located on the.
Main Street of , Hensall.
The owner was pre-pared to
renovate the building and re-
quested a five-rear lease at
$275.00 per month. After live
wears the rent would, decrease
to $150.00.
The board felt the building
was not spacious enough nor
.(Continuetron Page 51
tour. The cost of the V6lkswag-
en is additional but this will be
recovered when they sell the
,camper next January.
.. Detailing their trip they said
they planned to- spend the win-
ter in• the southern countries.
From the factory they-will travel
down -through"Eastern France
• and the Fret-a:Alps where they
PUC Winds Up plan to spend a week skiing,
followed by a' couple of weeks
on the French Riviera. 1968 Business ."We continue on to Italy
through Rome •as far as Naples
Seaforth ;PUC at- a year-end where we will tour historical
. winch* meeting on December sites and excavations. Then we
• 30, cleared the year's accounts go through the southern pro-
- Final approval was gieen for a vinces and return to Marseille,
diantract with J. A MacLaree , France by -way of the Adriatic
Ltd. for the waterworks survey Coast. In February we will con-
that was initiated some months tinue along the coast of Spain
ago, to Gibraltar where we cross
Noting that the meeting was over to Africa. We will tour
the-- last which would be attend-- the country of Morocco during water provision program.
ed by Mayor Kling, commission March," Bill said. • • "He has been a.•; great help •
chairman R. S. Box paid tribute • Returning to Gibraltor they and told us what to expect and
to the contribution he had made travel on to Lisbon,,, Portugal who to see," Bill said. ;
to the work of the commission and Madrid, Spain for the bull- By next December they, will
during his years 'of service and , fights. Continuing north to Par- be' travelling along the coast to
for his co-operation and assis- is and into Great-' Britain they Athens in Greece. -
tance. will visit London and. Glasgow ,(Continued on Page 4)
months. lug for a' year. Jack -is a student as far as Olso, Norway and Decision concerning rebuild-
For the past year the trip has tri electronics. at Fanshaw Col- Stockholm, Sweden. Returning ing main street sidewalks was
-been something they would like lege while Bill completed his through Hanover and ,Berlin to held in abeyance. ,Cost of the'
to do. Both are Rover Scouts I" 'grade 12 at SDHS this spring. Austria and Switzerland they sidewalks, which will involve
in Egmondville and many. hours Both have been working since next will visit Northern. Italy, 2,790 linear feet by 10 feet in
were spent talking about such spring in __order to finance the Yugoslavia, Romania and , Bul- width, was estimated by the
garia. county at $21,000 and since it
When they are- in Europe was not expected there would
`they will attend a WOrld Rover be any change in grade in the
Moot in Germany in -Aug- new street the sidewalks could
ust. They were among ii -party not be included as part of the
of Egmondville Rovers who overall project. •
drove to the West Coast in 1966 Councillors, in discussing .the
to attend-the --Canadian Rover matter, recalled that in other
Moot in . Vancouver. towns where similar construe-
FICOM Bulgaria they will go tion had been carried out side-
through Turkey and into Iran, walks had been included and re-
Afghanistan, Northern Paid's- ferred particularly to the Exeter
tan and through the Kyber Pass project last summer, Reeve
to India. Continuing on to Boni- John Flannery said he 'recalled
that when the work was car-
ried out on North Main Street,
the original estimate for side-
walks was $8,000 and after dis-
cussion this was reduced to
$5,000 and finally the county
and province agreed to absorb
the total cost. Mayor Sills agreed
and felt that before a decision
was taken, further investigation
should be carried out.
The proposal from' the coun-
ty indicated.. that most of the
sidewalks throughout the Eg-- . mondville portion of the pro-
ject are being replaced as well
as the sidewalks on the east
side of Main Street south of the
Seaforth. Town Council •
Following ceremonies on MOndeit Men:die& of" J. Sills slid Clerk t M. Williams; (standing) Councillors R,
Seaforth, Council„ posed for 'their picture :Seated: aett) are Ntaeboriald, Mrs. Betty Cardno, L. Ford, S. Moggach,
DeNtyiteeve W. Reeve,j. 01initery, Mayor P. C. Wm. Pinder did Robt. Dinsmore. (Stet( photo by ilatey), 4
•, NitKillop Township .Council •
McKillop Township Council held its inaugural meeting • Campbell, road • superintendent Ron Stewart, (Standing)
in the township hall at Winthrop on Monday. Shown here conneigara Arthur Anderson, W.' 3. IterVey 4CrOt
are (seated, left) Clerk-treasurer Wilson Little, Reeve Allan and ,italph .(Staff P":7 "
• 4
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