HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-01-02, Page 8• of Jam 14:St • d. VielleVirstidnk, ashore.. r- • Walter,gfiraay, 06 Seaiorth .pa it slug sample of potatoes tii**leidc, Nog.. est ho'404:..-- ‘,1104411- It in urt* 0,- ounce under our PnlindAr Those baptized at First Nest b04111,wil t)1010•140167iAlittarritar- vino were', Chriretopher John teerdire, And -ca asr wrior; Pats** Donald italla.i.4 T.,kwretk. -ce erbda Mason, and Lye n Mayetnwieb4 iriiirvAtpotioafgo: to: 44544704. :n011144040: avow WItta; 4000110,,,,P0014110-___ QVARP bY the Qarnriglie WOO Fund Ceinanittee of flittelTaM. • brolgee medefl: mut . $750.00 Peat 'to 10s .father • He deed try tin same4larra Peiefix Argo wterans • eedeann tribute to 'the dead' of two-Worild- • 0411 at an impressive 141detueetiorance Day smirk* .170,eboria Park on agondaY• is e to hear from you 'November 21,. 1968 Mrs, George Connell, centre Sup.'Si, mayted lies 90th birthday Sade.lisee, on November "to, ant On Remembrance Day sem- . vice at 'St. Thomas Church, 4 new firags Were dedicated by ".'"‘o. 0Ctahe 24o968 er,i 3OP •Mate 4 a .i:. • 49.44d- If- *al. lug*. .i 3-?!47,411, ant eseeff. 800,60, Public the rade* Rev. S. $ligreges. cured Rile Rile candidates fop the offices of theHuron County Board/of "PARP4714Proiric -"Edtt*ilon atie Robetat- Pork, reeeti,Y0t414,6 *.'..'M.O• Deg,. $4011er, Macilyn Kunder, Sera- ott. 'WeAltiO0 - $044;519t6ga6 Bap, ci.1100 'POSOoinc r ' ' field; BiroadfoOt, and Viem ',41 ,:;7thee, both of Tuolceesmida October ay.1940 ' • - ottnci mro, okoit Nevemner 28, 1968 'eelebrefed,,, OttOldien Wed.tik,Z VIA-and Mne. JOhn peeheek of 0g on Sklilve•OZ'lltvpik 'Were num.' voopop ...celebDaite0' their PM Ind 4. Johnston. • John .4410.140000. Is in boa- pita! following necidefikSat, urdaY morning. • Miss 141,ada'atacl)Onald grad*" noted- as a nurse from Wood- stock Hospital. - One thousand children feat- ure fall fair parade. !Colony! 26„ 1968 friOrds Metiat the illeegen ZOotireouMity Centre to sain ito. Mr: and Mes. Wm. WO et-McKillep prier to et* letletne for their new tome Seaferth,. MeteineEiiiiiotte BR 1, Zurieh lost 104."Vglit plan in a earnktine Welt o his tem *item frOm moose Huron ridtP21,in the Mail Feigar Llleera4 Campaign aid -the miter pro vitreiar camPaiign of Dr. Morgan Smith were guests at a baud. .Q1*-,,.. • 3, 1968 , • Dublin Out- flow Kegrina 300- • KNOCCICCOMM August 22, 1968 John F. Butson of. Staffa, was elected President of the Perth Xo-operative Medical Services at Mitchell. Elmer D. Bell, of Exeter Thur, sday announced his resignation after eight years as President of the Ontario Progressive Censer- vative Aesidation. William Harburu received sec- ond degree burns to more than, 20 percent of his body when flames enveloped, him as he was lighting a fire Sunday after- noon. Miss Brenda Noakes of Hen- sail left Saturday for a 12 day trip to Calgary and other parts in the Canadian West. August 29, 1968 Richard Shantz, 18,. Zurich was elle driver of a dump truck involved in a 55;000 accident on Highway 8, west of Seaforth. Seven Dublin young people had a narrow escape from serious in- ' jury. - A skunk shot on Goderich Street west last week has been found to have been rabid ac- cording to Dr. M. K. Clugston. The animal was shot by Police Chief' Gordon HulleY. September 5, 1968 McKillop Council set machine- ry in motion Monday •leading to a two year term for council. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, J. Storey, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary 'with a family din- ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merton Keys in Tuckersmith. Huron Centennial Youth Choir which proved such a popular musical - organization during Canada's Centennial year is being re-organized. •Septernberr 12, 1968 Odtober 17, 1968 A grinding crash east of Dub- easily Monday evening took the liven of tvve Seafeith resid- ents arid a Londesbero nat- ive. Dead are Mrs. Roy LaWeette wish for a very Happy- Year Phone 527-1390 : Seaforth. Joseph T. Hugill GENERAL CONTRACTOR Phone 527-1265 Seaforth , • • • • • 1. .re .e, ,e• • 4-4 e•,-r••-•rtr rr-4— r r' • r• Herel hoping the --Mew YeCIX- will bring a wealth of good fortune to friends old and new. Thanks for your many' WW1:epos* , Med. .Oia SaC rairtk's 0,010141, ,pubuto,.. 4, • '17614:1111‘ iti**111% Made a bole ion a -Sa.i6e- in Stew- art Br* strOve , one 'Satuedisiy gvelabag. The theli 'erect by D. R. Stewart Mrs: Neil Sell', )oneld Morton, wed Mr. John 'Fralhot„ three teachers retedered' Bachelor of Arts degreek TheeCentennilal its sue of the ExpOsiter, was issued 'this week in a 44 page paper.' It-contained. many pictures of special' inter-. est to the many. readers of the November 7, 1968 A series! of. ,three barn Aires in the Sea .ana which, be- gan shortly before midnight on Tuesday resulted in a loss whit& could, exceed $70,000. • . Mr. end Mrs, Andrew Turn bull, of North Main St. celehrat, ed. their 40th Wedding anniver- MeRlion coma named. Re- eve Ken Stewart, as road super- -inktridant. for McKillep. Wedding .aninerereere• • B. W.' TuckeY, a farmer, Rfari• on, feoimtot Warden and Payola- mit of Guentber-Tuckey Wan* port Ltd., Exeter was elected Preedelent of 'the- Auto Mabee Transport Assoefationt of Oct.' '‘ ado at its Conventian. PVC COninriisistivirren, S Box and Ti. Sills and Deputy Reeve V. .e tr Ctel.1:i given ac. ciamte ion . . (Continued on Page 10) Donald G. ,E4 on Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527.1610 - : Seaforth As your friends, we express our sincere , wishes for a loilul New Year, Thank yogi G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE — FUNERAL SERVICE — Ambulance Service — 424. v' Sesides the happy celebration of another New Year, we're making some quiet wishes. One Is that the brand new year ahead will be, for all our customers, a happy and a healthy one. We thank you for your loyal patronage, 41114 4.) OP 0, Reeve Ross McPhail of Rib- bert cut a ribbon mid officially opened a new $23,000 bridge in Dublin. D'Orlean Sills, President of District No. •6 Ontario Munici- pal Electric Association was in Kenora attending a hydro meet- ing. Possibilities that Huron will be faced with higher county tax- es next year was indicated at a special meeting. September 19, 1968 Seaforth Discount Centre will open here .Mid October accord- SEAFORTH COIN OPERATED LAUNDRY • FRANK MILLS a „yr den' , kW= ti .. .............. al1,3owitoiihes for the A 114 'We fain our friends, and' neighbors in a prayer for peace or the new' Year In Olt vommunity, country. rilcaik you, — to all our customers ... May happhiess, health and :good fortunelie 'OurS-aria• your family's in the New Year.. And for the trust and support• you have giVen us, our thanks! APtif PHARMACY • E:ItOGArkitio Anat. Seafortleg 5c to $1.00 Store • - Stationery w Gifts. JOIEIN A. 'C ONO Inagrance Agency Phone 527-0490 Seaforth Office Directly Opposite °'-/leaforth Melon Looking to 'the year ahead, we hold high hopes for our community and oil the wond'erfill people In it. To 'you, our gratitude and good wishes.' ;;••••.44.44,4,.• • . . . 0041104 from Page fp cleric treasurer. He anCeeeds the late 4Ohn M. Wort. On Saturday June 22nd a trou- sseau tea was given by Mrs, Rus- sell Werden at her home in honour of her daughter, Kaye. HargY Pethick was presented with a retirement certificate fol- lowing 16 years employment-11► the Junior Ranks mess of C. P, B., Clinton. August le. 1968 Seaforth police ere investigate ing break-in at the Seaferth Jewellers. Entry was gained by smashing a glass pane, but noth- ing Wad reported stolen. , Charles Price and Alf Price recalled some of their early life recently when Charles, can* from England to visit his broth- er Alf. They had not seen one another in 41 years.. A new sewer dlspos plant for Seaforth came a stet nearer on Friday when 0. W. R. jc, held a hearing in the town ',trial° consider engineering recOinenen- dations concerning the' Ideation of a lagoon. August 15, 1968 Wm. Pinder was appointed a member of Seaforth Council, re. placing the late Dr. J. C.:lifae. Lerman who died suddenly two weeks ago. Brian Hodgert was among a group of district teenagers who left this week for Calgary on an educational tour sponsored by the federal and Provincial governments. An early start is expected on construction of the Huron-Perth regional nursing school at Strat- ford. before ifs too sate) whenyworelwwit Wed. the 'family" Hospital InItnrarice premium must be paid to, cover husband and wife. If ydu belong to a group notify your group without delay or if you both pay p• direct, notify When you move to a new job you can keep insured by fol- lowing the instruc- tions pp the Hospital care of Pa ent Insurancey;yertifi- Form 104' that your present employer is required to give you on leaving. When you turn 21 you are net longer covered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. You must, take out individual mernhership within 30 days. Get your ap- plication form at a bank, or a hospital, . o from H.I.R.B. When you have a new address notify your group. If you don't belong to a group, write H.I.R.B. .1.1Z-13 Health Insurance Registration Board, 2195 V' onge Street, Tomlin 7. Serving Ontario's Health Insurance.Plann .3, -44 0,011110&< • Allviiiiedarns, EgmolidVAle, butcher was found 'untensciteine rn n kicker' freezer FaSsaa . praykl sthortbr afperwittle. 40eivet, ltrablY Oildiet- resident p q ee uietly celb '111114(410s 102 lefrthday en MendaY- • A"." T. McLean was made tire neepPent Of le silver tray in re- 00MinthOth of 10 years. as chair- man of the Board of Seaforth Community. Hospital. - OCTOBER- 10, 1968 1171n* W.' D. Stepheeson was maned to represent the auxiliary on, the Board >of the Seaforth Community Hospital. She suc- , mods We: R. J. Boussey; John •Modelenct and T. am Grieve Were presented with 50 years jeeeeile in Britannia Lod ge. For the first time in the near- ly 130 years in which it has been in, .existence tire Township of Tuckersmith will have a de- puty reeve. . • -APt2 '"(11111'1"°'<lt:74'21 1111 1!411111: • flA ...:11111P IV, :•7 1111: • • •• rail; X1(.1:1;*•: tit jlopefully, the New Year will enable peace to prevail, help people ,dco;dgtharmonionsly, and let every man live in freedom ... for these • ideals saVely make far a happy yearl • - •-•.1 SEAIT;ORT11, ONT. PRONE 5g74670 g• • Er• • l'44r• ,01.4, -Nell like to express,our thanks and appreciation!