HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-01-02, Page 6We celebrate the New
Year with best wishes
for all the customers
Whom we've, been
privileged to serve.
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John M. poo..ipiploTkolvxcx- $rowils-b4k passed :0thionupltsr *Oita, July 17th. .He was In 4is '130th
rr•Ir.•• r fr,•;•;'
• Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime I
,0'3,4#,A) Li,3),2eck Pc.i)
4titilt 'front Page 3)
V$5,00..4 A. bingoWald of the
now onus for, members of
Me an
May 2, 1968 •
W. Harry Sulkard, 100, was
born in Seaforth is in kis 98th
year and was presented with
Manitoba's Order of the Crocus
by Mayor H. L. Henderson of
Lt. Col J. D. Harvey C. D. of
Seaforth retired from command
of the 21st Field Artillery Reg-
iment in an impressive hand-
ing over parade in Wingham
Sunday afternoon.
May 9, 1968
Thieves broke • into the Del-
mage mill at Winthrop over
the weekend and stole $63.00.
The home of Herman Mayer
and his wife and nine children
was destroyed by fire.
F. A. Golding has been pro-
moted to the rank of Major ef-
fective July 1st.
Dr. J, 0. Turnbull has been
appointed to the -newly created
Large Animal Practices Com-
mittees by Hon. W. A. Stewart
Minister of Agriculture and
Food of Ontario.
May 16, 1968
A crowd of Soo saw Mait-Ed;
gar nominated on Monday night
as Huron's Liberal candidate.
Public School Principal C. A.
Trott retires after 35 years in
the teaching profession.
A grindSon of Andersoh,
Scott, Calvin Nesbitt of Guelph
VMS killed white , serving with
the U. S. Marine Corps in Viet-
May 23, 1968 ,..-• -
Linda Forbei was (fie firs( (a
reach Bayfield in a walk to that
village along with 180 of her
mates who made it. They raised
$1,000 for the school in Jamica,
B. W. I.
• Mrs. J. W. McKinley, the form.
er, Margaret Scott, passed away
fQ4s1Y1.410 A. 4,4# 4,t ciFt; •
k`ritn,„.. e Minister erre Elliott Truman wad"welco
ors • by a' crewd.-numbed4
nearly 2,000:
*May 30, 1968 •
The town was .preparing for
the 100th Birthday Party, -
The Seaforth District High
Scbool Girl's Trumpet • Band
Band will spread their fame in
the United States. They, go to
Frankenmigh me June 17.
June 6' 1968. -
Miss Jean McIntyre was hen,
oured by the students and teach-
ers when they paid her the high-
est tributes ever awarded to a
retiring teacher. She received
two ovations after her short
talk of appreciation. ,
Little Tracy Baker Is in a
picture taking a broad jump
while interested class mates
look on.
Looby Construction Ltd., Dub-
lin, has been awarded a contract
by the Ontario Department of
Highways in the amount of
$458,161.40 for repairs on High-
way2, in the Hamilton, district.
June 13, 1968'
Everyone knew the ,reet?rd
hot' humid weather, which, had _
been the feature for• several
days was to end soon but no one
realized the' end was to have a
damaging effect it had on -Sear..
forth Tuesday evening. A port;
ion of the roof of the Cardno,
block was torn ,off. Two buSin-
eases, Savauge Jewellers and
Stedman's reported extensive
water damage.
Frank Phillips, Seaforth photo
grapher, Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital folloiving
accident in which' he fell from
the roof of his George Street
East residence. .
Mary Sills, Seaforth' was one
of seven girls chosen to repre-
sent Huron County at the 44H
Girls Conference in Guelph.
adia.n 'School of '130babning
were Kenneth cordno.-04-.W*
MacLennan of •Sepfettli,
A tombstone otitSick the 100
year"old Turner's United Chnroh
TuglEPrsmith; has engraved
on it, the game of one ef, the
foundersi-Edward, Turner. er-
viees on Sunday marked the
closing of the church,
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney -OPUIrnell.
marked the 50th anniversary.' of their wedding at a gathering in
the Orange Hall.
Bombardier Win. McGrath,
9t""gMondville will leave-, Can,
adw.for a three-month posting-
to • the. Canadian- Armed,,Eorc'es
in 02finany on ,August.12th.
July 25, 1968
Edith Bold, 'RR 2 Walton, is
in, fair condition in Victoria Hos-
pital, London following an aecia.
ent in which a power mower sev-
ered ;her left leg at the ankle
Saturday laSt.
Mciltllop Council at a special.
meeting named Wilson Little as
' (continued en Rage 8)
best wishes
May the crystal ball
reflect good things
:for you and- yours
in the New Year.
We extend- our-,thank4
, •
The Health of A a .:Bt"-Oneh,a,f.. the oi0,0 0%3E44, meot of Agriculture, in cc00040n with the Perth c.04_03,- Health District.,,
wilr!CelidInt lintel, -• for the vaccination of dogs 4.04 rots at thel.f011OYAng Older:
&oft, Hibbert Tyx,PcS.449 :30 ax:,. 1a40. Pm. Fullarton, Fulia*WPwp. 'Shed, 2 pm .to"burs.
FriddY'r "Janual IQ • ,
Bornholm, Logan Twp. Garage, am to
noon • :
Thursday,.. Jpritiory. 23
.Mitchell pm to 7 pm.
This service is effe.red,VIZE-OF CHARM' to pet own-
'ers regardless of .county of residence and they are- urged to
preSent their pets for vaecination.„(it any, clinic.
• ' Cats to be properly ris*ained:
Nate: ImMunity folleWing anti rabies , vaccination 10 •
not permanent, hence annual reAraccinationcare yecomniend•
• 0.d.
- We're
sending you all
our best wishes for the. New Year.
-Our thanks for the-pleasure-of--seiving-You.
Phone 527-1140 Seaforth
r•'" Irv'?" (rw•
. _
• All Classes of Farm Property
• Summer Cottages
• Churches, Schools, 'Halls
Extended coverage (wind,
smoke, water damage, falling
objects, etc.) is also available.
AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5,
Seaforth; Wm. Leiper, " , Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels;•
Harold Squires, Clint,- _, George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton,
— Main Street 141%7070',' SEAFORTH'
,COMPANY • * Town Dwellings
June 27, 1968
Seaforth, this -week end, cele-
brated the 100th anniversary as
an incorporated 'munielPalitY•
Stewart. Bros, were robbed of
125 suits of men's clothes. The
thieves forced two. back doors
and made off with the loot.
-Thieves stole ,three flood
lights from the lawn of St. And-
rew's United Church at Hippen.
Robert Thompson of Kippen
celebrated his 92nd birthday in
.Tifite'24 and ,his health and ener-
gy are remarkable for a man his .
July 4, 1960
16 year old Fan, ,Munro re-
:presenting the Seaforth Optimist •
Club was crowned Seaforth's_
100th Birthday Queen at the
Lions Carnival.
John. M. Eckert, clerk of Mc-
Killop Township for 25 years re-
signed his week owing to ill
The Seaforth Highlanders
Band were again. in performance
during the 100th birthday cele-
brations of the town and - they
provided same of the best enter-
tainment of the event. It was led
by F. C. J, Sills.
• July .11," 1968
Irvin Trewartha was recently
elected the , 43rd, president of
the .Seaforth Lions Club.
James Doig, Tuckersmith was
involved in a car accident with
Oliver McKay as a passenger
,and a pick-up truck driven by
Dirk Toonk of Kippen.
The village of Brucefield is
getting new street lights.
July 18, 1968 — For Co-op Insurance
A massive search continued
Wednesday in an attempt to lqc- Phone-,527,0,464 — John St.
ate the„bodies of Fergus Coombs SEA#ORTH
of Egmandville and Jacis„Dallas;
Brucefield,• who are missing and 00200-1-•
this time,,
it is a pleasure to
:*rne in and wish you
and your family a Happy New Year!
It's beet, a delight to serve yea Thanks/
Phone 527-1222
penfwvr, r..4) ) I ,.44 I Le, )
-6, '4, 1,, .4, 15. NA.. ".4 •rs„I
High up on
our list of very
favorite traditions is
wishing all our loyal friends
and neighbors a ,hapPy, healthy and
'prosperous New Year. Good luck to you all.
Zile reaaet eloiteaa4 peel ftoeirAyetpe,--
Phone 527-1320 — Seaforth
Here's wishing that tie
New Year brings you gveatst
julfilintent. Thanks for your patronage!
15 John St. Seaforth
wishing that a • •
lull, happy life will be yours.
Sincere Gratitude for Your Patronage'
•S•• 4r- • SS • 'S "S. • •
IP?1 n•P' .11Y. (r...).?1' .0W ; .474 I ..fir rr1 r t •
r ,e241 e Gt • "r'S • ,44 • .5 • Kr. • • -Vv. IS. • Vy • ,4 • ',4L Ye • R. '4".'
vim.. lucky
end of the
wishbone to you
and yours in the New
Year ... and may it
,'mean much
health and happiness!
Your good will has been truly appreciated.
r- r rft. r-r-ft r-•
e3. , i2.4;
• We resolve
to' do our part in
helping to make this New
Year.the. very best ever.
• We will work toward,
the growth, progress
of our community,
• We will try to
promote the cause of
petite and equality
among all men.
„„t , tr,A, eg, el, el, el, el, :•,4•• ,
(hit with with the old, bring in the new. May the New
-Year bring you happiness, health, and'prosperity
and bring us the continued lortune oftavino
you' as a patroh. Thank you very muchl
Farm Eqgipment
: Phone 527-0245
Phone 365-W-6
•S‘ •••,- "'fn. •
r•Y‘r it/,?fir,;!r .44 erpx...,r,i, , • (pg.,
The Management and Staff of
a sincere wish for a Happy and Prosperous
To . All ,Their