HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-01-02, Page 4COLORED TV BEV1RAGE ROOM SNACKS Tasty Chicken Wings STILL A FEW TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR OUR NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY To. OUR ,PATRONS We Extend A. Sincere Wish For A Happy And Prosperous New Year — THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF, COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth The best entertainment' The best atmosphere The best food Don't forget our Gala New Year's Eve party. Get your tickets, early. Tickets now on sale .$10.00 per couple. There are still a few left. New Year's Eve featnring the- REVISED EDITION WITH DANNY COUGHLIN AS M.C, 1#1011,111MlipiNt-' This year, treat yourself to the best PIZZA PATIO Restaurant and. Tavern 350 Bair-field Road Goderich Phone524-7711 Two Door Prizes (Children under 16 not) permitted) ADMISSION $1.00 Two Dozen Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 Proceeds for Welfare Work WHITE ELEPHANTi Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal. Canedian Legion , We put them in First Church a long time ago hoping they would be' used. But they sit there week after week, lonely and •unattended. We were wondering if you would like the use of one? You'd be more than welcome to do so. By the way . . . these White Elephants are unused, unoccupie pews. They are for your use Sunday mornings at 11 :00 a.m. an on ma Abolutely Fiee An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. EUCHRE• - Order of the Eastern Star MLitt., Jan. 2rid 8:30 p.m. bat Oddlellow Rooms, Admission 50c ,0% ir:4( 11"W ,r-a -r-- r re, tr-- law clew EUCHRE C.O.F. Hall, Constance Friday, Jan. 3rd $:30 p.m. Ladies Please Bring Lunch FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SEAFORTH Y -74 '77 7011 SATURDAY ALA., Ladles' and Escorts', Room Enjoy a Sine-A.1-1;mi with "EARL t the Hammond Organ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JOHN. THOMAS JACkSON Mousolews,... —.4043fra: D WAhl Mr, 414 aft mas. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell and familY spedit Christmas. with "kr. and Mrs,'Gordon,Hack- ine 'and Family. - Mr. Gordon- RuethbrOok, Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beard, Wiritehaen called on their eonsine, Mrs, Mary ,Maleolin and MT. and Mrs. Dalton :IVInticohn on Thurpday. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton: Malcolm had there vneste for Chriee- maq Mr. anei Mre. Repent Sherry and Linda, Glens n, land Mrs. Ross Gordon and Parry, seeforth, MT. Keith and Bruce Malcolm, Lyndon, Mrs. Mary Malerfhe. ' Remember! It takes but a moment tr:e place an Expositor Want Ad and- be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. • Rebirsor, Mrs. James- Ile was veteran -4 mrs, Mary Williamt Butler& World War and a member of visited - Saturcliay With WA Visas the Bewail Branch 480 of the Moore, Royal Canadian Legion. Bral/tcht. Mr, 'and -Vans. ' Charles Roney Fla is survived by his wife the and family are having as there Dormer Myrtle Rychnien and one, guests for •New Year Mr. and sorb, Monies H. of Vlort Lauder- Mrs. Alden Williams and .fancily, dale, Florida. Three deters, Mrs. in the isppatal a) Week, BOOM 34» lAWL:POOL Pi40120(1 he came to Canada- as a youth, For 5,4 years! lee4rmiftti nib Unity Seslvatchwan untd retiri4. to EgmandeDle in .1966. - • He is survive& by hAst wife the former Vera Ilvemeer to whom lie was married in' Tuek- ersenith 1,925. He. 16 survived by three daughters; attic Mazy Jackson at 'home, Laura, Mrs. Norma/II, Eggert, Egmoautvdlle, Grace, Mrs, Aubrey McNichol, Blyth and three sons, John T, Wilfred C. anal Harold W, all of Unity, Sasdratchwen, He is also survived 13 liWandaticl& Den A . member of Egmendville United Church, funeral services will be oonducited by hiseminist- er Rev.-D. Steven at Box Funer:' al Chapel at 2 p.m. on Wednes- day. Teanperory interment ' will follow in Pioneer MenitotlOal, Christmas guests with. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McGregor were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Melick, Don and Jim of Goderich. . On Boxing 'Day, Miss Jean Ivison and her -sister, Miss Reid Torrance were with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Torrance and fam- ily at Porter's Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Joe MeQuairie and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. • M..MeQuarrie at Meaford. Mr. and Mrs, Scott Zerr arid family . ofLondon enjoyed Christmas with Mr. 'and Mrs. Eldin Kerr. Mrs, Ray Bell and family spent Christmas with Mrs. Hil- da Weir, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Little- ton and Charlene of Linitten, were with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Littleton 'and family on Christ- . Mas, day. Mr. and 'Mrs. Louis Kirk, Louise and Paul spent Christ- mas and' Boxing day with Mr. and, Mrs. Ror Kirk of Port Stan- ley; 'visiting 'relatives as well, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGre- gor visited Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Lannis Seimon at Kitchen. er. , • , Miss Mabelle Whiteman is spending the winter months in Seaforth. Christmas day guests with Rev. H. F. -Currie offiebatme- Burial will follow in Bayfield Cemetery. MISS NELLIE BROADFOOT The funeral for the late Mir Nelliie l3roadfoet„,..fleaforth was held On Thursday December .20. Mr. and Mrs. Wra;McGrelor in- cluded 'Mr. and llfrs: Wilmer McGregor of Sault" Ste. Marie, Mr, and Mrs; Edgar McClinch- ey and Jerry of Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Alderdice and family enjoyed Boxing day and a few of the holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Alderdice at Clarksburg, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Cooper, all of Hensall, spent. Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Vivan• Coop- er and family. Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. F. Bell included Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Ford and fam- ily of Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jensen of Fergus, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jensen of ' Fergus have been spending some of -the holidays with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bell and family. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Dick- ert 'spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wahl at Lis- towel. Mr., and Mrs. 'Ken McLellan and girls were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mc- Lellan, Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stan- lake of Exeter, visited Mr. Rob- ert Thomson on Boxing day. On Christmas day Mr. Thomson was with his daughter and son-in- law, Mr. "and Mrs. Clarence • Priestap of Mitchell, • Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride and Sharon enjoyed Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dal- rymple and daughters at Bruce- field. Mr. and Mrs. Rochus Faber spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Emmerson Coleman and family, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burke of' Ainsley and Mr. and Mrs. WM. Gibson of Wroxeter were Christ- mas guests with Mr. and Mrs. 'W. L. Mellis, On Boxing day Mrs. J. Gibson of Wroxeter and Daisy of Waterloo visited the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Edison McLean and Heather had' Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Percy Struthers at 'Atwood. Mr .and Mrs. Emerson Kyle and- Jim were with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor of ,London, on Christmas day. Mr, and Mrs. Ken McKay and family were holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McKay at Seaforth. , Red Cross Breledfeet, AllisitHer Breadfoot Seafellth, Cliff Boma-foot, Seaforth, Witgon Broadfook Gst tioe jcoeriCk Seen lirOadfoot,Votad- WILLIAM COLE LIEEN'S HOTEL Seaforth MiSsourR• Township, died on Today, 'December 17, in Strat- ford 'General Hospital. She was born In Mitchell and for several. years prier to her marriage, was a member of -the Clinton Pat Cabe Staff, SurViving are" bet' husband, two ems, Missy vitythe. Rettig. son, .Saskobanpl; Mrs F.elythe &-3,arks; tittrileih, The funeral:, seirvtee was held on Thursday at-the L, -A. Ball funeral' borne, Si!,. 'Marys. Bpr: tail followed an the. St. Magid peanettery. • • CASH BINGO Legion Hill, Seaforth ' 8:15. p.m. Friday, Jan. - 3rd 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Games $75.00 Jackpot to go We Are Buyers of RITE BEANS and CORN We also are in the•market for OATS' and BARLEY that will make 'seed Give us a call before you sell It For •Highest Prices Paid Contact Wit Gs Thompson Sc.Son LIMITED HENSALL 2624527 "V' tiow This Newspaper Helps Advertisers..., A well known symbol Is like a good repUintion difficult to establish and even more difficult to )maintain.' • During your daily activities — in your store or in your home you come into contact with many bide marks that Bymbolize an assured measure of performance or quality.' They may range from initials on an electrical appliance to words like "sterling" or "prime." Likeits counterparts, the membership symbol of the'Auclit Bureau of Circulations* provides you with a reliable measure of our circulation performance, based on the highest.standarde known for either print or broadcast media. The ABC symbol cannot be purchased It must be earned through performari!ce. Continued use of this symbol is predicated sea our ability to maintain these highest standards of ciyculation value. " Whenever jou think of advertising media, it will pay you to ask, "Does it measure up to ABC standards?" You can - be sure it does if you use the advertising columns THE HURON, EXPOSITOR Dial 527-0246 vnati newspaper fs a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, a nonprofit, dooperitive association of publishers, advertisers, end advertising agencies. Our circulation is audited at reg lar Intervale by experienced ABC circulation auditors and their reports are made 'Ivens le to our advertisers' withetit‘obligatiori. UNE OP SE V te0...61A 14 K O F it4 rEGNITY eettmanster—' Ma'. and Mrs. David Williams and family, St. Marys, Mr. and Wins. Clayton Harris, Mitchell, Kitchener, Mrs. .Nelson Heal, Mr, and 'Mrs; Robert E. Bur- ' 001, Mitchell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britten on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pepper, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pepper, Saskat- ehwan, Miss Gayle Lambe Lon. don, Mr. and Mrs_ Blythe Lauri: in, Gary, Wendy were di Quests of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Lan and Darwin on Sunday. Mr. -and Ur. Gleam Pepper went to Walton to meet thedr daughter Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Carpenter -arid- baby Earrnyn. from Viotiora B. C, Mr. and Mrte. Erie No, Lancing Michigan visited his naother Mts.- SikreNernis. Mr. aret• Mrs. James' BrOugh7 ton, Miss Ada Coulter, AtwObe were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lansain and. Faun-1y:- Mr. and Mr's, nett Britton and Joan visited Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Stanlake, Exeter for Christ- ran*, Mr. liavrOg4W4ghte C:Ptaxgrui*r AO,* itbouvo, Ohmgatf.:4 trs. Bereft._ Wright awl While Pkkor bgalith Sty 414'4 :?e her at family!, Mr. an I • I? tt. I 1.1. • # NEWS of IK1PPEN The Seaforth Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society in 1968 held nine regular meetings and the annual meeting in Dec- ember. A successful drive for funds nwas held in March.- At Easter holidays a teenager was sent to the University at Lon- I don for a refresher course in Red Cross swimming and later served as a lifeguard at the Lions Pool. A shipment of 'sewing and knitting was sent to Ontario Division -.in April. Twelve bot- tles of 1,000 capsules each of cod .liver oil were given to the health nurses to be distributed in Huron County where needed. Ten articles were out on, loan from our loan cupboard. Forty pairs of knitted socks were giv- en to two local churches for their missionary bales; eighty pairs of children's knitted socks were sent to the Children's Aid Society in Goderich. -Two district, families who suf- . fered fire' disaster were given two hundred dollars each from local stores for clothing, shoes Old household necessities, also six large quilts, one drib quilt and some items that would fit from our storeroom. The officers for 1969 are:, Past' president, Mrs. W. E. Butt; president, Mrs. A. Y. McLeari; secretary, MrS. Lorne -Dale; , treasurer, Mrs. Norman Scoins; convener of sewing, Mrs. W. E. Butt; conveners of knitting, Mrs. J. Munn', Mrs. E. Boswell, G. Brightrall; convener of loan cupboard', Mrs. Roy McGonigle; represeritative "' of St. James' Church, Mrs. J. M. McMillan; representative of St. Thomas' • Church, Mrs. George McCravin; ' representative of United Church 'Mfa. F. liAloga; rePreselAstiva of Fit Presbyterian Chureh, .ors , Mao tioottivSe: rordsenta.. uf ..Etuonditillit Church Mo. Harold Jackson. g•N ‘1.6e1V11B4it. liter onsou'- , -001,0901b" THOMAS de §11EikRITT William Cole of *Homan Pass- Louise Spalding, Anna Maria, Florida, 11,11s. D. H. Burlesi.(Dotra) ed away; at Huronview on Mon- adcheat of Lendon and ore Pud"In'erualec*Anolele L'in13:c'enitlib437; Ehnont, Michigan, Mrs. W. S. grandohild. hut, details have not been err- , Botterronaimruarneeralmsilt-romge altwhelail'jee' llangAieL. J, 'ROSS TAYLOR Public funeral service will be ,:341.4'.y.-Ross...Taylox, The fen• held on Wednesday at 1:30 with - noir stared,ge ,ababegy, west Afiusic' by "THE ROUNDERS-1i Hats, Hors' Etc. at C 6 $ 5' Read thes Advertisementa Ifs,a Profitable Pairthne I WANT ADS BRING (Wick RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY •• presents The New Set" A At SEAFORTH ARENA SATURDAY, JAN. 4th' 9:00 — 12:00 DRESS e- CASUAL • ADMISSION $1.00 .