HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-12-19, Page 7tuinvaq. C. T. 17. NO. a( in frent mall boy, muoli tee fori, 1oo'- g a-aveckW, only two and Bennis lir some ,whip they the good and pude thing pf the piesBO d all this, as a new hint as Int lad, what mindful the other vorite, and a hurt the on was out, y low,se he< quiet dip t the same a to keep tt mamma art, because in a man t your way. d want into led behind iat Stephen arirged only at foundry hat, Ralph stopped and lheir story. ig to hurt, a...little tid- ed acted ea d then the, er. floor when Ler things ig mother nie sprang hitt gently w want to get and then 't Thankagiv. cm halm me, will make r yon. , riming her went out:, , mid pick-- oniootlied to her, as if and perhaps softly, and nuie said, ;s go so, bet I was laig' would . have We could e good, as he ak he would In't for Ills Tabby, if .1 •ashamed to for fear lie ant, Rah V day after and olh turkey, aria e ended in laugh Or for he was, that was 3 for such tt. s were see* ) home mum, cry, saltitiw" there II .014 • O can $I, ti,anae e's • • " • L Nelkigete, °WU-A Ourtette izioldent. eattrineisir Warmth tor rtstrome Venal* e great charter* tu Oherteer Liberties to the English People, o It le the winter management of the• tui it was ealled—was, in feet, a Penitt'Y which b*Bh atrengett in. carehil revision and reproduction or Iluence upon the profitsilial will lie tee 014 Aegio..suon prinvirteo oltd made from them, aud one of the riadat ieheets of govormuoutt wuto. 13440 importatit nietterereletiug to this ia the been Oppressed by the Norman (Ain. ineetien Of ventilation, Sotne he00419 n's Vieriand their ininaediate h9 iinpressed With the need of yeti. cossor, But never wind that. uiiot taboo in the Poultry house as to oon" it to liay—It was a grant forever, from struct elaborate ventilators on the the king to the people, of the righta of reef, svkiiell are left epee dialog tile hberty sati life. .4fter it had 40,, coldest season. Such arrangeineuts knOWLI that the king—John— are nothing 1.488&han destli'truPs for at length sigu it, the charter the fowl, The deeirability of ventila- #0ald was drawn up. parehment, with titan cannot he deuied, but nt great oare—the most expert the same time it is aheom st a atter of.im- Laviog beau engaged o seriveners peritaal the pcsaibi;ity to secure ventilation whieli olacroesiu; and when completed t will not subject the fowls to draught's. g it was taken to the royal presence, where ,With "14° uki'tl'°d "add°. "at" he signing was done, tt4e mg with stoves, it is an easy matter -tOne largest sheets of skies, of veilum to be to secure 11+1444 ventilation, but such prmlueed, had been pet to use ; use a alethed sea" be considered i° or, there 1V8ta room cm the margin. f the dinary practice owing to the expense. or s signatures of the king, mid all the It iquestionable whether any plan greabarons, besides the affixing of veutilation can be adopted which of their seals. grand oelebration t will supplant the old method of yen - followed the consummation of the tilti'tirjg the l'°"8" thoroughly (luring work ; after which knowledge of the the day by opening the doors wide and great charter uud its provisions was purifYieg it/ by dusting the fluor and rooets with some eheap disinfectant. given to the people at large; to which It is certainly unwise in view of ,tho end a copy was made, duly attested, fdr each and every couutty susceptibility of fowl to diseases that in the result, from chills and draaghts, such kingdom. And mind you, this duou. merit was voluuainous. Nothinas croup and swelled heads, to have those old liberty demanding g which barons large ventilators open in the fowl house during the coldest season. The could think of hart been forgotten. There were more than fifty sepitrate irnost necessary feature of a poultry -raw•St.10•.. riections ; and many of those sections mUse if rho bens are expected to do theiti 1 a ' 1 Aa mat. young. 'eltii, or 'Markle aged, also find theineelves nervous, week or siballs4. ed, who are broken down front extiese or overwork, resulting in nitoiy of the folloSting syluptenle 400.01. (Urea- bion;' 'premature ' 'OW age, Wee of vitaIiy,lose of memory, bad dream, aiumeee of sight, palpitation of the heart, emission, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headalie, pimplea the face or body, Raking or peouiar sensation about the scrotum, waisting ef the organs, dizziness, speeke before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits m the urine, loss of will power, tendernes of the sealp Bila spine, weak and flabby Muscles, (Wire te sleep, failure to b'e reated by Sleep, constipation, thinness of heatifig, loss of voiee, desire for solit&le; exci1n bility of tetnIt'ei; sunken eyes sur- rounded with rattninit Oniapia, oly leokiug skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that led to 'sanity and dead ueelvas Cures. Ihe spring or vital power having lost its tension every function wanes consequence. Those who through abuse eommitted in ignorance may be perinanentely cured. Send your address for book oil all diseases peculiar to man. Address LUBA.N, 50 Front St. Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. Ile&rt disease, the symptoms, of which ate faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation,. skip beats, not flusheq rush of blood to the WO, dull pain i4 the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, paw about the breast bone, etc, can positively be cured. No eure, no pay. Send fdr book, Addresi M. V. LUBON, Front Street East, Totonto, Out. r idi es ers, 18 t Vtitinii, and it is not advisable to Everythiag tin th,e- Dairying lano-i contained each a volume in itsel. tt Well copies were made from the FOR, TEE WWI' ViLUB 411 ORDURED 0 OTELINt+ GO To WEBSTER HATSPS SHIRTS, COLLARS, OUFF2; Cheap for ASH. • WEBSTER'S 11 e 1 i o n NEW PATENT -TOP MILK CANS, CREAM OANS, • MIL:tet PAILS, SAP BUCKETS and MILK PANS • sacrifice that for extreme ventilution. original; and then copies were made The French poultry farmers limit the from copies ; and not Dilly were °eines size of their poultry houses, so as to •Of the charter sent to proper officers secure that warmth winch is so esse • u • throughout the realm, but many of tial to the production of eggs in win - the barons had copies for themselves. ter. The common practice errs, we • The origival draft—the grand docu- believe, in this matter, as shown in meet of all—the one parent of all T4that find it. However,) • vopies—was laid away so carefully hat none coul that generation did not care much about it. The attested copies were gond enough. Bat succeeding gener- ations wei e anxious to Bee the original Magna Oinkrta—the document where. hut° was fixed the signature and seal Of John Litekland ; and on which, too, the stoat old barons bad put their hands, either to write their names, of• io make their marks! Bub it was 1106 to be fouud. The eager ones searched --high and low,—far and near but with - Out aeail. It was believed at length that the great original had been un- fortunately destroyed. And so the matter rested for a long, long time as we shall see. The great charter was made in the begiuning of the thirteenth century. •Early in the seventeenth century,four ••handred years later, Sir Robert 00t.. ton, the celebrated antiquary chanced aue day to have his attention attract- • ed to a curious looking piece of parch- 11Nnt, its margin thickly akined with V broad SealS, which a tailortad laid out upon bis board, just rdadjt to cut it up 'into ineasures, He sprang forward, and held the workman's hand ; when, and beheld 1 there lay the true Mona. Chaeta !—the great original 1 • with its signitures, and its seals, all • - intact. The tailor [mid h liad obtain - ted it with a lot of old papers that he hud purchased of a man who had re• . cently rented a suit of apartments which had, in olden Melee, been oceu. pied by a firm of scriveners, it Robert bought the precious document for a ; and.thus Was recovered the treasure which had been so long given over as lot, and which bad grown more anct more val. liable as the passing of the year e had Added to its age. Attics eto Mormets.-Are you Matt:theft at 'ORM IInt btoken ot yoftr'rest by a siokehadaultoring and rnying with pain tit Cutting Teeth? ,,it eo boas M co traft get a bottle of " VIVI. Witp10101 Seething L$ tbtti' " gr '1111.Idga.,T,,r1.7. ,x,'4.vitzil:":441; ninediately. Deperto upOil it,Pmeahorei titers litho letalte about it ft mires Dysentery and Blarrhtea, urates tho Stomach and Bowels, cores Wind Collo, ets the Gums, reduces Inflatrifilation, and gives folvis amtenorgp to the whole symeni. ' Mrs. Win.. ' T0iW Soethino Syrup" for ebildrerf teething is Witiltirathdobtt6trli':;,111%.:°,1tIr ,g,ov 1'n' 'ffq4vte,tstt bt for ago. 1:,..., : :1. -.ie. 1"V.1: ;116 '.;.', .ei 11:!:,...tv!te!.-11 i,,i, -.14. iiiwi•inu Inattrae 4" a kn • * 4.• • • • • t, the many frozen feet and combs, the p • alence of such diseases • as croup and swelled heads amongst our farm' poultry.—The Canadian Live Stock. ' and Farm Journal for Decamber. • rev • You hear of all the people who made a greatnian what lie is; what booms of those who help to make' the fail- ures Stix mends Glassware, China,Croogiry, eta, It is an odd thing, that as wit grdws thin it becomes heavier. Success,iu the Majority of instances, depends on knowing how long it takes to succeed. ezgrTne Tnune.to new subscribers till alst December, 1151, for -51. --Cash. HAMILTON, W ± iT GI -I A. It Capital., $1,000,000. Rest, $450,000. President -3m Srmurr, • Vice-President—A, 0, RattSAY. no:Et:Tons roux Plectron, CIIAS, Gettant Ono RoAcu, A. T Woon, A. B. LMit (Tor(into). Oashier—S. TUBNI3111.4.. Savings Bank honrs, 10 to dt Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposits 0 51 and upwards re9eived and interest allowed. spacial. Deposits allite received at current rates of 'intermit Watts on Gteat Britain and the United States boughtlind sold ' AaxsT. DICIUNt'btc, eoticueons. C. P. B. TIME TABlit. Trains drive and depart as follews GMATINO Anaivom 5:86 a, in ..........For Torodto .... . . 5:35 a. m 2 :2201 p.P11 int • For Te .2:;2u ptu 2 10:80 p. m 10:80 „ &ILA_ bTaD TIt71V-3Z-a A. 0. STRATUDEE, AGII1NT, \NING/IAM. • Through lekets to all points in America—Arno,- West-Peelle Cost, etc., via, the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. • --TIME TABLE : -- LEAVE WINONAM. AllftlY21 AT WISONA111. 010 a in.Toronto,Onelnh,Palmerston, &o. 5:80 p.m. 16.40 " ." 41 10;10 5:80 p.m. '‘ " Clinton, " " — Palmerston, _ „mu a.m. 6:45 ..... " 11:10 a 3/0 8:30 a.to. 7:16 p.m. t LIR 11:106:50 1;.m 1$0:•3100 • Phrentilogy, .Physiognomy ad Physiology. Send PhOtograph of Yourself or Friend with and t will send you a Written Statement of your Character and the Pursuit you aro adapted for; also stating what wimp vou should marry to be happy. Photo• returned with chart. . OrCoussis, Phrenologist, Afurillo.P. O. via Port Arthur, Ont. Late of Wittainun. Property tor Sale in Belmore. The undersigned offers for sale a desirable pro perty in the village of Belmore, consisting of a good dwelling house. office stable and driving shed, with one acre and a..hitlf el land in connection. Splendid garden, with all sorts of fruit trees. Will be Bold at a bargain. Vet portioulars, apply to • FIlli'DERICK C00B, Delmore. BARBER SHOP. 134R. MALCOLU MobONALD, (LATH OP RIPOMYS Basing purchased the barbering business of Messrs. Sebastian Bros., Itiprepared to give all old easterners and as many now ones as patkohlhe him,.satistaMion in all lines of the pfetcssion. SHAVING ,'AND HatizidtrilING ark my specialties.' :Mt.GIVe me a call at the old stand, opposite Gordon and blelutyra's storo,, M. MCDONALD. A Blessing to Every llousehold. HMO 1.1" AY'S PHIS AND GINTR1ENT. These tentacles have steeitthe test of fifty years *aperient*, and are piols'ouneed he best tliedicfnee for Faintly use. Purify the Woad, Correct all disorders of tho WE% SToluMni, 'kiln:111'07 AND now ELS and are It:Valuable in all complaints Ineldental to females of all ages, • TSR C3I-INTII'AIMI\191' to the only reliable rettkiv for bed logs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. Mt 1401101/11IR, 8011E THROATS, 0000118, OOLDS, GMT, RHEUMATISM, GLADDLAII. O SLLINGN' AND ALirs SEM DISEASES IT IIAS NO EQUAL. Vanufartured only at 78, Now OXford. Oxfoedltreat, Louden, and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world, • igerurhasers should look to the Label on tholkixes &tidPfoiiit tig • address 30 Oxford Street, Loudon, they me spurious. o TUB ADline" tee•et d twri • 4,41. wi4a). e lc s.• • Snell LISTIE.13 st /*Ur teadere that t have a posItive reano0 (artier above tem- i tS litauda of hopeless oivaos have been plitnalretnity cured. I Ichtli/ lei* of my remedy FREE ttg any of your' *Wool vitro Wive,. ...low d toe their Un -press a hit Ft 4. 0-ffill rigs, iiteeposwelkh 411 Welin44ttatalcie Ateer UtittititTeift ' •• • EAVE-TROUGHING A SPECIAL'IT • 0 Repairing will be Prompt 1 Done a:. vie 11. 3g: illieseryam • MRS. HERDSMAN • Hes her stook of Fall Goods to hand and opened out. It is moat corn.: plete and has been purchased in' the best Foreign and Home Markets, for cash, and will lie sold at lowest possible profits. Feathers, Flowers; Ribbons, Laces, Silks, Satins Brocades, Plush and Velvet Mantle Cloths. L— zo-SPEZIAL ATTENTION TO MANTLE MMHG AS USUAL: HATS AND BONNETS TAIMMEDIN LATEST STYLE. GOOD'S' iMPORTED DIRECT. EGGS' TAKEN AS CASH, • Mrs. Herdsman: WiifaiLtikit Aug. 28th, 189d. INGHAM •" FOUNDRY. 4MtiltRitY _socoo.gito i l iibInson, manuiacturetare of— A gtitt ULTIMATA IMPLOPINfiTtlii. We Mee thVpattliens 414 M. Robinson and can supply repairs for all kinds rti IMplCuentei • MILL fil.OICS MADE AND SHAII.P4E.- SA W GUMMING —AND - 6.4 Atite xEtrans %A: samcf.b..$1.ivas-/- Ibo 'Patronage of the publiotolicited. An quantity. of 01(1 Cast Iron. 8crap Wanted'. in tiointatiflOn with tba atone, 1 *tett to lay that 1 base 'Weed- iny foundry ie eke eleeve Melee of yowl. . Deu, eota• to Wirodaire highly recommended firet•ideee iiiirrhenfte.-havin• had eSr amino the pao.tedgfriiiieri yentit, "MAP; ii0t aftvivasq.,ft av 00. experienoe 13)111 wOrk And repaint , I irOutd tut for thew. tioirtironukce 41 Bre veterienre ex vet*, • 1