Wingham Times, 1890-12-19, Page 21.
...11 ' t *"4"." .
, ,,. i work twice as tutiolf pay VI we get for
f*(10,.telltg tiAll 01,,biti.,t), ourselves. I would finish tlie job at
1 lioine and instead of eXportias store
--:- - t -- ' ------"--'-' steers and importing dressed beef, 1
1L.-::,,...11011,NOEI1 IQ. iw,)0.
.4...N1,) (JAI
fuming, while doing so
ranats wa,e, way Of providing the
will maintain the fertility
ter tlettla., That is a
nob ittfPor-
r fitet witoi ft4a, fate Who eipeOt to
i'tGaVif their sueeesitore Uve On
ear, fitie 4enerati(ms to come. I
itetti Mat many men say tbat•
'Oomeiss preyed out as a arain-orow-
•,.1.1t,t,soca -that the older eultivated
•pore,•..„,.; a WO D‘.1111111i0t1 should quit
erase, J. have no eyinpathy
Wi Alsi.v advice. The northern
temperate iante is the best part of the
•thole earth for the growth of cereals,
wheat, barleys oats, peas, corn
• *and graia like these ;Pout I do not
this* that, While we should continue
"to grow large crops ot grain, we Shotild
quit selling Bo much grain from our
'farms. Agriculturally. we should be
grairegrowing people,selling animals
and their products. Thereby. we will
grow more graid,have richer fields and
would finish our own work and pro
all the bed We reqere. Oattle to go
abroad will pay us best to ge abroad
in the finished state.
Mails TOMS to new eubsoribere, till
31st Vecerabr, 1891, for in -Cash.
4get more food. By that inethod we
Avner:lett JavanneeOffOtaI
it distinguished apanese coal
Ne0"fork reliently,anct *them.
bei' of the nidnicip'al tievernuient,Ohe
had been in 3apAri rind could speak the
language of that Country, undertook
to show biro around,
Is that radial inakiug an arrest,
asked the Japanese; as be saw a map
stop a milk Wagon,
Not exactly, replied the ottcial. Re
is a milk ifiSpeotor, and. Ws duty is
under the Taw, to see that no impure
o/ilk is so d in the City. If the milk
is all right he Will let the milkman puss
on, °there/1Se he will make an arrest.
Whet i mpure ?
Milk that is mixed. with chalk or
Is the chalk ft poiSon.
Oh no, it impaiis the:quality, , that's
Does water in milk make anybody
An exact Counterpart of a boa eon.
strictor in exodised silver, winds its
ugly body around a knife edged lace
Omelets of twisted rope pattern are
studded provaiscuously with enameled
locitiog, and set Olt a large gold circle
MISS NEI.40 MaI514.11,1n$
aarnia'rE atld Hold Medallist Of Whitby Celloge
Pupil of Mr, Fisher and Mr. W.
Barrio'stease, orgau, Yetis: nutters one Aar -
nosy. itoonss le Borer Woos, wiwitaso.
,eross PiAlio Ann Oaaalf, Anao 0105 ft
For particulars regarding terms, eta. please (51
iny senior ra;.evis alai Patrick ati vet'.
Six. small loops of diamonds inter; apiece:1.
forme pretty but expetisive broouli. FLOBILlat SPABLINO.
Cafe buttons of burnished gold' have •
esfituorfON en Plano, argon rind Violin
Also klartnony.
Residence ou conrer Josephine and atrielt
one Inilf ornaniented with cheeti
Outline oddity in searfpina is oue
that has a dull geld Mira holding 16
straight finals, the index linger just
exposing to view a tiny. diamond Hag.
Searfpins mounted With two Crieket
hate in Roman gold, and separated by
a pearl are noticed oE late.
A. new tobbaeco box is of the barrel
pattern in oxidized silver, mid has a
pretty spaniel squattiag upon it.
The fauti3e of the hour in match-
boxes is one*composed of two cigars of
oxidized silver, neatly bOtincl together
liy gut bands.
AEI:rare cake of agate earries on its
surface a brass kleigh, on whielr itS
rough block oE eryeilat lied try tWa
chains. the whole forming a desirable
paper weight.
-get from our coil an ever increas-
dimiuish Why, of course not. But when a
Wing supply of from a never
; hg store. Allow we to make this
not water, which ne can get for little
et•hought clear without going into de -
or nothing when he desires it. i is a
: Every plant that grows on the
swindle on the public to put water in
filima ret' the service �f man requires at
•the mik.
least three substances for its growth
But you say no one is hurt by it.
which ate bscoming scarce in soine
5ritts of the Dominion. These three
Are nitrogen, phodphoric add, and pot -
MIA. Now, When a farmer having an
$:libdridant cop sells the whole crop
/"rcfrat hie fain, he removes the whole
theee things which the plant
took from the soil. But wheu a man
feeds these same plants to animals,
'they toll their feed to the extent of 30
l -per cent. So when a man sells animal.
and their products only, he 'retains
Mout 813 per cent. of the stilYstchrces
whish the plants tobk-from th
Ilia skill as a manufacturer enables
'him in every case to so Irierease We
'value of the 12 or 20 per cent. Oath
'he gets more for it than be gets for
for '100 per cent. io the other case.
Therefore, we should sell the 12, 20
or leas per cent, at aa enhanced value
and not sell the whole at a low rate.
[ICI providing remunerative occupa..
EMI, dairy farm% eularges the sphere
• of man's labor and affords an ..oppor.
•Eate,Teu Times to new iltbscribers, till
81st Deeember, 1891, for $1,-Oush.
Vermin air. tins FORltry Masc.
Perhaps this most ordinary and fre-
quent treubleii that poultry flesh is
heir to oive their origin to the presence
of insect parasites.' To prevent the
• Josephine Street - - - Winghein, Olt
pessibility of vermin becoming abun-
ibidnon-." Big" Bookstore,
Money to Loan on Farm Scetifity at Low Rata 67
interest. No 00111mikleion oat.
PI A;1 -61\X Et OP •X X?T
WINGIlAI OOL0111011 4Tu. 188b
R$ -
-IS rUnistetilL1,-
UYNE,X 1131114.Y.
---Ar awe --
8111/6040tIOUPnWV111 per vern aetwaSuta
Feelings are hurt -that is all. • dant in the poultry tiouse, it advis"
• Soon lifter dil'y passed a low coulter able to ive it at least two or three
seloon when the doorapened and a man thorough lime washings during the
who came staggering outtripped,struek year. It is very desirable also ire
his head against a lamp poet and fell toping with vermin to furnish the
heavily,on the sidewalk, where be lay fowl with a couplu of dust baths
as one dead. composed of fine, pure sand, or better
What is the matter with that man stilt, of sifted wood ashes. Provided
asked the foreigner of Japah,
• Full of Benzine replied the munici-
pal officer with a glauce of disgust..
Benzine! What is that I
is the name we have in this
douritry for poor liquor -poor whiskey,
do you understand.
• Is there any good whiskey 7
Oh, yes ; there is good whiskey; but
some saloons can nialsOmoremoue3 sel,
ling bad whiskey.
• Dad whiskey is poison:
Deadly poison sometimes.
• Has the man a license to sell whis-
key, same as themileman totsell milk/
Of coarse, of he coilldele trycia
tunity for the exereise of skill, As e,
And do you inspect the Whigkey
producer, be tills his soil, sows his
•1 you do the milk 1
grain, reaps his iharvezt and stores it
by. Theo, as a manufactuter, he finds
Yet there may be poison in iti
occupation at paying rated' While man
whi'e milk is adulterated with chalk
or water, that does no harm in par: is to take a pan of live coals,and upon
with these, plaited so as to get as much
sunshine as possible, and given clean, Special Attention. Given t� Col -
disinfected 'quarters, ,there is little lecting Accounts and. N.Stes.
gents in Canc.4-Tho PilOr0101.31%.V Sauk
81 Canada.
Office Hours -From 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Mount Forest. Listowel.
Deposits Received and Interest
• 'Allowed.
Money Advanced to Farrnera and
thie tett' mon 64,4 000 $t,,,,,uuu it A,100 0600'.
'Carter " Oo15U0 T00 4
a c 0, Ot.
1.00410d ovum custia ea, fa-W.01,0as, 80, per 11,14
for Unit insertion, faid tic. per alai tor thief' su Q4+44{1+4411
:tplIkrott to; orl,v,10,1.1681,0,fi 00,,, 141tifue, AvataA,30auelutiUtitsurio0:10.11,0:11toibiLAI g
tusi?orotUf.Itsticee, in nonpareil type, 10c. for Ilfet
inserted tUl Imhof terd 4.1144,,011 Lieeorkthoh,q.
the mace 1.1 out,. ie akaa.t.
110 iot,a11101.1‘u 1%1,1 ne tAL11,C4 t1A411
and .1414i1Illutill C.111411taaf 4111Mi, 11u, 4.maiet1114g P WOO*
nouperen;.V.1. pet!
loibigpt,ernipik!riluOutse, Avo614' ou,t1.1cDOMA...1141b, .if
eitory coivoicison.e.ew law, Ow "nti Ai maso,hco
Adviteteastifente ol L4134, f oona, btfayed,*itlfatlonlii,
Tneeu 01,1414,) LeAl.wiCU Le
Gouscs atm 0"..inos fur Sale, 110t UXet.E411kg
.aat in tisenients witifOut Opeeitle directions, will tisi
tAio.‘ges for t.untouct oaf 01%44041101th 111Wit be in
ll0510R oktiD Ptdottmoi+
On long or shortiiime, on endorsed notes
or collateral sernitityt Bale notes *eught
at a fair valutttiOn. ouey remitta to a,11.
parts of Canada at reasonable charge's.
likellhoud of verrain ersppearifig or be-
coming abuudaut thrqugh introduction
by purchaees. In aost cases a dust.
ins of ea phur insect powder under
the.wings and thighs 'will that
may be necessary besides the taltink of
the precautions mentioned. It has
also been foiled that. lime,o,vater, to
wilioti a small quantity of carbolic acid
has been added, is an excellent mix-
ture to sprinkle over the nest boxes
and roosts, As a combined insecti-
cide and disinfeetant,the most effective
and powerful ot all is the practice of
fumigating the building with sulphur,
When this is performed,to be thorough
all openinge into the house through
ivilich the fumes tnight escar e should
be closed, The best way to fumigate
ufs.etoring his own tropsi dud the
these drop a few pieces of brimstone.
,t.s the fumes begin to rise the room
shoofd be vacated an& tightly closed
and left o for several hours. The
building Should be completely aired
before the fowls are allowed to enter
again. -The Canadian .Live Stock
and. term Journal for December.
'crops he can buy elsewhere, into a pro -
duet which he eau sell at profit, So I
think, instead of selling these doers()
1.,rains, we should become a people keta.
buying coarse grams and selling their • At the markets they fottnd officials
produets in cattle and cattle products.
Wallkill:1g the meat that was on sale,
tisular, you say..
Ahem I said the official twisting
abont uneasily; let's look at the mar -
As a producer, the farmer who livei ii 1 Wheitdo MVO do that for
I asked
our Dominion has the best eonditions e
for obtaining services from. the re. 6 e aPa1 es
To gee that the Meet is healthy,
.sonrces and powers of nature. The
we the
1a. sun is the power that inakes plants ke°Y,*
If a than suoule eat a piece of tin. -
grow, Tie roils himself into their
healthy rata would he stumble' eel the
pubecacces and makes use of them for
sae walk dit his head open
•sterage of his awn strength. We have
against a larrip‘Tost, as the Wan did
ler more surithing here than they Wave
tile saloon' Would
'fn England, and now our sunshine amniug °I1 a
watered milk do it
means power fot the production o • f
large crops when we have left raw Why cetainly not
Yet you inspect Meat dna rtifik, ands
Material in our soil for the Stitt to roll
let Men sell poisoned whiskey, •that
fieoatf iuto. If we have been, neo
kills people, as mleli 'they please,
rligal, and wasted them) suosteueee, I (isn't understand your Wintry.
We should be penitent, and not
And we tisk who calif-44as Sift -
repeat 'out certainly invigorate in
ez tile lack by restoring that which we gS*
'Caulk away. Thee we should else rti,..Tgx Trues to new hubseriblers till
finish the work of manufaeturing our 3lat Deeember, 1801, for Iti-Ctssist.•
own prodnote. 1 have no sympatuy
with the men who advocate the
rovantecturo of hey and corn from
and. irides of ail kinds into steers
, # toro sootio, to he ofterwati•
•g„holitilatehted *tate be autther
'-ot abet Mid to hatilk
,-• A
Chrintorta Tr ntetk. •
VIA beat hook gold or silver flI
finds a place in fetninet favor as a halt.
Stitt mends everything, Price .15o.
Washington Post : Pop, said Willie, our
idifgerfy says there ain't nothin' but snow
dud ice at the north pile, is that se 7
• And is it the stime way at the south
'Well, then, that% why these men you
read shout are constantly to, mg about
fog frorta out at the polls, ain't it 7
„ Wrrnt Trues to new enbseribers till
alst Deeeniber,1891.,I1$1--Oarili.
13oston rJeurier kamitia Groyne&
Any news in the raper tido morning,
Solinny 7
;tinny <kw/neck-Veil,1 houla say
fliers Want
M. G. -Well, what is It?
•4. G. -Why, Stumpy Yeipet has got 9g
+outs ahead et Toe -in aim in tire -Most
•ttepular terrebey votilig contest for pair
if red suspenders,
OSnektnig KURT,
VUTEMAII, • • • ON741,10
XX/ B. TiA
2 V .
ifietuber Collme Physicians anti Surgeons, Ontario':
-Coroner for county of Devon -
Office at "Tax YlIARMACY " • SI Ingham, Ont.
is 4
'nil. J. A. MELDRTI51,
L./ Honor tivadinde of Toronto Litilversity,,ant6
ienfiter or the Golit,,,e (42W susous tool ouraetins ei
Mice:Lod B.esitlence -Corner ot Centre and Patrick'
streets, ternierly ecto.pieu fly Lr. Bethune.
• • • • OEM,
liScriman SQ142, rgoes.t
Manufacturers c and dealers in
'D VANSTONE, —....
BARRISTER, somorrou, Eto., Ito
Private und Company funds to loau .st toff est rates
interest. No cluniselo:elargede Mortgagee, Iowa
OFFM7-lleavor Block, WnSonoti,.0tG,
and farm property bought anti sato.
Pine and Cedar
Ldth, Staves, Heading, Barrels
Wood, Cedar Posts, &c.
unique iivne.el wee, cit Vienne* make .41.1* -11a4/1.1.
bieg aotid aver. UnIttlyttb Tula %hoe to mor ttebootfbewt-glit
, 84 0 74 0. vr • % Isalaes,.001,t for 411—anany
ri.f,?4«.,1 • ,41
1.1.••••••. --
Mills adjoining 0. Tilt, Stetter).
• *Ingham. Onit
•"Wingliam • Ontario
11. W.
licitors tor liatilt Lotundseicuent for
taking affidavits for ,illauttolat, taint, '.town uotle
Villsgt property bought tu.d sold. 5,u11tit(priyat8'
Ittnus) loo.owl (or mortgage sectudir Itt ov pot cont.
Money in-, t,sted for prtratop0Ebelis, 0p011 the bt..t
0iort5ul4e securities slthuut any elpodse to ths
lender. Lanus Sur Olaf if i44444444U040 444144 14.4
OtlicO-lient's Block. Bingham.
H. blACDONAl..1), 0 issitia
bruiser of Vulcanite, C100Oid, Alloy,
.4f Silva, Gold, etc., ate., Plates, ranging
10,pricus trout 5500 up aids prr 1100 A
'founts; and hridatmdrk. loot,' (1 4,
treated without the least pain by t110 use of V to
izati Air. Head Dihce, 0 Ingham, sine entrance op.
pedlikteeotinfteorneiffitoirs oiliteunbuivictecilit;
2110 and 4t1t Saturday of eachmontlx-uthetlat 1111110 Ei
hotel; Gerrie: 16t and inti Mondays 4afeacit month --
Wilco at Albion, hotel. ..f:ttritthli; kes (Aura. '.
1)E1TISTRY.--J; S. JEROME, Wutausa,
Is manufacturingCelleloid Plates
.""' Vulcanite plates` et the bm
as cheap as thcy con 00 505 ut the
Doutinton. All work warranted.
nlesse uetxatbria:tvioaipi Vapor. et tho five et Electric
Tams lions:N.-I will extract teeth for 25 cents
Fe‘ICieEkntionteithe Beaver Block, opposite
• tit
ihotiiitienti ned Wish 10 tender their best thanks
for the liberal patronage given to out firm dating
Several yAiril prior to the burning of our mill by liv
tendieritlin. During the past season we hove MO•
moddelled•the towa mill to tha latestapproved eye.
tem of Hungarian Roller Prooess mil ling. WO be
Bevil we* now give batter itetotismodation than
everbefor. We offer
PromPt 3".:ADatoh,
QtrALITY SE,CoNlY Tolsrat#5
Arst by mote Personal ittellEiti te the luminesce
hope to lie *10 lisys.soa alas o snit Isx sat 014
Mandl ssd AlsiloYolinse'vsuort"";opisotiarIt's
gree. - - •
11 ye- 1. 1 :ems tt.
Winaltsaf, ••Ossails."
20 DEAN, 30.0
' Oh`
Sales attended- itt ant part of the a. 0480.4
JOHNClj1t1IE,, Wreengsr, taw.,
raoutisim Andeataucke you Ina CoriT% or
All orders loft O** Tuips office presiiiiiky aton&
ed to. Terms retloonabia. •
140112041d 'Aucriossut len CoMents toisolt Ann
. All sides attended to promptly ftnd on We isboteer
Chritges Moderato and Satilifeetion Guaranteed.
Ali necessary arrangements tan he matte 00 6"it
Tunis' duce
Wrionuas Otter ,
BOLTON & 11,1%111115I5
PP. L. & b. L litiavEress AID Gln. lasionso
teilt orders lot, rattle deaf cif. the TWIN
Infanta attAttion
-- •
111 PA% Elt4301e,
L ,
email Or traatie retelee, cove., *rt gis yes
VA* symptom. •
boon 1
wo want or
rod, And by.
b )w herd WM
CPW Bile hie t
lie won't be b
penance men
but ft don't d
iinid of hie In
fail; lead lii
o drunkard's
laltne to Elea
Spare um,
Jetis' sake. a
'rite little he
and the 01111
0,110 bedroom
aar, was pu
MU! stepped
,tile sleeping
Dear lad
more, end 1
my hand in
He opPrim
ut° the sti
Mrs. Gray r
;sorry look
•the light lit
Mr, Sam
did not pay
ins look of
dear, Wt w
Thee th
ray enter
!aid on the
,nrins aro*
Therq is
, .
,year ye, vei
' Binie, ho
well as a t
perance pit
pigned in
Gray :, an
'' deti..41it a
.., , father's at'
In fuel
stately loc
tee looki
entered al
Well, I
said, as 11
• Papa,
use the fi
my new
• 1 Why,
never he
• Let us', k
• Ralph
vniee, I
will se]
Won't yo
to ask a
Well, I
Pve dolls
o; p
you to
father ha
and the
IP do with
back at
and Go
The n
came to
Gray, at
the cora
as tUoy
Iler, a b
a111/1g 1
AI rea
would h
he note
eyes as
' Rd
might b
lila foto
Aar ow