Wingham Times, 1890-12-12, Page 7C (10.1.1iigi k m Citus - IS l'UHLUMIED- VOLT. 1.'.iti.lil..Y iytOilt ::[P1Cs. ^^4'1'TUE— OFFICE:, l'UE-- OFplC ':, JCal•:PHINb, STROP I,NG1141N;1, - ONT,41%G. iptionllr gc,4i1pctr3ionr,t)aAavalite0 AUVE1n1b1bC ltAI S: _ _1 1St Le ine 1 iidno 1, rml, se° uu OS in/ i ,u. itr utr a,Ja Ou en u0 1 un 41, 4 ,� u ut 11 a 7 cu 4 hi, 1t G J s; U4 tib 1 cat and ot lel• Maul adrift Ottawas, 8e, per 11+.e inset twit, emu Su. Ina 4111t ii)r t,ttll aaeYetiiteol, i nates, In nonpareil type, life, for Arst itt, and le. per line for each masa:queaa inset tit r' unties \rill be cilar►teu leen waif 15e tea n:units of Lest, t'oltld, 2;140134 Zlttiatle):4, inCse t:h, ct s 11 anted, Hot tl>,cpt tiutfq Ei arty. it, Z4Imr tttuntll • s and tarns for Sale, net axcotttlttyr 8 !]ilex, St Month, 'ISe, per sublequtfit 11.01:11' tt1111e wilt bo strictly adhere, to 1 rates for loop); *to ertistmoots, or )e srfoda. Esculents without specific tlirttstiwls, will bi tilt turbid and accordintoy, Trau- t\erttaogtufttamustlie pain 1u auvallce to tur utast '.dturtisenl'ellta nlUOt be in i uy Wudo, sday noon, in order to apptai;. R. FL1•IO;CT L'aoralii1or- Ann Pulittlauris, LACDDNALD, J•OSEPHINI; STREET, a, - OLtTAititf, TOWLER, AI,ll.C,dl., ;:olle.go Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, -Coronor for i. entity of Iluron- TnsPtinrntACY" 1 ingbaui, Ont. A, 1;WLDR'TgI, ter t rAduatc of Toronto university, and f the 0,11ey;o of Itlr;sicians uutt burgi:una of id Itcaltlence—COrnerof Centre rind Patrli 101014 cueupied. iiy Dr. Dethuuo. - .UAlt - Osr, a STONE, hctlhTER, StU,ICITe1t, . Etc., Eto idCOmpsuly funds to loan at loo est rates. tie commission charged, Itlottgagos, towel'; rd fault plOpuity bought and sofa. 'Beaver Block, WillunA,.t, ONT. J. A. NORTON BARRISTER .se,., Wlugbant • (Wart at DICKINSON, MEYER, Q. C.1 E, L. DICKINSON. B. A, ERS AIII) SOLI(fl01t5, Etc., Etc., be. hook of Flalnlitute. t.etnU,issienere 'foe idavits for Alai,lloba Farm, 'lowii and,. ]pully bought and sold. alouey (privatii tied OU mortgage stenl1ty 01 et per 0001. eetcu ter puyutu' p0zsons, upon the beta securities w11110Ut 104 edptnse t0t1•11 and Jur sale in lupi uua noun t11e J Ortrr- Untie Block. Winghan). !TUX - w It MACI)ONALD, WI801ts'. Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, SKr°. Gold, ete,, ole.,1•tateo ranging ty.11 prices from ;;1UO'upwalus p11 100 • urea nog anti btiugewuri;. 'leech ea •Moll] the least pain by' the use of Vita) Hoed Office, 1117ig!a* i,lituo enttanee up. fquten's 110101, Opal u101y0unu40exeept- u ur w e p ,u, Will be at Blyth etery hSuturdi.y uteaciltnoutu-OfheuatStilusa no: 1st and o4.1 AJ,ehuays ut ouch mouth— ibWlL bOl cl actih4 11, 1')1113. TRY.- J•B 4E14.O1%1E, Wiseihtm, I$ rnanulacturiug Celluloid Plates, %UIC,Ielte plates of the nestmutao,.d. aS eneop as 1140)) 1.011 ue gut in the Uurninrote, A4worlt, stationed, extraction of teeth by mai use ur.l tectric- stable Vapor. £1t *.-1 vial extract teeth for 25' cents 10, the cleaver Block, opposite Vim 1fele). TCHWE, .NEItAL LNStIHANC11 Ab1'.NT • 4157044 CUNNINGHAM, 'INSURANCE FI1ui AND MARINE,. CUELPH. Ja.,,wtxanA.u, AUCTIONEER FOR THE QC Y or itLIWN. aided'itl,.any part of the Co, C11avla. IUlbtitla, WINenA*, ONT., 1,UOTION1dtlit-00l' T1Fg court ao' 1101)08. left at the.Tixss *Mee promptly at :sad. as kettsuh:lllfe. iNUUERS0N, uOT1CxIsglt Yon Cellan sa ]i1*RO* As * Hama ttondetf to promptly and uu the S'.$ Odorate and Satisfaction Guaranteed, sy arrangemen.s tale 0e lance et tit. - _: Oro BuL'.CON it H WKINS L $vkvi Y0110 A*,1 ill it Msairpux ISTOWEL Asp 'MEC IAM. left at the ethos of the'stIANIs win ,t*,. ,attention ii;ON, ;tet,'ou itlemma Omit, Iti'ldeu '--Cf Ride '.4I1(e .. � b_ns .f vies esit+rat of anemias hi gift giving t exlendiiig of large sums,' im loving thought upon each gift ;lsrovidc-d. Everything is usually sweeten" in proportion to the amount if thought that tins been put into it, whether it heti banquet, a costume, a. ]sock, or the nutting .of n simple gift. f you•are cramped for money, do not think yon need to 'Spend xna4h for (hrietlnae gifts! The thought shown in a loving Christmas totter, a simple verse, or a pen and ink ilkotch, may give as genuine pleasure as a present of pearls. Reflect well upon the peculiarities and needs of the friend wbom you wish to !p'ease, 'Then choose your gift carefully, Finally,. after it is chosen and delivered, do not refer to it again in the way of self.eon- 'gratulation upon your cleverness, This was a peculiarity of a certain old lady who was not ungenerous, alio hal an invariable habit of eon., templating the gifts which she bad presented with great and undisguised satisfaction. Row glad I am, she would exclaim, that I found just that chair for you! 'Iiow much comfort you must take in it, .and how cicely it suits your room Or, again : 1 enjoy looking at that picture every time I conte here. It its a great pleasure for me t0 think that 1 made such a good selection. The recipients of her favors net- urally feel rather overwhelmed by thein. The high value placed upon them is embarasaing. One thinks, -now can I ever do anything for her which will seem to be half a return ? 'It is a good plan when a gift is be- stowed to let the matter as far as you ,Are concerned drop out of mind. ithtavakiv Moe, It is NM that Hour may w ii 'ioirety he sent ticro,s the Atlantic during the whole season without cold ►(usage, but t I 1%e, with to !mom tho wIv, p that .n have th+u1 the result of a regular experience is ! woolen Nibs In. A 1 nululnit order, 414 x111 ibis. Mtswton alvq ppoch4 attvu Jon fo yet to be seen, The eggs are carefully 1,towed in the coot .portion of the vee- .CUSTOIVI WORK trt Belts below the vigor line, or between ducks, where f►n equable temperature of about 20 degrees. in Inaintained,and they errive on the other side in good condition. Some of the steamers are provided with ventilators,whiell main• titin a constant volume of fresh, coot air. The eggs are packed either in compartment boxes, or in cases with hulls, sawdust, or fine chopped straw, and if then carefully handled, the per- contnge of breakage is small. The cases contain from 80 to 120 dozens each and are stowed away y compactly P y and freights charged, upon the ton measurement of 1 cubic feet ofspace. Olio company instances a carriage in which the breakage was found to be only 6 eggs in 180 dozens. A move- ment is now on foot to have all egg cases made uniform. These cases are not returned by the carriers and have to he disposed of in Great Britain, The freights at present rule at 15 shillings per ton measurement, or counting 13 cases to the ton anti 80 dozens to the case, lose than 1 cent per dozen. This is probably the lowest rate that can be quoted. In making selections for ship. went size and quality must particular- ly be attended'. to. Amen To gl calms,— Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a aicicchild suffering and .trying with pain 00 Gutting Teeth? It 80 send at ones and get s. bottle of , Mrs, Winslow's Soothing $snip" for Children Teething. Its value is Meal Al, chic. It will reliuso the poor little Huffer,* Immediately. Depend upon it, n'.Otllers ; there is no rliseake about it, • It Dares Dysentery and Diat•rlama, 4. • t•ettulates the Stomach and Bowels, curesWind Colic, softens the Gurus, reduces IntlauunatiOn, and gives stns and energy to the whole systen1 "M s. win- louw'i Soothing Syrup " ` for children teething is pleasant to tttotaste anti is the prescription of one of rhe oldest and best female physicians and sones in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-flwo cents a bott,o. Be sure and ask for ",gins. Wtria1AW s idootrisxn Sraup' sell -lake no other laud G.0ut•3 of Thought. Life is as much or as little as each men cares to make of it. Du as mach good as you can and ut;lLlIe as little fuss about it as possible. The dignity of labor is not what it fetches to the market, but want it de- • i &ones in the man. A. man who cannot mind his own hesiness cnunot be trusted with the business of others, 18'mess can never be given; it must be earned by our oivu labor, won by ei'1r own eeergy, if we are ever to cell. i1'oors. tot no ono despise the day of small duties or small powers. The clock that is not content to strike one will never strike twelve. Do good whenever you can—no matter tvbere,no.m:ltter who,whenever it is dark light it candle. Whoever needs a lift give him your band. The bust way to do g'rnd is to take rare that the goat] is more prominent than the doer. The pump handle is of Tess importance than the water. Life is not pocket tnonei, to be spent as whim or taste directs ; but etipital entrusted to your care, that Son may trade with it for God and yourselves hero in this mart of time, .];incl together your.,, spare hours by the cord of sonic do6nite purpose, and yon know not how much you may ac., n'y t1p1'.sii, Gather lip the fragments of time diet nothing batty be.lost. The report of the jurors who apes cil.iy examined the samples of Canadian barley recently shown at lige Ilrewars' Exhibition has been forwarded to Ot" ( SOLD 117 DEAOt+IIIT1I MA71713E811 in ail its branehes, And will keep in stock R class of Aret•class goods, Such as Tw ds Flea mass Etoffs, Blank is Sh tings, Stocking Yarns, &c!, Wc0,. A CHANGE In the (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex- change for wool, Customers from a distance can have their rolls home with them the same day, ]arise Latinos; 0— CHS. KIR BION-* ELA 6'B'llighest market price in Cash for Blorohantable Wopl. INGLIS lk CO'Y., Windham Wishes to intimate to the people of Wingham and surrounding country that he has purchased the harness business lately carried on by Messrs. J. J. Homuth Son, and wilt conduct it inthe. building one door south of Mr T A Mills' store, AiTHEW p,MBLEB AiTHEW p,MBLEB si And the Christmas Bells will be ringing in your ears ftlr t'ne laemt days. We are bound to reduce our Stock of D y Goods, Groceries, Boots ani: Shoes, and ea .y Made Cloth .ng BEFORE ' TLIE CLOSE Olt' THE OLD YEAR, Sa. now iii the time to secure a• Big Bargain. The rush still continues at our Dreg Goods Counter, and everyper. son who has taken time to look Brough our' stock of Dress Robes; IA satisfiect that. T, A. A'MILLS has the Cheapest and best stock . of DRESi' GOODS in town. Colne and see onr CHEAT' GOODS, CHEAP BLANKETS, CHEA3,' YARNS, CHEAP I'LAWNETs; CHEAP FURS, CHEAP"'V NTLE CLOTHS, CBEA.F WOOLLEN GOODS of all hinds, M .I Bargains at every counter in our store, Cheapest FUR GOATS in town, in Ladies' and Gentlemen's Come and see them. HARNESS MAKER, has on band a largo stook of HORSE' BLANKETS, CURRYCOMBS," BRUSHES,. WHIPS, TRUNKS,. VALISES etc." Which will be sold at bottom prices. IIARNNESS, double or simile, mads to order On short notice, and ifatiafaeuti0n guaranteed. VITA call solicited. OR -Opposite the Banic of Hamilton. MATTHEW AMBLER, ngham, Feb. tth, 1890. DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS heavy or light, tnado to order, A full line of Horse B1anbeis, Sleigh Bells, • Whips CurryoomEii, - Brushes, etc., always on hand. Repairing noatIy (1nu promptly done The patronage of the public solicited, and satisfaa' tion in work and material guaranteed, C. Kai ECHTEL Windham, March 4, 1890. THE ODELL TYPE WRITER (Don will buy tho ODELL TYPE WR I- 4114. TER with 75 Characters, and $ 1 5 for the SINGLE CASE' ODELL. warranted 10 do better work t) an aqy, machine made. It combines simplicity with durability, speed, caro of operation, wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine. Has no Snit ribbon to bother the operator. It is neat, substantial, nickel plated, 'perfect and adapted to all kinds of type writing, Like a printing press, it produces sharp, dean, legible manuscripts. Two or ten Copies can be Made at ono writing. Any intelligent personcan become an operator in two days. We Offer 411,000. to any operator who eon equal tho wont of the 00013LE CASE ODELL. Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted, Special nducemerlts to Dealers. For Pamphlet giving indorsements, &o., address ODELL TYRE WRITER, Co., 85 and 87 5th Aie CI'ICA00, ILL. ZEPLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSO , Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, td1R4. '. itsjurors consider that thert? i;sa ra good market for the higher class Cedar fZut�/a' at salnples,whose .qualities they praise;. ar toadOrders a Specialty. Til"y cater hinny hints for the future improvement of the average quality o the grain, "T1te Trmri'.s to new subscribers 'till 3 s, t)eretao,bar,1$;)1, for $1. ---Caen. h tho time to paint your houses, and ig Bargains in Boots and Shoes People stand in amazement when we tell them the price, and buy & pair for every member of the family. CHEAP TWEEDS, CHEAP SVITS, CHEAP OVERCOATS, CHEAP SHIRTS, CHEAP DRAWERS, CHEAP SZL1 CHEAP FANCY GOODS for Christmas. xia Int + Now is the time to buy ll@EN Tor your friends and foes, when you can buy them at HALF PRICE. CHEAP ! CHEAP ! ! Everything in our store you can buy C come an'.l see for yourself and we ar B CAM, et) tro away con - Town. No RUBBER y PMN —is the --- BEST in the WORL .None germine unless stanlned. 'giddier Pah Cleveland, 011lo,"' We also have the bee WOOD delivered to any pert of Wiugham. t Orders br alai] t rernptly attended 10. f,II�URfali THOMSON, ii ing,bant Pig G A17,6.13141\7 fladrMigdPaia You can get any shade you destre, in quant costing from 10 cents up. For Whitewashing and Isalsomtning, ask ST and don't take anything else. a L A. eliao �7U HALD WAAL 111ERLHANT Wing 'WINGHAM MflBLE NORK ailing a retrospect of my thirteen ot fo art. business in %%Ingham, I desire ul011t11ea Oder my thanks to lily friends and the pub] amity for tn0 liberal patronage extended to the peat, I May alae state that 1 am In )1081110n t better lndu0cments than ewer to those tett anything In the lino of Graxlxte ter Stone Monume HEADSTONES, WINDOW SZLT,S, STONE .r.PRENIill.0 POIt DENCINO, &e I would be pleated to have these tleslrett editing any articles in my Zino to cal[ and is goods, compare price*' and leave theiretdsrlt, the goods teal bo scented and prepared o'trlr season, You can select froth the latest tests obtain the lineal wo; kntatlahip at the Most la priced, Most respectfully, yours WIYJ. Slants, W1r,rfhun