HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-12-12, Page 61
e dingi as (Dints
«>;1(ii A , D O:1a11B1'alt 12 18911
r',. i'.l.'O11,1AL NOTES.
Feast the f1'zanoial statement laid.
before the Northwest Council itis
learned that the bear license coileuted
forthe year automated to x8,933, and
lignor' ptareeite, to $6,726. These Ii•
ceLtsee and permits are issued in dived
deti,tttee of tlw Northwest A.et, which
provides that uo liqaor shall be allow
ed into the territories, The total ex-
penditure was $16461, of which, $10,-
7 ,:.
) .r 'c 5yti'ks other
was, 1t111k r . and 0 e
a v S f
.+ 1
ot,j«'ots its the several districts. Crown
pruseeutions inliquor cases cost $982,
mut legalservices ineases under the
O#dknan0CS, $351.
oeaeriteh end Vein„ ham •lid fl,
A meeting of the sbareholaore of the
Gotler►ch and Wiugtatu Reit way
Company was held, pursuant to notice,
in the Court House, Goderieb, ou
Monday, Nov. 21th, whet the Poll• w.,
its;; wore ele?ted directors of the com-
pany t W n J R lialnos, county treas-
urer, Gtldericll; Isaac F Toms, county
judge, Goderieh; Joseph. 13eck, reeve
of Colborne, U•oderich ; Ames H.
Burns, physician, etc., Toront.i ; Hil-
ton Holmes, Bane of Commerce,
Paris, At a :meeting of the directors
held immediately after the sharehold-
ers' meeting. Dr. Holmes was elected.
president. Judge Toms, vioe.prosident
and Oa.11ey Holmes, ,solicitor; was
appointed secretary -treasurer of the
company. After reading a mass of
correspondence, statistics and other
x t$ ter referring to the construction
ot toe road, and discussing the same,
it was resolved to prosecute the work
with the utmost vigor, and for that
,,purpose a farther cull of ten . per
Dent, was made upon the capital stock
r of hls,e company, to be payable nit
l:auli tsi't9K; n the first day of February
1elet, •oderieh Signal.
F.,tttter Frolxi 'Michigan.
„ o,t:te mister of the Toms.,
This is a wonderful part of the
f,ountry for iron ore. There is a solid meat. The roore care in this respect
aljed of ore ell tieound here front about the better Bate will our fine Oanaditot
l0 feet below the surfaee to 600 filet apples gains and 'they are second to
Pott about 600 of solid iron ore. There none, and; the more profit will be ot1•
it nothing but Mining going on around tainabJe for either local or foreign
here. Tha are is taken to Ashland buyers. Cease to purchase fruit that
by train and then shipped away ; blit has been carelessly celled before being
the boats are dearly dutierunniug this packed. Macy a buyer has ordered
season. ° Then the ore wilt bo stored.' his men away from an orchard where.
;till spring. Ironwood is a very busy the grower has eareles.Jy picked his
town of about. 5000 people and Harley, apples,atld wisely so,for no packet altu.
over the river on the Wisconsin side, snake first,elass shipping stock with
is,a.little town of about 3000. At such fruit. Only Igo. 1 standard size
some of the rntnes here it takes $50,- barrels should ever he used•. They
000 at one of their monthly pays f ou t t t be ' e ept perfectly "lean and
ftud found in many places, I am glad
to say, gratifying progress made in
tree.plautkng. I lead meant to devote
the whole summer to the work, but,
ltuforttivately, I have been lair up for
four months with illness, and fun
obliged' again to ask assistance of my
Ontario eorrespoudents in order to
complete the foret:try report T am now
getting out.
I should be very glad, therefore, if
any gentleau in your uei'„ bborllood
would write neo word as to. the follow,
1„ Whether a1ic1 to what extent lines
-of trees for 'windbreaks or ornament
ure being plante(l,and how those plant -
,d are thriving,
2. What plantations of young trees
have been set out and bow they suc-
3. Whether cattle are falai(falai(out of
any portion of forest in your neighbor•
hood and how it answers.
4, Any difference in clinlate,raiufall,
drifting of snow, and so forth,you may
have observed since the clearing of the
country. n
5. What measures, if any,would be
likely to improve the existing stale of,
Yours truly,,
oa,l Richmond St, W.
Toronto, Ont., .Slov. 25th, 1890.
P. S.—The Fotestry Report, for
whtell these answers are retiuested,will
be sent tree to all who reply.
The Export of Winter Apples.
Regarding the profits and drawbacks
in connection with the export of win.
ter apples, allow tire, as briefly as pos.
sible, to give you a few facts gained by
fifteen years practical experience in
:British and foreign markets.. The
most profitable apples for export are :
;Kin's, Pippins, Ribstou Pippins and
Golden Russets. Ocoasiouatly Shies
and Greeuings maks money abroad,
but, as a rule,tlley sell for mbro. money
in Canada.
All apples should be picked and cull-
ed with the greatest care. We .are
advancing 'in this department yearly,
but still there is room foie. improve
0r •gu o ". i ...
wages. Drunkenness prevails here, when paeketithould be headlined and
and in Hurley, where the license is distinctly branded. A 'fancy package
corn mands more [Honey than ono with
which less care hag been taken, ],t is
better to mark our tipples No. 1 and
No, 2; 1 mean, use a different stencil.
No. 1 should be strictly choice apples;
'o. 2 ought to be good, cleau, sound
selected apples ; the balance should be
dried, evtaporated or glade into older,
for all of which a market can be
All shipping apples, rnust be care•
fully fatted, well shaken and,.lightly
peeked. A barrel that shows that least
slackness on this side of the Atlantic
will make no money for the shipper on
the other side, where they often make
and sen as slack, what here would be
considered tight and "in firm order,
Now, we have our fruit properly
gathered and panned, the question ja,
where had we beth sell l tour advice
would be to oil to tome one en this
side' of thea water. When we require
cheeps r, saloons aboaud. There is
one street with soartsely auything but
saloons for 300 yar':Is and a great
Iuany of•'Lh m keep theses: variety
women. ;is they are called. rt is a
place of brothels. Money is plentiful
luui it goes just as fast for drink. A.
grefit zlia,tiy of the stores are open on
Sundays, although there is service 115:
eight churches. The ho*nedtoacle era
up here solely for the pine that,ia, on
theta. It ia, by all aeoonnt, to farm..
l.ut country, although it is south of
some very, f.t,ir farming •country in
U.snada. There are large uumbers, of
t tnadians here, along with. almost
every rlatiouality. .But adieu; for the
Q., O.
tr Inwood, Itiolli'xan,'Nov.27 tii,18;10.
fiRzlx,••••'perhaps, les your journal Imp
0 considerable interest hi the
try movement, yoti will allow
tined adtrii,,sioii to its cola lune,
c ii ve or all years neo a great
of linnet's aed others, et my
emit, *ern good e1 /ueb to sent.rttc
i.e+'71 d' riilr'in R the 'stags of forestry
ireefingt. intending to stamina'
tai' nehrLYerhoo I.
foreign fruit we tire compelled to bite.
So,. if Ilaurope watts our grain and
fruit we would say,. Como trc:roas, ex.antic , buy, end we will ship aud,dptw
for remount, allowing no chums whet.
ever. Take yonr riaks,+la we are conkpolled to do when wt''purchase oranges,,
lemons, grapes, esu --The Canadian
k and iva StSeFarm Journal far 11
ar114 of Outerlo,avevautaiemlsomak
it �Ibor.
West Wawartoabo a,0 ,. " X I 0
uuNCil. `aU wTINo'Oouucil Islet in rvllf.,18 N 141,4Q Me .LA '+QTY ,
the township WI flu SaturdaI, Nov, II_ItAf,zT1en sae ewe ale3al.vtatVihithvCOlkge,
22 .5liuutes of former meeting sere
read a;.cl approved. The tteasul'er's
rep .rt for November, showing bnllukee
and receipts of $2,721.79, trod expen-
diture of $1,115 28, was read and
placed: on file, Moved. by ,Mr. Bailie,
seeouded by Mr (1:ihsoll, thus then reeve
he authorized to subscribe for five
sllaress of x20 each iu the Dinigutuuoa
Agriculture' and Driving Part. Assoc'.
ation, provided the directors; guarantee
that the b :1 be at the serv.ieo 4f the
township for Division 'Court purposes
at an annual rectal uot exceediug $t10
.'.Oarried. A ooniuitlnitratiou from
it Morrison 7'L' ditch on chit 12, was
read. `file reeve reported having con
salted the township solicitor on this
question, who advised ti)ut tEe council
take uo action iu the matter. On
motion it was agreed to follave the
advice of the solicitor. I1r Timms
complained that a culvert ordered by
the township eugiueerto be tilled„ up,
Flu the 12th con. stilrromuined open,
The road commissioners were iustruot•
til to have the culvert closed, A cons.
!Ii:uuicatlon from the township s()lici.
tor Advised the council to have the
hole caused by removing gravel oiz'the
lot of Alex Bose filled in, Tho depilty.
reeve, thong with Messrs Gil,sctll, and
Bailie, were appointed to b n e this
work done, A communication from.
James i11arshall accepting; the aline of
township. eti.ginoox was read and filed.
,The following accounts were presented
:and checks issued for the amounts
'Mrs. Glen, 4,9„ yds grave1,10 ots, $4.90;
Peter Clark, making and placing
grate, con 12i, $1.25 ; • W J McQuillan,
82 yds gravel, 7c, p6.44; hobs Irwin,
69 yds gravel, 1Oc, $6,90; Edward
l3oophy, 81 yds gravel, 7c,. $5.67 ;
Mrs 'Wilson, 70 yds gravel, $4,90 ;
John Cuilis,,17,2 yds gravel, $12.04;
Edward dtirrol, 72 yds gravel, y$5.04;;
Thos Soothers, 22 yds graol, $1.54 :
John Gillis, 83 yds gravel, $2 31;
Jas Jlartiu, 1;1yds ,ravel,, $1.12; J
Mose, 191 yds gravel and damage,
x$,'14 37 ; 'Thos Alexander,, re,pairieg,
bridge, con. 9, $3 ; W II Wilson, '86
yds. gravel, $2 52 ; John Redtilond, 35
yds gravel, $2.45 We1ah,Bros, 78 yds
gravel $6.11 ; Hamilton Smith, ditch,
con 5, $2; Dugald lllellillan, 33 yds
gravel, $1.64 ; Jae Ruse, witness fees
Rose snit, $10: Louis Wettlaufer,
lumber, $13 90 ; Andrew •[Kirk, re'•
pairing road, con 2 and 3, $2; Jona•
than Wiliiard,: didgiug ditch, con 1,
$1,50 ; .ilex 8 Cameron,, expense col-
lecting dog;tax in '89,$1,„ Ctouneil ad -
Ijouren Monday, December, 15th.
ued to meet according to statute
• E K ?1I Lz R. Clerk. 1
ratting liths roux in It,
l Ah,.lrs. Wasteful i 1 am glad to
gleet, you, said Bowser, upon being
introduced to that lady. 1 have known
your. husband a long time. We belong
to the anise club.
"Oh,. iulleed, said M•re. Wakeful.
Yes, and .1 want to say that we Con
rider ttlr. Wakeful the ornament of
our club. Ile is the very life of it
you know. Aiway.s,so full of spirits.
l3owser titoppedr t otuething iu the,
face of Sirs Wakeful arrested his won:.
ed,Ilpw. of lulls, Ile bl:ublked, stain.
mored, and,Atially said
You ►nisttltpretteud, ill 15. Wakeful.
I, had reference, of course- tibat is to
say --you know, to his; buoyancy ---his
Pray go on, Mr. .Bowser, sulci, Mrs.
Wakeful,, freotingly.
Why,, you klzdw, he is sow -silex is,
his,conversetion' is •always sty spicy
%hat will do, Mr. Dowser, said Mrs,-
Wakofal. i' am pgrfaatly aware that
he eats cloyed to.excess.
Attd as 4 'Wakeful turned' to her
hostess, .l pweet slid ices another room
to talk with SVuireful,
--Overstayed his tikne—Mr. Dreary
•—How early it gets late the October
evenings, bliss Weary—les, indeed.
I,t come time to go Houle lout 'before
u Tealbie it,
'not of Ht', l'Aw sit I.s:re, and :lir. J. e'.
llurrtsen. k'lano, brain Vulva Culture and Aar -
Many. Homes Is lia.l,ur 1.31ou1s, Wilt.tlruat,
iS8TI1Ve'r10::8 ov i!nr a A',11 t iliAN, ALSO Mee Ila
Nor pnrticilltwo rot eating terms, etc, please callctt
my polus, Curets' M . nis and Paw, mit streets.
TETL' MISS4 3 W A.1,1'SON.
"( *i ft%TiT1ON gtve,r on Piano, (trk to and Violin
L� Also le Llaruluuy.
Residence an mires f Josephine and atriek
[` I>, CHHA.l'MAN,
OFrtbc-" nig" l3ooltstore,
IgPLuY, Oat
Money to Loan on Farm Security at Low Rates of
interest, No eineadeeiun ehan ed.
Wr.,o1I.tM1 OOTOBilll 4T13, 1SS$
Josephine Street Wingham, Ont,
J. A. Ifetarro, I J. 1v. Sootr,
mount Forest. Lietowol,
Qeposits ,Iteceiyed and Interest
Money Actvanoecl: to Farmers and
Business Men, .
Oat, loug.or 'short time, ou endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale notes bought
at a. fair valuation, oney remitted to all,
ports of Cauada at roisolrable charges. ,
Selopia1 Attention, Given to Col-
lect�ll„� Accotu tw and. Notes.
jients in Canada --The Merchants'' Bahl.;
of Canaida.
Oltloo Hours -Prov, 9 a. re. to 6 p. m.
Manufacturers of and dealers In
PIN •,
Pine and Cedar
Lath, Staves, Heading, Barrels
Wood, Cedar posts, &c.
wee adjolfil ig 0, T. R. Station.
Winaharn, Ohs
Theunderet noli wish to tender their best thanks
for the liberal pnatronageiven to out firm durisit
eol'eral,t ears prior to the burning of our mill bf' hi'
eendlarisnl. Huang the last season we have' re.
moddelled the fauna tutu to the lutestappproved a)d•
tent of Hungarian Roller Process mil ling. We;bo
!love woran now'. gil o better att0nnnodatiof , the*
everbetore, We offer
1f roe. p1, Dispatch,
1;'air:* 1'tts:tur'ins,
QVALITY lxleC01.t1) NO1lJ3 TIils
And . br Mose personal' attsna•,n to the beelntee
hope to 1h again tay..red aids' a tt1,J by Al old
frloudl aid manly new ones
Years lettuce reetreaitmilv,
01, '&tin
t�� 7 '(-�Tlti i't; k+i.it3111:T.--1-* p��,77 //v!1
1sl'la1tii. 1".ttetee..t e1Oii1"lX"ict,
TIME:$ f3FFiC , J.CSE Hiivk $TPI 4't
W1,1`t'GII.f..11, • 411`lt1'i413,IO,
_tweets { 1 yt 1 sea) i e 5310 1.
Out V0 in;ii'�•',41} 313) -04au•I' ,3V Un . ",b lir.:
4aar't0►' "• 20 WI11; al. I. au a ids
One Inch 5 a. 3 at s a0 1 GS
Local anti ot ler etnnta 1Y ei'tint e3136e, K0, Ver 11.,0
for filet Ittetl trott, tnIS So. pet bulli tor uss.n subeuti ie.it
Lo.",1 notices, in nonpareil typo, 1Uc. for Bret le,
eertton, and 5e. per line for lamb substmtmat inset tit ,t
No [Oral notice will be ulrargeu lege thou 411
vertlecenteofLoat,l' uud,Strayed,sltltationi,
I Mild Ruliirleas t/h,nu'te 11 rnited,net tu,c4t•4lal; A 333125
nonratuh, tl1 per mouth
1 Houses and linins for Sale, not t:ral.Oing 8 User,
$1. for mat mouth, Dat per aubatlluuat womb,
These toms wilt be ettietl) uitlervu to
itpeturl rates for huger tail erti6tciente, or 1,,e
Advertisements without opuolticdirreti0ne, will tial
inserted till turbid and cuart,ed accordingly. 'Trait.
ultor'y etartl:eil ente 1111346 be pale ill Aurt111ee
Uitungt,e fur co,traet ad%ertlamtu1ute suet be in
theon*cu 0),IVedu*sday num, in order 60 Appel',.
luat geek,
Paorniiiroa ANA 1'11111,101Si
Du, r,It, 11tApnnaALo,
WISGUAn, - Oattien,
%AT 13, YOWLER. A1,ll.C,OI.,
Afclubor College Physicians and Surgeons, qutario.
-Coroner for County 01 Iluron-
OMee at "TitnPunlat.tC''" 'tVingbOui, Out.
i'1Ih J. A, ?.4Ii,LDRI)M,
1i• I'Iouur ttraduate of Toronto University, and
.5 ember of the College 02114pm :bow. and au1'K,tne ut
U,Ilce and Residence -Cerner of Centre and Patric*.
streets, forlllerly 0voup*ed. by D. Bethune,
• Winouett • • Oci,
[ j V ti STONE,
LA1 fI&TLR, 801.401T013, Etc., ;Eto
Private told Company funds to loan at lowest rates.
interest. /to 1011nne5i013 charged. mo.tgages, towni
and farm ptop014 bought nod solo.
01+'k'Iti1-Beaver Block, WINOLAM,Uar.,
SYinglunt • Ontario
C. Meva%, Q. 0, J E. L. QICKINSON. B', A,
BARRISTERS ANL SULI3I1016S, Etc., Etc., So,,
ileuses ter I>..Lk of ISalniit,n. Cunnai$s1uuera 'rot
taking aindavits fur 3ianl3uba berm, '10w11 and
Vltlubo prupelt) bought and au*d. money (prirata
f mite) toaric.t 015 Mortgage ateur161' us b.* 633:1' ecce,
Money M. eeten rue private' persons, ;pen the over.
mortgage Securities wlt,lout a1,y impalas 60 WO
Leaner. Lauds ler dale to limn*tuua eau tau 3`o1Ln-
Otiice-itent':i .Bleck. IN Ingham.
nEtITISTILY.. R?, II. MACI)ONALD, Itnieffilii
tinker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy,
T4 s? mire. Gold, utt , rte., Mute,, ral,ging
iu prices from tUU tip3.talus per sec •
oruunog' and bllugewuric. Tees, ea
treated without' the least pain by' the use of Vital
1[ed Air, Read Mee, ttiughan);Sitio ontlaueu op•
poa'.tu the teucen's hotel, Opal 111314 ,011110148 cxtept•
ed) from ()a ut to p n1. Mill be at 'Blyth aticy
sod and 4th Saturditt of eacilnlelttn-OilmeatIdilue. e
hotel; Gut tau Ist Cud 31d ,L.0t du) s of oath urooth-
OfHce at Amnia hotel, l.1miaetin4 21, 0111320. ,
, Is' m •lac ur
anu t ni Celluloid Plates,
.g 1 a
a of lulu plates of the beatm1)1 the
t•L..ap as Lou)' eau 4e gut il! �
Duluinion, A,1 worst Out3auted:
Painless extraction of teeth by the use et 1.100831c-.
ity or Vegttab.e Yvpur:
TA1:13 ~ulna. -1 0111 e1tract tooth for 26' cei,t8
tBruuew0501,. -
uk`r IcE • 1it rho Beaver JSiook, opposite $147mK Hot01, ''
JOHN 160.'011113,
,Wreaths, •
11111'1 AND MARINE,
1/11AN, Ja.„Wisumix,
01 lli,LtuN.
Sales •attended'in,.any part of tate Co, C1t5Y5aa
,w ”.
Qlt1V COILlilli, WZNGsAM, Oxr,,
Liostisci Av0TIecska $Ulf TiiB coat= 41'
Ail *piers left at tlio.Ttass olice promptly at .eaa,
sate. Lol'ni8 teaeel15311e.313)05
Ill NitEt5S.0 ,
1 4 015 2 5 55 AtterioNsv Yea Coutilust ken** airy
A11 sales attended to promptly and 5)11 the 131siatve
Cl,argc8 Moderato and Satiafautiou Guaranteed.
All noevona.y arraitgmnt:n..s can no twine .1t tit
TlM5s' 03311.
}RAZOR ac IIAw1t1N8
P, iv, c 11, 1, Syevl eons ASO L13.35 14t,0/01e.,
o. A11 orders left at the office of the Tubae Yea alt
Celt a Ptvn,pt ett,.utt011
U1 i'ATE11001i,
BOW', 4), Etea3rs DiValor entity Ipkran ors
55.15 l,eelt�tei'Fr.
`+ , 4,
s *wet
tarot of
int u the ext
.hat in loving the
11rovitrd. Bv:
acueeessfal in pro
4f' thought that
whether it: be it
Took, or the null
Ef yon•are craw
think you need
Christmas gifts.
irk a loving Ohri
verse, or a pert
give as genuine
of pearls. Rt
peculiarities an'
whom you Nis
choose your gil
after it is chose
refer toit again
'gratulation opo
This a pc
old lady who
Elie bttl an irty
teruplating the
presented with
Row glad I u
that 1 found ju
'flow much con
it, and how nic
Or, again : ]
picture every t
is a treat pleas
that 1 made sit
The reeipie
urally feel re
them.. The bi
them is embl
I-Iow can 1 eve
which will see*
stowed to let t
etre oonoerned
Auden To 31 OTU1'
and broken or your
crying with pain o.
mem end got a bot
Syrup" for Cbil(r
able. It will re]
initmediately« hop
4mistake ;Mont 1t.
A•eaa1at01 the Sterns
mittens the Gurus,
sine and enel'gy to
touw's Soothing ;
pleasant to the ta8i
rho oldest and best
the united States,
throughout Tho w
hott;0. B0 sure
It003713NU Svatte'
Life is les 1,
Iilan cafes to t
Do as mulch
ul)t.Jre as little
The d gnik
fetches to the
volopes hi the
A. man wh
bsssiness conn
husiues5 .of ot
S!tccssa a 1x
be earned by
tft'1r over once.
Let no one
duties or to
that is not C
never strike
Do good
matter where
it, is dark liSgi
lepesls a lift g
The best w
sat'e that the
than the dont
of less impor
Life is 110
spent as whi
capital entr
-yoll may tr*l
yourselves It
Bind toge
the cord of sq
you know Ito,
of time that
The repor
silly exarnin
barley recen.
taws,. The
is a good ui
of samples,',
They offer
the grain,
4 1)ecetn.b