HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-12-12, Page 5a'
IlcrwxoI .
The rlowi@k oou>tl+ril wet st Gerrie,
the lytic tilt., on the. ttlWushitn Ishii,
, Munibent
"� e b tt
, •t1'nurtun,.nt 11
trsuia►tt t � f. ,1
I present. The reeve in the eifti�i'ry,
bootee of lust 1st@,.tint; ra•ad and -
;proved. "oven ats emitted -»-Mollis
,tylia , $6 68, for gr vel laud culvert,
t 30. con 1f3 ; Hugh 1% Rey, '^1.50
1' repa;ri ij tWO on vests, let 17, con,'
1Jelin Dawn $3, fur repairing
; , ,l„1t11 tmodei
ride, lot 4, s,ota 14;
,ll,luv repairs on culvert "end ditch,
,t 4, not) 1'1 ; Joint Meli'arlane*,.
3 `90, for gr +ding, lot 8J, eon, 13:;,
titigler, $4.20, for grdavel; Rohn.
lreenwity, wit, for repairs on culvert,
ut 15, eon. 9 ; J Limiter, for repairs
in culvert., lot 16. cue, 9 ; 11. I)tu1-
nerling, 38, f 1' culvert, lot. 30, coo.
Iii ; Adam Rena, ; 3, for repairing.,
,uive"t tine' +final, Int 30, coq. 15 ; A.
ara+itton, 1;43.'4 9,5, for repairing bridao,
of 20, cone 1st ; John Kroft, $6, for,
;ratting O rend. llowick end 1Vnllac e,
Uoundery ; Wm Allan, `$12 25, for.
,invert mud ,1►•,tin, lot 25, sou. 4 ; $,
Braden, $18, for reclaim,;;; two Alli+
verse and abutments to Fordwich
bridge; 4Viyi, Leech, $5, for culve.rt•,.
lot 8t), con. 2 ; r'�.,. Johnston, $4 50,
for gravel ; A. Faust, :1; 7, for ontvert.`'
lot 18, coo. 6: Isaac Wilson, $2 25 for,
repairs on culvert, in Fordwich ; Mr -
Butler, .$15, for cutting bill oil Oar•
rick and EU•nvecic I,unudili] ; W. J.
&dais, $.50, as part p tyment on eni.
vert in Gerrie 0 Miller, x;14 50; for;
,outing, hill on Carrick boundary ; A.
Marne, 06.50, for cutting_ hill nts
Ol rriclt b++undary ; Gibson •.Bros,,
$5 f 8, plank fur entvert ; G Padfield,
$2, for sel,'otin jurors; B J• Doyle,.
$2.08, {usury nc+' on ball , t�. Rttc111e,
$26, for clothes 1.w Dime boy ; J.
Ooop.ir $5 for culvert, tot 7, eon. • 3
W. J. ,ltittlt,S5U pars p,tvitem ou Gor-
rie enlvrrt, A. Kixig,i 15, for sidewalk
' at G.trrie oalvert. 111•,ved by !r.
Graham. seconded by Mr. Robertson,
that the ce,uncil do tow adjourn t'i
meet in Brown's hotel, ]?ordwlelt, on
rho, lath day of DecVete. �SJnrlx, Caroled.
Mrs. George Agar, after a short ill-
rless, passed away on 3!'ridtt morllitt;;
4th. She was about 50 yearn of age,.
and wag a delicate n'otliati. Shea chyli
of iutlan1t11uhioI)
of' the king~.-,loltn
Agar came from Duluth to attend his
mother's funeral.--Wiliial t.Un+d crriv•
eel home front Virden, Manitoba, on
the 27th of November. Be Weeawny
about three Months, and likes thea,
country well, --The collection fol the
t library, taken up in. the Presbyterian
r 25.
n i tee
' Es mU to
i :-Messrs. Duff & Stewart bought tt
a three year old (wit frpne Mr. Hugel
• Ross, the other day, that: tipped tho
f beam at 1660 the. lass' is considered,.
one of the finest colts of his age intim,.
e neighborhood,- s" Mrs, Frfittk Ashton
has had a severe -'attack of inflamma-
n tion of the lunge, but is now on the
a ' mend, Also, -.a." daughter of Edward
,s 13osma1 's is-do%vi► with the same dine
y ease. -The opeeit.lg of the now church
e next Thursday iis, the •nil.engrossing
e subject Of interest. The oburch is.
11 almost completed:, and everything is
n being done to make the day (the 1811i'4
r. worthy of the fine structure which has
�o been erected, and worthy also of the
to purpose also to which it shall be dedi-
{s edited. The Rev. Dr.Potts, of Toronto,
at will preach the opening sermon in the
is afternoon at 3.80 ; immediately there•
to after will be served the grand dinner
le of fowl, eto., and; thereafter at 7,30,
the evening entertainment and address
from Rev, Dr, Potts. The dinner will
be served in the coinmodiul s,basetneut.
n- For deserijition of building, see the
,re local columns of this issue. ---Next Sun
ls. day, Rev.'I. 13. Waliwin will preach
,to I issionary 'Sermons at Wroxeter;
xst the evening, in the 'Methodist church
Valli preach.
ea b
-•� here, Rev,. A./. Bartley v�.il l pr
up Mr. Jas. T'►tnmiias and bride (arrived,
er. hotne ori Saturday ' evening, and on,
the Monday -it is said, bought oil' the boys. 44.
em. -.-:4l r J •J Delman Was blest with'
is a new arriv,a1 on Friday evening off"
life last week.-Qn Wednesday, the last
cv- silipmeut;'of.cheese for the season was
l in made frons the Dlnevale factory.
for G1en.farrotu'.
gad D McLaren was viaiting frieltda
has here ]sat week, -'W t. gently arrived,'
, as a few days ego, from a lengthy stay'.
join in Manitoba and. Dakota. Wes. Still,
thinks ntorti of Ontario then either of
the prairie provinces. -Sas 13ently`a,'
Auction Sall was in roost respects
this ,;good. Stook, with the exception • et.'11^
vice 'the horses, line figures. Mr.'
will leetly :leaves soon to reside in Blyth. 1
I) -1 h l3nit iii again able to be about,
of after a severe. eotd,-A alight n tstuka+''
week'e {Remo,
of lest w
' 1 w ad - At one Limn an m e
the 'eche number of dein of turnips autres!.
reed bey Jae. Anderson anti his hired mos-
- a9 5 each ala
Mi Theis Wilkinsou, Mr 1Vewaombe
Wilkinsont and Mrd Wilson, spent it
tray or two at their fetller'e, last week.
-•^,�'4r some r,:Rso11, the
t~evivalistt; only remained one night
lit L3rewntown, iitkitrad of three,
118 advertised, but we understand th t
thole ultt'ution to return Cot nut to
'file Ontario bruit Growers' •,A��ss
snoiatiOU meets ill 11rtIttilton, 041 Dee.
16, 17, 18.
11r. Thortras Besery, of the Tewne
i e County o ren
ship of Stephen, O un Y t? 1Iu ,
claims he hs lived on the sante farm,
lot 7, On the first, cottcesalon,rl'owllship
of Stephen, for 51 years.
►t 1'a The Maxwell works, St. Mary's,
lit oldie. -- �'liss Janet Boon has ; will 10sulne n ('ration;; the 2nd of
returned from a visit to friends in p
Faris and vicinity-Muti{0lpnl ud'airs.d3000ry,, labial), will be hailed with
ore still very quiet and theze Will delight, The eredttors of the firna
probably 13Ot by much o!iauge, unless have t,l'nnted act ettteusiontointeof t,2,
the trouble with the late `Treasurer rand 2t nnouths,. subjrOG ,'
Should liven things up a little on nous iiritd Cherry Bark, J'Jleoamptaue, I`Ioar.
heave ay. _. t oow'y, son of the heund and i;enel;a. These are the remo,
dies with which DameiVature has supplied
lies}ve, is lying in a very cl'{tical coo- Oanada for the ours of Colds, Coughs,
sat item typhoid fever and ittfl<ttet- Croup, Whooping 1 e d
d Wan �i
Q'nu h, fHrotiehitis and
xuatinn of the lungs, and fours are en- E.oss cf V010e, Alt these are 0outt,luo fu
,,rtRiilod that he wit! riot 1'oeovt:r. Wilson's Wild Cherry in their irlost active
111r Laud Hiss ti;anaiers, of 7'ornnta, this moats ell+t,ele euro forlldll ediseaseisuof
speI1t a f++v? days at ALr. (71100 Prcuh the Throuat, Cilest and Lungs. Wi!sen's
toes, 1,tst week, while on their eyed Vtrild Cherry is sold by all druggists,
tlinl; %.ur•. Mre Souders wilt probably James Smith, Louden, is dead, (toed
be better knonit to Tomes readers as sixty, lie Wits t1 native of85 Dubliearsn
-,;,,,nee meanie Hued, aaughter of Mr. a,nd had lived is 1-ondnn y.
k' Lebed, a former resident of the 4th lis was well known in westeruOntario.
linea The TIII1:S extt'nds its vout;vat- rte was a 1lrotniuent Odd Fellow, and
7d}artions to the happy couple.--4ir at one thole held the position of Grand
Chas Wheeler, being in a social snood Laster in Ontario.
last week, invited a number of -leis `{ he first two arotutd.the world
friends to assenible at' his residence
steamshipsof tin Canadian Pacific are
Thursday evening. Ansi regale theins
solves open the omen: and tander nearly filled up, and it is quite prob-
a,ivalve.:' After the waists of the ins able that before the •second one daily
ter 'man had been ce ed for, the retilers will nob he a roetli left in :the
ut tinder of the night was spent in third. Enough tickets have already
• Been sold; to tna,ite it certain that the
social con.versaG{oil, Inosite, and trip•
undertakingwill be a Bucoess.
ping the light tantestic.-idle Geo
Parker has rented the farm belonging; • snnerteatia,Dooet.
t0 Wm New umbe. Mr J EI lrourigan after using Wilson's
Executors' Notice
N`r to the xaavlsed statuttw
Chapter 110, sevtlon 6d, flay
lilts, luta of the o
of Iiurou, and Province of
diad. on or about the nth da
aro requlrcd to scud to a A bio
Ingham, In thv County of
undersigned executors of the da
the 7th day of Novc;mbei
s, adi�rewes and, descriptio
of their claims; a statement
d the nature of Om
them. And notice ie hereby F
will Immediately after tho
d to distribute the assets of
one; the parties entitled
to the which ail
lYtrriA,t weans.
�r, 8otigitor for E pcutoie,'
T)UB$UA of Ontario.
_L tyd7, Creditors 01
Crochet 11,1 f Bowiek, In
Ontario, 60•
the County Y
suture who Y of August.
Lt 1,1800, a rton. of the
Town of W IHuron, Solicitor
for the unit id deceased,
on or bolero, A l) WOO,
their ;MOM ns ; the full
particulatQ t of their ac•
counts, nn securities (it any):
held by Ivan that tho
Executors last mentioned
day primed the sold de.
Ceased alit thereto, lmvia.g
regard onlyallthau Itawo
hall uotieo
J A Memos,
tiVild Cherry in his family for eiKht years,
Culross. writes us that it has never failed to cure
Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough or Broca-,
One of the institutions of which ohitis, 13a wise, profit by the experi°u0e
Cuirass Township has just reason to °f ahem and use Wilson's Wild Cherry.
the proud is the Culross Mutual Fire bbd ball afflicted g fat with any suoh troubles.
insurance Omnpany. This company
There has been placed upon the
iS Without doubt. the best managed grave re the luta '!Soil. George Brown
,t� r sue {n this section of country in the Necropolis, Toronto, a chaste
For tae last four years it has only ledger tomb of gray granite, It is
been found prexniu to levy per atter the severe English style, being
ceut,'ult the p neidern note capital. only about twofeet high and consisting
\Viten it no considered that during y
years large:: additions have been of one polished slab of granite resting
dile annually to the reserve fund it upon a somewhat large piece. • On the
wilt be easily seen that this companyupper face is this simple inscription
is the ueems of a yearly saving to the GEORGE BROWN.
tanners of this vicinity of thousands Nov. 29, 1819. May 9, 1890.
of dollars. The highly favorable This monument is the choice at Mrs.
results attained are without doubt duo
in 0 large measure to the ability and
nntiring exertions of the board, of
directors, every one of whom seems to
take a personal interest in all that
pertains to the welfare of the cowpn..ny.
-Teeswater News,
GORDON' & MoINT� rr .
I f you want to good. Suit of Scotch,. Irish, or Canadian Tweed. at s, -
;.13erge,1n, go. to
A large stook at elle
Jellies, Jams,
'''Mincemeat, Oranges,
Lo'mons, Grapes,
Pigs, Dates,.
Plain and,,Fanoy Confectionery, &o.
Also, a full line of
Following are the pupils of S. S,No
Turnberry who ranked highest in
their respective classes tor the month
of November : 4th -Wm. . Campbell,
h'1aggie Anderson. Jas. T• Scott. 8rd
Senior• --Lila, Campbell, Rachel Dun
kin, Albert Aitken, 3rd Jllnior-
Mary Aitken, Bete Ferguson, Agnes
Mundell. 2nd--]3a'1la Campbell, Niec
for McLean, David Breen. Part If -
Pena A. Mackay, ' Agie D. Aitken,
1ennie ,Button.
Montreal or Quebec,
T9 Derry or Liverpool.
CAIN RATES, $40,$b0and $60, Single $80. $80
Mid *11.01teturn, taccording to location of
Staterooms. ,
INTHIti4HDIAT0, outwrOd tte5; Prepaid 880..
:Steerage atlowestrates.
Apply te 11. &'A. ALLAN, Montreal, 6r
Drown and the 'fatally,. of the decease/
Anvtob x0 lit01T10as.- Aro ,youdisturbed at night
and broken of your rest by a siokahild suffering and
crying with pain of Cutting Tooth) If so send at
once and got a bottle of " .Irs.Winalow's Soothing
Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incal:ul•
able. It will Mime the poor little sufferer.
immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no
mistake »bent it, It cures Dysentery and Dtarrhma,
reenlatesthe Stomach and Bowels, euros Wind Collo,
softens the Guws, reduces Inflammation, and gives
Mine and energy to tho whole system. "Mrs. Win.
loow's SoothingSyrup" for children teething is
pleasant to the aste and is the prescription of one of
the oldest and best female physicians and nur,•as in
the United States, and is for sale by all dr3uggists
throughout the world. A rice twenty-five cents a
bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mats. Wi4n,,ows
SoosOnit, SYRUP • and take no other kind
A grand tea and' lecture will take
place in the Methodist church on
Tuesday evening, 16th of Deeeinber.
The Rev. Austin totter, of Dungan -
ran, will be present and deliver his
thrilling lecture of three years' exper-
ience as a cavalry officer in the Amori-
ran civil war, from 1862 to 18615.
Tea will be served from 6 to 8. Ade
uisaion, adults, 25o. ; children 1.5c,
Stray Cattle.
Strayed from the premises of the sub-
scriber, Lot 21, Concession 11, Iiowick,
on oraboutNoveluaher lst,1890, Six Year-
lings : One white, one gray and two red
steers, and two gray heifers. Anyone
giving tnf ation that will lead to their
recover vile be liberally rewarded.
D. S. 111ILNE,
ti 1
A..fine hose reel and also a hook
xtnd'ladder wagon has been supplied
the village by Messrs. (Allies & Mar
tin, The village has now a very fav,.
'arable rate of insurance.-7
ho vii
la e
council did not take any action with
the communication front the Wingham
Ft Council 111 regard to license fees, es
they considered if the Government
*coaled. to the -request of the petitions
it wank( result in a lowering of li-
censes, and therefore would be of no
benefit. -
Goderk h Signal : `V�e are pleased
to see M. 0. 0ameron, ex -M. P. for
West Huron, home ngtiin from Montle
Clemens S1llpliurSprints, whither he
had gone for reetlioal treatment for the
illness with whi'eh he had been so sea
aced f r the
v I dill
fare y
{ three inoiltbs. 'His many friends will Ithlumatisni, Lumbago, Saiaticn, Iufiann-
re otvt7 to learn that he has almost '
relation ti "the, Lives, , Souris, Stomas+ ,
t Also In
PAIITIES to take contracts of Cutting and Haul-
ing Saw' Logs end Wood. Apply at Wingham
Chair rectory. I3uTToN & FliSsANI.
Nov. 201h, x890.
pissolution of Co -Partnership
110 0TICE is hereby given that the partnership
bortotore sabsisting•between the undersigned
as Door and Sash Manufacturers, at the Town of
wiugham, in the County of Huron, under tho namo
of O. Lloyd o Roos, has this day boon dissolved by
Mutual consont;CharieeRiohard Lloyd retiring there-
from. All.debts'due tri the said. partnership 'will bo
paid to the other three partners, who will discharge
all liabilities of the said; iirm, and who wiil •continuo
id met
the said ,
carded by
oll'o business formerly
ship, in pnrtnorship under thonatuu of Chas Lloyd &
Sons, at Wlughani afortce&ld.
Dated Wingham, l9th.3o,ember, DMA MIAS Imoso,
Witness, J1 A l Limn,
E L Llan. • 1• Ctus 11 Li o1M,
l W fI Imam
BUTC 9E[ ��€ Po•
Wishes to intimate to the :people of Wingham and
viciBusiness agai hand has opened out ie has commenced iiihe Old Stanhe d,
a few doors North of the $runswiok House.
STEAK,10c. per ib. ;
LAI11.13,1®c. par ro.
Gordon & McIntyre.
INq of any, description at ,Bottom Prices go to .,
Gordon & McIntyre..
If you, want SHIRTS, TIES, COLLA.1S, CUFFS, GLOVES, 1'IA.Ts or 0.4.1)S,
from' the finest REAVE1 to the cheapest imitation go to
Gordon &McIntyre.
1hLagu.oi Hands.
And other Meats in proportion, some as low 50 50.
per pound.
SAUSAGES,. &c., always on hand.
Meats delivered to any part of the town.
The Patronage of the public solicited.
if you, want First -Class BooTs, from the strongest Kip to. the finest
Kid ; OvEinSHOES or RUBBERS, go to
Gordon & McIntyre.
If yoiT want MANTLE GOODS, DRESS GOODS or Diss TRmarn3Gs
of any material or ehade,at Reasonable Prices, go to
Gordon &McIntyre.,
If you want to select yoar (i,ARPETS, either in Brussels, Tapestry,
All Wool or Union, frotn the largest stock in Wingham, go to
Gordon �LMcIntyre,
I have removed my Sewing Machine Business to
Hon'tuth's Block, directly opposite the Bank of Hai.
Piton, where I wilhkeep a full stook of the
Celebrated DAMS Sewing a -
or lines.
f' The th
As well
few p
Cam supply Noodles, (Ma and Bepairo for all kende
of Sewing,flaohines.
John L.Sullivan is soieneet1 in causing
pain with his, hands, but MR: A, M. lIlo-
DONALD, of Mosley, is dclenced
removing pain with hos hands He can
cure headache, Toothache, '%ieuralgia,
and ordinary pains in the lunb, with his
hands. lie alsd treats these with a
nn Swellin s,
tel g
As ,
Gahan{o Battery:
If you want the purest T:nas, either in Black, Japan, Young }Tyson
or Gun Powder, to be lead in town, wholesale or retail, go in confidence t o.
, . nti e
The Anchor House, Wingh.a .
Ae I intend to start
Knitting all Kinds of Hosiery,
can have their Stockings and Sooks Knit
in 1!`trst•Clasa Style and on tiiu'.shortellt notice, Sat -
'election guaranteed.
Will also keep a stock of the
"WORLDIS STAR" xnitting
(best in the world,) on hand for sale, which will be
sold at reasonable prices. Don't be backward about
trying ono, aa•they will knit as well as can be done
by hand in less'thon i tbo time
Plunge give rue a tall. Don't forget the place,
opposite the Back oYo r; Rattp�te11 i
., 3o,.
attnlnQC'i his old throe vigor, and bads (Spleen, Eye, Ear and Tllron . r
fair to shortly be his old Reif. MVr•. aetivity(It any part t of rte J33ody. a hes
l'Qrrot'rn11' 111 too UGefttl a man to ,q1 a inhumes and 't gives a ()toady but
pieced upon the shelf at his compareoffapictu' 'cur
it is indeed the
and in{
tinselly carry age, ' :paining
rifyfine to know that be is Exam Tv, wt11 rj
,t a en ..II i to h'ti l,i',tu.b.•.•or.., f,,, ` t:,
i T I1, 0
t, without i'orking or
evr riatiAM,f�Zora t ow
• 1n'•11.�
_ ",
. _r THINK F IT 1
As t thatr dorm 'can bo
Of Pure Cod k yet of1 and 4p phsptes
Of it rno and Soon
is lout out a riltitL Mabe hscvo
genie . a puu'nd a 00 by tae Viss',
t a
01' SiC'.
SCROFULA. BRONCHI`i1S, oU0110. -Nat'
001.08, ANO ALL F`ORi17 0 WASTIN0 it.
t> by Soon kitoe e 0.
N. ...el
Has removed to L. F. Gerster's old stand, where he Iia a large and'.
,nicely assorted stock of
' aha;8 gets, :, r, er , Silverware
Which be is selling stay down in price, and will
have yot1 call and take a look through bis Stock.
he pleased
e _ airin- a Spee arty.
All workwarranted an51. done Aron ptly.
Din.sle NT,
Jason's. Block.
-Manufacturer of---
arish Columbia, , ,
BUILDING I ATERIAl. of all Iittlds, Washington Tents iy,
ri rbt ,1�1f@u
-such as- Oregon mid' •Ct1nia,.
SASH, 1)00It8, BLINDS, zt. ,,, t. Et 1I . m.
NI leave Toronto
t notice.
1R A
f D S,
_ ! Lucille
�i"^„"tto ';n„enu
r withoesDe w , (+' VaI� Ai
Po.nrHlllfig. etc., &sese to eerier on the i
bled»? in our yard, and ran sop•1 1 change .
ply leaned Stull dell kinds.
I A etlt hotioited.
mo, i • 4
trot 1)ortte; ana rttt i„l'ortrttltinn ripply tr.
lay Agent of tbtt GnMOWN, nr write =
. tib. 1:, t/A'I.L,\WAY,
&' sibs.
tile, �tt Tome;