HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-12-12, Page 4IN ILL' MVIS1
-- AND —
• 't G",$S«!'«•
Smit: Its Iaitita and Itegteates.
A bulletin issued by the Ontario
Department Qf Agriculture, dated fie.
()ember Otis, deals with tbie queetien
ae follows: Pse well known to fare'
Stout is a dies a
mere,: and though good eeunedies have
Been found to prevent it yet there are
matey ignorant of them if judge
trona the number of bt(stiOus at, As senttoo
the, College on the au 1
are several varieties of smut we shall
eotheiaer the habits of some of the moat
coalmen and then give some remedies.
Tieee'r' uu
o.s (Bent or a.tiezet 9
,Smut. )...M' Lieu wheat is affected by this
variety tate gr%fns are aborter and. more
t a
present 11.1
and h
swolle) than usual
e*reenish-drat, color. S;iwetiums they
are cracked, These effected grains are
norpletely tilled with txtinute round
block spores, having an unpleasant.
smell, and presenting under the trier .
scope a somewhat roughetaedamp
ante, They are mtueli larger h the
spores of common smut. When they
reach favorable conditions, heat attd
moisture, germination takes place and
.[' W. PH CO,
sA^ ,,,y TELEGRAPH 11 N. ", .R ip Yw
f pn. Brunswick Rause,
Viiingham, - - Out
Tern text book on aericuiture just
issued by the Ontario, E,l.uceticnal
I)eparttuent, fiir use in our publira
edition+, will meet with populec ap'
tarovai, It is a step in the right
LOTDOI1 ratepayers will vote on the
gnustion of reducing' the number of
•;yards in the city to three, and
also, the question of reducing the
aiu,nber of liquor licenses from
69 to 50, at the approaehing munioi-
pal elections.
The.ap pointnent by the Ontario.
Government of the Game and k"fall
dunmission is generally approved of.
Tho Toronto Week now urges them to
appoint a Forest Cutnnnssion, as it
friars serious eomsegriences to the coun-
try through the wholesale deotruetion
of the forests throughout the Pro-
Tarr Ontario Gazette contains the
e stn.
and C x
Fish o
f thent
(io,n.ni esion, as follows: Dr. G. A
14icOelln'n,of Du.nnviille, chairman; A.
D. Stewart, of Hamilton, secretary
Richard A. Lucas, of Hamilton ;: R.
G. Hervey, of Brockville ; J. IL
Viiltliutt, of IiPautnaris ; W. S.' Thet-
ford, of Leamington ; J'ehn. 'Mitchell,
of Guelph; A. II, TtiyIor, of Ottawa ;
E. W. Thomson, of Toronto, and He
K. Smith, of Belleville.
Sea. Eirnnnih CJnn'rwaiene will dee
liver an address tot the public issues
of the day, in the Town Hall, Oilmen,
ore the evening of Tuesday, December
kith. This will be tate only place in
this seotion where Mt. Cartwright will
speak, and all who wish to hear 'Bili!,
sweat). avail themselves of this oppor.
tulnity, Messrs, John McMillan,; M.
p., J, T. Garrow, 4'I. P P., M. C.
Cameron, and ether protniuent teen,
}yid &so take part iii the Meeting.
THY. election of 3D, Ahrens, M. P.
P. for North Perth, ' was voided on
Tuesday last. After one day's search
for evidence, it was ascertained that a
,attpporter of the doetor's, named
DDnaldsoo, had treated at Atwood
real 14f.oncittc,n, at the cloa'a of
)hheeti►ige held in those places, which
counsel for tit(elector thought mightuu.
set hien, so a consultation ares Held
between counsel for petitioner and
r•:!tponeicft:,, where it Was agreed to
vn;ri tate election, each party 'paying,
their own costs. This 'course eats
thnueltt,.referable to fl kiting out a
doubtful issue
A meeting of the County Board of
Examiners of !furors county was held
in late SPeretary'ee oftre, on the 29th.
lilt, the follnnvine toernbers were pros
,ries : 1114Oer'.t1 r '!'pert', chairman, aryl
Menem Relit Ter/thud and Halls, The
remedies, which are applicable to then
sHveral vt►rieties, of stout t
1'. Sow clean seed,.
. Steep seed five luinutea in a eon-
eaten 'of copper sulphate (1 lb. to 1
gallon of water); caustautly stir so as
to wet the gray' ; Oleo spread
it on a floor i to dry, or add some laud
plaster or slacked' lime and mix until
dry. One gtalion is about enouuh far
4 bushels. Some prefer using a weak-
er solutiou and, altitiventa a'lntiger time; j., 11le. copper sulphate to 4 galtQus
of wetter, rend steel) 24 hours.
3, 1 lb. ca eetic patient in 6 gallons
water;, let sQali >t day, Or take 40 lags
hardwood aches to 10 gallons tearer
let this stan(l a day,stirring from time
to time and the water poured off will
he a solution about the same streugth
as the prooediw.
4. Brine strouh enough to fivat an
egg does very well if the seed is kept
iu it for several hours with eceesiouat
5. • mmersing the grain in hot
water (135' F.)'. for 5 minutes, or 132
F. for 15 minutes,deatroys smut spree
without injetry to the grain, A tem
perature 5 above or below this falls iu
its results.
By keeping the seed in a sacK made
of coarse material it may be readily
dipped into any of the solutions re.
a series of reproductive bodies result
which gives rise to the vegetative poi`-
eion of the fungns.This is an exceeding
ly sleuder jointed thread that eltiwate
ly bears perfect spores iu the wheat
plant lifter Leaching the seed. These
reproductive bodies, called sporules,
are produced outside ot the wheat
plena, buit when they cootie in contact
with the young .Bost they find their
wily into. its tissues, and rtthning up
the stein between the cella they finally
reach the seed and bear pores on tiny
stalks. it has beau calulatedthat one
grain may contain 40,000,000 spores
inclosed within the thin skin and not
exposed as nettle eonem a smut of the
wheat and oats,
Ilan:ewe °ato o (Common or Loose
Smut)—Iu cases of attack from this
form the effected plants ere readily
observed, as it shows .itself very d
tiuctly by covering tree ear witlh smut.
The spares have no bad odor end are
exceedingly niinnte,heing ,ouch rnialle
er: than those .of .bunt. When they
reach favorable conditions germination
takes place and reproductive structures
result ; these, as in hunt, give rise to
the .vegetative portion of the fungus
which reaches the young plant, and a
course is followed much tale raphe as
inBunt. Investigation iiadicatee that
the' trouble iu plants ' ai tanked comes
from the grnuna ail travels upwards;
that the results of the attack uzanifeet
themselves in the head, .tui especially
in the grain.; . that 'seed .dusty from
smut results in touch of the graiu be.
ing smutty. •
UsrU..LGo uEiG.ntAY$ (Corn. Smut,) --
In this case.the smut is not so, local as
in the precediu;. The effected parts
are not confined to the ear alone, but
sometivaes e,re found elsewhere. The
spores for inside of the threads, of the
veeetive structure and not upon
stalks as in the, other sinut;`and thus
are widely diferent • iu development.
When the sporeseermanate they give
rise to a sort of tube-like structure in
which several erose artitiolis are forth•
ed .and the tube divides into cells. At
the tip of these, sporules form; they
germinate singly am produce stroceure
that may penetrate the tissues of the
corn plant at its moat tender point
etl;e lowest joint of the stent) when
the plant is young. During the grow-
ing period of the fungus, up to the
time when spore formation takes place
it consists only of that portion which
necessarily begins it growth near the
surface of the ground,since it enters
when the corn is very young. As the
plant increases the fungus grows up-
warda to.the place Ivliere it forms
.spores. The fruiting time of the eorn
)narks also the period when spores are
developed, ustiaily upon the young
kernels: ''About this time the thread
like strinetures branch, where spores
are to be formed. • The tips of the
branching threads swell and granules
appearin the contents. These finally
develop into :Spored inibedded in the
substance within the threads, the cell
wane become' ' gelatinous us spore for -
ration procreds,and this gives a slimy
chartaeter to the masa of stout; but in
the comae of time further changes
take place and very lithe remains but
dry, r'ound,dustypores.' 11 is injurious.
trhrrirrrien at,tte:l he bed cared the to feed cattle with smutty corn, as
Beard to decide't
nu taking up. acts upon animal 'economy
the respective aul,j •ets in the Model the ' sane ad ergot of rye, 'Passing
Nchrule, tt wee in,tved by 141r. Robb, throutrh the animal system dues not
eeeno,led by Mr. Halls, that the Secee.,i rt/ ft,gtr,icrcd, on appittettinn destroy the germinating power' of smuts,
':eonseq .aptly' the spares in maugra are
1,+« to
;rent the invite in detail to thn,ie entre Iun ennditinn to epreed the trouble.
s wtut tna'1 fen . in starving the' AS it is yieneiiiy ttoen on affected parte
t,i tawe .
eeeetery merles; le nese, bat in fusee t air i may be pitike 1 rift it should• b,.
fa* Beer? wilt not give the marks etre gathered and destroyed by firm or otlher•
by hl•.rirl ti,'hnnl pnpiia wile r wi•to. 1t rrient ztntfnteilt to pick 9nti
extol ltn+iti„yt-.Oarril,t. It,. tt,e smut, a , ,thy-iv:tie den 'theiground
l tic
ins (ipdiirials ora. ion W. IN
time _
v I::atealau;Q.
Two ox three meetings have recently
been feud its Martin's sultoui htluset,
!Vest Wawanosh, for the purpose of
organizing a lodge hi commotion with
the eoei,ety known as Panetta of I'i`
dustry, About thirty five 'iutluelitr.il
farrliere have already become mean-
Urns. The beuelite to be derived, so
the leadint', advoeate settee, arra v treed
and importatht. . Apart from the flneu
atal and political asrptcts of the ques-
titin, it, social eletient, which wets t $11,tepr,,nett• ton.0 heft A1<1''aoi nh,
largely c)iiaraoteristte of thelast meet- I lot 4, n t ;
t p'tie cultivated• To give an . 3 90, for gr .ding, la ea, r vel • 1:-; je
'it e,, is t tt, •ttiutirtont, Ringlet-, *4.20, for gravel; ,
`idea. of the kind of Prt i
'ution may de of the hag pipes, COreeuw'ty, $i1, for repairs on culvert,
n y fee made 1 it•'t were let 1 ii earl ',! ; J limiter, for repairs.
The flriwick council wet at Gorriex
on the 19th alt,, to the Guwusilitt
pursuant to *Adjournment Members,
ell present. 'The reeve in the chair,
Alinutea of labt meeting read ago •
approved, ,tt.ccouuta vivisect —John
Baylis , $0 Eta, far griever told cntveit,
lot 30, con 18 ; thigh v'l )ley, ; f.50,
for repea`ring two ca verts, rut 17, con,'
l,t John !raud, $8, for repairing,
bridge, lot 4, con 14;John bander,
i'reuytery of Maitland..
The Presbytery timet at Wingham
Dec. 9, Rev F A McLennau, Aiuder-
ator. Elders' conpmiesions were re
ceived in favor of ;,George Chapman,
Pine River, and Charles Cttrnpoelt
East Wawannsh. The (l1erk read a
letter from Rev A McKenzie, tenner-
ing his resignation of all con tweleon
with the Presbyterian church ' ut
Canac'la. • Final action in the matter
was' deferred till next meeting. Mr
Sutherland reported ill behalf of the
oornuuttee appd,uteti to frame a deliv-
erance on the remit of Assembly on.
the marriage question. The report
was received, and laid on the table t
uex t nieetiu . On motion,Ar Suther-
land was requested to have the report
pubIisbed in the Presbyterian Review.
Leave was granted to I£uox Church,
Brussels, to moderate in a call. It
was. agreed that the Presbyterian
visitation scheme be dropped. The
` r 's and auditors''reports were
The I
received and adopted. T e
Committee gave in the estimates for
the Presbytery fund -for next year.
Mr Geddes reported that the Sabl,ath
School Convention' held • in Wingharn
was a grand success. The Rev A I)
McDonald was nominated as Moder-
ator of the next General Assembly.
rink Clerk announced the named ot
ministers entitled to he sent to the
next' General Assembly, viz, Revs J
L Murray, '3 Ross, D.33 McRae, L
Forest, A Sutherland. 'And an elder.
frogs each of the following charges :
3elgrave; Wroxeter, Httron,Ohalmer's
.Ohurch, ,Kincardine Township, 'and
`.Bervie ; Bluevale and aye ad fes, • Mr
'•illeQuarrie reported in behalf of the
'Oommittee on the remit 'ou the prbe
posed regulations for the Aged Lind
Infirm Ministers' fund. ' -The remit
was agreed to except rule 9. The
'Presbytery substitute $150 for $100
Petitions eitent Sabbath observance
were distributed to members. Ses-
sions were enjoined to "see to their
subecription and forward thetn'to the
Clerk. not'later that's 15th 'JaiYual-
.The following were appointed, to visit
;Aid -receiving oongregations,viz,Lang-
side, Messrs Gedeles and Charles
'Campbell ; Pine River, ' Messrs Mo.
Queen and Frank McDpnald , Dun-
gannon and Port Albert, ' iktessre
McLennan and. 1) McKinnon ; Bel-
grave,h essrs Hartley and` Maxwell..
1.t was agreed that the following, places
be °entree for examination n higher
religious instruction : Brnsse. s,Wing-
ham, Luckllow,Ripley and Kincardine,
and that IA, ministers of these places
be appointed as presiding examiners.
It was agreed that the next regular
meeting of the I'reebytery be ltel,l at
Llteknow. Messrs Fairbairn and
Forest were appointed to deliver on
missionary 'Work iii • ennnoctioti with
the presentation of the Presbyterial
4V F 14t Seeiety, at Seat. meeting of
Presbytery: Mr McDonald. gave notice
that he will move, it
violin and month Orgall, w t .,
d 1 Archy A.uder- ou cover., tot 10. ewe 0; iI, Dau:
y t
p ••I Ger nlnrihhi • ,i, #
res tredve! ouerato ►y y, $' , • (Advert, lot 30, con.
ra 1
( 1J
and i ders u, , n
,t An repairing.,
ots '1'vo ,,,, ,. 3. for r p g.,
ton. A retsitation was given by tits. l6 : Adrielt f,.; ditch, lot 30, can. 15 ; A.
Gaunt and it sou;;• by Andrew Fox culvert ane f t ,
A number of lit•tiee were present and Suotton, tiv'i 25; torrepairing $6, for.
seeneed well encased with the proceed lot 20,`cr ,. I l ; John Kroft,d Vella -co.,
ins. May the fern:eachiti;; ()Woof of gradin
speedily be attaint'ti,'—Mr. Imuedery ; Wrn Allan `w $12 25, foe'
the society sI y lot S.
t7 Gillespie purchased ahultr, 160 , hausii awl
i8 nfiprl rrltir ,:,; otwo ; mile
live weight, at 4 cents per l
butchered them an the premises of • rerte and abutments$5, to(i F uuaw'rch
Geo Cottle, where Mr. Cattle kept bridge; Wm, Leech,4 5(}
water hot by means of a pipe from his lot 80, atm. «. ; A, Johnston, ,
engine, which conveyed steam to the far gravel : A. Fit, 87, for culvert,'
)Vater. Mr, Gillespie has shipped lot 18, ecu. # • 1sasie
itletu to H(tnilton, and cxpeot$ to bra r, airs on culvert•, in F'ohrdhliwihuh i Car.
,veli paid for his expense, of hutclter- finder, ala, t,,r caftan
nee—The building for,nerly occupied rink and Howlett leo-Indere aW.J.
at 1.
James Martin for 'storing, uaaci,in- ' 0.dnir, $50, its putt I .,
, isbeing now fitted up by' Gillespie vert in Gerrie .; 0 M ilIer, i14 50; for:.
• y
A Co., for the purpose of sto Marna,g l.hill
5Ei 50 fur` cutrotnir l iil; tart
rain. These ,tentlentoen are now" Gibson el n„''
Insnape tar peu•cltusin 3 fanners, Carrick betuudary ;
roduoe —t1lr• 'L'huruas Dunn is; visit- $5 88, plank fur ycnlverRt; G Padfield,
J. Doyle,:
n,r friends ill 4 hitbchurch et present. $2, tree selectins, jurors;
—Allen A {gear e. Co. have removed $2,08, iUslrreilee on, hall , te, ^ R'ttehie
near Orangeville,,where they intend ;deli, for elotliea km ' Bitch a b 3
goie k t into the shingle business. ---Mr, Cooper, $u, for eulvetalot 7, oncon. (13;
i3reo., Cottle is prepared to grind grain W. J. A,laui,SSU Part 1
' the shortest notice. Farmers, ria eutvert_, A. l ,it,g 4,::i."n, for sidewalk
long and give hien a show as at Gerrie culvert: Aleved by Mr.
come well equipped forr the bnatt►ees. Graham, s•'conded by Mr.ltoberteon
McWilliams has returned from that the cutincn arca now adjourn t
Holland Centre, and is nnw i,itendiiat;, meet in !Brown's hotel. 1e'ordwiie tried.
'o' take a trip to Petrolia to stay for the lett' day of December Clerk.
Ito' p 11 rt. DANK, Gla .
the winter, if Whitechurch attractions
t 'ti.r'rhonlas Camp-
attaok of congestion of the lungs, Airs. George Agar, after a short ill-
ti tt the `'vilinge and vi- )less; passed away on 3l rid.ae tuor'uiug
. evrtral atter e
einity are suffering from had colds and 4th. She was ,rt' ee CO year of ag;.,'
troubles.. -Mr. ll; Itiutoul had a and was a delicate woman. She dheel
wood bee on Tuesday'1'ast, and as an of inflammation of ,.Lige langs.---John
n attend h
from Duluth
inducement for the young me
to tern out and work well, a mother's funeral:_Wilria leufferriv•
t' l donee was given in the evening, ed home frond Virden, Met,itoha, on
:Tar la
which was kept u p till the small nears the `27 th of Noventher. Ile was awny
w p l
toe of the nturtlii,g, and as a natural eon. about Hiroo Months, and tikes tl
eequenoe some of the village boys of country well, ---The collection for, the
little sleep that night. The bee was library, taken up in the Presbyterian
a great s nteess as also was the dance. church )est Sab.hatb, nrnounted to 825.
—fir. A. D. Beaton, who represents —Messrs. Duff' &; Stewart boughtra
•lfuttrn and Fessant, of Wingham, in three year old colt frdrn Mr. I3ugn
P log trade,. is now ill shape to re- Ross, the other, day,. tlsat• tipped tha
ceive any arnount of timber and pay beam at 1660.1bta. Ile is eousidored,.
highest rices. --The `(lightning one of the liue'st colts of his age intim. .
the e
insurance agent" from Kincardine neighborhood,--- rs, Frank Ashtoik
gave the town a Visit the other day.; has had a severe attack of iuflanuna-
No person captured as yet. --On tion of the lunge, but is now on the
d a missionary tea emend, Also, a daughter of Edward
Thursday evening,
was served in the manse, by the ladies l3osman's is'duwvu with the same dis.•
of the" 'Woman's Foreign Missionary
ease.—The opening of the now church
Society.The Methodist salters were next Thursday fs, the ell•e,igrossing
cordiallyinvited to he preEent.•- The subject of interest. The clatrch is.
sacrament of the Lord's supper will almost'eonlpletetL, anti everVtllfog is
be dispensed in the Presbyterian being done to make the day ( the l8tl)
nn Sunday first. ' Mev. Mr..' worthy of the fine structure which has
church Y
Davidson, of Wroxeter, is expected to been erected, and worthy also of thet
be present on that occasion.—The purpose also to which it shall be ded
agent of the Bible society visited this sated.: The Rev. I)r.Potts, of Tor t ,
ranch on Thursday evening of lust will preach the opening sermon in the
and delivered a lecture. It is afternoon at 3.30; immediately there;
seldom that -we hear an Irishman after will bo serve& the grand dinner
giving so spirited 'an address. He of fowl, ete., and, thereafter at 7.30,
denouncedc.t... -o,.e., Bible.. the evening entertainment and address
from Rev, Dr, Potts. The dinner will
be not too s eon ,-1 33luevale,
bell is slowly .recovering from a severe ,, a
Z teff lin 62.
L * .4 ft':..l woo; uok.J 1013I,gi,. .roU,l.ifntay'
nolfast. be served in the comhnodiolns,basemeut.
Mr. James Thompson, sr., still con- For descrilition of, building, see the
tinues very 'low. Slight bones are local columns of this issue. --•Next Sun-
fined of his recovery.—:lir. Jas. day, Rev. I. 13. WaiIWn will preach
Sen -
entertained •
'Mullin, and family, are moving into Missionary Sermons at Wroxeter; et
the old store this week, The post the evoniiig, in the Methodist °11th t
will be more convenient then.— here, Rev,. xl. 'Y. Hartley veill preach,
George Mite hilson ie going up —Mr. Jas. Timmins and bride arrived
F the peninsula for the winter. borne o ` Saturday • avenf,ig, and on
.--.Mrs.. *ninon Irwin • has rented the Mondayint is said, bought of the boys.
os to Robert, her son, for a terra. ---:lar,! 'J I?ennan Was blest with:
ire whispered 'around that I1ob, is a new arrival on Friday evening of
soon ofta to take to himself a life last weelt. On 'Wednesday, the last.
artner._Mr.Robert Mullin has rnov.. olripnent''cf.cheese for the Benton Wes
ed to Lucknow. ' Ile is engaged in made froete the Bluevale factory.
(tI`iwt Rt .Wurster furniture factory.—
Mr. A,Flarier is shortly to set sail for McLaren was visiting fritttadx
1 ' t next meeting o Scotland oboe more, to rtee his egad re uIi
L oho
Campbell Inas here asst week.- -SV, D_ Densly arrived,'
resb tory Hutt the regular meet- parents.-- fa ..: J p
the Presbytery, , owed into dtis .Boase, It is said, as a few days ego, from a lengthy stay
toga "of Presbytery sli 'and held altar- m ;,1 that hit is going to juin in Manitoba alxd. Dakota. Wes, gearl
it hare °titid T,u°1t11nvV, • of lair. Itorcam
t ,dunks More of Ontario then either of:
nr.tely at'' V lg hitne°lt to oe'of the fair east«
tate prairie provinces«-•YJas Bently's
Auction Salop was in roost respects
good. Stock, wall tbe' exception of•
the horses, ltrouulrt tine figures. Mr;'
Bendy leaves soon to reside in Blytti
—Eli Bolt in again able to be about,
raftwr te
severe Cold
nid -Asl
ht rm
wsa Made in nee of last week's )tams.
The number of drilin of turnips rafter ;
hy Jas. Anderson and his hired man
should reread 13 eacra,ow tot
_ ,
lir l3utherland at his ow►t request wet
relieved of Cou'venerehip of Committee
in the State of %religion, and letr`Alo
treeu' was tippninted in leis stead. T'
•text meeting of Preal.:ytiry will,
ePkltLa,know, in tPresbyterianhe e
Aural), it) one o'clet"sli.
Jonas Oletk.
Jan. 8 etas o ked ao the date'ctt*;
aTn the " ti tale Swab fteut
The new Metltodiet ohuroh, in this
place, witl he opened for divnte servion
on Sahli -eh, 14th ivat. lrtprrnims will
list pret►:hed' by 1ev..?. Hannon,].
P , G:utdpli, and W,..Smyth, of
#3arristar►. (its 'tinndey evening,
lerb, n eeti•tthet'ting Will be held in the
h vennent of the ehnruh. "len served
It O. @n ''f '1 pr ►a+, a duiteerou9.Sa,.
.. . ...
Thos Wilitinsou, Mr lieveconebe
Willtfnsoit.and Mrs Wilson, spent a
day or two et their father's, lastweek.
For sante reason, the temperance
eevivaliete only remained. ottn eight
tit, llruwntowst, ititttead of three,
as advertised, but we understand that
is is their intention to retial at net a
distatht dale.—Miss Janet Hood has
returned from a visit to friends in
Paris and vicinity. --Municipal affairs
are mill very quiet uu.d these will
Probably not be moult change, unless
the trouble with the late Treasurer
erhould liven things up a little on stow'
ivatiou day. •--Wet ;Mooney, son of the
Reeve, is lying in a very critical cun-
dttion from typhoid fever and inflaut-
ivation of the lunge, and fifers are eau.
[Gertttiited that he will not i(•e.uvar,
ti:ud Mini Sanders, of Toronto,
spent as few days at Mr. Cltas Prop'
t;ur's, !,tett week, while au their wed
stint; $ +ur, hlrs Sa,uders wile probably
Ise tetter ki3O a to Tigan readers as
3.lisa 1 tinnie !fuer!, daughter of Mr.
1+' !.rood, a former resident of the 4th
line. The Txaxcs extends its eougrat•
Illations to the happy couple.;—Mi
Chas Wheeler, being lu a social mood
last week, invited a number of bb
friends to assemble at" his resideuc'
Thuredav evening. and regale deem•
selves upon the cheek and tisnde
i,ivalve.'• After the wants of the
ner man had beep cared for, the re
inaainder of the night was spent i
• social confersation, must°, and trip
ping the light tantastic.—Mr Ge
Parker has rented the farm helongin
to Wm Neweumbe.
One of the institutions of ethic
Cuirass Township has just reason t
Ile proud is the Culross Mutual Fit
1nsurenn a Company. This couipar
is without doubt. the best manage
concern in this section of county;
18'or'tee last four years it has on
been found •necessary to levy .1 p
met. 'on the premium note capita
When it is considered that dura
.ilese years large additions have l,o(
Lade annually to the reserve fund
wi11 be easily seen that this compile
ie the gleans of a yearly saving to t
}armers of this, vicinity of thotisan
of dollars. The highly favoral
vesults attained are without doubt d
it y a
a r the ability a to
' al
rue 5u e Y
untiring exertions of the hoard ,
directors, every one of whom scene
take a persnnal interest in all tl
pertains to the welfare of the cowpai
—Teeswater News,
felertan. an.
r Fallowing are the pupils of S. S.
, y
Turnberiw who ranked highest
their. respective Classes tor the too
of November : 4tu—Wm. Oatnpb
Maggie Andereon. Jas. T Scott.
Senior•—Ella. Campbell, Rachel D
kin, Albert Aitken, 3rd Janie
Mary Aitken, Bence Ferguson, Ae
Mundell. 2ni1-13i'lla Campbell, 1
ter MoLean,David Breen. Part I
Pent? A. Mackay, 'Aggie D. Aiti
Jennie ,Button.
A ,grand tea and lecture will t
place in the Methodist church
Tuesday evening, 16th of Deeem
The Be'.vAustin Potter, of Duns
nb"'n, will be present and deliver
lecture- of three years' ex
ienoe as a cavalry officer in' the An
ran civil war, from 1862 to 1.
,, Tea will be served from. 6 to 8.
mission, adults, 25e. ; children
A fine hose reel and also a 1
stud" adder wai,ma has been sup;
the village by Messrs. (xiliies 85 ,
tits'. The village has now a very
arable rate of insurance.—The vi
council did not take any action
ate the couxnhunication from the Wiwi~
Mg Council in regard to license fees
they considered if the Govern,
ncogded to the request the pati
it would result in a 'lowering 01
v:eneea, and. therefore would be of
God-orft'sh Signal : e aro pi
to dee M. O. Cameeron, ezeNI. 3
West lluron, lionie again frotn 14
Clemens Sulphur Springs, whith
had gone for medical treatment f,
illness with which he had been
verely afflicted for the past t
three ,notitbs. His many friend
relevant to leen that lie has s
attslned his old tittle vigor, an,
fair trey short), be his old self.
Cimarron •i'ul a man
let too ua,if
plaesd upon the theif et his cot
ttwe1y- early age, noel it ie
tti'fyieg to know that be is
.t .t,t -,i i to les 'fat,to