HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-12-12, Page 3of ltrp rookery, religsio* fore nliert ud ie nut• the world yt COB f10t ghitisa iesotne:i•w to others .!lila is it i01 auk your. nuke good Dtt't try. to ,rden in tie ser+ corker. if you are 8, speak kind g ted by his igbt trach, ibably be - you with dollars to n a tomb. the Nai,lyns,. aal develop.' sa of copper. 1:10. ge. ling nations, ;tion of iron. rduced. Iu 3 3)o minion. on as 0004- s. f coal in the it. ;ds are alone ascii.: ae is at Sud•. Nova .Scotia, possesses a iholo world. less o>;'mak. milk abnor- ilkis made of ition through ere iS ILO di - stomach and can only be .1tIbod. Pats fats in milk, n. 'nglisb thr 1111111, Of 314 itil 'clts.and s fat th derive and leper .ik, sb 1od ad enc DI t 10 r sr b TEMPERANCE COLUMN. cosocctZ'u i3Y 'CUs. Y. w. 0. Y. v. cupping% Dr. )3, W. Biohardson declarea that alcohol 0411801 mortality more euor" Brous than even consumption. Teistoi'a latest orubado is said to be against tob.icu) troll alcohol. 1t is stated that ho has a work nearly ready for the peees in which he strout;ly inveighs against gluttony and drunk. omens, and shows in a vivid manner the efl'eet of nartotio and intox,iodtiug drinks on the human system, Fa: The ringing of the school bells glial! 1,8 henceforth the death knell of the liquor traffic, No one understands ' tine better than the brewers of l'1`is- onusin and the distillers di Illinois, who a impass son and land • to make one proselyte in the Legislature against the sotentifao temperance education hill. Bat Illinois has secured that skill in spite of them,—Fraucea 11liliard. The Lincoln, Nei, , Daily Call of 'Dutober 2,6 says : i'he most pitiful Offspring of the saloon campaign up to slate is a letter which has been sent Out to the teuelters of Nebraska. It. is presuruably seat out by the School 3ourd, and at its expense, as it is on the 13oard's letter head, and is &gnod by Chas. Oollcyer, the settretary of the Board. The: letter, briefly, is an appeal to the teachers of the State to us? their influence to perpetuate the saloon, lest the loss of the license de, lived from it bring a reduction in teachers' salaries. From. the very beginning of het dtiuistry, bIrs. General Boctb, lately cleroeasad, was an unflinching advocate of teetotalism, and to her '-influence �; is due the acceptance of the rule abeotutely excluding froth membership in the Salvation Al'ncy'any one who partakes of iutoxmatiug ligno e, Bach man and woutau, bby and girl, of the entire force is e.- 'pledged 'hater of alcohol ret every lvrui. This •pledge „boli been the furansof cutting off the new recruits from old :•compitnions. iv ho' loved the strong drink, • and keeping them loyal to the- Artily of their adoption, The Chicago irritate Signal says :— hat s to be done in Ireland's great 's t tresd . t is a question constantly recurring at tltieso times. Were the. Government to stop the dislitlories and the breweries, the. whole famine threatened people in 'Ireland would have enough and to'spare of the stall' of' 'life. When her: distilieries were stopped in 1S09•10.and 1813 14—years of famine— the change for the better vas so great that If these .liquor fac- tories had stopped and never again go a on, ttre stato ufIreland at this hour would have left no room for vomplaiut. . coli, illi! k, dairy.. from a btatinej blocked, At the (7ity Temple In London England, the famous pastor, Dr, Joseph parker, recently said :-It is Well time intoxicating wine was llpu- " colied train the sacrrreental . •service it hos done illoalriulable mischief. 1 ani also opposed'to the use of the vile ooncoctioes by which, ill `some instsinoes, intoxieating wire has been displaced', For''my own part 1 never tuna theln ; 1 simply put the cup to my lips. Plain water is the right ,ting to take in this sacred service. fo'iny rand oue ailing is certcin, and that is that at the Lord's table then should: not be tempted to the cultivs. tion or the rene"wai of ifnpitius and a,estrcetivYe'lfabits. 'ma Cherry. Bark, latecatnpaue; Haar, !Minna end Smuts. These aro the tette rasa with thiel Dune Nature has supplied eltnad'ft for the clue of Colds, Coughe,: Croup, Whooping Cough, Brouehitis and ,t,04114 of Voice, AU thew are Contained) in W,'ilaonf'6. Wild '(Merry la their most, active +stn, and .with other medicines constitute moo reliat3le•oute for all disetuses of IC , Threat, Ghent and tones. 1'4 ikon's 31d Cherry is sold by all druggists, to ]Cconomtool L1y us. One of the subjects talked and written 01)010 a geed deal etthe pre - stmt time is bow to live Cheaply. Prices of all the great staples are high. Rents are enormous, ,i+"aslilons are exaetiiip, Wants. >riultiply while resources dliuitli,ilt. •Trtoiv to make strap and buckle meals the problem whiolt presses on hundreds of house,.. keepers, It is what is done to keep up appearances that destroys the equilibruiln, between outgo and in' conte, and makes life a drudgery and ve:catioil. "clow to live cheaply is a question easy to asisweti if one will ha content with a cheap living. Sub. stitute eorufort fur show, Put conven- ience iu the place of fashion. Study simpiiuty, :Refuse to be beguiled into tl style of living above What is required by your position in society and is just,, .tied by your resources, Set a fashion def simplicity, neatness, prudence and !inexpensiveness, whip :l:t others will be glad to follow, and thank you for ins trodncing Wulf yourself to do , without a thousand and one pretty and .showy things which wealthy people -purchase, and pride yourself on being ijust as happy Without as your rich •neighbors ate with them. Put so much liguity, sincerity, kindness, virtue and love into your simple and inexpensive home that its members will never mins the wetly fripperies and"showy adornments, and he happier iii ttie oozy alai comfortable apart" merits than most cif th9ir wealthy neighbors aro iu their splendid estab Iishments, It dues not follow that in' order to live cheaply one Faust live meanly, The best comforts of life are not costly. Taste, refinement, good cheer, wit and even elegttrice,are not expensive. There is no trouble about. young people marrying with no outfit but health and love and an honest purpose, provided . they will practise the thrift and prudenoe to which! their grandparents. owed all their sucoess, and make their thought and cove supply what they lack in the nteaulk6f display: Those who begin life tit' rte top of the Ladder general'y tumble off, while those ivhobegin at the foot' aoquire steadiness, courage and strength of arm and' will if they arise.—Boston Budget.. Esperieatln, Deoet, Mr. T. )T, Hourigan,after using 1Vilson's Wild Cherry in his family for eight yearn, ,tvriteS us that it has never failed to cure 'Coughs, Oolds. Whooping Cough or Bron. ehitis. Bo wise, profit by the experience :of others'. and use Wilson's Wild Cherry when afflicted with any such troubles. Sold by all druggists. An Ma. young, old, or middle aged, who Zed themselves nervous, week or sail *test' ed, who, are broker) down from excess or overwork, resulting lit many of the following symptoms : Menkel tit res. glen, premature old age, lona of vitality, loss of tuentor t, best (Isom:Ai, diumt'ee, of bight, palpitation of the,' heart, emission, lack of energy, t)aiti iii the kidneys,. Interlake, pimples tin the Pace or body,itching or peeuiar sensatiun about the St:ratut'l:, Waisting of the organs, dizziness, spooks before the.eyea, twetchiug of the iniiseles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, teuuernes of the soalp and opine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rated by sleep, cunstipatinn,. dullness of lleaariag, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excita- bility of temper, sunken eyes sur" round's with 7a EAilEN rtilonta, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that led to isani.ty and dead useless cures, The spring or vital power having lust its tension every function wanes in consequence. 'Pima, who through abuse committed in ignorance may be perrnanentely cured, Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. T. LUBAN, 50 I+ 'rout Ss. E., Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. Bean disease,. the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, Pot flushes, rush of blood to the head,. dull pain in the heart with brats strong, rapid and irregular, ilie.secondt heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No cure,: no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LU BON, 60 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. B$ .NX 0.11 AAA.tvAAA.d:'2VNV-y "Iv TiI &G I •s.M. Capital, $1,000,000, Post, $450,000. President -4 STUART. Vioe•Presldeot-A.'0, BANHAY. • �rn.;eaTole>; Ions Paaarda, CttAS. GUt\GY, OiSO R0A011, A. T woon, A. 13• Las (Toronto). Cashier—J. TtfltNBUL,.. U, I?. ]i, TIL11L TABL1i. Trains arrive. and depart as follows : 1xAV1x0 ARRIVING 5:35 a. lu ,.........For Toronto ........ ,.5:35 a, m 2:20 p. to " 2:::0 p.m "">0 p rn IS'or Teamster........ 2:20 ' 10:30p. in • 10:30 P;,, rl,; STRATI:WEE, AMINT, IYLKdatsx. Through. lads to all points hi America—North. ]test, Pacific Ooast, eto., via the 'shortest altd all popular routes. Baggage elteeidod through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. -—TiM1-_ TAFILG. 115AVx w; TIM 'AliltlVO AZ 1YISO0A61. 0:30 a,n.Tbronto,Guelph,Palmerston, 4e. 3:30 p.m. • 11:LO " ' ..10:10 40p.m. •, Olinfon, " 71,0 Palmerston, Wilson..... 10,15 a.m. 038 a.m.,.,.., .. , ...London, .So. 11:00 3 40 p m.. .n 11 10 a.nt.. . , .:KineairlIno, &o .,., . 7 045 p.30 a,ut.t. 3:30 pain; "' 11:10 " 1010 " • 0:50 min PhrenOlogyo Physionamy and Physiology Sand Photograph of Yoursoln_or Friend with 61, and I will send you a Written.'Statement of your Charactera3d the pursuit you are adapted for ;,also statinr what pt"son you should marry to be happy. Photo. returned with chart, G Co.:ass, Phrenologist, MurilloP. O. via. Pott Arthur; Ont. Date of winsham. • Property rot Sale in Delmore. Tho undersigned offers for sale a desirable pro party in t,e village of Delmore, consisting of a gond, dwelling house, odico, stable and driving shed, with one acre and shalt of land In connection. Splendid* garden, with all sorts of fruit trees. 'Will be sold ata bargain. For p.Irtienlars ap;,ly to FIISllE1t1Ch 000K, neimoi e. BAA >ER SHOP. MR, 'MALCOLM Me DONALD, (LATA oP-nii'1EY,), FOB. Tr ZEST if.t.T1i ORDERED -. IN_....,.., -11. ftp TO -e.*,- ,,,., }I;STER'S HATS, CAPS S IRTS, COLLARS, CUFF., Cheap for ":SIS'. AT� WEBSTEIVS e (E L L EW PATENT -TOP HOANS, CREAK VANS, MILK PAILS, SAP BUCKETS and MILK PANS. grar thi in the 'lair i , ,._. EAE -TROUGHING A SPECIAL JT Y' 0 :Repai,ritllg' will be Prompt! Done. VZEi Yo MRS. HERDSMAN HAS her stock of Fall Goods to hand and opened reit. It is mrst com- pleter -and Into been purchased in the best .Lioreigu and Hume Markets, for uaele and will be sold at lowest possible profits.. Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Silks; Satins Brocades, Plush and Velvet Mantle Cloths. itorSPECIAL ATTENTION TO MANTLE MAKING AS USUAL. Savlugs Bank hours,10 to 3 ; Saturdays, 10 to ;Kai ing'purchased the barbering brielliess of Messrs. 1. Deposits of $1 nod upwards received ands interest Sebastian Bros., is prepared to gi0eall old customers allowed. ande% many new ones as petrOnixe hilt, satisfaction Specie,' Depoaite also received at current rates of interest. in 3(1 linos of the profotsion, 1 *,fttsOn Great Britain and the 'United States ( t3I-LAVING•, AND HAIRCUTTING bought and:sold , B.,WILLSON, AGENT. 14ditYEB, & DTCKTN:SON,. Seemietata. are my specialties tygl,tliva,mo a call at the old stand„opposite Gordon and Meintyre's store, M. MCDONALD. A Blessinz to Every Household., NIL®ATS PILLS AND OINT o These remectes have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are, proneiiboed' the bast:..".rlMedielnee fez Family use. Tom PII4LS 1'01153'0e blood, correct ■ll disorders' OHM) LIVER, STOMACH, IttnN•sars AND BOl1'XI,S, and see �--��hi•mi{IttaO^bio--iinn��33y0 ooinlilai-ntt+s-hsoidd^OOnntrall too f females of all ages.. Is the only reliable remerly for bel legs, sores, alcers, Mkt old wounds. ','Olt Brioxotti'L Wit TIILIOATS, (30010135,. (10,1)8, 'rlou-r, lti±Eli,it 1'f9V, C,hAl)l7LAIt SWtl1LINGS ASO ALL 8)11611)f0EAUEa IT HAS N0.I1QUAL, Olanufartured only'at 16, /low Oxford. Late Bra, 0Aford Street, Sweden, and sold by all Medicine Voltiorb throughout the,worli, tri" T?urhasere should look to the Label on the Boxes and Tote. Tf the address is' Oxford Street, Loudon, they are spurigua. The. Owen Sound `panes says it has decided to drop the petition( ifast lir Jas (,!eland, oil the {mroilud. th. r.n,.,."11111 tihar;"a'w (11911rUt 1'' _ , t.. . i•1. .. aA,. .. .:w I diVEVI talIVIEVo ilATS ;AND BONI1'E.TS'TRFMIYi' D IN LATEST ST170,. 'G 00.0S IMPORTED DIRECT. EGGS TA.1UN AS CASH. Wiso:0 Am, Aug. 28th, I8P0.. Mrs. Herd$ an,, o' FOUNDRY. MURRAY —Successors • telt lit Itob'Enson, manufacturergrs of— A GRICEL TUIt.PLIMENTS. 0341 Tuve the patterns of It, Itt ItobhiSOn and eau supply rdpaira for all loses o lsnpleplents.• 0 , DULL PICKS lit:Al)Si; AN 1) S ARPE e'1). ��,, rr +i � 6'1.371‘. . �.-.y. � -.i�. MING "�- S.0 v . -1.. ,1V MIN —A4D . It"`l p.A. "T'•z;1 /v.6 C`7'. " ,A1 i Ty ns A, i r' ” 3..„.it,".lo' Tl;u patronage of the pablie err}ieitptt, OM i3'ort ;scrap rvalitbd. gfuaoftity of old -0 TIIS Pieaae tafor, i!per midget- telt 1 have r po►litt,re remedy for the above tatt:- ip(WC. Kyles timely use tb Ins t, of bopeliiiit cues haver beget p.rmenrttltly cured,. 1 Va.!) s a,dt•1. v' -d two betties of my remedy PRIM • any o tsar reader's who have m." "t xthtl ti Iter.+ _ , o t: � .: +i► 4...e:.s .0.. „48.•..4.rye,. ell li. -.5 . et In connection with the .bore, I of years. They cone to wtirgtw;,t estterlence th rn91 work and teptiuk twin the putt vitiation' Altatlf;A,Y It ilii, that T have lelsid shy foriti11.^' tonic shove 1eb + dots. Autlt3.as Wesghwirit ..ell• telaw**