HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-12-05, Page 7iten oi'SE.PHINE STIFLE! • 014T.4RID, poryear,ina6Y lA4 a BATssl U int, I 'd too. I' 060'Ia 0� IN 040 00 13UOQUO lets clvertisement$080. per lbw /or line tors:w,eeubaequeoli roll type,' AOc., bee first In oath ei eui ueut intertlt:+i irged lees tour/ 4bO c ouud, litrtty'cd, iituatious, tied, net (mei/cuing b three ale, not exceeding 8 linos, subsequent month :LI) adhered to , r advertisements, or ^fr specific directions, will ire• ,rgod uecordingly, Trau, it he paid in tuvmice uvertitten/was must be in noon, in order to appear iIJ IOTT 'Iturainrua. AND Posta/rat STREET, - Ottrath4' is and. Surgeons, Ontari0t maty of Huron,— ' • wingham, Ont. TOranto University, andt 'h sictuus tort bbrguene of truer of Centro and Patrick by Ur, .tlutuune, , , ONT. ICITOR, Etc., Eto is to loan at lowest rated harped. .tlettgages, tens- bought auti%.alu. rlt`Wuh0t, UhT. ORTON MR Sm., • Ontario Z, E. L. PIORditiON.'B. Ac ICITUitS, silo., Etc., SO Hum, ueulunsetoa„rs tut lions mum, . '1.01r,1 and, ntt sold. .Shin.0a s to:aural at et. }Ibt' „Vllf,: e putbuns, upon the beat, out au} smpeteleW hitt iumnitvua eau Iter ttuwu• ni;tain. MACDO I1 Lr), % IxdilA1B 1loanite, Celluloid, Alloy., etc., eta, klatee, rangtug. nu 0500 upwaIOs per set u briagework. 'lestr.. +ax. - pain b} the use or Vital uguaul, $10f entrant:is ` pen uauy (Sanaa) e eaceirt, -. Will be at Blyth every., chtnouth—011teeat.li,ne e i\tenuays of euuh ii O .Ui-. :tractn,g Zh cents.. ,ROME,.WiNonAM, otaring' Celluloid •Plater, plates of the iiesomaterial e they emit be get int 6he All work; Warranted. , 0th by the use of Electric. . :tract teeth for 'Lb cork or ]flock, apposite the RAN'CE.4OENT 01S Anit ,ANCE MARINE, LPIX. 'R ron TEE CU NTT IRON. part of the =Co. ,Chores ,INGRAM( OOT., Fait tins Cotliiiir ,oft tow. ;asoitlpti,promptlyM egd. rlt C4ltrriel$ 4zutox Anter) fust tuiitly and on the Shorttur. :tiistaetf on G uarahtead.. sots bins be moue e4 thr Ore , MANIKINS its AND Cryin 6 END'it?)eN in 1V1EGIIAM, rice of thrx'J;ixoils'Y1Rl frtr .« . bK Caintb, i,rrrrllb,a/ itsMl geneettes Irttx�p, tisb goveruuletft has been compelled ,c s'lrrp ay the military force u the aolltf' ou of tithes in Widest Of courstt, tt ople et one, gaver ,t.t to this dispIt those districts etre now afforded an a1rp'rtuuity of abtahning for .their1 ' sax0Iwoo. children a high eines dnotttiou within easy reiele of their lio#nee. �ibulvNl, just he tile iiViharliC TTIMIS t'o new rt, Iriith, did in 1i38'l, But teem the iess 31st December, 1891 for the Irish compelled the goverment eo cease the roilectiuf of the hated hue fleet, assuoiated with a ditrcovary tris frtlni Oathohc farmers for the sup port of an alien ohurtlh. By keeping up that phew of resistance which regnired the use of the soldiers, they mete tithe coll.ectiun se exp wive that every ten i,hiliiuge token from teeth cost the guvt'riiutetit tllirty• Then the tithe systtrtn was aholiehed. The W elsll,a1thougf� of the same iCpltic wok, are not such w tste,C,(3 Of i1,tgs(`tlln as the Irish. They have pet bed as ninny ottcibsioils to use the art. But they broke down the turnpike system the English had. devised fey klleio by their Rebecca riots; and thus plollallly to the judgment of some specialists, will not cease until they halve seaurea 1 and they agree in the claim put forth the disi'staiblislneut. of the Augileun cliurah, which tuts been the church of the mitiOrity for nearly t so hundred years, We wish to Warns the pubbe that we leave these U Wooton Arilld , A r running •order, and will title ibseribere, till $easou gh a epealal ettontloll to —Gash. �.........., y CUSTOM WORE For soiue years Dr. Koch s name ..... in all its branohes.and will keep 1n stock clasp of sreVoiastl .geode, welt se c}f it ,cure for consumption. h adloal ,Qpluinn has varied as to the vales of the discovery, and for some time little hope was entertained as to the final result of the investigations. But durilig this period of diiiaeulty Z uch was patiently enperluientiug and now it ip announced ti at the remits are decidedly successful. It is said that elle discovery is not effectual in the Horst cases of oonsuniption but that it is certain in all oases where the di, some is hilt of long standing. Dr. I{Dolt bug submitted his experiruents „TGE TIMES to new subscribers till 31st :Oaoeinbor,1891, yor $1—Gash. A Dozen Whit Thoughts. It is .n bels simpler to fit people for the other world than this, don't you think ?--.Lt was a cold day for the clergy when it !es imagined that they ought to do both --W. D. Howells. If you are to pork well you must glerp eoe hate cutch work en oho, you men net ttccounttitne spent tl sleep to be time lost.—Oornbill Magazine.. 'Tis Oil hardest thing in the world to be a good- thinker without being a good self exan►iner,—Shaftesbury. The first ingredient in conversetiolr is truth, the next sense, the third ,]goodhumor, and the fourth art.—Sir Wtlltutt, Temple. The good hook of the hour then is simply the pleasant talk of some per- son Whore yeti citnnot othsrwise one- ;verge with, printed for you.—john Luskin. No man shall ever be poor thee tis to Ilintself for what he wants,. ,and that is the readiest way to riches. —$c -'II eco. that this great discovery is genuine. The only drawback is that the lymph which kills the bacillus of consumption can only be produced by a )(nig and expensive process. But if a cure has really lleeu found for this dreadscourge the fact of'expense will not long stlnd in the way. Tweeds, '1anneis, Etoffs,. Blankets, Sbeetings, Stocking Yarns,. &C.,. &c., a.Trnu Trues to new subsoribers till 31st Qeoember, 1891, for 81- Otigh, Nature and nurture unite to form perfect womate—Pascal. There came moments of sorrow .after the most brilliant victories, and you conquer and rout the enemy utterly and then you regret that you fought. The lo`ire of justice in most inen is simply the fear of suffering from injus. tire _ Rochefoucuuid; Evil thoughts intrude in an unem- ployed. rniiid as worms generate in a Stagnant pool. --Thomas Fuller.. Happiness—a good bank account, a good cook,t4 good. digestion,—Roaseau. The grave is, IT suepect,the sole corn- _ mon wealth which attains that dead fiat. of eocial equality which life in its every principle so heartily abhors; and that equality the grave will perpetrate to the end of time.—l3ulwer Lytton. Tee Teem to new subscribers, till 1st .Uaoombor,1911, for $1—Ca4. a Plso'a Remedy for Catarrh le she Bost, Easiest to Vse and Cheapest. (made from pato wontmy) phew forcash or es. ohannefor web), Customers from a distance call trove their rolls hoots with them the same day, fp/Highest market pi'loe in oath Wool. qhs by druggists or sent by mall, we. E. T. Hazeltine, Warren, I'Q., II, B. A. A CHANCE in t11t, haw hsinm CHAS. KNECHTll ter Mereemeauie INGLIS t CO's., Wingham MTTHE\ wisheatointiwato to the peoples of Winghgin and surrounding country that he hoe purchased' the harness business lately carried on by Messrs. J. J. Roreuth do Son, and will conduct It in the building one floor south of Mr '1 A Mills' store. 140 MBLER T. A. MILLS Is bound to reduce his MAI/mum 10T . STOOK of DRY GOODS. turn it into C4SHt C-411.$ th ri s So we are bound to Cut clown prices to ItOCX BOVeinkt mica, for co If you have any money to spend, Our Pres will surprise yo and induce you to spend it. LOOlc Al' SOME OF OUR PRICES HEAVY PLAID DRESS GOODS, at 1.Qc,; Beautiful Heavy TWEET) DRESS GOODS at Tic. ; Heavy Wool FRENOff PLA•lDt4 and STRIPES at l0c,, and all the Latest and Newest Designs that can be procured in the Beat Markets in the World, for our visitors tgccsl.t,►0e.e from. HARNESS MAKER, has on hand a large stook of HORSE BLANKETS; CUltltYCOMBS, BRUSHES, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES etc. Which will be sold at bottom prices. HARNNE$S, donble or single, made to order on short notice, and satislaeNtion guaranteed. Off'A call solicited. er—Opposite the Bank of Hamilton. MATTHEW AMBLER, Ingham, Feb. nth, 186Q. pOUBLE AIqA 'SINGLE HARNESS heavy or light, made to order,. 4 full line of Horse E1anhetn, Sleigh Bells, Whips Currycoprbs, Brushes, etc., always on hand. Repairing neatly Lulu promptly done The patronage of the public solicited, and eatisfaa• tion in work and material guaranteed, C. KNEOHTEL 1VinFhanr, March 4. 180q. SCitear,s re 'TLfii TeeiteroeIES,-- Lii'>t utenunt Governor ] ,:iyel in his speech at the opening of the Nortli, west Council, said I am pleased tq be again able to state that our schools erre being conducted,, upon the whole, . an a very satisfaotory manner. lilrorp Lllq report of the Board of Educatign for the past year, whinh will be laid before you, it Will be found that, at idle quarter ended June last, we had tt$S >tchooi.e in operation in the Terris toeies with 221 teachers: and 5,398 pupils, showing fill ilia/1108e of 31 eohools, 41 teachers and 821 .pupils, a' THE ODRaIT,, TYPE WRITER.. �uon will buy th9 ODELL TYPE WRIT 0�9 TER with 78 characters, an3,$15 for the SINGLE CASE ODELL. warranted to do better work than any machine made. • It combines simplicity with. durability, speed, ease of oporation, wears igngor without cost of repairs than any other machine. Inas no inti ribbon to bother the operator. It Is neat, substantial, nickel plated, perfect and adapted to all kinds of type : writing, Like a printing press, It produces sharp, clown, legible manuscripts. Two or ton copies can bo made at one writing. Any intelligent person can llocome an operator In two days. We offer $1 ,000 to any operator who can e.,ual the work 0; ilio DOUBLE CAFE ODELL. lteliable Agents turd Salesmen wanted. Special pdu0Cutenls to Deniers. For Pamphlet giging Indorsements, &o., adcjrees ODELL TYPi WRITEli !✓o., $5 and 875th Ate CrttCAO, i ILL. `I rr'-,IA D SAW ILL' A ...N.. wee is the time to paint your houses, and Have you seen the Newest Designs in DRESS ROBES ? if not, call and we will willingly sl;ow you through Our Stook. RUBBER 1.1 PAINT tho— Black and Mourning Goods a Specialty. 4 large artd magnificent stook to choose from, TADOliC, Our Mande Department is full of Novelties. Come and examine for yourself, and he convinced that we have the Nicest and ;beapest in Town. BEST in the WORLD, yARN5, : Have you Bought your Yarns? If not, WE can give you the BEST,' YARNS MADE IN CANADA, and at the LOWEST PRICES. We have also a Large Stock of Crossbanclecl, and rnary other Yarns toonumerous to name. 4 skeins BLACK FINGERING YARN for 25c. B LAN :ETS I • BL,LA.1\TIKETS in Wool and Paper. We have: a Grand Stock of All Wool Blankets, and we are selling them at the Very Lowest. Prices. Paper Blankets is the Latest Novelty in this Department—positively a Nonconductor of the cold. It will be worth your time to come and inspect them. This cold weather makes people think of their Wraps : But have you ever thought of the fact that you can SAVE MONEY by giving us a. Hall. We have a Very Fine Stockof Woollens. idea's Wool Shirts and Drawers—A11 Wool at 50c. Ladies' Wool. Shawls away down, one ah- • line Lame Sizes at 72c; Fancy Clouds and. Fascinators in all the Fa ionable Styles and Colors. LADIES' STORM COLLARS are what the ladies are inquiring for, and we have then. Also Ladies' and Gentlemen's Paper Vests—the Latest Novelty out. Do not fail to see thele. LOOIK at our stock of Children's Wool Cape and Bonnets -strut;; thing New. FURS !. FURS ! Novelties in this line are quite common to us. Ladies, do not fail. to . • examine Our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. LADIES' ,AND GENTLEMEN'S FUR GOATS A SPEOIALT•Y. We have a lot of Fine Coon Coats, Astrachan Coats, and a lot of other Fur gGplf we are bound to sell at a very Low Price. Colne and see thea}. None genuine unless; ,stamped " RHl,jipr Paint Co, Cleveland, phio,ii We alsohavp tie best gang THOMSON. Proprietor. Lumber of a'll l~.ds,. First-class SIitn.gles, and Cedar Posts, n i coW poral with the�Dcorresp a d t 1 I Ipad Oast a SpeoiaitV►: CANADIAN I�a�rp Hues Paints. You Can get any shade e you 10 desire, air , i quantities . We lead the trade iri' 'LA.NNELS. Our stock is exceedingly large in this Department,: and we are bound to clear them out if prices will do it. Good FLANNEL at 1.Oc. per yard. Come and examine our Flannels. For Whitewashing and Kalsomin1ng, ask for ° ; Our BOOPAND SHOE DEPARTMENT is complete, and we are ..�C{' g bound to snake a Clean Sweep in this line before the I ew Yeah Ladies' Shoes at 99c. per pan,'. Mens and Boys Shoes all reduced.. Come and and don't take anything else. i n see for y`oursel$ No trouble to show Goode. . Glias Coy T .AA MILL . HALO WARE MERCHANTS, W ingbam. RRMUBA�fl MARSIE WONKS! aid/Ica retrospect of my thirteen et fourteen ars bpstness In It nL,hain 1 desire rnost heartily to tidor spy thanks to my friends and the public gem erally Ipr the libergi patronage extended to me in the past. I may alsoatnte that; apt In a poelti0n to otter better tuducennnte than Q1pr to those requiring anything in the lino gf Granite or Stone MVtgnurnent$, ItniiPSToNLq, WTN.DOW SILLS, SLONE T1$Ti11it1IIl`1'GS, FOR FENCING, ko q tftxter Of lltst spar. llrtng t 1 would be pleased to have thiiitellCi'itout of pro. �„ inlino t0 gall and oxanilbte` let ere 1 n' fees and inavo theta l dors ti tlrht I 14.$1011 ,settee }V t h d mm be a tared and tp+tepar0 oat t the ,« WOOD deli's ei ed to any p as n You can select from the latest designs and If,�4cnnw}e,Iorlsistit}n, 1VlOgaejatl and �rr� a Prillea Albert school Clistreit.4, in adw �VIng}lall't, obtain ihednorespest wei respectfully, of s» 1 ill Orf ortby mail?et:44 1y attended italics to those already in, exietelice at! gEourk s and dalgQiry+ al eta >< 1 W . D 0R E C1RRl?GES! (of the late titin of Mickel k Dore), so established 1n, good any articles int the line leer d l'^in ti 1 r part O t o goods m t+e Winship the most favorable prises. Moot renp0 ttU1IY, ybtfre nd�{ to: t• 'ri101tISUN, .��t S1ld'il'�rl"l:i't vhottlpt flail and BUGGIES et»..'4001. ---'"' —11ANVFAatnalrR 01— Top and Open Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, Cutters, Phaetons, Road Carts, &c. ocial Bargains will be girth inmToopthH d Open Ruggiesforithe next tyro All kinds at work trade to order by &st•elase workmen, tinder the super - talon of rho proprietor. Ropmirin>;, Pointing, Top Building, Sm., Bono 00 short notice. 1. dross in gted of anything in our lino will nave rltoney•hy caning before 1111 pnrohaefns{. WM. HORE, Wingbatn, Ont. THOUSANDS OF BOHe.ES S VEN -AWAY YEARLY. When 1'1 0 Dor '1 do hot beat 'e • merely to Atop areal for a t ate, anatltet tote thent return again. I -MAN A i i A D I C A L C U 11 ii. I have trade the disease at lepllooilt' or roiling Siekn.itsss a life-long study, /warrant rat reauedy 00 Doti worst cases. Because other! hate failed is no reranre for not Cow •'e• eividgq a nfittt. Sar cef'oka tomtit° and a Frost naval° oP 'try Infalliblir Mtorrleiti. 'Give press tlk nolo, It caste see 00/thing ; re trial, and is. will cure Lou Arf� t.ri r �r-41114firlinGt#a 'kf h oiy Y ADEI MDIC ATIB LET. N 01101+1TO..