HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-12-05, Page 6beginning that religion is pro -client 1t~ iM ilatitiam it„.1111t5 `ta'),• able to adjust its bleesinga to the new demands the heart develop. - - ; v:d by elle changing of the rges. Let ►„' ' :t iC, Dkl(lEM 131 1;, i 1* -11 !there be good ltyintis in the Subh)atlh .... e"tse ...-sse -ese. - r ” ::ehuole. «axvitlet"raise in. OW w4l)' Iiet tht"re ho goo./ hymns, 1 slay, bath Sc11roo1, There are llyteite uta hymns. Let 74af RIMA e. G jh,I4DESSUN, O. MELEES, • A-1 A. D., tbwO1)t SOnitl1lt'i•te,lSll,rt8 to poetr/abont :Omni ..uEt ns they ate true poems w Et they be the best e,preaaions of Pr Timothy Dwight used to sat: your own thoughts and desires. It that tK>ore were two ualitications il+ the truest. poetry that is the best v q cliepenaable to anyone entering on the l mid most feeltug iuterpreter of your Gospel ministry -first, grace ; and F s,,cret heart. I, for one, could find etecolhti, common sense. But as he little; profit in tinging such a Myrna as f ,rsw to he an Old mall, with wider eat- f tees ;--- ' pNlie nce, levetsed thisorder and . g "A softawed voice oe r m Eden l ing , pit common sense first, fur cis lie salt: ; Such as but to angels known, without common sense can do Rope'soheering ever thrilling, "graceIt fs better farthersong hs on. very little to fit a man for the mites -1 But the byinn is by no means try." So, iii. regard to the bnlibeth l ',better fltrthrit art," LNG there be some school, 15vould almost he inclined to 1 . Tllr ia, segue in the hymns that are to be sung, put attention to the Stir Tins of praise 1nests to e little sense 111 5001) ? s ell worth; as thest' :--':we're going home, we're going hour,, we're going Home to -morrow:' The statement is not true. We are asserting the truth of what we cannot possibly know. Let the sentiment of the bytnns be correct. The main sentiment of such a hymn vanish in friaolity, or e,luui,or In orifis as that, "Oh, To 13e Nohting,Nothing," mem. Who Of us. liar not been in a is more suited to the prayer of a Bra Sabbath school where the singiug was hantan than of a Christian. The such that, if the scholars had made the stone iaoise in the sante way on the outside of the walla, they would have been arrested for disturbance of the peace ;- and who of us has not listened to the praise iu a Sabbath school rend Sabbath school be well written ; with ered in such -a way as would have made clear, sensible moF«uiag; and pregnant .e,'funeralmarch seem light and frivolous with truth. beside it. And yet the parents of the That the service of praise may pro. children iu the one school wonder duce tile greatest possible impression why their children are so irreverent ;• and leave the most lasting effect, let while the parents of those in the other the subject of the hymns be chosen wonder why their children think cell- bearing on the leeaon of the day. The gion so dreary, A discussion• on our hyunte will then have a wider, fuller and. more vivid meaning to the scholars as the truths of the lessons are read ill the first place. 1i hat I would It`tilply is that, find as good teae:hers o.;t yon can and let them be as seed - tone and -careful as they void, unless you eve a pleasant, eheerful, devo- tional service • of praise„ the effect of the teaching will largely, if net wholly sentiment of such another as ef€xo, Bury Thy Sorrow," is suited rather to the Grecian stole or the- fatalist than to the follower of the Mau of Sorrows. Let the hymns used in the subject will give us,I hope, a few hints' that will help us while endeavoring to escape Scylla also, to steer clear into them ; or, as they are used to Charybdis' and to keep a safe . and supplement the truth taught in the prosperous course in the happy mean. class. The union of lesson and praise To aid clearness, divide ley 'subject d to unit of attention. Tete mind cotl�malid that he may wield with hap. y very vivacity makes tlieni connect things. 80 quickly and bring the Into striking and often ilhcouerueus con trast. 1 can remember a party of Sabbath scholars setting off in wag- gons for a. picnic. The a superintendent was at the head of . the prooession,. standing up in the waggon and bleat ing time with his arms for, the hymn "field the Fort," Could you wonder that the children laughed when they came to siug, '.Sett the Ihlirllty host advarloing, Scharr leading on 1 if the praise of the Sabbath school is to be beneficial,we iuust see that eery al'n- sion will be levt"fent, and that there is nothing to divert oe el'estroy the. devotional fe tlir , Let us see that the hymns are suit- ed. Let the tunes be varied, 13e careful that the precentor has not a ,meagre round of oirly two or three tunes which he has to go over _end over again, like one of these ellea•p musical indtrurnertts that you buy iu the stores. lc wilt hill the'effeet of the :beat hymn to set it to a threttd'•bare tune of which the scholars are more than tired. It is like dregs, ing the statute of a Gr-oian god in .fr second-hand snit. 11Iy Sabbath school experiences were unfortunate in some respects. Ii the first school I. ever attended—far back new so as to be adini memory -about the only thing E recollect is that the superintendent,. who was also the precentor, had only twu tunes -and two such tunes for a Sabbath school l Ooteshil1 and Bangor --minor tunes and heavy at that. But they were mos accommodating Josephine NE T'I," MISS N!LLO MQ •A•RD' ', ft ItAt)UATi6 and. Gold Medallist of Whitby College, .Pugh of Mr. !Edward k'lahwr aura Air, ,) W. tr Harrison. Plano, Organ, Voice Vulture and filar' n1011y, Itoornsin Bever Meek. Wh)ghalu,. MUS O. INSTRUCTIONS ON PIANO ANA ()ROAN., 10M CLAN$ IN For particulars regarding torula, etc, please call at Rly 13010e, corner 1 r .sora and Patrick sti etas. L L.ORILL4 8PARLINt1, 1.14141401.1* TIM MISSES WATSON. NSTRUCTION given on Plano, organ and Violin. .17 Also in Hammy, 5eeidence en collrop t Josephine and Streets. Wick P, MIAMIAN. Isstira or 11ARRI.AGE LICENSES, NOTARY t \UJalt Y.1 UN lElA 'C UBL" Y P 4 Okrloz-" f3ig" Bookstore, =KEY, ONT. Money to Loan on. Farm Security at Low Hates of iuteroat. No commission charged, DAVIS IS OFFERING CD INT '—ON ' A-Et1 PT2XDP T� T AT VERY LOW BATHS, S EI Jai T OFFICE -.OPPOSITE THE MARKET. tYnnorltA4 Ootottlt5 4Tu4 tars ALSTED &SCOTT Street Winghaill, Ont, tunes, an extra drawl lengthening ;J. A.. Rosman, Mount sorest. ' them out to do a long metre }psalm, or a quaint slur shortening them up to Deptzettst Received and Interest do a short metre. We usedto watch Allowefd. his engenuity: This was and economic; . Money Actvanced to: Farmers and oal and utilitarian Way of treating Business Mien, tanes,but it was not /aspiring. If the On long or short time, on. endorsed notes precentor is :alive, he would not only or collateral security. dale notes bought at a fair valuation. one relriitted to all vary his tunes, but will bring in a pew = parts of Canada, ltt reaSouable clutrges. one now and alien to waken the chip Specie;).'• Attention Given to Col- dreu's attention; to, excite their ambi- tion ; and to have a greater Store at leg1• i ig Accounts and Notes. . 7, W. Scorr, I,istoWel, into the orthodox three heads and aa application •'-1. What is to be sung; ?. What to sing to it;3. l -low to sing it; and the application, "Go thou and do likewise." WHAT XS T'3 BE 'SUNG. First, then, what is to be snug in The the Saobatlh school.. Fdibyy, when • it. was thought sinful to• fllow any, thing but the Psalms of David to be sung are gone by now. In the great majority of schools the hymn book has been introduced as a supplement. This is a wise and judicious step, anticipating the more urge►ht demands of the heart that have been developed by the spirit of our times. There could have been no grander lauguage, I no more soul -stirring sentiment to have :net the needs and to have inter. a feted the feeliugs of our covenanting '1<A' 'Forefathers, tl,au the war songs of Davie, But with new ages and new :ireuniatanees,. new wants assert tljem- eeives, and new aspects of truth are. 1.rough t in prominence. .Aird while .ave keep as near' to our hearts the penitential and devotional Psalms, riany others that stirred to fire the anis of our warrior ancestor& have will instinctively bring the oneto bear Pier effect the varied subjNets of which on the other. The opening psalm or he has to treat, hymn will be a herald preparing tits For this- is one of the essentials in. way for the teacher's words, the cies. good singing and.the absolute critericn ing praise will be a hammer driviug to chosing a- tune, that it fittingly m- ing the truth home to the heart. Let. terpret the thoughts of tiara': psalm tor LLSthe praise not merely' repeat the: 105% hymn to which it is set.: There ere ` letbetts com lenletit careless ]Heti in every profession ; and gA .16 sone battutp , gents, in Canada -The Merchants'• Sank of Canada. QS1ee Hours -From 0 a. to 5 p. in. A. E. SMITH, Agent. WING 1 -IAM shedding some - other light, revealing, a there are precentors who, while. they new aspect or summing up all. in a ..may be careful enough, before setting p out to school that 'their tie matches prayer. Attention to this twill subserve their complexion,ner'ee pay the slight, another purpose. It wilt give infinite eat lased when they get there that variety of subji:et from Sabbath -to Sabbath, "The evil genius of dullness wilt be exorcised." A child's mind is quick and active as a butterfly ship - ISS there is any affinity between the hymen and the tune that they set to it, They, rre quite satisfied .if there be a suffiei- cut number of notes in the line to get ping from flower to bower, ever de. in all the syllables. Although i the mending something new, something scholars may not be able to tell how fresh. Ii. the first flush of revelation it has been done, this treatment hie in the world of ideas, it grasps gn idea killed many an impression made upon and immediately demands another. It them in the classes. All the loving stores them up., The years that area labour of the teacher bas often been yet tt) come must bring the time. for ret' (CONCLUDED ON rdvr.Tlt PAGE)flection upon there, The wind -of the child will become inert and atrophied if there is no new supply afforded; Familiarity Boor, breeds contempt with hits. I can remember vividly to this day the weariness that Alto service of .title meaning to us. 13ut it is not all praise was to as in one Sabbath tree, It is the grand. fe>Jtture ands school which I attended, We always 1opeful sign of our age, that the or nearly always, knew wliskt was to thoughts of all are centering round, be sung. -the second paraphrase at the beginning and the tenth_ 11ymnett the Blase : slid sometimes, D • far a thenN a, the tenth hylnu at the beginning andtthe le life of ' Cltrial;. Christian and find itt it th 3 ideal ---i gnostic alike {li t 'the probe w of the latter; it is the. & STAVE FACTORY. Manufacturers of and dealers in INE 04. HARDWOOD LT IBEB., . Pine and. Cedar °Tits, TIMES to t ew sublcribors, tills i N. o � q .B:J 31st December, 1801, for $1—Cash. !»VI Iowa's new trammplaw contains this provision : Any male person sixteen years of ago or over who is physically We to perform ntanuel end is a vaglatrt, who ie wandering about practising common begging, or is wandering about having rte 'visible sailing or a business to mnaintain Mtn. self and unable to show reasatlable efrerte andtin good faith to fieeart, ernployment shall be deemed a. tsatnp, cos and goal and end -alt of the for- second paraphrase at the end. Std Every suob person arrested end eon. et•. it ii+ only natural, then, that called tits= superintendaut "Cite tenth victFd• shall he wilt to jail` Ibnd }flat at hardkoalarequire work, Anyone who refuses to Jesters to embalm the Saviour's' This v017 quiclrners; this vivacity of1w It is toput a solitary dentine - 0' r,. or t y Antis ec to unfold 11.is graces, to expreea the child's mind to, which 1. have re. e and to lgreatiha otic desire* ferred leads, Me to wadi you of at Iona are to'answer to this. de. danger. Beware of aitr.ouncine.' any What oolhlld we do wi,ho-iit hymns that may receivctl a ludicrous PEON as these : txHottr Sweet rtpplicattion at the tune'. Von know e'1 Jeans Sounds''; 3'1 Loy how easily one is moved to, iaalirth in 4,e'strr'att;*1111nek of Ages church 'how you haveoav bendatsloy to 'fa' Your children ale smite at what would stet have moved stitb►l Pm EA worsen oe yon, optside. If this iii so with ;toric n,ent and fed on bread anti water: only. The law fttrtlher provrrlea that no tramp shall have ill jail any tobacco, intoxicating lioness, sporting or flirts• trated newspapersi,cards or any other article of allhuspment or pastime, Tran[ps will now move rapidly oust of Iowa. j yp 00 lAnrh' at 0.117. UP* trAinth'K1C7'L`e BO iltit,lt41A►1flt •sly lltifOine nr-Ttrit TrrMNS tone iF.. sme44 t,'%Yatst 1t• ••i P A ....:.1 1. !r,•• -t .1,801,1 a►., .,.. 'trnocomli s0,+1.804.f�/5! -I, 1,t14"tea ens o"lbei"s till I -Cash. iia U'aeah eee -Also- Lath: Staves, Healing, Barrels Wood, Cedar Posts, &c. M111e adjoining O. T'. rt. Station. %Tnvhar, Ont WINGHAlU FLOUflING. MILLSI Theundernt nes %Joh co tender their beotathenko ler 0,r0 I11:era1 patronage given to 0011 rami during ,uverlll,vearrprior to the burning of our mill by In. ten-tht tam, During the f eat season we have re. 111014411M 4110 town ni11l to the Isteetepprovcd ay0• teen of tlnngarlan ltoller Process nal (inur. We be Levi, wean low she better 110e0111t4011 tion than ever before tt•eoffer xompt Xis»stoat, Pair F.etttlj'ntt, R1,1AL1 rY li COhfl "() Nodli1114'rnif4 810,02kC:"' and hr Mone porsmod atbent:.)P to the heslnooti hope t, ba attain Inv,.red wtbh r< trial by all old yrlelttiraed many new ones ' Toasts newt r.opeeldel v, >rui'r'011 AS CA.RA w: li`4ik71,.t3el.°C we t. ..,u .. ., . t+ 1 As,, •M t • 1 4 104.41 1 i' tzyjir 1. tngpaii: .48 t'UBL1i - riV411. i litlyA )tNINGI -AT T1114 -.-- TIM ES 115-••^TIMES OFFICE, JC'sEPHINf, STlrlty W14siCi'IiAM, ONTARIO, $tsbseriptton nrhoo, $A per year, lss ad ta4 AlIVEWOISOINO 11,A 01$3 - gpatio 1 I yr.1 11 0110. 1 ,i 1110 Ono OW Haut 00 00 I)0 00 1 lee ovt oa- 8,411 " SG 00 sc 00 12 00 Q 00 4earter " 130 Ou 11300 T oa 4 04 one inch 5 Ou 8 00 1 4 00 1 CO Il Looal and of for eabna adverti0elnents,.80. per line for brat insortt0tl, I:114W. per tine tere:w130uba0ggUe,l4 Insertion. Loeal notices, in nonpareil type,. lQe. 304 first to 80(41011, 440 flo, per Irma :or Oath soh0ettueut i,,,,ortittl. ANQ local notice will he charged lexis 111011 8413 A0vertisomonts,of.400(,uvuad,litraye( iituntlons, 440 1140111el$ :,finless Wanted,. not mu:eatitlg s 1i1A04 ,1011$01104, ri per Rio: lth, n .11011tled lulu (411441 aur 01"0, nay vx0000,/943 4 .,vw., 1 1 h • u • t' a aunt 1 wet in u. O1 pito: a. tet Ul0 tt4 . P. $ / N 9 :rhesu GI rum trio be strict* adhesed to , Spovlal rata for longer t4113tirtiaenlente, or 91 longer periods, '1dt'elttsmne5te Without 0pecia0 directions, will ha itleel•ted 011 turbid and en,lrl'+ed neeol•dillgly.. Tr'atl, att0A) auvertleelaelltl inks, ee kalif In ae4arle1 t)nallges ter eulltraet udt: eitstio le1ttl Innat he hi the odive oy Wednesday noon, in order to appc.14 that week 13. ELO.IOTT Plte1.lr1N•1•ea AND PUILIflrras { 4It. 1tiiAC1)GNALD4 L! , JOSEP 4CKNE. STREET, w•INOnA'ss, . - ON0'ahte NT. B. TowLLR, At.D.C,AL, Ncnibcr College 1Rhysiofans and Surgeons, °Atari* -Coroner for County of Huron - Office at " Till; Pi*ARMncr" - Wliujham, Ont j >tt, J. A. MELnittUM, 14,J, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and In ember of the UOL' Me of Pby 8141(4340 41011a4114o01M 01 Ontario,. OIticuand Itesldenee--Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, former!) eteepied by Ur, 101llutle. Wiseman .-..- • , ONT. _ VM. ETON E, '.. I1. ` BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rates interest. lam commission cuarged. 15lottltag04, town and farm ilteperi4 nought anWevtu. OFFICE -Seaver pluck, WlNonas, Ma. T. A. MORTON BAIORIST1.R ate., whlghaln • Ontario LY1.L 4 DICKINSON, lyi i-1.'t,V. C. MEVER,, Q. C. 1 E. L. P10K,INSON. C A. a1ARKISTI:RS AND SULICITUttS,: Etc., .Etc., $i ' 11(61101.8 for bunit 41. ,laWil1uli, neat ussionula 0Ur taking adfdu.viis for 4"a1,11ob, Darla, Yewll 4433(0 „Village property bought and sold. Money wee/au Woos) 144itud un 140415ngu Ssuu11L„ a4 e$ icer own,. 41040 in%toted for pr1Ya40 110113318, 034.11 110 604 ufcrtguge 8e0uritlts witltvul; any 043/3144 to get Fenner. Lands 1013 salt; in 41,411114 3411 11110 11111 iiu3wu. 4'41341. - U18011 -hoot's Block .l(ingltam. I.NTIST1tY -.W. II. MACDONALD, 11Y olts %. ,, Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Anil. ii '",M`�Z S3.e. (IOW, 01e., etc.,klatto, rangtl.d tt . ;.inprices lrulu 4500 upwards p•1• flat ane brtugetork. deeti1 s1c area Ullg' tractcd wl410eut the least pain b,3 0110 4480 00 Vital ized Air. Head (Juice, V 111ghaul, 8(00 entrance: oar poe:te the queen's 110101, open uaily (Suuuuy0 except. ed) trout iia 111 to 5 p m. 55i11 be 4t Myth olio, gnu and Olt Saturday et eaehmouth-0alu34nt Jlinie is hotel; Corrie: let and 33411 44011eay6 of each moan - ()Mee at Albion hotel. t streating et cents. DENTISTRY.- 3. S. J EROM E, wr1OIIA M, . •,.• Is manufacturing Celluloid Platte, Vulcanite plates of the beettnateriah y4is atiiii as Dominicaa 1A11 tva h War Cot tfet�l .Ills Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric. ity •Or Vegetable Vapor. TAatt hvTi(K,-•I will extract teeth for 25 claltta each. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the BrunswiciklioteL • jC111.1, RITCHIE, OENEIVAD INSIIRAA'05.4O NT Wis.rmAII, ....� x Ognasi.: DOSE= CUNIGXi 011Asf, JAI INSURANCE FIRE. AND MARINE, GUELP1{. {., DEAN, 30., W.u*OnAs1 Y �J• i■I`tiENSED AUCTIONEER 5Uit THE CU OtiTY • 010 HURON. Sales attended. Its any part of tho'CO. ,Cisme. Moderato, y...• JO1tN (ii'3it Lalli, WINeiu x, 011., LICENSED ,1t1CTIOZ0L41*It 5014 11111 cotT15`T ,011 1105011. ' All Oaders lett at rho Tufts oifirpro tt1y 11 off. ed to. Terms reasonable. j AME,S HENDERS01, LI07N1010 AuCTIOS88R res. CerrnSs 41.0110)1 AML DAUM A11351031 attended t0 promptly. and cm the 5hol•ta8l Notice, hi: argot Mo4ereto ane 856(111100oo Guatahteotb All ne.VthNaty arra115e10YI,te Mel lie. plana' wt. Ch, T1MkEl`omen WreenA)i Ora BOLTON 41t DAN HIM; (4, i,. A D. 1, seavennts AND Ctvt( 30 3(013 1 . Ll8MOWEL. ANP WI14O1IAAt. i.• All orders left at the atlioe of thet+Ti»*, VIII f01 eels% prompt attention .4 _ `_. ,....-.... .. L'I la,t``155SON, tlathtli'[t onThenT!#Iittrtero5t Conte, ,ar l*or ilta5 .n. 114%.6 , i ria. 1,.twA1 )lSOttns '#kit .�laaMA I ties gover4mettt has been .opp..it eetnpelhid a euhiJ oy the military Meg child( iu the colic• ou of tithes in Vales. easy t Of touroe, t ople at once gava Aay ' to tlhis Utopia., power, just as the 31st Irish, dill ill 113 • , But tune the less the Irish compelled the government For to pease the t•ollecttun of the hated has bt tail front Cattlult0 farmers for the sup port of an alien church. By keeping up that show of resistance which required the use of the soldiers, they tna'te tithe colleetiuu pet exp naive that every ten shiliiuge taken front thein cost the goverttuiotit thirty. Then the tithe 'system was alpolielted, Tile W'elslh,al1thougIi of the sanze;Ceiti steel:, are not such wetstePs of Coggin+; as the Irish. 'they have 31gt Aktii. as ;4 many occasions to ave the art. But le they broke clown thetlr o1 ke � Y s to n the English bluff devised forArent by of a AI ,Qpi 184 the tai hope result dorm was p it is t ,decid ,the d wors it is tiettee K1oel: $heir idbeeett riots; and they probably to tl. will, not cease until they have secured 1 and the dis''stahtisbuient of the Anglican church, which has been the church of the minority for nearly t No hunched ,yea re, i .Tree TIMES to new subscribers till 3lst December, 1891, )'or $1-0ash, A, Dozen Wino Thoughts. It is .#n.uch siulpler to fit people for the other world than this, don't you think ?--.1t wa§ a cold (ley for the clergy when it was imagined that they ottglit to do both -W. D. Howells. If you are to evork well you [rust elstep well--- f you hate uhueh work stn do, you meet net tecountVtitne spent PO ;iu sleep to be tip a lost. -Gambill M:1& ;suraea. 'Tis ilihardest, piling in the world to he a good thinker without being a good .self examiner.-Shaftebbuiy. The first ingredient in conVerstItion is truth, the next sense, the third. jgood humor, and the fourth art. -Sir Wiliium Tempifi. The good book of the hour then is simply the pleasant talk of fume per- son WhOln en cannot odisrwise coil- w merge with, printed for you..-J•olin tuskiu. No Mian shall ever be poor.: that es to himself for what he wants,. and that is the readiest way to riches. ..-.Sensect. Nature and nurture unite to forth a perfect woman.--1.'aecal. There crime tnonlentsof sorrow .after the most brilliant vietories, and you couquet and rout the enemy uaterly end then you regret that you fought. The ld►S'e of justice in moat :non is simply the fear of suffering from injus- tiee Ruehefouctiuld; Evil thoughts intrude in an unem- ployed utitid as worms generate in a stagnant pooh --Thomas .Fuller.. 1(appinese-a good bank account, a good cook,a good. digestion.-Rosseau. The grave is, suspect,tbe sole com- e neon wealth which attains that dead flat of social equality which life in its every principle so heartily abhors; and that equality the grave will perpetrate to the end of tithe.-Bulwer Lytton. that The whit can exp; real the in t 31st otu fl 1 1 Toe Trues to new subscribers, till .31st Daoombor,1911, for $1---(.Jasb« SC,Ioor,s 0g' TEM `rE1L8IT4RIir 13. Liriutenant Governor 1ft:)ynj in 1118 eeeecit at the opening of the Northe west Counoil, said : I am pleased to be again able to state that our echo* Orn being conducted, upon the tvhole? en very satisfactory manner. p"cot1, thti report of the Board of Lducatfqu for the past year, whirls will be laid before you, it will be foundthat, at the quarter ended dude last, wo had 1.83 actiools in operation in the Terris to,piet with 221 teachers and 5,398 pupils, showing an incre+ase of 31 waiters and 8111 pupils, schools, 41 t 54(4 couhparel With the corresponding q ttfrter of last year. During the yea' saris 1 .soflools Were established it Lecombe, UoosoMin, l•1.003ejaw ant Prince Albert school diietrtets, in ad. [*Brox to those already iu existence te Ike and Oa1ggry. ral'npts li