Wingham Times, 1890-12-05, Page 5nswer 0,4 ices, ayron .trio .eel ray gt , ''metro, 'exss* Co. the sch o'ar's to it W110 may e service of grit;% Lien' ')plead and su I t of wtt engage in t --PO people cite slug without any ire for t110bO4 lv 'lints that; live singing, t1 siut,in( Thele are the words o time of the ae heart but, n nud mean - ;tanking of a. inging, let it ribs ; but Tek the meaning looked in the her extremis the scholars vith gasps for e of wordh,. aliens or the. t only with; Part. Brains; 110 use,either Music w)rs. to express .the Vas too feeble. what yon sing cvith expres-. e of Cnrlft, be, .,ry 'word wilt ) the presence; 10 of penitence, g and adore., genuine grafi-. the beginning. ;mule) till the ose will hardly • ranee of your- lark—See that .rt in the sing - g so expressive ;ing, I do riot loud, but that with the heart rid teacher pale fling ioagrnenh ?pers, 1 kR'the, iden 'and widen ther shore, If ASS Are enreles'3 ,„vice of praise, rat the sign of Go 'nuke liviut bing interest tt) iths which they ay be Called tba service of pralsn; d t r �- ' P and ndel.t 1 s p hildren to sinng free from alt oil the hest ser• aeh one in sing - tone, but elm d o interpret their. ?flit ' when mane, 4 by anyone, or, 1r sings slovenly, and :t jhiedrane.. friend of mitre . ridiculous pretty le sitting with a 5inillg benrtity in Ing, and sing'ng,: +cl cross I'a. hear.” &truck on �virk►,. Where is what 2t' • was the Answer., , ,4s—eye,4s-eyect bear about' ng." Sines ulearly 1. Queen's-, Eng. • lhildren are to, ;h expreesion,nrtit Tent and teaolle7's h. There must he lesson during the 1` the teacher ; the. t not zi1nke up his. urviee. ' 1 f ycu da c)jrtsTein the whole. in `A.o.. inoident 1w S.liehath sebcfrl,. sled 1 should hope, e how „rent ,is the a sir' of such tion, tite i lent of this, in prayer when a.' nong the boss. Ifs' 17ie ".fSrAthe Id! the I letform,welk. io. to seat rrE dis- l cora of the ware C 1 to elle piatforne. Im . And irrrver-, C t durieg the rsisln +lid tit white 011"re,,, Ilud,e• tsr a to ' 4 ` 1 l ot'ortt It anplictstlew. I sbould antic liked ta e of c ave spoken s choirs taoa tiro e neea andp�, musical train' ... of schools; on the orogen question and other 'points, but life is to s x trust that we wJ1 have been le el see that the ser- vice of praise has hi, herro been ander. And the Christmas 13ells will he ringing in your ears for the nurct 30 vtwlnd and abused, and to find in it a days, source of joy and gladness as a newly I discovered fount not only of pleasure,. � We are bound to rc;duco our Stock of boas a t of spiritual given instrument t meltwhich ; and to regard Iris followers may more fully and tuora itdequately'express their love, as well .ate p means through wltiel} the Spirit ;may work to the salving of souls,. MST AS IS CO♦.t MO, D. y Goo s, r.oceries) Boots and Shoes, and Ready , V.Iade Clothing IIEFO THE CLOSE or Tag OGD YEAR, So now is the time to secure a Big Bargain, The rush still continues at our Dres Goods. Counter, and every per, son who has taken trim to look wlu•ough .our stock of Dress Rubes is satisfied that T. A., 111.TLLS lies the Oheapest and best stock of DRESS GOODS in town, Ori r9ss. The Directors (Atha Culross Mutual vire Insurance Company met in the town hall, Teegwater, 29:b ov,,1800. Members all present. President in 'A. the ebair. Tho minutes of previous. meeting were read and adopted. Clark Reid --That applications for insur- ance be now laid on the table for ' zamivation---Cttrried,Arnlstrong— McK.agne—That having examined 6 applications, 4 are found satisfactory, and the President and Secretary are ' instructed to prepare and rasps policies for same, one sppiieution to be return- ed for correction- Carried. Reid— 'little--That the Secretary be instrue •:d to raise a levy of one and one -114f per cent on all premien) nit es (in force P at Nnv,24th,1F1Qc))lteld by this compeny Bargains in ��R � .,-.,.cured Reid—Little+--That by. hot 'No. 13 be now read a third tune .People stand in amazement when we tell them the price, and buy a pair for every member of the family. is Como and see our CHAP GOODS, OrIEAP Bt4&'U ETS, O1rELP YARNS, CH EA? FLANA1I1LS,. OltEA.B FURS, CHEAP AICI MRS, CIIELP WOOLLEN aou»s of all kinds, Bargains at every counter in our stoke. Cheapest FUR COATS in town, in Ladies' and Gentlemen's Coins and see them. —Carried. I3y'.law No, 13,(anthorrz ins. the raisiug of the annual levy)wala then read a thin' tiIUA, passed, sieved and sealed. Arrneteong—Clark —Th 0 CHEAP TWEEDS, ° EAP SUITS, CHEAP OVERCOATS, the lit'ersstary is hereby instructed to CF(EA.P SKIRTS, CHEAP DRAWERS, CUEAT SILK haste p'stal °Ards •printed and issued CII'FA1.' FANCY GOODS for Christmas, to niPnhherS, showing the amount Of their auuessanents and such other in, ' Now i.a the time to buy is tlma'ions as turn regeired by statnie, " said cards to also show the date (viz. r 1 S-� 10th January, 11101which the t Vii` 1g taii�"t F? a 3aaa' 1. on Wry,ll+fy;tilht��t Ce�as�itiAv% h h1I ty7� Annual General Meeting is held--- � tlerried, °kkirlt -- 1,0etiagt;e—That For your friends and fees, when you oan buy thein at HALF PRICE.the President and Secretary are here be lnstrut teed to withdraw the amount of the Company's deposit in the `lees water Post Oiiietl S;tvings Banlr, Illi deposit the same to the eredtt of this - ompany in the Wingllttm branch of the Bank of Hamilton --- Carried, Armetrnng-Little—That as cettnif, erre' ria of assessment, ntw tinting t.0` ;f12.t18, are tincolleeted,uwing to parties having left and front other causes, the Secretary is hereby anthoeized to write sai't sum off in the Treasurer's brl.ks tis a bars debt --Carried. ?arm- arrant;-l:tt Keene. -.•'That this bard i de now adjourn t0 meet again in Tesswater town hall on the last Satnre (ley of December at 2 o'clock p. ne.-- • Carried: An -ex AnA rsm, Cleric. ORN • pi OA g, _F20 .A..1p44 If you want a good Suit ol; Scotch, Irisb, or Canadian Tweed at a Barglli'1i,'gio, to Gordon 6 McIntyre. If you watt OVERCQLTs, READY MADE CLOTHING or UNDERCLO 1- INC1 Of ally description at Bottom Prices go to 'cordon & McIntyre. - If you want SHIRTS, TIES, COLLAILS, 0UTFs, GLOVES, BATS pr CAPS, from the finest BEAVER to the cheapest imitation go to Gordon & McIntyre. a CHEAP r CHEAP Everything in our store you can buy 0 REAP -POR GASH, so come and see for yourself, and we are satisfied yon will goy away con- vinced fill we are giving the BIUG&ST BARGAINS hi Town. No trouble o show Goods. • ExecutorsNotice. URSDANTtgthe Revised Stntutoa o' Ontario, tuisl chanter 11ti,seotldn Sit, the Oreditms of T A. MI LS. If you want First, -Class BooTs, from the strongest K.ip to the £{nest I; icl ; Ov>{ltsiiogs or RUDDERS, go to W9NOaR.AMTANNERY ' wnri Q .,OVE WORKS, {;rocket Willits, late of rho Townshrl7 of Botvtok, in 1. G:oves in Aad .Gant, Calf, 'Napo;a.4rnmac, Sheep the County, of finnan, rind Prariuro of Ontario, t it. and Fur Lslving Gloves always in stook or made to order... Gordon & McIntyre, If you want MANTLE GOODS, DRESS Goons or DRESS TrtmrMINos of any, material or shade, at Reasonable Paces, go to Gordon a McIntyre.. man, who died on or about the 12th crag or .1 A 0189), are required to send to .1 A Morton. rt the Town of tt'ingham, in tho Comity of 1luron Solicitor for the undersigned ea:eoutors of the said dc,:o.i ed, on or before the 17th day of November, A 1) 155), thou names, addresses and descriptions ; the Lull Jt1,rnCytolp�;• particulars of their claims:. 3 statement of their no - counts and the nature othe seoorities. (if any)' • The iransides, of 'i'nrnhe pry, played i hollbt them. Ami antlers is hereby Oven that the Ifxe' ltlr, will immediately after the last mentioned a friend's rime of foot -ball with Lhe l 0,,...„,waned to distribute the assets of the said dc• Gerrie team, on rile F,rotht>'19 of Y the'regardonl` tothocla,arties insofwhichtheyshalitled lthenhav latter toll •atuiela hast, Tho Raine I! had notice, Wrung WW1's, r 1 l for over an lExeoutars, A full stock of Rid, F. ench and Domestic Calf, and was keenly contested, antCnns UY xw)LLtra 1 rip Harness and Sole lr sntcp» Lor Shoe and Iiarness Bfal:ora, always on hand. 'dour ttie resuit of the game w,1i3 in II AB1on�rott,SolicitorforE eoutols, Orders solicited. doubt.. The Gerrie defepee men put Wtngham,.Oct 16, )S90: 1 up an excellent game, and kept the i)Iq; '� �GSHOP. l • \V. J. C 1AP AN BUTCHER r ,Tr GEO. StLt YV k. ---.Moo a few ---- Domestic ufsdoe . Don't buy a l;,obe until you see them. I T > 1eIR* - . - _ ,-mow•- „ Tf you went. to select yon' 0 t,JIPEnTS either in Brussel j; Tapestry,. All Wool or Union, from thie:largest stock in Wingllam, ;;a to Gordon, & McIntyre.:. IronsiUP forwards atbay until the last fifteen minutes, whet) the visitors succeeded bi sCnring a Coal, thus leaving tbelrl vietQr1011S, au nth mole wishes to intimate to the people of '•ringilam and• virinity, that he hag commenced the liuficherm�,r rpalx were taken. The. l raih81r1QS a I3s781nestiaN"fn, vid'has opened met intheQldS1u;l"; 3 tow daoi•s Na: th �iE rho I3cuuswdck Ilouso. wpeak highly of the Corrie team ant think they are a lino .lot of ' ftllfows — 11'irs. Johnston, of Newbridge, spent ;Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs DuIn age, of the 1st line, --Miss Maggie Caldbiok has returned from a year's sojnorn in in grand Rapids, .�, Michigan.—Mr. S. Ramsay, of 'Brun- t* eels; spent Sunday under the plarentalMoats delivered to any part of Diatom..!� roof, in l�'.lbrl'iS,---•+fit:he141 t�eXlLlns" are • l The Fatrondgo of tho public solicited. rhioa becoming the order of the filly' GEt1. SHAW —Mrs, Sperling has returned from a visit to 1'.9`eaforrth and vicinity. STEAK, 1 c, per lb. LAMB, 10c. per' .b• CONFECTIONERY, --AT Tu7t— "ECLIPSE JOHN ERR. Groceries, Fruit, —,••stn -- And other Bleats in proportion, some as low, as Se. 1 per pound. SA.VSAGES, &c.,. always. on hand. Tlie charity concert on TUPsday evening proved a decided SUCCefiA.— Atwood gun chub defeated the home club, last WeelC,' 'Che tnalltbly horse fair was held ort Tliescltty.---& ref,rie,. `of Bt usrtels, „challeuges'Charles Cur rie,.s1 7'ahrlrhi#1 (ehlttllpiotl shot pnt- .,ter), whtf claims to be the champion tluruberlaud wrestler of Canada, to, wrestle the et, Cumberland Style, beast, three fallii io five, for ,the chtttitp -1 tulip o; the, Dolniuinn, an from $100 it strip, or 1 will wrestle anyl ratan hi °amnia cetclh its eatclnerut tetyle for from $100 to ,500 a skirt -- Pito sonnet meeting of the Brtsi=eitt ., 'l I t, , a 111 td Upper G l.lh t IlN1 I t t � 1 ranch of p seviety will bre held in 14,wnix church oh , la le3' eat<r,ing, Dec, lltb, conn teerreitlgt A.t'i :30 fn',lock. Rev. J. B. Frasier 1'Ver en :r ddress. sod' 1 r w111 dP tift'nrwnrd prr'trtl>ePs a siulrt talk ntf, $he l it,10 awl rsfo ill t,iriria, whore he Ip l7 re„hisitIrtary for aerie : eeve, • ... I tout Coley, took Sit:i Y TO01C Rrsuvr: S tprilize ]gores, IC tae 'Y Rest, AND Y A18 AtIGOR,OUS ENOtJGIt TTY, TA1i1: ANYTIII144 I CAN US XV MOW ON; eating tat too) riot •S0ott;s mullion of Pure Cod Liver M nod Bypop1'losphitesofLilt ant Soda not OIL? neon JL ia 6!$ w lent Cdbtitstratpd'1;dDn tux:, witT 111: tip, AND 15 NOW pUT'rilvo ICSH OM MY 11007„,,,S AT Tilt; RATS: OF A DODO A DAY. I TARCR 1T J UBT AS EASILY ASt 111 n ha prier' 0Catrr' lrappers.1 in put bp alt Druggists at t rrrndrpars, frill ant )r :