HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-12-05, Page 4.4;044 ai W 1 LI AMS —ATOP— ATOM*. ;lexkaittkttxa,• at aced' . I>dr, R(aklHrt L�iHwootube colt of Air; t1 n its hclwe fro .[*T++wt►1•k, aroma v t' fi IPCI(,r.' lid hHd'' ,.. the lest ttttic4 ti of :u , nate+>cte(11a wzih a arta , temple of years, -"Sheep lolling, ?loge t►ra still ro,ttntuk „tlote tu,vns} 1p. \vett Mill ,(s he entente 11t the ?tear fixture, • t`• , in + ,u,r, Jolla •lvllite }tad (r t (lit, l veteran of r inter t,MC OW:uesctay t ori gt , E'-. trrait(A1s tt1 liar tin ►t + tetelltutt; ie ba iii 1, ,las Nawuombe, ' i (Ylerann(,t1. 1tu } N J avhi e he fiat? u tuff :' Winter to the ; eight killed trod others injtir("cj. There ilk re Literary + (tClt' �, iy he oltte to the 4,v a . p Wtt2trt"i I azo the } t Ni8t11 0 ON (Inge +•r•+*' tlt4ng will uut(oub;017'' ltr(lve tt.Atect.s$ , • ye 0•---1to th Lodge, 1. 0, (l', 1.' (1tAt �'oliu't folks hate It„�ti r•ivMrstnti, wlliatl rrledts iii clip school house in , to'he toh pr„verl► nt r''1(irtin the ohutr • S. No. L treated the members to en. to thei''!c tiz4, li`lr•t, ' for thh°y baud beets oystMr Stapp+ar oTc t{ie evening of dlon• eepaireii)g the old P. M. ehuruh, t,•” ae dray, Nov• ;,,}th• L cuts', nitutday Moti- le. • nr ,.Autto ro ser r as ei tir`Mnn for a Mastoid. an 'Sunday lase, Mrs Gilmore, aocoto- liitt3tilry Sn(et y (1i( aatur(hty ate, panned by Prof Morgan and daughter y., Ser cle of Prato() 1 e it I dif Y,rr•nt, 4 tj^r esil,n, .14 aMMBN )data, ' bath. Sahoo1 tri, W Alt to eine." 1' stirIi ,.. .. or pealpn, require") to be rlI .u.r Rmy'. R. g. AN11It;aaal4, M. A,1 11. A , ??self• 'file requires" tlloug verence. if you give 'mom) )'Atilt 7A. (aoxoxun,>,n z�iion sea ) nlrnost, if not wholly; destroyed fry a: mistake of tills hind Forgive the if 1, illustrate again from nay owu expert )duce. Wbetl I was an rts9istttnt to art Uld Unwary clrllrch, 1 had oceeeiOn to newton a sertiton pr, •"Ohrietian .Autiy iiy anal Energy" At the erose I ape pounced. the 12th ptarnphr,hse to be elute ; —"Ye indolent and slothful rise, View the stir's labour') and be wise,,' incf,. os, attention, study, practice ' ,r t work, if you neeprre your scholars to Bio the same, there is not one who may iiot sins? so ata to make the service of penile a power for good, A greet distil of the iueorreut, expressionless and wearisome Hinging le the result of pure larineee, Only a few can engage in ptrayer,nnly it few can teucti- -t90 people say— but Oh 1 anybody can snug straiglbt away, aunt that without any pains taken ! The pains exit for those who have to listen. tea Syron .ed by iltteee, �exae to the �7, oti'irr t,esrPrA ,, t•Ie i2lhpntnred,A stud •4 t i 1, ',,try,. held a s(le)ds u l ("1llpe aiiee An C. TELEGRAPH CO. t they meant bis., ill( Ruh] o , rc�E'titit,"S there, which will no doubt etc. The precentor rose tip, and sang yjjaQit,:� W.show aha tri , tprecentor can t then `r o h, I d to frHatl 1 tqs only a. ,Scor(lt county 1 1 to a t n einl; for leburinus and powferaus move. a true Retreat! , todie words the od , r ti mental t 'w' 1 l� 1 have forgotten what sermotl 1 preacl ed, but 1 can remember the want of •'Uhxistain energy mid activity" iu t1.at singing, and I have no rtouht it is the lanae with many wbo were in the audi- ence. The tune sh turd help—nay, a•' meet compel—the' singer to feel what he is singing and sing it es he feels it. 'rake the hymn, "Jesus, The Very Thought of Thee,"to the trine toLAgnes Durham, Rod what other ?'Floe could for (deist (tl it' lust rx1eP ul,,, d t ti iiulete tIe to Ge though n h lot (. fi. membership, 7 (1 U i avbioh ftalllJ to be held oris I+ells' ` „I efforts. 'rile tneml etsl }, t 1, and thereafter semi-monthly) Is'•t.ity logos is united au2l Nnttlusiastic, and ,n n + h •, 1 ♦y p,� � oiFi tt�vlta.a�li0 Ont xi 6T: , " Qn4 'ersics "Country Life." Mr, Hartley, ;hits the active sympathy ?sale? support �.i _. en l the affirmative, and Mr. Roberteou, of the Gest pin of the cotnitlu.Iltry, the negative, So when Greek meets. v expect to Bear Mood Ohio from „1.pc Ali r` t Q { �y ” Greek then comes 6hr, tug of «'all Refuge Lodge before the winter ea i tr �� )ani $1 We hn a the youtl p t who have been mpiny landdaughter, iful element will u tl elves in raisin, Susi i ,�-.--.....�.--•'�"""""'-"� employ - creasing elle anusieal evee —fibs tailnaore and Prof,Ylor;an afore tents 't Lodge, a Cts G. T., 5114 111er•ltry : rd by he Disric L 6 , l+Iild3A Y, J.)11( -)EM t3k:iit, 5 11''1') testes and trust that they may ba kto conduct a series of •ineetin s at a 1 successful in their endeavors. -The the; lodge centred is the taunt', have + 1"•in etedtiou petition Bible class held ill Eadiea'a ah0101 11- been worsting in this Township tltopast Tan Bent 1., 5 t I's elaay last On Nov,btla 19G1t an Mr. John Hutton, o few days. , • well completed attended.—r. rR. eo 1OLllStrOrlg 30th, they were with � Refuge Lodge, eomuale with that in revealing can was has just completed the ereotion of a ri'he'lst,'lnd and ural they were at meaninnno wchds to ?lis tune ,vithont line new board fence in front of . otlMi t Jeevitt's centers oroaniztng a ne.w sing th a i eld, d to feel risen reaching Rioters' Venue's term—Mrs. 13 °'era lodge, and ou Thursday}, tilt' 4t.b,the,1 beim. con p though dead, is still sesading field s'' eneetiug lie Belgrave. T,ie into the heart ? i erful proof of of professing C1lriat•A i meetings are well attended unci itis T. the tunes have some music in wonderful ians, in proof of which the gttpttain Hoped son-iothing of a practical nature and Lientettent of the Salvation. Army, may result. --The following is the Wingha►ia,accompanied by a few °f "correct standing pf the pupils of S.S.S 1 assisted the Bev. It .11% IN p Morris for the month of Nov, i f d 'tenras dienlissed Monday. Ties petition seams? lion. John Dryden, 'Minister of Agriculture, was .with 'raven Monday at Nt hitby on evening of the eoust. Tan Ontario Government has pass- pd an order to the effect that aftr Deo. 1 no more 'icemen's will be issued mining lands in the Sudbury dis- for. m �, a trict. The nomination of candidates for the House of 1lnmrnOns for the va- t saucy in South Victoria take place tine 181h. P2 neneiRT HeratisON,in his message to )Congress, says that""it would be un- fair' f air' tt1 to:ach the McKinley terifl' billday b t d return of their Naxen L1lliH Nixon — cllKtrce," wlliclr ,ther-1<1r. Wtn•Mills,frorir upon this week to perform the palatal people's attention, but fora don't dw nt n'ntdd it bee; had a fair sae and br(times • e uhlu;ansda I Dakota. He expects to rcwain at' duty of recording the death of another to use them asejavorth fraying a good an evidence that tine R p U. winter. -=-.11M snoav is 1 of ortr `.Morris pioneers its the person .If the hymn ox• t tune to sing • to it• --it; is a shame to 1 ros est of + nu Tuesdu niortiing sing anything elite; to iv. "The children 1 alts cheerful at t 1e p p this life Y will appreciate your 'efforts to help • 11r J lunmtt.s atld lost. Deceased They will reward you by the ' t them. Tl y heartiness and feeling with which they take part. Don't he afraid, either, to take some of the higher? class music the times. It will be a revelation to scholars. It will be a discovery to them to find what mastic is really for and what a power it Iles successfully to accomplish its' purpose. It will appeal to thein and Impress them, though they may not be able at first to join so heartily iu it, end it will desire and a determination yet excite a to be able to use that ?music as the interpretation of their own hearts' thoughts. You have not, far to seen it ; there is more or less lying bidden in almost every church hymnal. I give the salve warning now in red gard to tunes that T. gave in tonne:* tion etith `the hymns or psalms Beware••of the incongruous. Avoid northing that would ruar or destroy. A little want of care, or thought, lir foresight nasty let loose all the powers of destruetian. A faithful source of mischief were those tunes with repeats of the closing line. 1Tappily they are first disiappetirinr need dying .out. But' now teed then titey crop up to cense dis:xstSe in a serrie�•. Nott very long ago. a friend worsdtipprd in a.church In South Africa. The sang a hymn to a tune that repeated part of the last line a g1 t times. It is not to be won• tiered attite fey{ were able, to sing to the close of the' verse that'ended with: ""Stir up the tstu—stir tip the �ptu etc. -stir up the stn—pad heart., In the tones you use, you have a mighty force kor good, au elevating pow't,r that no ether gift of•God pos. losses of a like kind; you Immo a power that will appeal to everyone in tine class, whose force the youngest cannot mist) and that will charm the oldest. Bee taco that you use this God-given inn strulrieut with prayerful, tiara u.i atic%, thoughtful slclll. • mow x0 Own 'rim )leersts ANb '?mist's. '4 'nil thn 11111 inst. end the election on , Let me give briefly a fete bintathatt may helps to more expressive singitlg. n int 1 dine " at � tin to thou the ,� E� tta Remember not the principal thing. There sane /f precentorh who only use the word t< , a hymn for beating the'time of the tune, And they beat all the heart out, The hymn becomes wooden end mean- ingless, like the regular clanking of .a ruin -hopper. Then its to speed in singing, let it he rather lively than soporific); but tell it not to be too fast, else the meaning of the wordg.will be overlooked in the struggle of a racer Neither extremes —too slow or too fast—the scholars are aoreed to punctuate with gasps for breath, in the very middle of worth,, mealtime the sexist) ridiculous or the. sound ludicrous? let the singing be not only with, hrr4ins�, but with the heart, Brains, without the heart are of no use,either physically or spiritually. Music Was. ereated to, enehle man to express .the. ff elirgs that langwlge was ton feMllle., to tinned'• If yore' feel what you sling. you ct'lnnot help eingin; with expres Bien. If you sing of love of Onrift, ba tilled with love and every word wilt rise baptised with it into the presence; of God. 1f the song ie one of penitence, rising with thanksgiving :earl adura tion, he filled with real, temente gratis tude and the piano of the beginning. will swell through errseerldo till the double fortissimo of the close will hardly - allow escape for exuberance of your soul. This leads me to remark ---See that an the scholars take part in the sing- ing. hero is no sluging so expressive,; as hearty united miming. 1 do not mean that it'should be ►npd, but that it should he universal with the heart throbs of every child and teacher pole sin; through it and finding for7glnenr in their fellow wursbippers, 1 ke the ripples in :a pool that widen and widen till they rest on the further shore, if the scholars in your class are careless, and slovenly in their service of praise, is it pot to some extent the sign of failuee on your ),art to 'nuke living and real and of alest'l'bing interest them the priceless. 'truths which they. ?nay 'he singing `? • In regard to what may be enlled the,. mltior morale of the service of praise, • Jet. me oda"i"ie superintetirlente and pre- centors to. get the children to sing. clearly and dist:inotly, free from alt slovenhni'ss, Give God the best sere• vice you can give. gash one in sing- ing, ing in not for himself alone, but also o help, "the others to interpret, their• feeling more fully. Bnt when Mane. nerisms are ohtrudgea by anyone, or - he drawls and dings, or sings slovenly,. be becomes a nnis1u1ce,and a hindrance instead of -an aid. ,A ' friend of mho) with the lump of, the ritlioulous pretty Highly developed, was witting with a companion who alas joining heartily in the praises of a rneetin , and singing about "the consecrntecd cross I'd 'near. My friend suddenly struck on with,. ".Where is it V' "Where is what ? • ware the reply. "O,lr, was the answer, 'onion consecrated ernss•tvecd bear about' which you were singing." Siug ulearly : and distinctly and in Queen's' +'ng- list'. Their, fiilnll,v, if the cltildrsfl are to, ,ring heartily and with expression,Orat all, the superintendent and teaohets 'rrmu.$t set the example. `There most he Ito studying of the lesson during the S praise, on, the peek of the teacher ; thct. Cr superintendent must not make up his. hooks during the service. if yeti do the children will Iodic upon the whole, thing as a mere forth. `Ab incident opeurred in a Glasgow Sabbath Rotund, ,eitieoleteely unparellczlet) 1. should hope,t 4l,u,t Which may show, how greet is the ierpvereree and even sin of such con - Allot. The ellpbriiit.etl•dent of this, lemic', was engaged in prayer when a. dietnrbeuce arose among tint bolts. In, Meted of eimeluding his '.prayer, the snt1erin1 er.rlent left the pbltform,welk• eta down the )?isle to. tiro Seat of dls. them. None will he quicker than the children to find this ' out. Their neaars are sharp and tree, and will larger demands now, perhaps, than in t1aPl1` members a..,,. , '"otter)` at the 'notably prayer meeting ; The the names of tl1(i,three highest in each years to have,"#oydo$Pattra work oon mow the old P. 1Vf• (;Burch, 00 . eines :are given m order of merit : 4th nrds eed F •e besides inter have the w , by Tuesday of !(alt weep. IS., nior—Florence Lnwrencra, Al T d P l Ransel, Date Halliday. 4rd J unior— Bluevale. 1 Maggie Watsotl, Jeaac Stubbs, V tutor Mrs. Agar, who has been very til Ttaslatn. 3rd cupric—Jatnes \Vitt ion, for ten de's, is a little Letter.. --Hess i eagles''P4Tard, Demean Allison. and Ashton, of 1st of Morris, is very low Senior•Alton Wheeler,Jnhn Ti nsiamn with congestion of the lungs.=Tile Minnie Lewrenee. 2nd Junior—John. family of Mr. Mills,, north of the vit. Magill, Maggie Allison, Evet Kelly,. tl surprised qn Satur• ! Part 1I—Donald Halliday, Richard {age, were greey., l Nle are called the uuexpec .e t > 4 l baying to try to put sora mum 01 the tune. They will soon show it, on declining to make that effort which grows more laborious every time the hymn is sung, sung by rattling . the words off nrith,iut' merino either for sense or tune. Beware of these ""jingie•jingle" airs. Sle gh•bell"1 are ail very well to make n noise to attract tct intend to amend the bill in any w"ty while they have a tna)grity in the liuuse, Tim= is great excitement iri Eng- tend ns land over the attitude assumed by Par- nell in re Bard to the leadership of the fa , Jrisll National Panty. Latest advices r 11nt to a contpromien between Parnell iced his opponents, which will result in Parretti retiripg from the leadership for a. tone. Unless "Parnell retires there is no hope for Home Rule, .r 'Tau Department of Agriculture has eectriveil advices from the government i+.auitnry bureau at Washington that hotue t Deakins" the village lively, and every 1 of efts, entry Baines, who departed omorning, the 2nd v bride l •was a native of \Veit- win zr:.—; J. expected Horne this week, after nioreland, �.ngland; where she resided are expeHenry t1P 1 to H ..t>.,_to the Pall. marriageIt O e. r n , re her I~; till their long bridal tour. y ua Hive them a welcome smile and hearty Baines, atter wbie 1i ,.?lily c•2tn.a to gond wishes —The date for the.7pen- l Claiinda, settling;. in Halton eoiteity '1 of the new ,?Methodist church is where they remained fol•"a„few 'pare, 11g the' lath..December. The Rev. Dr, when they moved to Morels, settling Potts,of 'Torooto,is to preach the open- ori the 5th lute, first 30' years ago. ,. in++ sermon. Hetes known as the most Ten years ago- her ',husband died and popular and eloquent Methodist -minis- five 'years ago she rented the fart,: to ter in Canada. Fuller notice of the J,er sou Frank•and took up her resi- :nening' services next week. The dence;in Sunshine, where she resided n` . ” till the time of het death. }Ler family :chursiii' is ))catty completed and will' , hi1dven gevf:x he a most b eentiful Arid commodious consisted of thirteen c , edifice, 'reflecting great spe(l)t alike of.whom, five sous and two dacght.ers, u sou the cnnrreeatioat and the con- survive her Of these; two sons, 1 cholera ie epidemic in Japan. In the tractor; See t ext ;teak's 'Trr,rns for a province of Nagasaki,between Septem• description of tete. bui}diug,_Next. 1 „ . , 3 l S bath the services in the Methodist 11(�:�2th and �1at, there were 10 cab , - roru the out• church will be as' follows : Sabbath cieoths, making in an f school, 10 a m. and publde worship a, break of the epi lemic. 2,111 deaths X•1 ix. iu.--Itir. Thos. Nixon is enlarg- a,id 3,328 new cases, In the province deg the moans of entrance to hia grid 1 a during the three weeks endo mill, se that hereafter there will be of Osaka, b 2cJ there were ;3'336 'room for everybody. Rev. I, B.Wall- t weak helping Rev. Jas. outbreak is represented to be of a very i4ICLachlrti in sgecial meetings. v,rel__nt form. `3'ht1 disease is also • itig"r September , . " win was on the Wroxeter circuit the deaths .and 3,833 now oases. The whale of las 1 " the C rear islands the Zetland. prevalent iii ro :1 deaths up to the end of September, On Tuesdey evening laet. Mr. and • in111ra, Geo'Choreson gave a reception Wining reached 3,000. This interne to their son Leto is rind his bride, who ;,entre is of the gravest moment to the have arrived 1t ole Keewatin, Ontario.eople of Canada, in view of Our ir- There was a large slabber in attend. .rea`iin(�' trade relation from the surrounliilly country,. t" ,\Viii"'halo. A. tow viii •an,:e .:yet the part of clue (t+ailralattue ids of amusement, when all partook �' er. After ofiicere"trn the Pacitia coast. ' of it most sumptnuia su}fp Ict'istautl Ate effort rliould be nettle to have 'supper a short. owe i sired to, thewee ir homes, additional mei} service en tint spent, and all r p ren n bovine thorongnly enjoye'l Mr and {irartd Trunk s ixilway between %incar• ;lits T'hotnsou's bcuuttful hospitality. dine and G�uelplx, 'Pim .S'outiampton Dir I',owis Thomson leaves next week end Wiarron hranehes are suer served to take charge of a lame 1u:nhering ! 1 with business at South River, Muskoka, in • as lin in r .a, the additional serVicfr wenn" be put an gentlemen have. purchased. a Large this line by the Covertiment. As it uterine' limit in )Muskoka, South le now, unless mail matter for Guelph River, utid intend going largely bite iliac ' seri retie a oft `. the ntrttlitftaettire of lumber aria end in t' p les (iso, iliznlediately, : r Thomas and Stephen,reside in Sarnia, 1 Frank on the homestead, Anes mar- ried Mr. Thomas Robinson land lives 111 Neepewa, Manitoba, while Jennie and the two younger boys, Goatley. and 13enjauniu, resided with their mother. Sbe leas for many years been au active cdzristaii1 worker, a :member of the Methodist church, being among thet first members of the Sunshine coin a gation iu the affairs of which she always took a livety interest. Though the disease' from which• site died was long ago pronounced incnralt':e, end often caused her intense suilering, 'be- ing a case of the much -dreaded cancer, still she bore her afaieti(rn . with pati ence, fortitude and even cheerfulness, as became one whose hope and strength was ()entered in leer Saviour. \Vo shall miss utlr sister from 'among us, but we cannot wish her hack. We know' that what has been loss to ns has' been her gain. She is now intalde the Neely gates of the New J'erlisaleui, face to taco with' her Saviour, bathed in the sunlight of His presence, which is far better than anything this pony World of sin, sorrow and i itfferin had in store for her. 11•Iny went's ehiidren, friends and neighbors, so live tint {Oen our time shall conte, we may meat on the heavenly shore. Bast alt tv,►onoshs; d with Inc empire slice f of Japan, chid it eel's for constant as well as from „ p hours ,were ti ,reebly spexht in tlaffereut whir two seradoOS 5a011 way, and wi r which his. fatlTt;L h to est air st, united effort there :.is no doubt but Geyrce q'eomsen, and . three outer 1' t pointe to posted be- l Y 1"1/1111,11, nr9 6 80 a: nr, it will rent reach its act resrint at ,South Iarvery e destirxatiOn nihil the. 'following day. 1? tt mai) were eerrisd (111 the traits leaving here at 11.1() for Guelph, it natal(' be a great convenience to bust - S 1 Op'tWetl'Qn, I ve lilted bti' ave spoken el anti, phaco of o ildreu's oho' rn'ueioal train' , of eobot 4'4rgan question and otli but life is to s I tri will have beeu to ace 'ill Kite of praise has Ii lierto 1 vtelued and abused, and to esurae of joy and gladness diecovered fount not only lo/ pit of spiritual blessing; et it Itis a God-given instrnre Tel is fol}owere inay more full adequately exprees their 1 no R Means tbi'qugh w1iikl may work to the staving of Qutross. The Directors of the Cul Vire Inst,r,ance Oompany , 0 , r .] 1 t wi) Esvae, tc,wnhall,T e Members all present. 'A the chair. • The min'tee meeting tverceread and ad's -.Reid—That applicatic once be' now laid on di .Px amiiiat'iot_Onrr"isd. MaKague_That havingI applications, 4 are found' and the President and I instruetrcl to prepare and for same, one application od for correction -. Carr Tt'tttle - l�hat the Secrete ed to raise n levy of one per cent on all pretniiiin i at N`ov.24th,11Mj0)heln be ....0ereied fl'id—Litt law No. 18 be now res( —Carried. By-law No, ins; the raising of the an then read a third time, nand uetaled. Armstrong - the Secretary is hereby have postal carde • print to members, nhuwiug t their aowessrnents end tlmaahinns tie am re(ltiirc So. said cards to 5lsn show 1011' Janatary, 1291 i Anneal General Mead (tarried, • ()leak:— 111 the President and Seer 1(v inetrueted to withcdrl of the Company's depo, water Post (Mice S;avir, .leposit the salve to the ompauy in the W1131 the Bank of Ilamil Armetrnng—Little-T arrears .of tieseserlrent, 11,08, are oncollected,c having teft and from of Secretary is hereby write i i 1 sum off in hocks as a Bari debt—i strong• --\l' c'IC0gilr'—'1` l do now ndjourn to Teeswater town hall n deer of 1)ec�mber at 2 tr t Carried. Az,^x Ar . t, amenta, • The i'rotlsides, of '1' a friendlvv'gar'i of lot Gerrie teem, o11 the i letter 012 '+xtetrday 11 was keenly coeteeteie hour' the result of tan doubt.. The Gerrie d up nn excellent garde 1rons'ide forwnrds at , fifteen minutes, wl: succeeded. in: senrin leaving thein victoria . goal were taken, ' npmak highly*of the think they area fine llirs. Johnston, of 1 Sanday with her pare Dultuage. of the Maggio Onldbiok has pear's st;joern its in , kliclligali----Mr. S. I ,r' sets, spent Sunday ti roof, in Morris,—eat "taw becoming tine 0' Dies. Sperling liiea� visit to aeaforth am Brum e The liarity con evening proved a d Atwood gun club ch club, last wet'ic.—T Tti kir was held on "`of Brpsfiels, "Chesil rie,,•o tparltllill (chi :,ter), whitdialing to Cumberland wrest" trlreetle the et Cam three fallie ip five, 1 ship of thn'1)mrliui npwards a side, or, neat) in G:rnnrla.I elle for from $101 'l'he annual meet)'. Branch of the tip evi SZ n•,eiety will he held %sag) Thursdey' venin:, mei-minga.t.'i:30"it'' 0110 Freeer will de'tv^' 0 teem teed peottilne the 1 i2'1+" and life t r , 1 'p st�miesl ria., 'Revive,' meetings have been field in . We entrIH_now t'1 our hut ddivision>, the Westfield church the pest two ""'-Taw to sing those hymnsa weeps -.v'lr, 13. f Taylc.r intends t'o This ought to have fairer) and ndw�id r emit a large ba�o next, snrnmer, for treatment then I esti give t perliapy, the most important head all. Let there bo but a glnntnering of of sense in the words, and the expreee sion with which you sita.g. thein will beta;,( it nut, Let there • he but the .4,nsr, of taxusic itt the turn And your p rn la ratan$ village at where their mills are 'amts. 'yvhich be,is 1,usy making p 1' r. ed, 111ukiut; arrangements., .It ie. seal -miss Fanny I3isck ie eble 10 120 that 111' purchase price 11f the limit, arroul,d. after it serion8 ilineee.--11:1r. } mine, ?tat., •vat! 11p�via,dn of x40,000 Wm. Netltety end Mrs. 1l. Alden, each ...\Vt" +trM gimi to 124)221 chat rade"'''. hard it army) rutting bee. on Sattln'rlry. i'n=ail Along the line from )?life t , iVit4•an rind Wit'iam (,nrrie —several flrmerit nu t,1. (1„11 [,.t r rieselm 13iienrUe d' e,i'ttine to t;Itolph, 511(1 to make the ,?Suri t ringer c� 6 eerv,ites cnrrt'pletr'. a mail alinnl1 hn pried' car the trent drriaanv ,tete rein h r dot Pa this rccnk rt 1e,nrq'a r"lson{, on the 1n,d cnnt"es � 'When U}1rP f pot• t enco is ?trap ria greet g 1retsina tri, If weak! town 1 t t how I e should g al ra ha�, I f),I t7 ,1r. vdtlatt� alnnt* the line w-,uld' take f r. rl 1, ve arrived loom Ctnnv�their 1'fandtohlt, to have atone 8tahhli0Y etreterk un rr trip.—We veer.() sorry to le ar that our their°barna Hex sat -- aehnol teacher sena 51012 seed cnotd . not nntert.ainutf tit vr•<ll be 11014 01 1Ilya et m , 2, 1),• In (tenet's. 'e t it"r{lta line visited our nirttt'"gr ' Ring, nit' aleedity ev vitro. Fs.s 1 eiritresemtr will' five it for the toile t11rl,+ttiCe, box+'d t{18 ears of the ,vote? veins a tnugible bony, tarts r:�mOml,er the axoretihinn its bnyla n,t+d returned to flip pletfortie • y he t-tsr,Wns ---graving all, the tnrtO. Ar.d ire vin ,'rht;. 1"' ()pie, e t du1'dn . t to r r t ;eked hV 5 t'nllng tt'tIS to � 1 ?aril ()pie. t't•n'ird ""\Vtth of thnnlissaivfnt; to (l'od tatt� avce o(1etry_ its ?tile matter there is no tion ?tee bt have been 5ttsckad by t . �Ii,.atli;tr,Q r -t+, 3 •,' d fd'r•1•Piit pi(r"''F•at 6!2µt 1:t1:40 (atiotl rt•(lnfr^d, d ??mail 1 Pute. "fin y nn lt1 1721 m'1: (t0( eo (' ” 1 am', r •.. tA 1 tt,Nltd fruit lnttrl V of the {11h(i(1I tt .bolsi ; i lath) t'h,.rr yeti" ata 1.411(' {t " o nig+ of inns f t 'r 'e ru:linol. oe tee bell concession, '. t,rsnne• •tilt.If n tt mik ins+ b .w'ivt i mrtt+t ronnitarill vro,014 iv+ able to sectary 1.1 (about tt,wwrrnP, ne '( • • .,.., ...,. .• ., , Bis mends every .,. , a `' • . +,: •1 1 PP