HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-12-05, Page 3with plenty of bran, shorts an meal. Alwayfa feed bran h tt meal until the plga be '' a thetam,. months old, theta the meal .alone maty aneti< r. 1; prefer the f sour. Yea teal Use an old barrel purp,'Ite. Do not sour it far t lea in warra weather or it will gat sticky, and when ui this titrate the figs amulet eat their ubuetl allowance. Every few days give theta a feed Of dry meal for a change, and some dry; earth a4 asbas if the pip cannot get to the soil iu the pip]; nature demands this. Keep the yuuitapigs dry and warns, iia: tieularly hn void weather. Two months previous to niavketiug, feel thew peas to harden the flesh itud•get weight. Soak the peas itt,tl they esu be readily Nutt *est between the thumb and finger, anti in this way you will save the expenet of toil and trouble of teaming; to the mill, Now is the time to push the bogs. 'When they begin to sit down while taking their food you may be sure they lire nearly finished utt: I would itupress'upon the n.ind of the reader the rlecessit_y of feeding three tunes it. twenty f ur bourn, ut regular iatervats. Give thein tie more than they will eat up eh an each 'time. Keep the pen; c.eau and. Conn fprtable, giving the pigs pleuty fresh > i1r' They thouldhate pure cold water in the sut}itner. In winter the house should be: waren enough to keep the food from freezing. By following the above advice a `udieioue feeder wits waste bet little, It is only a few ye since a hog seemed worthy of ns ttl•ution, and now 1 actually leve t ed and care for theta. This no t:iil,t arises from the fact that I have had goon success, For examplte---on September 3rd, lust, I sold five slogs 6 months old, and five 5 tnonthe old. Their total weight was 1835 lei., whiele' l sold at filo.' per lb, live weighs, waking the total O. amount reeervtd, ot:s bemired do litre and ninety two cents (;p1O0.9e) —S. 1. B,rown in The Canadian Live Stock tlnd Far1Yl Journal fuu November. What the People Profrouneed n galaxy). .As we }lave fret ueut:y puiuted outs the McKinley 13i11 es u departure frons the traditions of the Repablioan Party, These traditions pointed towards a progressive relief Of the war taxes, a reduction of duties, and a gradual progress toward :freer trade. Tho McKinley 13111, on the contrary, is bused upon the doctrine that protea. tion is not a temporary expeditult, but Ns permanent principle; that duties are to be raised rather than lowered ; that high .prices bring high wages, laud are a national Ftlessing ; that the first function of a tariff is the stilet' lation of American manufactures by the exclusion of foreign manufactures, and that revenue is a secondary coon- sideration. Against this new. form of the doctrine of pretectiou the Amari- on people have Itonounced by an overwhelming mn;}b1'ity.. An aroused public conscience might t e ourlt for the revolution in the States of Masao' ohi}setts, Pettnsylvariia, Indiana and I?;apsas, but nottling less titan a. pro- fnuud and widespread conviction that tho protective policy cf Garfield, Artllltr and 13lause, .bat that of Harris - son ttnd Reed dust McKinley, should be the nattonal pallor, can acpinint fair a revolution which bas affected the political complexion stf almost every State ill the Unions..New York Chris. flan Union. r 1 0 e It W t `Ttrlsi Tlarias til new s blaorlhees 4114 1x 3lst Dgoni ber,1.8tio for $1•--Ot 41 —The i.'lul.s will be stent to heti/ Sub. seribere front now ill the end of 1891, tune tS1.0O. -Cast# A gradfather, about to read llis paper, found that lieehad iui:slaid hid speetaeles, anti thereupoli tleelared— I have lost my glasses somewhere, andea11nt3tread the palter. A. little 2i. year old girl desiring to tassiat trills, answered-=G'tiii })a, .ort go wields; and look froo .se wiudo;w, end I;II hold ee paper up so yon data read it. t1 F'ER ,D t 1.1ms. Glerkanne t. The i 's=erious• purpuie eutert•ai ed by Gmain folks to get, up literary and ebating club, In cott• tract with the 'word: setriotts .no deo there will be a good dealof aerie Coaui as h well as pure conn') ,throug •'n the 'sinter. Should it meet its win Was the Io P. u. Chuiuh another pain of uoutr.tat will (mow(mowto the front the inuer life, and lots of Elirt.ttion, wine if they do not renmiu single all their "Nes, are .in that state when the oul home is oroken up, and .they find themselves alalma)iu a world in which theyIhlnst struggle for a livelihood. bt .A girl's trtairiinl, then, must, include it also a preparation for that possibility, t hand the safestcourseIs to give all our tit is isle a fair (Mance of inaiuteir.ingtheru, eeIves if adversity eve makes theta, it to well if the purentc are table to leave their chitdrt'hh iu comfort and indepen- deuce) yet riches have beem known to take to themselves wings and fly away f --Hall's Journal. , t• BANK OF HAMXLTON, 113elmore,. Repoet of weekly ux" inination o Pu 'lio Solhool,. 13th—F. &' rkies, 08 (3, F. Mo1•lardy, 87. 4th lieu—ll Pvyfoltie, 60 ; t1C Jeffrey, 60, 4t Irwin, 70 ; A. Irwlu, 60,. gid eel, —M. Abrain, 80; E, J 'ray 76, 3et3 JtiII—H`, Bretnner, 92 ; ra, Stewart, 84 2nd—Ss Richardson, 100 ; M. llcKhe, 86. Part II seu-- J•ua Bremner, 96 ; ,Tus Berton, 76 Fart II Jun --41. McKee, t92 ; Brooke, 92'. 11 Listowel. Mr Thos. Male, I1lanegelr of t1h gas works, who was 80 severely bum +e l roue° time Igo by an explosion f the works, resutned liis duties or ' Monday last. Ile is not himself yet but is fast regaining bis wonted vigor. —Tile anutversary services of Listo wet Methodist olnireh will be held of 1)ep.;<ll. Rev Dr Griffin, of Strat for(, will preach in the Morning and the Rev Dr Shaw in the evening,— There isoonsiderable sickuess in town, Diphtlaaria and' membraneous croup are altn'st epidemic. Messrs J W Scott and Wm Dickson have each lost a child, and Mrs John Aikens bas lost her only son, ' a boy of about 7 years. There are a great . number of children sick with either of the . diseases named, and it is feared that k sot? of them will not recover.—Mr George Little, councillor, of Wallace, anal brother of Mr Andrew Little, G TB station agent, died at home on Monday. He had not been well for . sortie time, and a few days before` bis death he was in town on business, ni(ioonlpwuied by his wife. Before leaving town, he complained of a t4vere pain in bis head. H starts d for home, but was compelled to, stop at a`neighbor's, becoming so mach onto. Shortly after being taken into the' house he bee/tine unconscious, and never' rallied, death coaling to bio relief on Monday, as stated. The eloetors pronounced it a ease, of Bright's Disease, The deceased wee well known and highly respected.' He leaves a wife, but i.o.children.—Word. bus been received of the death, on the 10th of November, of Mra Minnie M fe nith,l3ridgeport, Connecticut, Baugh - ter of the Tate James Palmer, formerly of this town, and sister of Mr 1) W Palmer, who was a resident of this town a few years ago. She died oaf paralysis of the brain, after many months of suffering. The deceased was a kind and loving wife, a devoted dab;hter and a faithful, consistent "y, Christian, and leaves a mother, t%s0 slaters, a brother, and a large circle of friends to =urn her untimely Joss. Deceased was only `25 years of age. A Morris, of thio town,. mho Went to the Northwest, last spring, turned tin Mot1dayeveninglast, }Ile is well impressed with the country. arty in the present generation of rosiness men there were but five mil- lionaires in this coutr'try: Sohn Jacob Astor and Stephen Wtsitney, of New York ; Nicholas Longtvorth, of Cho uinanrati ; Stephen Girard, of Phila. aelphia,and, `illiain Grey. of Boston, There are now 5.00 millionaires in Mew York City, Capital, $1,000,000, Rest, $450,000, r. a f;'-"IT1'111' viue.presideut-A, G, 1{Aa18Ar.,' BIR CTo ts' JOAN PROCTOR, ORAS, Q1URNrY, Gnu Boom, A, T Wimp, A. 13. Len (Toronto). Cashier—J, TU1INBUL.., SaV1uRe Bank hours, 10 to 3 ; Saturdays,10ho 1. i)e oaks or VI uud upwards reuelveu.and interest allowed. Speolt,l Dopoaits also reooived at current rates. of interest. D; afta au. Great Britain and the United States bought and sold e B. WILLSON, AGENT, 1YIL'i'LIt & DICKI1vsot i, Sorao TOIt3. 1 BARBER SHOP. A Girl's Trott11 ng. That portion of her life which a tit} speeds in her first .house is in. npieete and almost useless unless it iligitt+ludes a thorough diad eystematie ainintt for than fututb. The probabil- irtis aro that site will be a wife' and X mother one ray, and her edupation; Wein ire jariioiottlb? p directed to stilt .I. r, bfR, ItIALCOLM MCDONALp,. (LAIR or aIPLRr,) Hal Seuasc a1 ,iy i3roo., 18 prepared tolgiveusiness all old ct stoles and as many new ones as patronize him, satisfaction. in all lines of the profession. *HAVING AND HAIRCUTTING are illy speelaltfes ' lit.,(Ii>fe' me a aa11 at the, old stand,. opposite Gordon and ;,kbkntyrtl's stoma 11 MCDONALD. P renOiogY,; Physiognomy and Physiology., Send, Photograph a¢ VOtWeelf on`Friend with:31, and 1 will send youi a Written Statement of your Oharit'ote a1il. this PUtsuit you are adapted for ; also stating What re•son'you should marry to be happy.. Photot•returned,Witlr chart. 0, CoZRNg Phrenologist, ltillrillo P, 0. via Port Arthur, Ont. Late of wingham. Property ror Sale in .Raimore. The undersigned offers for sale a desirable prn pertp in the village ofBelmore, Consisting of a gold dwelling house, °Mee, stable and driving shed, with ane aorta and a.han of land In eon:mettm. Splendid garden, with all sorts of fruit trues. Will be sold ata bargain. Fur particulars apply to YIiEI)EBICK COOK, Delmore. young, old, an ntiddle a Pd, wlia find thentselvt's nervous, week •or 'eXhimet- ed,, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting is many of .the following cytnptorns: Diehlt.al dopres. sign, proinaturo old age, loss of vitality, loss of tuetnory, lead themes, aivanese of eight, palpitation of the Heart, emission, ladk of energy, pain in the e 1d la izeytl, heAdulce, pimples on the face or body, itching or peeular sensation about the suroture, waisting of the organs, dimness, specks before the ayes, twitching of the =Wee, eyelids and elsewl..iere, bashfulness,. deposits in the nriutie trade of will power, tenwernes of the scalp and spice, weak and flabby eiasales; desire to sleep, failure to be rested ley sleep, constipation, dullness of helarhng, tree of voice, desire' foesolitude, excite- bility of temper; suniten eyes our - rounded with teener' emcee, oily looking skin, etc., are alt symptoms of nervous delolity that led to rsanity and dead useless cures, The spring or vital power having lost its tension every fuuetion wanes in. consequence. 1''host, who through abuse committed in ignorance uiay be permauentely cured, Send your addrees for boolc on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. T. LUI3AN, 50, Front St. 1{1., Turouto, Ont. Books sent free 1 Heated. .Heart disease, the symptofns of which are faint spells, purple lips, nuntbnees, palpitation, skip beats, not flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain ,iu the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No cure, no pay. 6end for book. Address M. V. LIMON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, ant, C. 14. R. TIME 'TABLL. Trains arrive and depart as follows: 4RAV1\G ARRIVING 6:36 a 11t..... ,...For Toronto ., 5:35 n. to 2:20 p.m , 2:20 p,m 2:20 p.m, .., .:.,.... For Teeewater........2:20 ' 10:30 p, in 10;30 ' GR.A..tSr3D TRU .DTI _EV -5 c A. 0, STBATHDCE, AGENT, WINoAAM. Through tickets to all points in Amerfen—North. West Patine Coapt, etc., via the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. — —TIM TABLE. LRAVII WiNairml. ANRIVa AT KINtlIIA)1,. 0:30a.tn.Toronto.Guelhlh,Palmereton, 1o.'3:30 p.m. 11:10 " .‘.. " 10:10 " :10 p r11, ,, .V Clinton, 7:25 ' Paimerctoi1, Mixed.,10:16 a.m. 0:45 a m ..........Lotilron, Sea„ 11A0 " 8:40p111 1.46 pan, 11:1Q a m ...... t inainttino, do .....,030 a.m. 3:30 pan " 11:10 " 1010 " • (i:60.p.m Every Household. Bie sing to HOLLOWAY'S P LS ANDO MEET. These remedies have stood the test of fifty years erpertenco, and are pronounced the best •biediclnes Sot Family use, TIIJ IDI.F.JI.J • Purify [:loo• blood,', correct ell disorders of the t4V11I%, STbidAOII, KIDNEYS AND rlthwEr9 and Pre invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of all altos. Is the+osnly reliable remedy for' bad loge, Forel, ulcers, and ole[ wounds. FOR most 1I11S :'1116 Tli1t0ATS, 0051(3H5, HOLDS, GOUT. IWEIIMATISN, GL:t»ULAIt swettrNos A:NDA SKIN DISEASES IT HAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New (xford. Late 633, Oxford Strout, London, and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the 1t'orld. L 'Purbasers should look to the Label ou the Bums and Pots. If the address is Axford Street, London, they ale spurious.. • 0 Having nought a very large stock of new Scotch and English Tweeds at the' closest Cash Prices,1 will sell at, a very small advance 011 cunt: `Q1JICI( 1tETIJRNS" is hay motto. Fine Worsteds, Scotch Cheviots,. Meltons, Serges,. Venetians, and everythin of Men's Wear for Overcoats and Under • Suits, in stock, TW:I EDS--trvery Large. Mangeof he Latest Patterns. Chill and examine.. By so doing you will save money. .As 1 only keep Experienced ]-raltrls, you may rely on getting`thtua made right and in the Latest Position, or to tatlbc, Still a few Goods on the Bargain Counter. WrwoltAat, NOV, 18t, 1890. T C Se LES IE. t •' +a. ...w aaF.a..•,,,' a$.1100 e•11 • V 0 TUE' )4]nl7Vr• tr Ieat:a tbrr'1:tsar readers that: than a poe1Uro remolds tar ttaa sbo'►t ittkte..1 ieeraaP lits 1tt thistly are ti 'ueande of hteps101,4 Oasts have been paiva,;nently hare& %tilt 1 glad to tend two bottles' of My rata y !FRS* y ells i o,1a' rt wr 0 hMit 6* sr ' '.e.. ?+l iptadayc l jfroitiN Mid AB, gait* iii. s 6iC . 8.' • q L . MaG .A 8a 1 J..r.Ivl - « 1 s alma um) FO,ME T V,' - r .,-.,. ..IN ORDERED O yet BATS, (O. TO --- E STEWS O-.-•-,- E:.STER'S GAPS SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFF,3,. Cheap for ;ASH. Hflflid NEW PATENT -TOP MU CANS, REAM CANS, MILK PAILS, SAP BUCKETS and MILK PANS. Everything e Bate ins Lino. EAVE-TROUGHING A SPECIALTY 0 .R epai.ri t ig will tie Promptly Done. p one. 5 Mine MRS. HERDSMAN ®m Hes her stook of Fall Goods to hand and opened nut. It is most egrn. plete and has been purchased in the best Foreign and Horne Markets, for (ash, and will be sold at lowest possible profits. Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, :Silks,.Satins. Brocades, Plush and Velvet} Mantle Cloths. 00'SPEC AL ATTEiTI.fT TO MANTLE r111AKiNG AS SAL. HATS' :ND BONNETS TRIMMEI)IN LATEST STYLE. GOODSIMPORTED' DIRECT. MOS TAIEN AS CASH. WI160Iralt, Aug. 28th, T890. Mrs. Herdsman. , WINGHAM r ,FOUNDRY, .. 0 4114 URRA1` & Co., u-Sut ios5ht13'ti118 rr Ttobins6n, manufaoturercrs of— li.GRICULTURAL IBI°RS.. 0 We 'e hav o the patterns of W. M. Robinson andia:tn Supply repairs tot all kinds 6 1mplGitk htrk_ MILL pima MAD1i AND SHARPENED.. SAW GUMMIN G; t,. '1'bo patronage et the public solicited. • aAny tluatitity Baa old Cast 1ton Scrap :wanted.,. ittilatiVt lit Contention with thn abort., I tvish'te Pa that 11 lotto kssod mr taoedrrs1' to dill 5l,na s sten- ir,' of ;velars. They ems to WIIS5hont bight;, re..ch.rrr'n6a4 a16 lle.t•ch.to n.evtani0,,:Irving hod ,1r,, t oxttreienot in milt work and repairs. 1 w ewkte It tar Ohlri. t tO#eilmamt of Atte parroorerr ea rimed drittall'vtet poet eyrhteon yams • in 1 813Y, Witelfittaitimitnts Otos„ 180E :a