HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-11-14, Page 7yt Otlattoi ,1r 401INIV(St, [1i L•'--•- 0$1. P8iINIL STS*1161 ONTARIO. yeryear,ita,ad, iaae0 ( L IES .. 6mo 1 9no 1,1 $35 00 I y20 00 ee 00 30 00 la 00 660 1300 I 700 400 3U0 i '200 1OW ,dvertisenlents, 9c, per line per line for each,subacnneet veil type, 10e, for trot in each s 0beequ0nt lilsostai+( allied less than 27c Foetid, Strayed, dituatioua,, ntt;d, not exceeding a'litw1 ia)e, not exceeding 8 1}nes, r`subdeyueut month ctty adhered to ar advertiyelnellta, er 12r t apteilie directions, will b. lamed accordingly. Tran. tat be paid, in advance Mt ertlsenrents must be le noon, in order to Apt1Yw, ELLIOTT Ya01'Aiwioa AND PUYLtbDiiJ! STREET, 0.7tnnla, ins and Surgeons, Ontarlow „aunty of Huron— r " W ingbam, Ont, If Toronto University, slut t Physicians, and 3urlre0ne o1, Corner of Centre and Patrick d by Ur. Bithuue. • - Ort. 1LICITOR Eke., Etc ids to loan at lowest rata* 1 charged. Mortgages, *CIA , 'tl bought and sb1d 11.t11ant, ot."c.` MORTON [SEEM . Ontario ION, 1 E. L. DloKINSON. OLICLTUIt0, i:to., Etc., Bo " Renate), commissioners for tallLob's. learn, .'town and. t and sold. Autrey (priv.ed„, age aeegtit' at 514. ptr aeuk: Yate persons, upon the beta;' rithout any expense to 8110'. in 109.11itoba and 8110 11o/Aft.' W ini;harn. • JI,ROME,1.31,t' M, nlfacturiug celluloid Plate* ite plated of the bestmatertar ;p ad they can be got in bite ion. All work warranted, Imiuistered for the painl6sa only sate anestiletie distract tooth, or- 28 centrur .saver Block, opposite •the II. MACDONALD, Wrxow1rii Vulcanite'Celluloid, + Celluloid, A1I0)11 old etc.,r.tc. Plates ranging from .„6UU upwards per rr set,. and bridgework, Teeth ex ant pain by the use of Vital 11 lugh,un, side entrance op- 11, open daily (Sundays excep • 1k1. Wlfl be at Blyth every rf each moil tb--Odice atMilne e 3rd Mondays 01 oath motdi11--': .:ztractinq 28 cents. !73Tt1?3ANOE AGENT On2ANr*, IMAM, aNL' MARINE, /DELIUS. LYOrrAM, ,y NEER F01t THE Cel TI'x8 b' UuiWN. any part 0f the Co. CheOgel i> Wlv01 AM, ONT,, 4110it.1Volt 'That `CO1.714XYt' r?F iitlrt0N. o Torus office promptly at .end able. c, ON, port COONi'11s 1tuat0n MI Beech • .0 promptly and on the shgriiwt Ind SatisfactionOuattantsed,, Igolllellts cue bo made at lit oxb. IN 1* IIAWEINS e rrvyonO AED t.iV1L Etottegis ANDi• II WINO AM. re cillos ri1 the Timm** M en 1 armies cow", 79n at 1TAta •L w 44,kJ/14.4.A. 0 i 'D1tnrell wttquotto. Inas one asked Soh I3nrdntte for ,Il few riots 011 church etiquette. He s11ggrsts the following among others, .ss tacitly in !rogue in the church of ',StIndolence, New f Chi orkadr,Ipld Vali or slide in the end of the pew Dewrf'at the aisle. Stay there. [ Do not sit erect, hut 'op. Eostrone" cllinSv on the lam cf the pew, and support the side of the filers with the outspread hard. If the cheek can be 'Oohed up in folds and wrinkles so asp to wholly or.pertiaily elome one eye all intelligent expression Will be destroyed and the attitude of inter end fiisree- pectfnl iuzinegs will be heightened by the charm of aceiuir:.d imbecility o'f , 1 i;ure stupidity. Do not rite) during the singing of the' hymn, The het that yon play tennih •Or baseball all Satur,lay afternoon, o'r walked four or five Hailes around a, Billiard tante 'Saturday night entitles !'31st Decefuber,1890, for 10c,, or • 1 till - you to a little rest Sunday mornin,;. 1'dof1S 1—OuSh, NEW BUTCHER SHOP. for the last two wet ko, In li t f no use, owl my money'salt gone. trey n' while the beggar hesitated, tli en lee !allied' out a dollar: Here, said he, (take this, ''fou are 'worse off' than full. No, answered the poems; roan, 'di'tt'o ly, it won't do me anv good-»•goodllyo, and '11`6 walked rapidly down the street, A policeman overheard the rolarlt and he followed and overtook the tranger, Look here, said he, are yon fellow that is going to commit cede A hearty laugh interrupted further questioning. That's all right, officer, said the would-be sui'c'ide. I an) just trying a littlegame on these street beggars,, and that's the ti ird one to night who offered me money. the sui- Q ' Tan %rams to new subscribers, till • 'bins is a day of rest, and you are no 'Sabbath breaker. Take advantage of the long prayer, when other people should have their eyes closed and their heads bowed, to adjust youreetf luta a position of !told i and lounging listlessness that you lean `endure comfortably through the ser- a 'Ilton. Extend your legs as far under the pew in front of y. )U all you can make ,them reach without sliding off your seat. C*raoefully and politely covet' your Mouth with your hand while yawning during the sermon. .11 the ` Minister1 — is looking at you cover the IIUU8It with 1 b !lands, and at the close of the The undersign t. south 11)111 of I,ot yawn bring the jaws together With a 1 caaytorma, The 60 of which are cleavevelum,vuti, the balcony wlleeriul sump.' c1 It is a mark of the Highest culture pretifise0aregoo rumo n and good: colla bank barn a a wens oP goo• uatoe, two ' oro • look at your watch frequently during t;eagrol r1:011 1A01111 Werrtoh to inform 'the public that rr'o have these Woolen Mille in A 1 running order, and wilt this season give special wttentien to CUSTOM WORE ,In all its braneheit,';and will k•iyp;in stock a; C1:t88 of h1at.etaa8 g0odo' e0Cl4 as Tweeds, Flannels,. Etoffs, Blankets, Shootings, Stocking Yarns, &c., &c., GEO. SHAW Wishes tointhnate to the people of %Ingham and vicinity, that he has commenced the 13utcherhlg Business again, •ttind has opened out in the Old Stand, a tow doors North of the Brunswick Rouse. STEAK, l' per ib. 16 1s 10c. per ib. (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex- change for wool. Customers from a distance can have their rolls horse with then the same day. $'highest market price'ifi cash for Merchantable Wool. And other Meats in per punond, some as low as 6o. SAUSAGES, &e., always on hand. ]N eats delivered to any'part of the town. The Patronage of the put/Behr/Belted. 'GEO. SHAW. RM FOIA S offers for .alb 1s farm, being the r,on •slop 12, East Wawaush, consists of 100 acres, about id in :ft good state of cults - 10 vat land. On the sel.,containi•tg.7 rooms Stone etasisee ; two 001 t oisterne, a uic0 e (aril is well tele.', Wou7dtake a once in \Vingham a' part ay, on er1118 to upon. For terms, apply t. '. LE1dhIE)i, LATEST Is1'ZW i. WE MAY HAVE TO PAY Two Csats Po: PouitIon IN GL1S tk Wingham MWHE'h and Best bree ling in reiiued s0citty to }vara i suiil! res on the n•emises, or to n. L the gerviae. After looking at your vratch. always turn your head and gaze longingly and earnestly toward the door. Tutorruptetl in Flirtation' $e was a travelling( 1Yie.n, st'isceptible East 'aw'anosh, June 8rd 1890. pa EN, local or traveling to eel my guaranteed NIlOB• Har S'rcoO. Salary or Com - Huss oq, psi, wan tr - Uutlit free, Special atten- tion given to beginners, Workers never fail to make good we('kly wages, Write me atone0 for particulars (MEX, wham. MBLERI HABNESS MATC1R, has on hand a large stock of Duty on. OO shortly when sending to the United States, Had 'yea not bettor bring it to the *UNtHAM TANNERY (at once, and }let the highest price IN CASH or trade for it? Treat your H I D E S, SHEEPSKINS, CALFSKINS, TALLOW, &o., the same way. R HORSE BLANKETS, OHltavcolt s. BRUSHES, ` WIMPS, TI6UNI2S, VALISES etc.. Which will be sold at bottom price,. IIARNNESS, double or single, made to order on short notice, and entisfacution guartanteed. ggi"A coli solicited. OP—Opposite the Bank of Iiamilton. MATTHEW AMBLER, ngham, Feb. Eth, 1890. A Et. G. GRAHAM, NURSERYMAN. (This is Reliable.) TORONTO, ONT as is the. entire species, and he loiter. – — e(i around the pretty 'et01iographer 1 rotunda and ta.ked none~ AGENTS ,WANTED. %111, Note r0 0 If yon want to make Money, take hold and sell our isllant{ y while she blushed a pretty circles Nursery stock. Noe' is the time ; write us at Y f once for terms MAY eRUT13 ERS, ditioompamment. This rhino proceed- ed :until the *tiler travelling men were soleal0us their faces looked ar, though they had apopleti0 fits., 0110 of the In tab lilt° his hand said : • I ar n I aisgruntlnd party called a bell -boy to p !tiro and sl'ipping a half•dollar piece ' t : li.us'i a a :; you go right up to that gentleman talking to the stenographer and say : o — e Nurserymen,. I3o0heetel, A CHANCE -4r, Smith, }Ul r wi Fe has just arrived P ed 'and would like to see you to the par- lor. The bell Iioy followed :cis instruc- tions to the letter.,The troo1ilinq Man looked as if seinone land keit him with a. club, the pretty type. writ. ist shot a glance, an atngey glance, at !iiia, and mut Illuringsa tow incoherent estuarlts he sidleC, toward the desk with all assttlued 'indifference. Upon gaming the ear of the supposed friend• ly clerk be remarked in a friendly \pity ; Say, old boy, my wife's its the 08(100. Just send in a boy and tell icer l went to - 11inneapolis yesterday ,811d won'tbe 'hash ttutil tomorrow. 'River smoke? Say we do, was the 'chorus of half a `flovvt1 travailing men Who he'd quietly 1i :glided within TyT$t" Wti.IT Z Iiad ;,n opportunity then and tilers. 7 CH.Ss. KN ,O Ti1.t iYlshes to intiivatb to the people W1ng11alh and surronudin8 b1untry that he has purchased the harn`ea6 business lately carried on b,' Messrs. J. J. ilomuth & Son, atld' will conduct it in the building ono %dor south ofIMr T A Mille` &tore. #id 1 within hearing; distance. Ti vita. require anything special in f EAVY GLOVES, and see. Harness, Sole, Upper and French LEATHER AND FINDINGS always kept in stock for Shoemakers, W. J. OHAPMAN, \Vingham. WING MARBLE YtOflK aktng a retrospect of my thirteen or f are business in Wingham, I deslre moat beard oder my thanks to my friends and the public rod madly for trio liberal patronage extended to tap the past. may 4100 Ante that Iain in n position to 0118 hotter inducements than ever to those roqud0I1 any'thinginthe line of Gra cite 'or Sane I4'ton.n.ra t 4EADS'IQN ;B, WINDOW SILLS, STONE TItI : f t#9, FOR FENCING, dic I would bo pleased to. have those 11 of pre curing any articles in my line fi. ca an exemane goods, compare prices and leave then` or o that the goo mar 119 secured and prepared earn' in *Jia season. Yon can select from the latest d0slermaurl: obtain the rinest WO, knlanabipet the rpoat206ondoe prices. most respectfully, yours, WM. N1II"Y'TH, WIrgboin, Ont, ,,,' THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. SOLD SY T SQGGISTS EVE1YWSE3t>l i n ry MRS, HERDSMAN Hes her stock of J'al1 Goods to hand and Opened out. It is most Coln- plete and has been purchased in the best Foreign and Home Markets, for cash, and will be sold at lowest possible profits. Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Silks, Satin Brocades, Plush and Velvet Mantle Cloths. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MANTLE MAKING AS USUAL is the time to paint your houses, and HATS AND BONNETS TRIMMED IN LATEST STYLE. RUBBER 1, PRIM DOUBLE Ai b SINitIL1 HARNESS heavy b41iaht, made to order.. A 1ii11 line of Ilorse Blankets, Sleigh Rens; 1\shite Currycoillbs, Brushes, etc,( alWayson haiid% Repairing nu promptly do The patronage 01 the pubIle kolicited, and tonin work and material guardilteed, C. KN llCHTEL \Vinpl+nm. March 1. 1890. —Is the•— BEST in the WORL None geii•dne unless stamped "Rubber Paint Co. 01'6/eland, Ohio," We also have the beet THE ODELL CANADIAN Rha Meet psi t , You can get any y[Sh from you0 descenire. h quantities cost tuft! y t 10 r ro )tot the Begtott'n Sympathy', will buv the ODELL rimae 1hYfi1 mister, give me seine money to , 20 .r. 1 1 yeti lest IJetrer worn than any machine made. as Dike to eat to day. ()atilt y p ttr e a It was It fltroet beggar aL"OO tilg iL' than any other 11%01110e, Iias no ink ribbbn to st, towful looking y g dil °Y101 a d Q 'off tire prinoillril thot.%gh11c1s of tau I tvritink Like a }printing proviso, 11 lrrodu108sharp, with 7B eharaotors, rind S l for buy some supper with. I haven't had Ito r-INGLL OAS Of?ELL warranted to c o 1 tltbines simplloity with durability, speed, ease teS lout; ? of operatton, wear* 1011110* without emit of repair* s i e bother the•oporat0r, It r °king ..Oren luaYt plated, 1lertect Yen a a For Whitewashing anti liklsomining, tisk for and don't take anything else. las. A. lCo. BALD WARE MERCHANTS, W ingham. GOODS IMPORTED DIRECT. EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. WINGIIAM, Aug. 23)11, 1890. 4 Mrs. Herdsman: CRR1MES. i and 31JGGIES, Z1.L'lTLA1V D SAW MILL is neat, sante Emits, nickel ' ted to alt kinds of typo slfyr, 'Phe young Wall etbpped, rhe modest nbll wilting, I Aly lnte',:ttentpeYlJr r, Cntl There's t1 nickel, said Ilei Ws the last become o oIneny ap P4eOatttor 411»thabrle111. Lo,,21okk7YAthfe I' have, hitt take it, olid good luck to Cleats, legible nlnrittsoripte; 'rem 60 ton eoi)les ono Lumber of sHk ntla, FSrscclese Shingles, and Cedar Car Load a Spec• ially. GEORGE .THOMSON, Proprietor, al . kinds, tirst-class Shi>ng .es Ind. Cedar Posts. Car oa Odds Sp a ty WOOI) tlelivcred to any part :ot t rr iughatnr ,*"Ord lit'tnail prompt;), attended t6. GEO1t GR 'THOlit8014, Wiellhttu P.0 and Dyed. Cioth Clean w i I:i.L h iCt l Ofr n lr C Alk C1 4U I r 9"C •. t 1' RHD lvant:.il. m .1 !Yen to a t d ,'asldsl n v kh, Ir at It iwbls A , e) 6 r. ell Mr h r 1, , •U`:r t ktoi. ed *re. c ntr t i ... ,r, ... 9u 1 n Ir r' h.sC 1ta r to j , us f "url'amlihTstgitingirrdaresrn !llr. &o H;addreeM nu,l „atistaettpn it , '.4t o OAP, m 11t orChlahob •Ing r q t1 $i',A yob lib tllttilh lel !idea a. 'hot.* Emelt asked the beggar. ODE1f;'ti ftlit`rea WUI.TE11, Co.; 0Or3ars left•at Test I llabo b1 Wilting ing tot it'd* 86 wad St Ai :itlt telt t i )(lett te, sari she '8 Dt rrhAdr i tFo,Clh hes n1, r e C} nlne 's ladelV rrntinue the 1188inn and if tell tiiii blunt Ito will torPP10 ptiy 81 W M . D 0 R. E (ef the late firm of Nickel & Ddrb), —MANUPAe1'C1ti'ra or— Top and Open Buggies, Carriages, Weighs, Cutters, Phaetons, Road Carts) &c. I Special Bargains will bo given in Top and Open Buggies for the next we months. Ail kinds of work made to order by drst•class workmen, under the s(tpea. viefou of the proprietor. . abort notice. Repairing, Painting, Top Building, , long on . lThose in need of anithing 111 our line will \VMe DUKE, money by y calling Ong nt. Purchasing. WINGHAM "' FOUNDRY; MU,RRAY CO,, —Siiccessofe to h it Robinson, manufactu0brer8 of— kP EXT, We have the patterns of R. M. Robinson and can supply repairs for all kinds o Implements. 0 -- MILL PICKS MADE AN1) SHARPENED. SA.W G-tJMMIN :. - ---.N D—. yt±N-ns A: ov .a .t9_Z,i' r The patronage of the public solicited. 14.1"Any quatitity of old Oast Iroll. Scrap waited. 11Iti ERA". & Co, wish to arty that l Irate leased my Mundrw to the *hove firm for a Si highly reconuneytded 0,8 first-class mechanics, hating had rater* I would ask for thele a soutinuanec ef the pat 1nnM i841;(d ed 11) In Connection with the above, 7 12 98022. They ecnne to \Vinghnin `xperionee fn mill work and r0pnirs: luring the past eighteen years, %Inghan1, June 27th, 1600, MOUNDS Of BOTTLE! VVEN AWRY YEARLY. I Cart ' 1 do a When myof l *lately to stop yt heemm r to thus, at+ Wire theta return U..1 ;SEAN 1 ADI a udy. 10 Ptwarrrantmyretb8>:y tri stn tad g IF1r rr+ disease ot Epilepsy sir Pi► to ',tont rases, $ecRuea others Have fatted is net reason for not now -r' tt{'rvl{rltacore once for la traktlba and 1. Fr yo ? It'tti; fata tOf r Anlli and if 81I cleft RQmIto ••. GG" ", postG sen °Mooe, 1,VE131* N'D'i1t iXlifldr, 11111Uert Tia r