Wingham Times, 1890-11-14, Page 6IrRiI)i1 , NOVEM UEtt 14, lime, • r 'alt on +Leese Matters. Loon ittirertiaer representative ntervieweal 141r« Tums ,L'allentyne, It 1. P for South Perth, in Loudon a,la •ly. lir, Baltantytle will he had atkgaeeted a. meeting of tht, Loudun mheebe market, immediately on his re• turn from England, to consider the queritiou of establishing dairies—if in some way tied at some place dairy schools eould nut bo established by which they `night further improve the gtlrtllty of t t, product in this country. the endo On seeing iu all the markets of Eng laud the Runner goods which were then arriving, be said, and comparing the price and quality with the bust i+'1ugltslt and Scotch cheddars, I ate strongly of the opinion that gre.rter vibe tell what they call secrets to dote ens of persona, witltont forming Roy pesiti:veopinion of their diaerimination. or reticence, are not apt to have any secrets from the entire circle of their acquaintances. They are mere babe l,a•e, gossips, tattlers who try to be,. stow some importance ou their coin u,univattolis by declar nl deem to 1 e aeereta. Such COU1U1 oicati0na are usually contl,lonpluce, or of so little consequence as to make no distinct impression on the mind; needing to be labelled private, lest they l.e thought' to belong to the public, Bestde, .the cominutticat0r.S are prone to the habit of repenting their stories to everyone they can persuade to listen to them, rem confidential • n't►Oe8 them l alma Io n 1, and 1 P Pa many to whole they are thus din. , Giosed the story is already familiar, and politeness alone prevents the re- cip.ent from immediately sayiug as much. Candor and delicacy compel. these, when informed of their condi •lniterhu.ity end +.lutside improvement ,Pedal character to acknowledge that ail;1Lt lye accoutplitlhed by means of tlaew.ageuoies, which could be kept ill ells tate u the whole year rouud,esperi mentis and teaching the principles hied practices of cheesemaking in sum- ttier, olid butter dairying in vriuter,and to teach makers more effectually how to use the improved itstrumefts; to Leaell them the testing cf mils Blore thoroughly, as at present a small perms uontdge could do nothing properly in !'.bat way. Tinder our eb«'ese factory system or easooiated dairying,it is indispensably ilect*ss'try that means be constantly used to that end, I found Seotoli ilht ddars selling at au average of .aoout 'lpia er ,cwt. of 111 pounds more than our threat Oadadian, which was largely the result of dairy schools iu the dairy districts of Sca- rred ; and yet those who are conduct icg the oebootsare gentlemen who sve;e makers that I thyself Have srlec; • ed iu Canada and sent there, the dairy associations having Applied to rn for instructors for that purpose. Instead of a small percentage of the th:•ese being flue, as was the rimae "be - ore these schools were established, a very small percentage now is inferior, and at the late dairy show in the B.>yal Agriouiturat Hall, lslingtun,the Scotch: cheddars carried all. before them, the makers being taught by reed sent from there. In that show there were 109 entries, and of that lumber no fewer than 755 were SOotelt itlic.ddttrs, whereas• before the employ - moult of instructors and the .establish. iiit,1t of dairy scltools,Scritch cheddars. wary unknown' in the London market, Sin) would' hardly be bought at any pride. What stops do you think the Go torio Government should take in the Matter 1 We hope the representative dairy- men will take hold of it in n, vigorous the bird corupottuds for the neglect by shouting incessantly the name of the god, itt}a texts m honor of his power. Gluiest; Y„Retoriea or Creameries. The degree of profit play be derived from the establishment of either of these ifl a district depends niaiuly ou tthe Nature of the bushandry fullowt+d, and the character ot the land. If the majority of farmers follow mixed ll.us la►tndt'y there is no doubt but that the eroautery would do the best with thein, tor in the creamery systc:tu of wattage meet the skins milk is left on 1110 farm to feed (lie you:try, plies, and etilyee. Under the ilystetu• followed iu the management of cheesu ftt4~auries, only ateveof patrons, ti ose that live tui obtain the et o , ►u tr fou_ 01ose to the� 1 whey, which to some extent may prove a substitute for: the whole milk. In districts where the aspect of the land is rotting., the creamery will be found to oive • the best sans faction, owing to the .fact taut it it, rnu011 easier to draw the crew u. td the creamery than. it, wsuld be to take the whole milk to 'the tact;?ry under such ,onditiuns, , Iii districts that are low • iu fertility, that need feeding to make enitivalhicu proftabble, the creamery offers the beat means of salvation, fur in dairy farming tuidersuch conditions fertility is lrought to the farm instead of being taken from it, On the other hand, the mainstay of the cheese in. dustry is the greater profit,. always certain, that is made by the patrons where the surrounding circumstance:; are at all suitable. ~Chislarger profit, which is always to Le relied upon, owing to the steadiness of our cheese markets, sweeps away all the argu rnents that may be advanced in favor of the creamery compared with the they are Isy no )Beans new. But the babblers --Hien for the most part— tette no notice of this. They go their babbling round, and when they hear their cilrreet tale. they like} tu'assume an injured air and assert beret some confounded women has betrayed their ouutidence; that wou►eu car, 'never keep a secret; That woman should owe, in any measure, their false'repu- tation to sucl1 a dance, is tri best evidence of its falsity. and elfergStic manniier, and we have vehere to 1 eop Mt1I1;. To keep the cneditions of a house• hold safe, happy and healthy' requires intelligw.ce•and unceasing card Keep, the family milk in a datrip, 11rn- drained illventilated cellar, with a few rotten beards or vegetables in Botnn MISS NI LGU Moa& ,117.,, RADUATE and Gold Medalltatoi lM1'klttbv College, 1.71 Pltpii of 31r. Edward Fisher and Mr. J W.'Wilson. Piano, Organ limy. Room* Bearer 14lgck,�W n r,l)alu.Rnd Ilan' INatavarVQNs ON PIAN° ANn Ose4N, ALSO 01433 t1 For particulars regarding terms, etc, please coil at Subworilitioui1r(o0, $i per year•litadoonoe my home, corner li'r.,uois and Patrick at,eeta. tibeesi3 feotory.—The Canadian • Live coater, or a cesspool• just outside tile eellrflr wall or within six feet of it. wherethe air can back through soil and \yell, and tyrotoxicon's deadly germ p IIAaMON2. (1.4t .k lug ani.i : ) iS P UlSLi,4k!lilr ' VDU taUttlii 11a,. •+-^AT `1'fili•••' TIMES.OFFICi., JOStiPHlNIt STill11 't WIN :U.4 tat, - O1' T'ARIiO, St.jck and Farm Journal for Novem• Ger, FLORILL4 SPARTAN0, AOVElellbINO ItATCS hpate 1 1 yr 1 n um. 1 $ mo, 1 but) co' miii X00 OU sir. 00 t jt0 00 ` 3e 01! i1u11 " 36 00 110 00 Ix 00 1 6 tsi0 tvuarter " 20 00 1'0 00 7 00 6 :Oi One lush 0 0e 3 Oil 2 00 1 OW' Local olid other woo advertisements, Pe, per- line for lust krlsoltieu, and 5e, per lino ler eaid aubeewitelat insertion. Lu1 1 notices, in nonpareil type, leo for ilrit sertfoJ, aid Se. per line for each subsequent lbs0atits P, CRAP/IAN, No local notice will be chewed less than 6e �� Advei tisnmeuks of Lust,. Found, Strayed, Ilton and Buanwss Chances N untid, not exouedin„ 8 THE MISSES WATSON. T NaTRUQTIOY given on Piano, Organ and Violin A Also In ULrrtlleny. Residence on roomer of Josephine and atria Strebts• ....Frei • tiohut,. tire. ISSUER or 61A1tRINGi. LICENSES, NOTARY uunp,LOi1, .i per month J t ueuding 0 tines PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, ETC 0Mrice " Big" gooltetore, 11T. !tlPLL'Y, 0, Money to Loan on Fern) Security at Low Rates of interest. No commission charged. .. aDAVIS • IS MERINO' UN FA.IGM PPZOP AT VERY LOW 1:WA1'ES. S 7u -1M1 Careful Not to Eilirt' Anybody's R'pelings• s aeve,o in twenty four hours. 1 should like to go out td Lansing An ill•kept refrigerator or closet on your read., said a regi at the ticket h third street :de ot the other vicinity is just as Mein=ar'e for milk once -day. with mouldy fragments of food in its '.office of the p 1)ntter ur meat. Eegs shipped in musty hay or oats absorbs the germs and taste, but looking fair horny per- sons will eat them in, omelets, never knowing the difference. . But their systetus know in time. • The beef that conies purple with over -heating or corroding in foul cars is not a subject I care to think about, but I -see if ort the stalls di good butchers .. nice ,_ ousekeepe,rs Very well. What is the fare 1 Two forty. That is too much. I trust econo mite. Iaru4alweys willing'tb be just and liberal, but there is a limit to my finathces. I will give you CI. Can't do it, Then I'can't go. I have' to Promo mize. 1 Pl1 tell yon how, you can get there' OFFICE -OPPOSITE THE MARKET. Woolliest Oorosali 4TIi. lsbb who would he horrified to know what for 1.50; said the agent:: roasts' of disease they serve their How ? families. We need the (*Stern grass Walk, fen beef, carefully fattened, comfuxt• By George, old man, shake 1 IP11 do ably tended, hilted without pain aria it, I'm a thousand times obliged. 1 seru;;gli•. Such, and such only, is 1? tl►ougl►t o.11 dist, but 1 iidn''t want for human food. to hurt thio railroad's ieeliuge, Ana so Talking Birds. kept still. Put 'er char, and if I can Aristotle locutions an Indian parrot belp you to save a dollar r'll go a mile whi h could talk and when it drank to do iti.—Detroit .free Press. ,vine was somewhat, Unproper, habits doubt. h t ther niallt will d 1' 1 't Luta picl•ed itp Things watch Attract lea: so r t1 e•xove , rl „ an tatigua a 1V hie 1 1 11 ° ' What attracts a auto is one thing retidei' whatever assistance might t,e no doubt front tele Pbooniciun Bailors, hold and is one thi hes necessary The dairy sehoole shoo cl tee tinder the control of the Agrioultur-, gal department. The only grain that the Imperial what willhim, But the must accomplished hillier of reBpPot is quite fndtaa i4 the mynah, u handsda a pur. A woi anis another. for Pxanlple It' ple•biltcak luld,lvitl, a'shc,rt tail, orange II tracts tt 'man t but ,au even .temper re- t d legs, d bright yellow ear- 1,e1t1 e.1t le'b turd '�ALSTED &SCOTT 1�3ANL�E ,S_ Josephine Street ' Winghaip, Ont, J, w,„13 orr, Listowol. J. A. Rotarian, Mount Forest. talus. hi , f agricultural fi t• 4 Q d to the back in Deposits Received and Interest' Allowed. Money Aldvan 'ed to farmers an Rumness Men, On long or short time, ori endorsed notes or collateral seourity.1Lle notes boughs mt a fair valuation. oeey remitted toiatl parts of Oaauada. at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col • lecting ACcollnt$ rand Notes. • Government gives or sips w sic 1 run argon A pretty gown attracts a elan ; t lfi urposes is a disbureerhertt of st5,O00 t ot its gel like a broad collar. It is' ,, 1{ knowledge that it Was inexpensive delig1it liitri, r ' A. pleasant mantle? attracts a man ; brightness of brads holds him. A knowledge of blow, when need 1t lv attracts sa whereA a little .til e tob mesa; appreciation O the folly of Priv elity wins This respet;t. A respect for 1115 *eligiotis belief of every 1)00111n being rItt1'aCtEt a Matl irreverence in woman -18 to him aboral inaclle. A consideration 01,4)ie eontfort att- nttraCts it Mats 1 a etinIinilatioll of this shakes hint your mord butrtbte ntava, A cleat in which Hier'. is no malice nttraets it matt; neither ac• tidal nor evil spenhnit make a woman neon sweet and lovely to him. LN f;oiitt'lr 'wou Varve shamefully robbed your employer. Have you en remorse of conscience ? . Well, 1 ain not mire. 1 would, rathe ff not say posies t'vdl till have # ;jt tat is ecru OA el rtla 7 tell llsttiti1bI File i`i�, et. t y,�y,,�i'f►Mi ti'at,.tt �j' i'aa k4'' J('tt, .. tat ,*t ', ► for these dairy schools, Tay the way, I noticed in the London Free Press that Bittern cheese are better than curs. Bach is not the Pane. Eastern Mieese were long sold and quoted at Limn t Cent to 1 cents under West-. bat following the exempla of the Astern I)airytnen'e :Association,they Ye employed ituetruatore and have ahtlees improved the qualiry:; but fittest Canadian eheese that goes tnaf'.tarid to day is that i» Western toning. a bold, lively bird, with it mellow song and whistle of its own, Its power of reproduc'ng hutnar,1peech is wonder. fu1, and it exhibits the greatest alhX ioty that the tones should be correct, rep"atiiig tlieui ,softly to itselri with its Itead on one. side, and, 'then shouting out the words, Iu the insect house at the Zno there is a flog old tnyilalett'ltO was deposited in 1881. While a visit- or is examining the iidifuh motile coming out of their cocoons lie may hear behind hien a thoughtful cough, raid then H tit oat shouted with a' start ratite Women Seep a Wit. lies;Baltideuthes$.ltlatlseDaymah,at)xious syr wont4n is lint tilst7 ally. to be friendly, and to begin a •conven- e belt Aver,' Mao; 111)1tltaite Nat *.t1.rn, Tilts ,•.Mohan° traders in the ro eet.ri 1 as Anita ties; 00. Iii truth h zaareavaa111h01uselvesof the ua'yriah's y las' dos►trtedl if there all tact a,.rvices hi a curious way. They grult4p wernas ttian th'urr' ger tflifla' tench it to pronounce the holy nage' 1als>a i i1IS9tJ'tt4 tit Paten* of ]tattaiar; ttU4 whiled its tftaster't5 :j i y my lawyer. re gens in Canada --The T* orchants`! iiatx 1,.4, cr Cai£i da. office IA,oure—l` rohn 0 a ><o. to 6 p. m. ,1, A. E. SMITH, ' Agent. WINGI.IA:�4i. .,!'LL & STAVE FACTORY. Manufacturers of a^ PIN E, ti '. i. ora fn E ML G LUMBER, Pine and 1' Cedar I 'i.A L --Alan— Lath, Staves, Reading, Barrel Wood, Cedar Posts, &c.` Dt111n a1lichltltg C. T. 7t. Stattorh. wWphli)u.• �01 WI A . L LL Tire undersigned wish to tender their beat tha ,ot the liberalpatronage ditto to out firm tint severely ears prior to the burning of oar Mill by •'0ndiarism. During the test seceetl aro have iceddelled the tow„ 1111)1 to the latesta1pprov0d s tent of 11ntigarian Roller Process tail ling. 1V, ti0ve veacm now give better accommodation t everlietore. \veoafcr Prompt Dispatch, Pair Battu QuetITC SECOND TO o;:M IN TI And by close. personal uteri: 48 to this 110«1 hehpi, to be again tar.: red with tt ilial by all trlend1 sed many new ones Tears most *reporttnitr, PIL'STON x CA IPt rti3waoa WS, Ott, IR 11A0 . '.4 !louses wed Farms for ba e, no ex, $1 for line month, 500perbubscyuent. Mouth here i t0 Spesu ., rate will be anger nt e0r t rte ,+• r advertisements, blleelaf rates YOr l0 ).,e longer periods, Ads time:meets without specific directions, will)/ inserted tilt forbid and ehagfed aceordingiy, Traa)' ait0rj advertisements 1)111st be paid. In aarllpe0 'tAtitim 0 for contract advort.sements must bo f'1A the wilco by Wednesday noon, in order to ap111*11* , that week R. ELLIOTT Pitorai sox Asp P01+Lasa ma •It. S1A1,1)ONALll, JSOEPIi1NE STREET, ' Wa rauAM, . . OS7aaitio, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.. —Coronor for County of Huron— Office at '' TIM Puaati1AOV " • Winghaln, Ont. TAR,. J.A. M1 LORt,T6I, if honor Graduate of 'Toronto University, nit i 111a,ubor of the'Jo11ugu`ef Physiulankt and Surtreon* (i, Ontario. ., °Moe and Residence-0ornerof Centre' and Patrick streets, foruleriy ocuLpild by Dr. Bp'utuue. wiNallAli - 018. D VA STONE, . • • BARRISTER, . SOLICITOR, EV., Fitt Privatel.ud Company funds to loan at 'lowest ratan Jute' est. No colutnfsslon charged. Mortgages, *Mil, and /arm propbrtl bought ands li. , OFFICE—Beaver Bleak, ncun1rd, Ok.r.; z ,-., ' J. A. MORTON BARRISTiEIR Sm.., 'Wingham'' • Ontario ;AiBYER If DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER, Q. C. 1 E. L..QICKINSON, B 4. .BA1UUUUSIE!IS ;rive) sOL1CITOItS, Ate., Liu., 80 ' lidless for 13anJt of klaunitun, Uu mese fouees for. taking athdavlts for 3lubltoua, r'a11tt, :Town' an.1, t Village property bought and sold. Stoney kprivat t .funes) loaneu on mortgage s 1,3411t0 at se per cent' Money lin este.: fur pray ate persons, upon the•bcrt' 'lnurtgage titta'1Lfes without any expanse to tlie. lender. Lanus for sale in Manitoba emu the 2,ortit•' went. ' Uliico-Keilt'sBlock. Wlughaln. 1s0TISTIIY.— J44 S. JEROME, f 4a.i en, 'Is Manufacturing Celluloid Plata* •ti -" lti „.. a. Vulcanite plates of the bestulatSrfaa I. • as etitlap as they can be got in 1144 Al) work warranted. ' Dominion, Vegotablu Vapor administered for the painless. 'extraction of teeth, the only safe anesthetic kllowtt.` TAau NOTICE.,, --.1. will extract tootle Or 26 cense; eaoh. OFFICE f In the Beaver Block, opposite 4110 Brunswick hotel. • DENTIDENTISTRY --w 5. II. MACDONALD, WINoiU STRY—NV. Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Aligns,; S y " �, afire. Gold, etc., Pte., Platen, ranging'' Cl l,i1,'i;In prices from 41,500 "upwards per set,. crowning and bridgeworit. Teeth e -treated without oho )east pain by the use of Vito (*st' Air, Bead ti:dee, 11 Ingham, side entrance op.- posite the queen's hotel, Open Many (Sundays except 4311) from 0 a m to 6,.p u1. hlifi be at Blyth every lad and 4111 Saturday Of each meetly-0ltleeat Millie it hotel; Corrie: est mid $rd Mondays of oneh mottos--' Office at Albion hotel. ::Ytracth.r; 26 cents. le, •2`.... CHN 1UT0IIIE, f GENERAL 1131.0.1ANCE A0ENT 'VzNoii , ' • O,a2stxa, Li dllJ;W1'. CUNNINGHAM, I 1L INSU1tANCE FIRE Ani) MAIIINE,- CUEC,I'11. 1)EAN, J1h., wnlartAM, .y 101)11iblIi AUCTIONEER FOlt TIlE 011Y' A. 0h' Ili:RUbf. I Sates attended in any part of the Co. Chafel t) Moderate. JOr1 tlititI 1, Wiartuale, ONx„ LICENSED .VOTIONSSF:rh. bolt Tali 'COORTT 047 1 • BRAUN. . Alt 01dere left at the Toms office promptly at *ad ed to. aoltus reasonable. "CAITES IIENPERSON, . J bLlcaniSD, Auorto1lh1ht run Cevt*Pls mato* Any • • Bkuoie mi. All sales attended to promptly and on the ahtt►1iW lnrrNChrgesModerateandsatisfncfio00unranteed,, in•AIL necessary arrangements • tub: bo moue * lit 1e' 'ye.Tulsa' oinee be Wiso1xjM, Orris ban _..._ W.y B0L'10N & 1lAWJ{INS Ple,. 1. & 111 I.• ala*vi.vons .Atte (AVMEsannak An LIStOWVJL Aim 11' ] 0UAM. All ceders left; at the Moe ol• %lhe TINS'4*1* 14 celt'e prompt at.tentaen .. t•t ) ., .... We 't VATltikt1) , int t . Roar. ar. o! E trrYsue Costis, 4.1.11;X$11 M 1TAw lilt t• kW*, aratL.:t..e, ?N1ttt!t ,..11 ,t d*AA rOr • Ctaefrat' 'ctiq� e tela one naked Be fewvolute on churcl seg11'sts the fallowing .ss tacitly in vogue in ;!skiralellael:°11;elniscie;'sdiif*eNi.le:T.th: Stay there• Do not eit erect, hi elfin V at► lite Olin (if oI afile t+ f outsttpppr'rtread hardski. f t > halted up in folds of to wholly or•pnrtielly .intelligent expreseinl end the attitude of .i peetfnl laziness will the charm of ac4uii ,nature stupidity. D rise d 11 on not rrP tl11 1 bymoe f't lh .or basehall.TikPell St4atut walked four or five billiard table'f.iaturk ,you to a little rest This is a day 'of ret 'Sabbath breaker. Take advantage when other people eyes cleat d and the adjust youreeif tut and' lounging 118111 'endure contfol'tabl 11100, Extend your let, pew ha front Of y ,them resell. witho (tracefnlly and Mouth with your, during the Berme is looking at you b 1. bands, and yawn bring the j .cheerful chop. Itis a mark 01 acrd Best bree lin look at your wet, tate service. Af, watoli always tui loftgingly and e door. -r T11tcrruptelt $a Was a tray as is theentire sri around the p' tile hotel rotul: 's1 anlly while e ,011 .ilo0n1 ptin i1'nellt ed .until the ot'i 6i%, eatQ11S tile11''I t11Pyy had apopl'' disgruntled pall ltinl and siipk>1'. ithto hie band You go rials talking to the. .*Ir. Smith, yid ' and would ilk' • 'tor. The bell bo' tions to the in•ttn 10011et1 14 hitulwithacl ihtt shotatg*» 3iim, and 1»» �enlarks he s' with an astir 'gaining the 0 ly clerk he r telly Say, of patlor, d'ul'l 3.ter t went t Iola won't bt1 NerPr etrtoite Say we dr 'k,loam). travel iidecl with Iliad an (pili lire Got ;}uy, 11.tis1 11uy sotnir 14 a Olt0 to ea tale •atoms ? It was tt +iwd>~ltWwl:ul ll fpf the psi it'14:114.5Arv:068,11aboltill yam, tti,rtnwlr yr"st