HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-11-14, Page 500'
as• or ?Aria rti►A{
AN» ntectrertllarrOWRIe"
er supper of Liao.,
+arts of Trade Wi
Olt in the Grabs)
oweel, It was. wt.-.
f 1+rortineilt °(Reese
auty end district.
several itistruetiVP
le aucl the pgpular
mines Duncan, of
ite+d with a sills hat
The secretary, W.
statieties showing
d 41 paid members
er of cheese actually
the season . so far
boxes. The cine*se
sold in the Lietowel
Ontario and North
i) reached the large,'
million dollars for
cheese boarded et
),ear was over 26,400
only the. largest
sed in Listowel, but
noble the knew of
it in Ontario.
the eminent pork.
In, gave an interest -
,he development a1
sely connected with.
s probably the old-
iu Canada. Forty,
only cheese trade:
cerican cheese. The•
reilce county, N. I:,
in on the markeet,
80. per 1b. They
geese. He used to
buy dills and leay.
market at 8, and 4e.
7 were bad smelling
vent by the name of
n that he traced the 1
he Canadian, trade
system. which has
Jarful revolution ill
Jerred to the fact
eese made in •Qatteda
orthern or Listowel.
l visited uiany lauds
n to Canada, which.
at country ou thp fac,
a sentiment ;which
Willie. He gave some
the breeding and
The class of pork
roducing good liahns.
heads and relatively
fat meat. Ile' ibstan-
t*farmer made $500
ts., I -y careful housing,
e toast of "The Buy.
n, of London, *toni-
factorymen on" the
heir factories.°. The
was the finest ap.;
best in all respects he.
tare. }'There is no.,
.that the cheese made
net is the finest pro.
It ' is better than
tndoti, Woodstock or
s,and it is attributable
mate but largely to
10 -facture." blr,.Oas-
1, drew attention to
ile some factories in
Mainly produced the•
vas not all fine. When
paid tho northern
'n cheese t hey expee
to be equal to the ti or
were doing heat work.
it come up to the
nese this year was de
of the best factories
a reduction in the
se of the defect should
Geed into. M.r.easwell'a
discuseiou ihi which
rs and buyers took•
presented a good ' 11•
t value of such cootie
otters over.
I a.population oi' 43,..
aor, Goderich town -
year a squash which,
. The seed Was ob.
have been all the get
hit Knight, of Grey
mammoth radiate, of
anirah variety, whioh
da, and treasured 21*
reutuferoune, and he
which Pleasured 18
I. These rdishes ta'►s,,
ate tine for table
been made by the
,airy for the payment
ars of the Central lank .
bend of 01, cents on the,
positors, payable ala
miser 15. This makes
1 of 93i (writs ptt the
editors of that pilfer-.
One or the Oldest.
We take the follovriug from the Seaforth
Dusts Earosrxon,—I Raw in the Clinton
New Era about five weeks ago an account
*PIA one John Morris oelebretfug hie
4tlgl►beth year, and of the number of
+ghildren, grand•ohildren,greet•grand•cbild•
ran, and ' great•great•grand.obildren that
were present, but the parts took particular
uoited of was the length of time he has
lived on the earn° place. The article.
atated that he settled on the saline plans
where he still lives, in 183,3; his opinion
being that there is not another man in the
county having lived so long in oue place,
tett I em of a different opinion, There
were a good many settlers In Godericb and
Colborne towuships before 1833, and some
on the London Road. but I eau only 'meek
for myself. I name to Bromfield in 1830,
tools up land in 1831, and began to work on
the land in 1832. In 1893 I was married.
„and myself and wife have both lived on
' the same farm ever since, without ever
)laving had a notion to leave. it, According
to this we are two years ahead of Mr
Morris, and I think there are many more
who have lived onthe same place as long.
as Mr Morris has lived on his, The Nev
Era's account says nothing about Mr
Morris' wife,but it is fifty-seven years since
myself and wife started' life together ou
the farm • where we now reside. Your'.
truly, Nan, Ross.
Brumfield, Ootober 23rd, 184(1.
Mr Ross is father of Mrs (Dr) Macdon
aid, of this town,
iSIit MAR TIMES,—Ou a cold, raw, Sunday
morning, I found myself dnug, warm and
)comfortable in the kitchen of Bigga,
Parish Manse. John ,Christison, my re•,
vered p'istor,(reverend here is out of places
was thereto make a start with a Bihle
class. Though of commanding presence.
he was unnouveutinual in dress, as well as
address. In a few well-chosen words, and
at the very outset, he explained the nature
and essence of Hebrew poetry. In the
twinkling of an eye, such a vista stretched
out, that even now, in doubt regarding
porno obscure passage in the roll of pro.
pheoy, I apply my first lesson to elucidate
its meaning. It was the next Sunday,
when he asked some of the more advanced
eaholars to locate the Garden of Eden.
1,ty chum, Who was a cute coon, appropri•
Wad what was then the commonly received:
. site. To despair I fell back upon Aden,
the Gibraltar of the Red Ilea; I did. -not
throw up my brief, but stood to my gunge
sand a gentle smile of Impede me bolder.
With admirable tact,he sided with neither,
+ but, with Milton for authority, he located
the disputed territory farther north. ._•i
then returned with a new zest to Paradise
host, which I nowread with an aitn to
view, and a sharply defined purpose. The
literary aspects of the Bible, (I speak as a
boy of fifteen) would prove attractive to
young folks at a very critical age. ' The
• -manners and customs of the Jews, books
of, eastern travel,the teaching of Egyptian,
Assyrian and. Babylonian monuments, and
Bible Geography, could all be brought to
a focal point, while sudying the five books
of Moses. Suppose six months were spent
in this way, they would be able to euter
cal a course of Church History and Chris.
tiau Apologetics, of which more anon.
W. Lsxr#e4W.
In the county of Wellington astrong
brt is being made to boom the `beet.
sug'ir industry. At a recent Meeting
the North Wellington Furmsrs' In-
stitute,111r, Shaife, who is interested
in the business, announced tht}t a
-sugar faptory would be opened in
Gxielph if the farmers of:tlie neighbor
hood would devote a thousand acres
to the growth of beets. 'rhe possibil.
.itieseso far as the fanners are con.
owned, are Otis indicated t—Taking
en 0,pve' of land to be 43,000 square
feet, and having the rows 18 inches
apart,' and the beets 8 inches from
each other iu the roW, there would be
42,000 per acre. This, taking each
beet as 1 lb', would give 42,000 lbs.,
or 21 tori'st, ':rho company would pay
$4 per ton for those containing from
12 to 14 per cent. sugar, and 25 cents
•for every dbgreo of sugar extra.' At
the lowest figure the yield would be
financially X84 per acre. The com-
pany wants the faritlers to contract
to grow one thousand aoros,and not
'less than two area on each farm ill
respect of which an agreement is
made. • In 1i`arnham sugar beets have
been grown and sold for $5 per ton,
The eroded has been taken to the
St, Lawrence refinery to be treated,
A successful effort has been made to
grow the sugar boot in the Northweat.
Oount de Rofiignao, who is at the
head of the 'enterprise,• has just ore~
gauized a company of French capital.
i'a'ra, to Mtalhiah a factory at White.
wood. The capital le to be $300,0004
The count is en )enterprising noble.
Tie has a chicory factory at White.
wood, e.ud .fs, sa'!i.d to be doing well
with it. .. . .
was 0
2 ,8 A
+a O1 0
rr�� g
4 goo
If you want a good Suit of Scotch,: Irish, or Canadian Tweed at a
Bargain, go to
*ordon & McIntyre.
If you want Ovil a o t.TS, READY MADE CLOTHING Or •Ui DERCLOTH-
INO of any description at Bottom Prices go to
Gordon & McIntyre.
from the -finest BEAVER to the cheapest imitation go to
Gordon •& Mclnt yre
RE.A.01,3 mErr
is bound to ream* his MAMMOTH. STOOK of DRY GOODS
t(il)t it into CASH.
If you want First -Class BOOTS, from the strongest Kip to the finest.
Kid ; °OVERSHOES or RUBBERS, go to
Gordon & McIntyre.
of any material or shade, at Reasonable Prices, go to
Gordon & McIntyre.
If you want to select your CARPETS, Either in Brussels, Tapestry,
All Wool or Union, from the largest stock in Windham, go to' a
Gordon & McIntyre.
If you want the purest TEAS, either in Black, ,IA: an; Young Hyson
or Gun Powder, to be had in town, wholesale or'retail, go in confidence to
d n.. ' TioIr et, . rp--
The Anchor Mime; Wingham.
Nov ber' 27th is named: as Thanks**
giving ay in the United States..
Two o lien children named , Allan
and Oscar nderson,agedseven and five
years, livin with. their grandmother,
Mrs. Mto ail, near Oampbellville,
while let al 1,d iuthe house tar a tew
minutes abo t noon on Mon day,
undertook to ad a rifle. Oscar was
sitting on a eh "r holding the muzzle
of the rifle a,ai t his ,breast,. while
Allan put in the rtridge, and . while
in this position tlh shot was fired,
The ball entered the . breast, went
through the body a d the back cf the
chair and oat of the o en door. Allen
iininediately ran ont o the house and
gave the alarm, and wh n' some neigh,
hors arrived they found scar still sit.
ting on the chair quite dead.
ratite at, wingliaril,
Of pare. Cod
Liver 00 and
of Lime and
Scoff's EfollI$ 4'�" E
to a.wonderful P est uteri xt u Cha
Ant •)pined)/ tor C)ON$UMPTIOlg,
Sc roftbi, fro nunitis,Waastin$ ibis»
oases, Chronic Coughs ami (Joao.
PCl'!t AVA.11ULE wet MILM,
doota'sEinulelon is only put tap in sahsNat color
verspher, kroidnil imitation/lot rubF►)}()Hous.
tltld' b>tAll b BOO 'P 80Wl1 k tyoldlla
—lfanufpcturer of—
-such as—
.FRAMES, Etc.'
Mellott, Siding, eto., dressed to .order on the
shortest notice.
We have oVer,100;000feet of Dry
Lumber in our yard, and ran sup -
seasoed stuff' of all kinds.
A call solicited. •
Winghaue, June GNI, 1800.
0-A,S17.7+ gas fan
So we are bound to cut down prices to ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, for CASE.
If you have any money to spend, Our Prices will surprise you
and lnduce you to spend its
British Columbia,
Oregon and California.
Le ave Toronto 11 p. m
Doc. 120 26.
HEAVY PLAID DRESS GOODS, at 10c.; Beautiful Heavy
TWEED DREfiS GOODS at 7 c, ; -(:Heavy Wool FRENCH" PLAIDS,,
and STRIPES at 19c., and all the Latest and Newest Designs that can
he procured in the Best Markets in the World, for our visitors to Choose
Running • through to Vancouver without
., change',
401.1114.4 •
lfor terths arid all Information apply to
any Ageut of the Oorepanv, or write
21 York St. Toronto,.
(�,Tits Times to new subscriber& till
31st neoember, 1800, :fear irk►, or $1; till
end of 1,391•-0uts.
Have you seen the Newest Designs in DRESS ROBES ? ot, call
and we will willingly show you through Our Stook.
Black and Mourning Goods a Specialty.
• A. large and magnificent stock to choose from.
Our Mantle Department is full of Novelties. Come and olamine for
yourself; and be convinced that we have the Nicest and
Cheapest in Town.
,Have you Bought your Yarns ? If not, WE can give you the BEST
We have also a Large Stock of Crossband ed, and ma.'r. y ether
Yarns too numerous. to name. 4 skeins B L ACK FINGERIN 0 YARN.
for 25o.
in Wool and Paper. We have a Grand Stock of All Wool Blankets,
and we are'seliing them at the Very 'Lowest Prices. Paper Blankets
is the Latest Novelty in this Department ---positively a Npncondueeer
of the cold. It will be worth your time to come and inspect thein.
• This cold weather makes people think of their Wraps t Birt have
yoti• ever thought of the fact that you can SAVE MONEY by giving
us a call. We have a:Very Fine Stockof Woollen°. Men's Wool Shirts
and Drawers --All Woel at 50e. Ladies' • Wool Shawls'away down, one
line Large Sizes'at 720; Fancy Clouds and Pasoinatoi s'in all the Fash-
ionable Styles and Colors, `
• LADIES' STORM COLLARS are what the ladies are inquiring for,
and we have them. Also Ladies' and Gentlemen's Paper Vesta ---the
Latest Novelty out. Do not fail to see them.
LOOK at our stock of Child:—.en's—Wool Caps and Bonnets—some-
thing Neav,
Novelties in this line are quite common to us. Ladies, do not Dail to
examine Our Stock before purchasing elsewhere.
We have a lot of Fine Cools Coats, Astrachan Coats:, and a lot of
other Far Goods we are bound to sell at a very Low Fiice. Come and
see them..
We lead the trade in FLANNELS. Our stock is exceedingly lame
'in this Department, and we are bound to dear thein: out if prices will
, lo it. Good FLANNEL at 100. per yard. Moine and examine our
Our BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT is complete, and we are
bound to make a Clean Sweep .in this line before the New Year. Ladies'
Shoes at 99u. per pair: Men's .atid Boys' Shoes all reduced- Lorne and
see for yourself. No trouble to show Goode.
Havi,ng..bought a 'very large stook of new Scotch en 1 Engird)
Tweeds at.. the 'closest,Cash . Prices, I will sell at, a very saiall ;advance
011 east.,
"QUICK.RETURNS". l.NS": is my motto.
rine Worsteds, Scotch Cheviots, Melton% Servs,
Venetians; and everything of Mens'
Wear.for Overcoats and 'Under
Suits, in, stock.
TWEEDS—a very largo Range of the, Latest Patterns.
Carl and examine. ley so doing you will save ti ores.
As ,I enly keep Experienced ]lands•, yon Ina", rely on t ett'rgtl.enri ,-
ttaado right and in the Latest U'ashion, or to taste.
Still a few Goods on the Bargain Counter.
Nov. lst, 1
,.e .