HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-11-14, Page 1ov LnEs4
., apply to
. CO"
iersisned'off+,s for sale ]tis farm, being tine
P of Lot J0, l oneee:±i•;r, 12 -,lest :�awanehi(
rots. The farm consists of 700 acres, about.
ih are cleared and id a good state of multi
ho balance being low, wet land. On the
are good frame house. eontaioS* 7 roosts
collar; bank barn And stony atalhtug; two
good water ' two consult Mete/tie; a Id*
f Would tak
wen fenced. 4 1�
e f( t+
The (arm is )
idence in win ham'napart pay, ml terms to
I tfporx. For terms, apply to E LEttaF.%,.
Mises, or tO • if, LEMMA.
vermeil. June Ird 180a. vringlniW.
.�� •ilii k
rill), a teacher holding a Second. or Third
lase Certificate for Union uehnolSection No,
arty. Ap.pllontions stating salary wipaet•
sent to tho Secretary, WitkgbaunY. el.,on or
,e 20th of Nov. num. ,Unties to commence
ry, 1£191,
Omni Women, Secretary:
• " SSIt,7',local ortraveling ta
soli my guaranteed firma-
UT me Salar tre7ota•
r� K.
.i 1 at
, ire
tt t'froo. Special 1. wear U it
k:Mobs donors. Workers-newerfailto malt�"•
ly wages. Write me atonoe for partials
t1eliablc.) TORONTO,' )R3
Executor's Nola.
10AN't to the revised Statutes of Ont kris,
17, chapter 110, section »U, the Oledttore of
Willits, lata of the Township of libwkk, lit
ntyof boron, and 1'rovinve of Vittorio, yso-
ro died en or about tho ltltit do of Angina,.
3 are reliuirad to send tt, J A Morton, of She
(vinghan., in the County of Huron, Solicitor
sndaraianed ui:erutora of the ad denereed,
litre the 11th say of Nrvett,bet', A ft 1$t0
atter,, aritires,os tut d'•
asorip the mal
wte of their claim.. • a staves trf *air av
nd the nature of the Iona os (R *0 i
them. Ar,d notices in hereby atv. a that
trot the twat manta
the said
thereto, haat
uy shell than have
fry will lu,rr.w,ii
sett to ,ilei'",j
*mons the
Aly lethal;
On " 3dY Wn.r.Aiv.
crux, logit' 00r fur laxeoue
1148, Q'it 00, MN
VOL. XIX --NO. 46
►'e can give.
be had, no Ili
0oipe3 fi'o111.
We have i
wound up. 1
'Fresh Gr
etetoes, A
White Bean
always on h
In Dress
.ihoes,we :are
and want yt
member it.
'Ask fur
k"awl mien
starved for
killed, and
eltelvie's Star
—The flag p
it rk.
-lt $ill's is t
to, buy ad kinds
:The Srtivati
tag epeoial, melt
slay eeaetau''�
•addressett tae
---11, your wat
,go to W
'jeweler. next do
—.We this we
delfvered'by tl
'4 hitechuroh, at
Jotnv do I
an n
10 givepurread
:ed dliing the e
Moneyto is
;and mortgagee,
—The next Tio
Winghamon Th
'her. Arrange
:have a number
staving stook t
at .that day,
•14fessrsJ a 1
±their stock of bo
at such low pvic
--Aromas Gila
be ondeietooa
electric lights fr
.tions from the
Company, an ci
'•Tire o0mliany f
atlegeH to any,
fat price fe t1
WittoT Tt tra
halve 4'i'inifliam
yea W G & B.taaI
3. p. rn,
e040nn4 t
It will be notia
lama, thrtt , tl
leave joined their
tv of San
other, lir
�o: T'
• talions.
set missive
tit t sh
re biome. els
tie to aiTe-d-
i1; tree heath
�fflioult Masts
keg in o
i nilrkitt
s . ;cry o'aa
11 ire ors
ou. tl,e. best value to
a terwhere.
i �' �,
:i r,•, i,199,-,; - ,
'4Cc �x "• °�
r' Y ` r=
r, ; '
� y; ' tr ; •
: ,,,, •r=�. "',Z.'
,, r ,,
rime Palue at from & .
but o it 350, Tea is a
You ust try it.
'eerie , Pure Spices,
agues, Pear, Onions,
$ hist', Fowl, Sze.,
roods,, urm, Boots and
givin_ Straight Value,
ii to now it and re-
Nov,. i. ber .Fashion
'fed for us .should be
- hour hofore being
day {)1 eked, Please
Ii 0 $ T. U ft R,•
1)i ect ltu Otter.
Sv. 7, 1890.
� �
—A large stock of Fruits and Confection.
er at Mcl;elvie'e Rear restauraut.
F tm
Paters isw
a vo ill witha
y I inflam-
mation of the lu gs.
---American cosy taken at par at ii
I i11'soitty restaurant.
MRC arli a�•
n shf dtwo oaYw
P g. Pa
loads of apple to New ork, on Tuesday,
per G T $,
— For fresh bunk wheat flour, corn flour
and pease prose, go to A H Carr's,
-All the sires li jhts•a now working
t w r r;
splendidly, the o e near the sole leather
tannery having een pu in order on Wed.
nada .
-J J Homuth & Soncaanshows.
e f furnishings, you
largest stock of clothing,g
boots and shoes iu'Winghatn,atprices that
ddfy the keenest co'uipetitiou,
--Stretford lI aid ; Mr colt, Who has
been.,eugaged to each voc music in the
Wingham publi schools, as been visiting
the Stratford Imola, th the'view of
witnessing Mr reeland' method of deal.
ing with child en. 13e xpresses himself
as highly pie ed with hat he saw, and
our inn o teacher.
—A large stock of gents furnishings and
underwear on hand, and will bedisposod of
eft rock bottom prices at
J 4 ttottnvn dt SON.
—On Sunda next, His Mass will be
conducted tri t e Catholic church in this
town, at 10.3 a m, by ev Father Mo•
Glee. alt 7 m there ill be musical
vespers, and specials mon by FatherTrue
McGee, Th St: Augur ne audTee vl►ater
choirs will present a take part in the
-service, A aro cordial invited.
--C e raw, stewed, or d
a we tried, at R
,. Y Yr ,f @ '
Hili cit restaurant: `, '
—11Taesrs G nhrfst,.G. en &� Co, have
their f;truitur 'factory l' by the electric '
light, and. th light is wing goad esti".
faction, In cot, rioInc f the panda aiiirrn
�dfien i is lit 1; -elect rip liahf
1' „bile
that titey,o tees batt r to do their work
Chau 111 day fight: ' N doubt it ie it-ilecideci.
improvsme ttoxter t old-way'of lighting
by lamps, 'd izruo safer..
+ "from
•—Gall at Alex go honk store and see
t r hutches spectacle. Sole, agent since
G t r left town.
The ]Ila well agtriou,l ural 'implement
works. wine were rudu d to leave -Paris
and go to S Marys, a- • r or. . so'ago, oa
Y + 5was
receiving bonus 0,000, have ;beau
down or an Acid 'Hite erioA, and.
the whole ; the hen s—upwards of 100
men•-hav been die urged. It is said
that the t ott<ble Las b en brought about by
financial ifl'lcultien.'
- —Misses Hogg & Conery have opened
a Dress and Mantle Making I+Istablish
,nitaht in rooms in the Beaver Bloo1?;, nest
door to W F Broekenshire's photograph
gallery, where they will be prepared to
make Dresses and Mantles to order, in
• the. e.latestItys wu on a motesand
Mantle -making,:
—The Delinea r, a mouthl magazine
of fashion, cultur -of
aud fine ur ,published
i0Toronto, hl on of ,.the he ma aaiues
of 'n K
its kind p fished. T e Canadian
edition ldent` a
iswith he on doh (Eng.
laud) and'' New ork (Attlee o! the same
magazine; au4 en be assn d for the low
price of 01 er annuut. Address The
Delineator Pu lisping Co peaty, 8131#:iish*,
tgohd visci, xobto; 0 .
.: : The drat and second prizes in the saw•
hoc at the iVr Kharn fair Wererboth
*o by iris made by R li smith ch Co, of
t Catberines. •'Jas A Chile & Co are sole
.agents for their s+tie ihWing;ham,
—The Novato r number of ahlarest'e
'a f a a2
1►x to f9 hau
i to d,a A as wont,
y g s lh
is filled with go thingeATh ratters two
fall pageaillustr tions, Wilde .-89S other
illit0trations. We bombe oomtnoucet4
tbe27tb,volum of thie:pup ekr magazine,
and i0'ortb tt prltre of an bription—if0
per a11lsifm, ilreas W Je lhgs Dews
teat, 1;G nae 14th lithe blot ` orlt.
Single, caches talo by at ws dealers at
ill eaiilt3 aliiblip
••-(3e.ah for 3 batter at it A Graham's
ket Grochiey.,
--3 r T A. held, of Taborer& tt 'Citric
School, has bete 1► pointed p nefpoil Of
orifi radol la+>traa ab a
� iota Y of i1ff60.
IXew the s sing' es dilate tor
thr pri ip *to Rif . tea Model
Nalinoli floreiVritg n tieea of 'eget ea%
eitnultnaueoa Cly f n1 both ' Ari, i lc
Raid attends ibex i . itt'-,rof'at on. the
people of li`wrtst ' n con lata thtteitt•
sores on li vitlt; ectasd w iPrtClemaln ala
Wail qualified twrlaa of ttirsit
--Beat roller flour in `Winghate et A I
Carr's. •
A new cedar los .crasgfa fres been
pat down on Joh Or et from the. Queen's
hotel to Mason"s ora r.
--Creat bargains iu olathi'1ig,. gortb.:;cloeed
Iva:s n ks
tl 1).
Ivan shtn + ret aad she t4
vise t a : �
bees #. J Homuth & �t
-- On 1lfand , - r �? taveakrj the anat.
;;alta cattle b er .ship -,ped it elk load of
cattle to i!rou e
—Mr W T ales flat; lost 'opened up a
gorge stoop of china aqd glasswar5l,reot'fvecl
direct from Germany. , Call .and take: a
look through his stook.' -
-MCA Sut erlau 'and a ga ;f o!' men
are .busy putt a the ausar>d 1aif on. the.
new town ha . Mr stereo
mew**, �0 oogttad'
tor, .is of th ()pinto that Iieviv lt'havethe
building CO plated n.about a& 'vreeke:
—For firat•olass a. ilorin sand cheap
gents' furnishings, try W ter +t2 Co,
Remember the place, only t cord north
of the old stand and between' Rtifia'' book-
store and Halsted & Scott a b'ank..
—.There a pears to bd'a Pretty general
desire that t e town hould• l;ave•the bane-
fit derived f ora the opening; Ili the new
town hall. Shout .'a couple ;of good
troupes be soured, here is, no:y?oubt that
a snug eu could ' made, Which would
go a long y tOw a payin;;,for the seat.
iug,of the uditori cu. . •
��--'D.f not ivettr poor boot4 at.: this season
of the year for'you will be ;euro -•to suffer
foe .t but get Co poi of high cut seamless
if 00
kip baothe price ts. .pnIdgb d O PON & Max-
for common goods,
—14rr iibb; ill 1 ft n Tu
R o esday for Lin-
N+iebras :, on prospecting tour. $e
expecte to b ''gen two or thise weeks'
acid -should alike '9 eoa ntry, and climate
and if the o anotia 'f aoautnulatiug wealth
are as good
g d a they ave been represented
to himby ' me of IS fehinee *110 no
there, he . `ay, be duced' t remove
that(), :. Q
''f ..
--43a 'rue du last Nv, Tr $oarfe; ' who
Y !
has been tr yeller f r Searfe'ctel Co, var•.,'
hasps roan aotnrers •Brautfer&•• Out, foo
the past r,paid" in ham t n''
y. g 0 visit, and
` secured an order fr m Messes , Gilchrist,
. Green & J. , and befo e leptvh'g he tell Mr
Green the he wag on • of funds and wank:
ed to draw on his fir„ foreverybrie
$a0, and asked
t firm t• endersrContest
th draft.n
a His request
'comp ted with; a • A. he secured the
money a• the bank here. About four
hours aft :rwards, Mes rs Gilchrist,• Green
of Bran ore, not to Indorse any draftsr
on them ,.ado by W 1' -carte, as he was
not that :agent. Scarf called on Mr Thos
Bell, an- no doubt woul. have caught Mr
Bell the =a to way, but dr Bell was busy
• and he I ft for Lucknow where 'immersed.ging
ed in get ing Messrs Cli I & Foster to en.
dorsa a d aft for $50, re caseating that he
.had not dollar. It is customary for
business firms to endorse drafts on houses
with whi. . they deal, 10 the cOn'veuieuoe
the tt yellers, and rt ems Gilchrist,
Green & ' had no ecru les about doingThe
. ,
it for Scar e, When 11oti ed by Scarfs &
CO, that yo ng Scarfe was not in their ern-
ploy, Mr teen; of essrll Gilchrist,
Greed & Co wired to Clin on, Loudon and
ether poiuts to have Bear+, arrested, Ile
wasnotified0S b
t d y o u to I la Uifiitoq that
Searle waft t ere. Ile tol the constable
by telephone ()lock Liin u . and Mr Petty.
piece would ' • down and :et him. CoOMr
1"ettypiece go ng tb Clint. a for his man,
• he could not a found, . lie had been
driven away i a livery r :. It has been
learned sines t at'Scarfs .ot on the train
on Wednesday morning a l3ruoefield and
went tondoNo fur her ate
to t to u . u 1 r of him
"116e found, 'though t e following ad.
ve•rtisemeht arc .eared In everal papers oil
Thursday :
"i will gfvetl 00 for the arrest of a young:
matin named ill Scarf Aescriptionta
Age about 92, • maimed h It comPL. yr.
inn; carries chi • hip"; hoot 6 feet ql.
iodate a brown o moat, ithi os e.• small,
black flat; w • forme Iv commercial
tte.velier for 13cti , Co; t rantford wary'
rant Wit fpr lair. rent. ' ire air •
Y infer•
teation to wen . Petty lace, for 0holle,
titin hwm, Oat, „
_ ,'
Demoroet Medal
Whose people,
i? P
WeladOd their W •
Concert oa T,huisda
of a thanirs wing
.the day
lover P her
large and enthusia=
'wits an igespiratio
the lattgrm an.
P '
is pore made of
9ontribution dur
len i
d d success
following progranatp:
Chairman's Addr:::lacesid.c'
selection, Orchestr
Good Time.is Com
Thomson; Reoita.
Jennie Gilroy, i
The Result o
G;Miert Agnew
License,the Monde.
Master Root• Pettyp
shestra; Tteoltation
(1°us Failure," Nis.
u `The Fail
, Quit}
Barley" Misses
Youhill and 1
Agnea'' ; Rocita
Prohibition,' Made
tation, "Prohibitio.
Laura Hodgson;
Recitations "How
Traffic," Masts
A Bla¢k lye .r
for Lager," Mr,
oinnati j Recitatio
Ohristain \ ter,
Miss Hattie
1ft.Forest; Ad
112eda1 by Dr. aedonald;
tion, Orchestra.
A' joint process
and 1. O. G. !lt
,Band, :enlivened
inare►li.'to the-ohur
the upper part •w,
for their use. ,Tr_richlyjubilantstramf
.. ;. the Meth()
set all, the nerves
dancing through
`th e D
The class of slave
best oiithful a
had been carefu ly
new and it •as no
they acquitted' theme:
worthy of our hearti-_t
The. imported,
P.xted •tel<,t-*Miss
Mount Forest, an..
of Cincinnati—d::erve.
The singing of
applause and her
platform was •.
eeses a sweet v, 'co,
Dion and evinced
rarely found amon•,
such selections as'
tatter fairl
house during his
ready tact and s lf-possession,
most trying o'
noticeable. ''he
,carefully analyz:•
according to the
weeks ago, awarded
otherwise known
the foremoot place
tors,tbough Miss
Robt. llottypiece,
Master John Stil :s
hind, the st tw•
but.two tnarlfs bel
presenting him with..,
medal, 1». MeDonal.
very appropriate
he should bo semi,
Tutor° by this tok:n,
silver lxiedallist La
had taken his plan.
of the earnest tempera
h eine
brat as a token of
this medal, furlushetl
osity of one of its
bestoivfid upon h.
faeoured Dr. MaCdo
most fortunate, as
Marks drove borne
his intelligent expla,
legislation no='
bhould <bo though
those who hold in
'weapon of,warfa�re—
Math olaarm'e," said
tell" agreed with
irhrr wwidneriva'eat iaawns
tenting and 'Concert;
• ., t►a .art,
re to 8 h G
: omeward from. the
i t were in more
moo t•hah )I►any who
oth: 11;tse '!'he aftef
a ' 'k' 'ah
h4 d .e1
w tthe
, in audience no doubt
to all.who stood u on
due a.,1 nowledgmeni
the orthodox •turkey',
.g, the afteihoon to thi
o the evening. The
presented i
Dr, Macdonald;
;itation, '"Thi
. aster Albttfii
on, "Prohibition tht
Watson; Solo,Misg
twit Reeitation
Prohibition," Mantel
Recitation, 'r High
of Ab �.mi t'
Y P nation,.
eOe f selection, Or
Liaeni3e a p}anpen,
Mary Friend; Reci•
oof`Lic use," Miss L
`tie, All Among the
Sperling, iipmrtth ant
=sera, Hutfiphreys ant
• • . "Moral Suasion o:
Will. Elliott; hest
will Prohibit," Misi
: election, Orchestra
to CurttL l file Liquor
John Stiles; Address,
LagerBeer, andTt Biel
`: �, b Schssider,oi`, Cis
, "What=shotilcl .thf
.o with the Saloon?'
d- Solo; Miss Gilroy
ess'and. Presentation()
of the Band of Hopi
r heaved by the TOVet
h he .. • e
'� ' • ' ' - ' piei
ch had been reserves
ist Church Qrahestrs
: Singling and the bloom
the veins, leaving:
y alert for the chi.1
or e
• representedWingcanA
stationary •T
ytalent, they
trained . by Miss. Ali,
.o much to say.thai
yes in a mann;
Gilroy, 01
r.,Yacob Schneider,
special mention,
the former won much
• appearance on the
ost pleasing. She pos•
sings, with oxpres-
good judgment too
•vooaliate in giving
:11 could appreciate,
broughtdawn the
shortaddress and his
under the
cumstanoes; wag most
judges, having
r es published two
to Mr. Schneider,.
as aster Geo. I3anna
n the list of com p eti-
. attie Reiff and Master
Miss L. billiard and
came very,, close be-
indeed beiii g ties and
-' e '
bl r S n eider.
o In
,beautiful silver
made a brief but
ad • rasa, desiring that
dad throughout the
not that he was a
elocution, but that he
"n the platform ranks
ra tie dwooftter3,attti
his : ti money therein,.
cash thd' genet.
ere • test mon
g s wait lull
,p ''he el
1 ` which
old as nhairraan was
� is apt and ,p%ilhy re-
.early a truth,eid
agora of the tomp r-
ed b the eoufl0r
tally conaidored lay
• - hands that bet
tla l+arllbt. ''14Lusin
one f old, and we
him ronh le listening tc
srt-v di Iin.r. eli.,.,..r :at..
L NP fi
hl n't
a by
Lint •.'
D 4
; `fiswr
or fried, at Jae
has en erected itithe
cltaapevt,place in tow
fruit acrd conteotiouer Y•
Arm ,have been hc1d-
s tbi week./ On Mon.:that
r'`I'h p'itt.' of i+ondoli;
' r '
ivatohrnwker and
th post office,
ive tl able address
Itev H Odes, 'ot
lute Sabbat School
re esa
u . euex sotttrao:,,
t wetion
uGh +Yddreee6s delivery
.cheap, n goad notes
till ` be held in
th of Nevem-
have,; -Setaunade •to.
huyers,p' a eat; and ell
• •
of . hould. bring it'
szji are toning
sllgaI at(i F4,rg
l in$1rhe�y Rst�Rrt3 er
,,;;^ 1' ,
• ,•i
Gred,j ,& Co,,wisti it
they. -2 removed that
the 1, 0 son - xnatruO.
leotfio Light
of then •own; auterd�lt
alta "apeaial privi•
-luta tsmast pay the
forT canto ani -east:
ft. a. ,0 111,0 a.m.,
tzt 6`44'.641°'
C.lutfitif ; _audt•';Giispl y;
alt• traiW,.
by reteronee't a another'-
?ban" *1;0 liwf utas "
toes iii,, iia t far•oti
• ' ll .801
13ti t 1 0
t f
: limp; a riot
• Victoria
r a of mats: •
- . if, of San :
s its don•
S S Grimm, direct
Newburg, Ger,
d! vases and
. goods. Call and see
Uouee. W x YATiftt,
- ,bind to the i; oder "A.
:tiY iii this it; ue. Th►a
le'ut alta a to ob .
ah Prue
pre as it is
readers a deteae
adeno fwti."toot The
()lifer i s ua¢tiiatlly
ite roufis t,.
for,amo, • •
A few very' good aeoo¢d hand boggles foo
scale. Corns and alae and seoGure a W0111. 101100
They are cheap at 1
'mai Boss'n'llarriage 3bop. 1
o ed I' `tit>au I3aeti ,
late h al
roam k7' r •dill,.
rend„ y.
The latest .ter tai rtrndo l tttgg I
juot ro61.1ver1 1ntetr y
Irma, Wino ou i . r
.W110 LE NO. • 981.
usual mediocrity, ;o exbilirating in,ite
volume•' of sw:: nese and' withal stk
exquisitively del .ions, brought forth by
our orchestral Erie • ds, ; Those who have
not heard theta, s'.uid make use of the
first opportunity d4' so, and they will
be surprised at ' e richness of the treat
secured. We "ight.z iention, in closing,
that the hear thanks of , the audienoti
was tendered b tie chairman to Miss ) :..
Agnew, for the r anner in which she hada/
trained the you .g orators of theeveninti..
A second D:.. ()fest Medal Contest will
be held on th - 9th December, under the ,
auspices of the Y. W. C. T. U. All partic-
ulars furnished i ater.
The regular
Public School
evening ,last.
Pettypiece, Abra
1i1r Thos Bell in
last meeting r
principal's repor
month of October
o Salmi Boar it.
monthly meetitlg of the
ard was held on Tuesdllo
resent—Mess-re Gorden,;
m, Inglis, Moore, Bell.
the chair. Minutes ei
d and approve& The
of attendance for the •
,asfollows l
DEPT. ,nOYe ' r•S „TOTAL Av6:
i' 21 34 55
2 13 17 30
3 20 25. 45
4 • 29 5 54
5 27 •.9
6 43 2
7 72
50 51.
7 6
70 142 95
• 225 .231 457 365
The Principal re, : rted that the vacant.
room had been fitted up and Miss• Gray's
sleets transferrd9 to t and Miss Cargill's
()lase transferred to he root vacated by
Miss Gray, Fifty hree pupils have beeu.
t taken from Miss
endorsee's room and
placed in the rdom • : ated by Miss Car-
gill, under the oha ge of the teacher
recently engaged-,. .lea Sutherlaud: The
report as adopt d. A - communication
was read from A Plummer, Secretary
of the Bast Huron eaahers' Association,
ceetlfying ,ta bhat tensitatt00- a '. an the
teachers at the e, =nt• terreellre#s' asaocia•
tion: nieetiug. ,.Accuuts were 'read front
Messrs .PuI eld:& 5 n, 885;35; T Mille,
414.47; Q•eo Phippe * 02.07; G H Williams.
81.54, On motion, . the above aeconritti
were ordered to be paid,except klesara
Duffield & Son; and hat they be teuddred
$33 in full payment It was resolved to
pay_• Miss Burgess't u das' l
Y salary .n not
allowed i
1 u the first
r of
-41r George Fow er, son of Mr Peter
Fowler, of the Blu vale road, aud well-
known to many of o r townspeople, ache
served hie time in t e Lower Wingbani
flouring mills, a num :er of years ago, .baa
been taking to him If a helpmate, as: will
be seen in another olumn. Mr Fowler is
manager of a rge flouring mill i
Gilliam, Misso ri, owned by Judge
Gilliam. He is ighly spoken of by the
Gilliam tide, w oh ghee an account of
his marriage. Ve are pleased to learn
that 14r Fowler r• .shill;; with success in.
his new home, and ie Tuxes joi11swith
his !deny friends • this section in wish.,
ing hire and Mrs , otvler a long, prosperous
and happy lite.
of he G
—The Novembe num T Id
inotxlestead', a terary and dosnestid .'
!monthly publie :'d by Davie Bros, Savau'
nap, Ga Ii $ , is nl)W ready. It contains,
forty large page- of original stories,
sketches, poems, a says, etc, Its honbe'
hold department handsomely illustrated
fashion pages, 0 i"ldren's corner, select
music, and premiu list, together with
1 its complete and : sial etcriss, make the
publication eagerl • :ought by people of all
nationalities and se tions. There id pot .
one line in its 0o
In s that t will offend the
delicate tastes, and s -matter throughout
is carefully freed fro sehsatiohal effects;.
The subscription exit) unlike the costly -
magazines, is very to • being only $1. ii.
year. Semi for sample y a at plea ,npy, free: Iaayiai
Bros, publishers, Sayan.' ab, Ga, V i3 A.
*frig of them atlii
The effete of that splendid. newapaper1
thri Loudou Advertiser, me the moat
liberal of the eeaso11. Per truly $3 the
daily edition (eight to twelve pages() in.
eluding that excellent large efaeh'tpage
mouthly, Wives and Daughters, will be
lorvotrded for One year. The 'Western
Advertiser, appearing eao11 week in tw ; e
to sixtton•poge form, has been v
proved of hate. It will be rent wi
and i3aupbbere from now until ell
1!1891 for only $1. Besides payir
IA A liberal oowmiaisioa the pnblis
;MO in gold to the Inotit• active
1 This ,is no •'guesswork" or 4"a11ot1fi
seherne, bat is a straight buidnese offer Mf •
boneisrt work. Sample papers and Isrrntl
to agents will be sent on ap piiaateon lei.
y itdvtsutatrr !rtatin$ Co, ita,7Preiro+m, Matt