HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-10-24, Page 8q � To ICr,S Drug $t "re woclans" and rope* r,esoxipttona accuratet) compounded. 'are Drugs ani Chemicals a speciatt. 4 tut Zine of Toilet Aet1.1eS, Perfumes, Sponges,' ,. S techs, etc, aiw.tys to stock-•- 31IAL.. `l'7+T,Z;#'I34N(''N7.` ,AL ow FIU13. • BT54MSIIIP end uS .1tin TRUNiti, ToWNTIQtiBT uFF1011, • Ont. to $ A',with lean beasts and hard Malls at tl, prat 20 per 1b. Prices for calves were from $2.50 to x&12 each. Sh lbpers continue to pay about $to p or sditable sheep, nihile the leaner and smaller alteep are bought by the butchers at front: $2 75 to $4,75 each. Lambs. bold at trout. $2.40. to 074 50 each. 1'at hags continue •int food apply, and soil well at about 5ie per East Buffalo, N. Y•r Oct. Cattle ---Only `t limited number ou sale. Butchers' cat tlo in fair demand; prices nominally unchanged Calces quiet, 70. for top vests. tiileep and Iambs -- Offerings 17 car's, of which 12 cars were Canada lambs. 'Market almost nominal. 1},uyerslteld aloof and prices dropped of badly. Fair to t'xtra sheep. $4,85 to 14.75, fancy would 11ot bring over $5. Lambs, weather con* tiUues too warm for heavy offerings, Best ()anodes quotable $5 to 0,80 Latter price asked, former bid. M5 754 .: gen•r,a s almost uotnual, 45 to Market worst of, seat on. Hogs --05 airs on sale. Good -bogs steady, teao Xd co ; mon quite heavy, $4,60 `60 50 to 1 55 .. medium and mixed, to '5. Fair to choice Yorkers, • $4.55. o s --Esti •Ohieago, Oct o ..2•--H K ed receipts, 85,000; official yesterday, 36,.1b1 ; shipments, 8,2791 left,9,000 Tight mixed, $3 50 to $4:25 ; mixed ,coking, ;13.89 to $4.35 ; heavy ship- ping, ;13;,80 to $4 45; rough grades, $3 80 to $4.. Receipts of cattle, 17,- 000, including; 9,000 Texans and Westerns Market good ; natives steady; others easy. tt,40,41.,,•1103111Einits FRIDAY,. 00T01BB '•1+'i :890. A der of Wonders. 'Tis more than wonderful to remove. deadly poisons and bring strength t tomthe weak, but to m441)1141, in people good health, degrees of vtgorioue health Sand. enjoyment in life never before attained is more than wonderful. But such is the experience of all who thoroughly test nature's marvellous life-giving mineral water ST. E -EON. "To perfect theorganisms andlapre Ierve life 'tie invaluable says BLU, Oity`re3talirtaut, has-receivedia supply tut sin I' Qsupplied et one rd1Sn ftp' . K at once, A good trial Drill convince the ;host sceptics , WINGHA 1 ISARU T .. t+sth, 1890 1 Norris.Corrected Ly P. Deans, Produce Dealer.• 60 to 2 80 hk 0 90 to 92 A. •grand TnuslOill entertainment will wiper Wh a r bushel, . 0 Ss to 90 i rwick'.a schocl ou Fall 35 to 36 .4u to 456 66 13, to ` 15 1s. to Is 16 to 15 1 25 to 1 60 , aDre 'r 'ttalin itidtioa .i.eli . ROO, ivpot .40.1.ere. ;love ogett. ibovear,.OvertOtitN WU' 111.001111% lute T U all .e L,ATES Very �e�� ' pect Our Stock and, get Price*, 1i�"ver�t. person invited to: �>m� be *yens m a 'Juursaay evening first, the 80th inst.' oats. b -\Vocal and bistro- fees, y the «'inTltani r tinb mental Quartette OIuh, cotnpoSed of uuttna!,tt,,ue,. the Misses Watson, Messrs J W Scott t;t i s per do -Wood per cord,zen 5. (}0 t0 J �� Sad .1 B. Friend, tiwitll 1titiss I-1,)Ucht0tl Eley rot ten. a3 accompanist. This dill, is highly spoken of, and the residents of this distrittt may ex Itet a treat, Vol' .fur- aer .particulars see programmes. 8t December, ber,1890s to ,1for i e,1 ore$$1 till till $15t'DOcelnber, end of 1891—Cash. Westfield The anniversary 'services of `the Methodist entire hNovetui place dwill when Per. SS. PARISIAN, $50, $60, $80, Single t held on Sanday+ 100. 1 t o, 150 Return. •. 1 d at 10:30 ,� I No AN LI13 uoTAx, resit., STLA� :13183. CHEAP 'EXCURSIONS to EUROPE. Montreal. or Quebec, " Derry or Liverpool.. CABINnd $1141 Ret ltn, aecorand dlnr; to 60, locale tionof Staterooms. sermons will. 1 9 lare'tc to of Brussels; In, by Rev S Seilery,B 1?+ at 2:30 and 7 o'clock, p m, by Miss S J Vij iani,, evangelist. The miniver. sary a meeting: will be held the. wtv¢iogl0uduy evrniug, 'when tea <.be. secverl from <' to. 7 oclock, to the ;bstsent.mt of ;the elturah, After tea, culdrtl es will beA bliv1rlid ldn,i I;,eyo S S,a119ry, B 1), A, ,r ' b :•xgneon, and W Campbell, Musto will be furnished by the clluir of the church, 0,tiveillellt' stabling for horses corning !coin la distitu,te, cA*v.E Up .*LIED INTuustE)1ATC b30. Return, 280. Steerage at*est,rates.. .Abply to II. lc A. ALLt t lO seal; er 13ENRY Dri, \INGIIADi ,'pm+l TIMI%S to new subscribers till' '81st December,, 1890, for 15c, or Si till cad of 1891 ---Cas; Gleno nuan• The tie th it binds pastor and people seems to he knit. closer than over, in the case bf the 13.'v. A. Y. Hartley and E,adit's' co1lgregation, Not only has the interior of the church got it thorough overhauling, but the pulpit platform is vastly ituprnvedr chervil Stands all easy chair for the minister, , And may lie be lung spared to .and out among nn attached pnt,p►e — Messrs. Sohn Piper, John Metcalfe and Henry Attlisi,roug left tor ljir,lxi- gall lumber weeds last week. lad they Leen unity in a Highland 1tegi- meat CII" tipper would httvn stt.•ilclt up • The love t left hPhiusl me." EV Tris Zane to new subscribere•till aletDacen1be". 1800, for t5c., or di till Id of 1891` -"Oe h. r Tarotst°Streett i1arrkets. ftec•iptit of grain were more liberal Wet'lne:014v and prices steady, iliirl"y firmer. 2 000 bushels selling gh at ttt6les of 2c to ,. OI,:, d�treat stead y, 500 bushels at 95e for fall 193fo r red 1w r Vatter, Hie to 90o for spring e nd for dil')*tl, Oats sternly, 500 bushels{ at 4 is to 43, Fels stetitly,lOO bushels selling tit OOc to 61 c, • 1'.tite gook ; iiia its.. ;VC iut.ra ti,t3,:t.20 Cher„ writ tlbnr9t ,a40 ,wail of butcher's cattle, '800' Esq 0tattl laud* and 20 calves offered ,e,v. (sk nd cattle r,'rt+ semrCe 111111 split higher prices, but common 100,64 stook rlodtlnllecl drill of *tot brio* low figures, A few woolug: PLhNING SILLS JOHN. WATT, giauntaeturer of— LOGS! V ante Blf ILOMO MATERIAL of all kind%, —such as— SAS 1,' DOOR'S,, BLINDS,. FRAMES, TXto. • e .r • 11 kinds f ar Soft Timber: GHEST PRICES .G1VEi1. For full particulars as regards lengths, c` eo, apply to MIAMI" GREEN C WINGHAM. Finorinir, Siding, etc., dressed to ,order on the shortest notice We have over 100,01 feet of Dry 111ysu¢ aced stun of el1 kinds. sag. A calf eoltcitcd.. JOHN WATT. Winkham, Juno at13,1300. . 1 I took Cold, 1 tOOlt. lESCOTT'S cr1 tills 'b***' strode hrnolit.41fr. strut pions,tnilltala Would Pring 4 per th. Urtr Ort dry 'W % rPP old atteaa VLSI° RIISULT: I take M Meals, I taiga 1'Li Beat, AND I AM VIGOROUS Evotteu 'r0 TKO A'Nt lTIt1N0 I CAN LAY 1ttY IIANDS 011; ottitliS tilt -1001 TOR, Seat', MAIM of Poo Cod e r Seal and kl a p. ,bat pbiitee r Bail Sada in T' 0NLY CURED MIT ItUI)Es -' lent oarfsu1Wi .. Mit UP, AND IS NO Pit-' N � FL,E$H ON M BONUS tAr' fl &ATa A po D TAt5i1 'I'r f UST Al Mom" AS 1 D0 MILK." n•I ...r,�. nk r.,rwrr3xt itott'B litalitirkotfIgoid ortukr UT IOCSumrr t as SEWNG OUT. We win: sell our stook of Cigars, 7'ipot•, Tobacoes and l igarettes at and be. low cost, as we are givit.it up this branch of the business to make room for other guodd. JOHN KERR ti IIN GH.4 r . FOUNDRY. 1MI.0 RRAY COs Successors to It li Robinso,i, tnanutuctitrerers oto f We have tine atterns of It. Id. Itobinson rind can supply repairs tar all ktndt,jf 101141eihOulh. rIb;UHA11 STEAM CIDER *ILL. MILL :MKS MADro AND SlARPENED. W MIG. The undersiglled v?leh to intimate to the farmers and 'others that their steads eider mill is now ready for oporatiotl,ti,nd"parties wanting cider made eau have it made on short notice. Our Jelly Evaporator has arrived and been fitted up, and WO are prepared to make jetty tern any, kind d o f fruit. A trial order solieitud and satislation gasters• teed. The patrogaae of the public is soltoitod. 11ABTINGS & 11ITCBII'1. "Mogilev, Sept. 25, 1890, GS WAN E1), it you warn t0 n+tke tto Y, take hold end',pe11 our choice !glittery stook. Now la the tim10 e 1 WIlte us at nhosfor Virtue. biurserytarn, Itoohester, 'F7PA.S ',I Ta` dpi'' ALS X<II\TIN The patronage of the public solicited. -Any quantity of old Cast Iron :$crap w0,rtted. 1t11x1tAS a0, In r0nn`eoti0n �le the above, I wishto say recommen haveleased firer chefs tmecbyanica hath g e d for of "ears. ',tray crus k •'d reporso ant uo M It iSlsoN, ave r;tporienco in mill work and repairs. 1 would ask for them acontinuanoe of titre }+Atronage etF t �dt io ddrinit the past e1Ihtesn years, %Ingham, June 26th, na0Q. li'rlMtt 11*aim Tliei!Meet at, ra files of Friendrhl Iiinsrit OMOMreoeiverl • WI 1:L Walhtoo's pjewelry store, W10400,4 larbete, ti11 ►ecatab tet tr net ;beo'e�9a�ba SOD, wnr i1: till odor 3091-" lav BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, fat aborts & twos iisvina purohwied the'Custotn ttutia+utr t • McCormick Ai 00, wish t , doors t 'that' opened out in the shoe store, tviu _ - `ARM CR SAS Tho unlierSioned offers for sale his forma south belt of t.ot Yd,. Concession 15, A8s+t4 snore on easy terms. ' The Tann consists of I �9eee - 50 of which Kra alter end' be a gond MMIC t raNO, a hal nlox, wet order freta the Neat Nep4af61 neatly Stal tri,isteited, Ind 15 war 11iILU ,I* S•& Ut ttremWee and wells el uinhArd. lie' IN.e. *oh% tiel'rpr t5ltif Y19 earl stake _ cement elb Irish fI *ell Canted, Sao* in tah,Rhem as part stron. tor tonne, *pit,tt OS 13 i• ttrd 19190• v a ,v TOL ''nr COOC j;OO)r,rs 2nd ` tttr+ BsAIt, • Americq Bill's city r Anel potinonJ'1 jtotheGrTl .Cash fn Market (*, o ..:..Work n „along ranidl .taut e11 than. Conic( Celvie'r. )'- .:Ikertl k10 2G,, C 1i Susi necy-. ,atttecdauttt --Ci<rl a tiro Laui•:t --Th1: Ales Beelt; .from lung is ve v ;s1 la =Ottiti;vitt sH111's oi M ;On Mon& iu Torou .pointe. Wiugh anl —First i,ters,, Fitt ,resturan nopduct :au, Suur1 Baptist ,invited hilt svo. given, t inicon •wonn b it. C;atry, tigeuttr: --_At the were n now bt roadi p cure be1?igi 'With 1 now ui bears, �-G letrve via 'W ands -Good MaHi t>uta relati you: �t11i veal' f•i01 t>N ed +nen st%