HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-10-24, Page 7ICO seri 1. ice; 1 SIS 00 If 611. 400 1 40 el' line iquent est in nikn 'Hous, Lino lines, ut or rill be Tranm, e be it iegstr tori¢„ , and ens of atria rat,. F•. B. 's for ander t ate;`.- l.ent4 i beet tho: 'extra• • lahie repo 1 the d, inlose rota. cent. Aha puma �111oy, 4114 r set , th ex - Vital ie op• tcept• every fines nth- INT th- INT Y;, gorges,; os* end., dine ortn. t }aondil b,Attl.r nritrea. Never allow *the ewers f ,i' breeding inntton Iambs 1'01,e7rtie more than four or five „venrrj old, or 111•'re \vi11 WI dliltctaIty in preparing• thein f,,r the 'market. 'When they ore to he ta.rned off also there is no cheaper fattening fond ration than rap,. —Collodion Live t#tork and 1?drin Journal for October. , Tins TIMES new subsorWers till ,a Lat`December, 1890, for jC,o„ or $1 till e ud of 1891• -Cash. Above Iiia iBupinotis. I wouldn't do that, said one clexk to .another wham he saw doing a dia- '•ogreeablo piece of work. It must be done, and why shouldn't I do it, was the excellent reply. In a few minrltes the wnnidn't do'it clerk, nshainetl of his remark, was .. , assisting the Clerk who WAS not above his business. 'In Scotland there is a branch of the Jegfi prefessicu known as writers of ruts,signet. A young gentleman was apprenticed to'oue of these writers. The youth thought himself a very fine person, and mudh above the nz'dinary 'apprentices. ' One evening the fllaster desired hire to carry a bundle of papers to a law- Iyer whose residence was not far off. The paelct't was received in silence, ,And shortly afterward the master saw a porter enter the outer office. In a 'few minutes the youth walked out followed by the porter carrying the Parer 1. 1 Seizing hiq hat the master followed, overtook the porter, relieved him of the packet and walked in the rear of !Iris apprentice. The lawyer's house being reached and the door, hell rang, clerk cried out, here fellow i give me the parcel 1 and slipped a six -pence into his ittu)d with- .5)tlt looking around. Fiery it is for yen 1 excla:ilnrd a ,haroice which caused the youth to turn around. His confusion as lie helleld ',his master made hien speechless. Never after that was h,, above lits A C M E Westilaroli Wok Mille, In tnh l N 15'e wish to hrinrm the pnhlie that we hate these GG • B. 1 N Wnnlon ,'11118 lu A 1 riuud' g onlcr, Curt will this seasnu give special attention to CHAS. :1\l'ilt-N- T X et Wishes to intimate t6 the people Wiluthnnt and surrounding country that he has purchased the harness business lately carried on by Messrs..1. J. Ilotnuth & Son, and will conduct it in the building ono door south 'of T A Mills' -store. DOUBLE AND SINGI.F HARNESS heavy or light, made to order. A full line of IIorse Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Currycombs, Brlshee, etc., always on hand Repairing n« promptly do. Tho patronage of the public solicited, and ion In work and material tiidranteed, KNECHTEL Whips Winrrhnm, March 4, "1800. * THE OTDET, q� A 4�V - :C E Y ►f 1.°t E R CITTOIVI WORE in all its branches, and w111 keep in stock n.1 class, of flist.elp+is 0018, 81.4 t1 a}l Tweeds, :Flannels, Etoffs, Blankets, Sneetings, Stocking Yarns, &c., &c., (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex- ' chciugdfor wool. Customers from a distance can have their rolls hone with them the same day. manwill buy the ODEt TYPE it1jRl- K `('ER with 78 char'aytere, and $'1'5 for the SINGLE CASE Obi t„ warranted to do better work than any machine made. It combines simplicity with dm`ability, spend, ease of operation, wears longer without cost of repairs than any other machine. Uas no ink ribbop to bother the operator. It is neat, substantial, nickel plated, perfect and adapted to all kinds of typal writing. Like a printing press, it produces sharp, ,'' clean, legible rpannecripts, Two er ten copies can; be made at one writing. Any intelligent person can become an operator in two days. We offer $1 ,000; to any operator who can eon.' the work of the DOUBLE CASE ODELL. Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Special nduoements, to Dealers. For Pamphlet giving indorsements, &e., address ODELL TYPE WRITER Co., 85 and 87 6th Aye. CRICAOO, ILL. business.—Youtli'$ Uornpanion. iv' .TxE Tams o new subscribers till 31st £Jecem.be, 1.800, for 1504er $1 hill end of 1891—Cash. 1~/.forris• Visa Minnie 111,045el hits returned front herr visit to Detroit. Mr. $obt. ,Mussel, who accurnpulled her, relilam,.e, Iiaviug obtained a situaticnl on one of rthe boats belonging there.—Most of -the schools of this township were 'closed last Thursday and Friday., the aeactters, presumably, being in atten- ance at the convention in Wingham, though some of the visitors' at the Blyth fair thoaglit they saw some ped- agogical faces there.—Mr. J'as: John. sol, medfent. student, left ,Saturday for New York. where he will continue his studies, .0n the way lie will call on friends in the vicinity of London. MTrin 'Imes to new subscribers, till 31st .December, 1800, for 15o., or $1 ti'1;1 'end of 1891—Cash. r A good colored mall once said in a :doss meeting, Bredren, H'hen I was a 1>oy took a hatchet and went into •.the woo(Ils. When I found a tree dot was It traight, big and solid, k didn't touch ;dot tree, but when X "found,r a leaning Alittle and hollow ilside, ;('soon lead 'him down. So. when de debit goes :after Christians, he don't touch them dat stand strttuht tint] true, but dein .datlean a little and are hollow inside. LATEST NEWS. WE, MAY HAVE TO PAY Two Cints Pig hui More Duty "W 7 stly 1 . OO hor when sending to the United States. Had you not better bring it to the it highest market price in cash for Merchantable INGLiS & 00'Y,, Wingham MRS, H: RE i tAN finsher stock of Fall Goods to band and speller! out. It is moat cora-, pieta anti iH4 been purchased in the best Foreign and Hcirne Markets, ' or crash, and will lie sold at lowest possible profits. Fea ! , `.;gravers, Ribbons, loaces, Silks, Satins, Brocades, 1J,ps l ,and Velvet Mantle Cloths. PR -SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MANTLE MAKING AS USUAL HATS AND EONNFaTS'['RIM ED IN LATEST STYLE. 0001$ ;IMPORTED DIRECT. EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. WINGHAM, �ug.'2Rth, MAT.TIIEW AMBLERS Groat 01 1r n . LESLIE • 1890. Mrs. Herdsman • 1 11.B•]°TESS 1WARER, has on hand a large stock of ,., . .x it' 'InRSE BLANKETS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, 111if1PS, TRUNKS, VALISES etc. which will beeold at bottom plicas. WINGNAM TANNERY sat once, and get the highest price IN CASH or trade for it? IIARNNE£S, double or single, made to order short notice, and satistncntion guaranteed. l8? A call solicited. Treat your HIDES, SFLEFYSKINS, CALFSKIN'S, TALLOW, &c., the same way. If you require anything special in EAT. '.a GLOVES, and see. •. . 'r Mann Tmsns to .new subscribers,, till 131st December,1800, for ],tic., or $1 tail1 end of 1891 -Cash. Harness, Sole, Upper and French LEATHER AND FINDINGS always kept in stock for Shoemakers. J. CIIAP VIS N, 1 !lad to be away from school yesterday, said 'foamy. You. most bringg an e}fcnse, said the teacher. Who front ? Your father. He ain't no good at lnakin' el:ctises, +� c4tches liiln every bole, 01oud8 sometimes conut within ��µta nee iilillna 1'CJpton-•'-Do yQit knrlry ,khat tele. graph lineman .liave It higher moral litandnrd than ordinary folk ? urge— $0. Upton1 ked by Wingham. OP -Opposite the Bank of Hamilton. MATTHEW AMBLER, ngham, Feb. Cth, 1890. 8 w Having bought too largely, in order to rednce and make room for fall importations, nearly 200 pieces o y , goods, especially TWEEDS, will be Bold at cost of handling; some lines less. Strictly fpr cash, on fr&Goods cut any length to suit purchasers. 5$h. As the goods are of a superior quality, bought for cash, there is extra value. —CO M M AN 1D MXA.Mt rs?E_— ;dome early as we expect a' rush. Can have thein well and fashionably made by best mechanics. or sold by piece. This is a genuine Sale, commencing on Saturday, 28th June. ' ra INTO is the time to paint your houses, and RUBBER y PMN•T ,,Clothes Cleaned anS1 Dyed. RS, HOLO, having purchased tho Clothes Dye Ing and Cleaning Business lately carried 'on byMr R Mitchell, will continue the Business as usual' Clothes Cleaned and Dyed on short notice, and satisfactign guaranteed. orders lett at Mrs Herdsman's Millinery Establish. tient or Chisholm's Drug Store will be promptly at- tended.;t,o. y are moral l�rtsi1Y Plso's Remedy for Catarrh Rs the Best, Easiest to Use and Che, post. Sold by druggists or sent by mall, 60c. Il. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa., U, a. A. --is the_ BEST in th.;e WORLD, ZETLAND SAW MIi-J GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. X1umber pi' all kinds, First-eiasS Shing;, `rINDOW (3ILirEi, 4nd• Cedar' Posts. FOR FENCING, &o tommantarmar None genuine unless stalnned "Rubber Paint Co, Cleveland, Ohio,"' We also have the best CRRI AiES and BUGGIES. Ready Mired Pants, 'You can get any shade you desire, in quantities costing from 10 cents up, For Whitewashing and Kalsomining, agile f(1r L and don't take anything else. HALD WARE MERCHANTS, Wingham. HAm MRB1.EGWONKS I WM.DORE (of the late firm of Nickel & Dore), —.MANUFACTURER OF— Top and Open Bugge, , , ;carriages, lleghs, Cutters, Phaetons, Road Carts, &c; :Special Bargains will be given in Top and Open Buggies for the next two months. All kinds of work spade to order by first-class workmen, under the super. vision of theeTroprietor. Repairing, Painting, "Top Building, &c., done on short notice. 1 Those in need of arnytdiing in our line will save money by calling before, purchasing. • . ' WM. DORE, Wingham..Ont.' ' 9/ >tl I .L'tF G 'r.►►.ta . . O ,'gam .s. ®D .L Y U RRA.Y I CO.,• -Successors to R i1 Robinson, >;uwrufactererere of— AGRICULTURAL f `L.. tilting a rett0Spett of fray thirteen or fourteeti ars business In Wingham I desire most heartily to nder my thanks to my friends and the public gen- erally for the liberal patronage extended to me 10 the post. I rosy also stet° that I are in a position to cdur bettor inducements than ever to those requiring anything in the line bt Granite or Stogie 'Monuments, R '`ADSTOOS, 0 Wo have the patterns of It. M. Robinson and can supply repairs for all kinds of Implements. We 0 SAV V ll./ M M I .L 1 &� —AND R, -1=)..A..172.11\1•43- OF'' :A.LI. TEIN3ap A SPCC= Ea Z,�T The patronage of the public solicited. MURRAY & Co. 0 In connection with the above, I wish to say that I have leased my foundry to the above firm for a torts of years. They come to 1Vingbam highly recolmnend'ed•ps first•class tneelmmirs, having had extensile experience in mill work and ropaiis. I would ask for them a continuance of the patronage extended to during the past eighteen years. R M ROBINSON, • Wingham, June 26th, 1890, E0. O�SIEY'S 3VflLP4 E���6l1SNMENi s'rorl Var. N tis,1 tar Load Orders a Specialty,_. ttrtotlid bepleased tohove those it of pro &Arritn5 any articles in my lino to ea ' a examine i ds, emulate pores a'lni leave their o otha4 ha goods *nay be savored and prepared early in th61 WOOD dNlisterpd o any lS 8t el . *eaten, You Can aeleet from the latent aeslkne and obtain the finest wo.km0nShlp at the !teen favetable rWil1)�hAtiir poses, ;,, Most respectfully, y'onrs, ' 1 Has ar most complete assortment of the JjATEST, OnIOICFsc, anti, MOST CI'IARMINGG ART1(SLES in Watches Clopks1 Jewelry and SilverGoods eta f,n4rrelt ,eV�2j1t . p1toAGE tttollts014 '®' OAK $ BUT s i �1TrENTIol aivEN TO r'LrAIRII�Ir(I, A1,`ri WoiIC WAttItA.NTl1D. GOt ItIGHT TO t115.EE1�T'S 1 LOCH, 1`OII, Y01:1R J1WET�4lant'. THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES EN AWAY YEARLY. S ! ! 1u1 VJlaen I iia 'Ours X do trot 'melt mere k >ffEp rtin fora tinea, sad flag brii�9tltemretnrtsitp'pts. 114ritAWA Agii4 14OC1R . ba td*dotbsdt>awIofP1 ttaptili lrlfr tow �ati44 Mitlt.• yris a,tt life-long dtudy. I Wa mirth say reraedr to i7at++r Wor.t taxes. Mose °thee* 're rolled 11 no reason for not now wrs eivt&cg' a cure. Sead sacs fora treatl.3 and a Pratt' Mottle of nor' Imfatfibfei lt.rl'iedy1r. 0he Ca It o�yoM tis faTr *If *Led it will core, ort. Addroanw-111. ,y�, �.yy * d• , ,8' .M. a4.y 4v jr Y 11�M u+a i ., .t •.� WI l ther.1q. i • b!rPj