HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-10-24, Page 4•
it rtor atf Litt• «, ; e mei b'riuk'a nil .Gita 1.;h4 ( ate
cuunkat *ere ass+, and
tar m
' easerer hewed tn: paynaeut; tinhorn! hoileet and, etiom ointeal the feta and
1'r on
t t of .public affa r .
arae• » '" nr., -� .- .. -- - — -- ` `"' -- j tt d d re on the tory redounding to to o
services on tunday. •.�valltts,>~uAaday
The old eliureli was we tiro
everyone felt they, had a moat delight
1 Cul Uarvevt Rome gathering, Proceeds
Of the services amounted to over 05o
which wilt be devoted to the new
lural Itev. Mr, Wallwin an
Op Brunswick House,.
Wingham, W - Olaf
be Mingilani Guts
1 QDAY, OCTOBER, 24, 1890.
C til anode that the grand climax to
a e
the series of excellent entertainments.
of the new Chnrch
and services givenwould be mantled
et the opening
when the Rev, D. Potts, of Toronto,
would be resent,
Mrs, Lewis, Who has been ill so
long, is title a suffer and does not
appear to be getting any better. Her
brother, from near Lendan, has conte
to pay leer a visit --`The young men
of this netghborbood had a shooting
match or squirrel bunt last Thursday
The captains were Henry Diluent and
Henry Mo1dardy. R. Ditl-lene s side
scored about 1,1,000 to their oppo"
nooks 6,000; but el, McI lardy was at
a disadvantage, on nt;count of five
six of his teen not putting in an ape
pearauce. The supper was got up at
Saults' hotel, Afterwards a grand P,roin peed. to Fourth--Autuo (xtl.
hop took place in tl1ePhtereons mour, Letitia Robinson, Meggie Leg -
Mr Win Thornton intends building gaff, • It"roni.Ptut.I to Part LI—Clara
a new house this fall. ---Mr Jas Tim -
Lott, Frank Ell'►utte—eMi88s B:trbaut
tains is having an extensive sale of ordure tied leer cousin, Miss Clara
Fergie, repairing atilvert, 60' ten s t equal 'uatice tooted tett to,ell chime,
,3.5 ;. 1
Joseph Elliott, 10 p yards $21.50 Robe i and rreetls,. and we pledge the Liberal
Robert p i ark of EAst Huron toe .continued
popglae,, cleaning dreir+, .$5 ; Richard t�l? y>rrt. Of the Horvat; txovarnineut,
I'orGer, gravelling, $23,60 John suint.
Porter, grtavellin , $12 ; John la'Iultin•• whose the beep hoar ntee. of .in
ghecl p e ti ie
ellin $0,331 John• la'ioEwen, g the
'cutting o, l of their,statestuanship in G
cutting and boxing gr el, $2.5.0
2.5.0'; ;Job I Mr..Gibson,,es a supporter of the
Agar, 50 yards , gravel, $.,.6 , ;Jobe
t ,
ting in uulvert, $2 ; 'Wen. Mowat eindititstrataon ate the Iegielae
k fl to the tuietiu>t.
Miller, put
McPherson, .expenses. to Goderich re
law suit, $5 ;. Wm. leloPherson, select-
ing jurors, $3 ; John S elcTavish,
selecting jurors, ' $3 ; John Burgess,
selecting jurors, $8 ; Jelin .Burgess,
part salary, $50 ; Ed Araastrong,
chririty, $4; Win Auderson, charity,
$5; R •Shrigley, charity, '$3;. Vin
Duuoare charity, $2. Coueen 'ad-
journed to meet in Saints hall, Blue.
vale, on gonday, Nov 17th, 1800, at
10 o'clock a ori.
Joint Burmese, Clerk.
As a result of the Promotion Exatu
i.uation held in School Section No. 5,
the followiui promotions were tirade :
• .•
The people of Goderich are desirous., farm stock and in'plenients to -day.—
tot ht,ving railway competition, and the The Presbyterians of tills place will
securing it hold their annual tea meeting on Fri
most feasible scheme of t;
•appo trs to be the extension of the dayevening, aa s Oct. Blst. • They, a e
Cy an.adiau Pacific Railway trent this: getting ave ero ed the celebrated Seaforth
o:nt. At a recent roosting of the Quartette Club; besides, Dr. McDou-
Provisional Directors of the Goderich aid, of Wingham, will deliver an ad,
am Railway, a report of dress, and Mr. S. Gracey and bliss
and 'F\ ingb y
which meeting is given in another Carmel,
of tWhighll eke pad Mr. J. Seat
colulun, Dr.. W. J. B. Iloltnea made of the Ohuroh choir and others.— dr.
st roposition to the Directors that in au 1 Mrs, Burgess received the sad
case the charter was transferred to news from their selein5.law in Idaho
'Hirer he would organize a permanent that .their daughter Annie had passed
• board of Directors and secure the con- away. .She bed been taken down with
I date typhoid fever, She was , about 23
tttructie'n of the road at as early years of age and was very much res
as possible. His propoaition was ac- ectad. Mr. and lairs. Burgess have
,ee pted and the doctor is now getting the sympathy of the entire counrnunity.
the necessary stock subscribed. The —Next Sunday morning Bev. Mr Paul
extension of this line would be a bene. will preach a special sermon in the
Methodist Church at IL o'clock., the
tlt''to Wingham, and no doubt our Rev Mr Wallwin preaching in the
townspeople will do what they can to evening at 7 o'clock. Mr Paul will
Further the project. conduct the service in the evening in
the Presbyterian Church.
Toe Ontario Sabbath 'School Asso•: �'urnberry.
•ciation meets in Brantford on the 28th rn err Council met in
inst. Mrs M G Kennedy, of Phil& . The To b y
Saults''ha1l,Bluevale, on Monday, Oct
delplita, president of the International '20th, 1890. Members all present.
Primary Union; Air Thos Dansfield,,The Reeve in the chair. The minutes
-of Rochester Hon G W Ross, Minis- of last meeting were read, approved
ter of Education ; Hon Richard Har• and signed. The Reeve reported that
he had examined Gentu'iitl's bridge:and
court•, Provincial Treasurer, and. Hon.' found that sotun repairs were neces-
S EI Blake. Q 0, among many .other % sary,.which Mr. Gemtuill was iustruc
prominent workers, have a place on ted by the council to'have done. Also
the programme. . that he had sent Mr. J ohn Ainsley to
AT a meeting of time. Montreal (7ham examine Eadie's bridge and to report
g to blr. Cruickshank, .1.1r Thomson
her of Oatnmerce on Friday a depute- reported that lee tiad, along with Mr.
time of egg packers was received,'and 'Cruickshank, let a job of gravelling
it was deeided to formally represent twenty rode on Fife's.hill to Mr. John
to the government the advisability of Porter, at 60 cents per rod; job ecom
pecten and recommend payment.. Also
placingaduty of 5 cents per dozen4 let a job of gravelling thirty rods ou
upon American eggs in retaliation . of 25th sideline to Wm. Mitoltel9, at 26
the McKinley impost. Last season cents per rod.. • Mr. Cruickshank re-
there were imported into this country ported that Richard Porter lied com-
700,000 dozen eggs from the United pleted gravelling fifty -eine rods on
gravel road at.40 cents per rod and
States. / recommend paytnent. Also, that Mr.
Ainsley had reported, verbally .on
Blaea;'ale. . Eadie'; bridge, recommending that the
Last Sunday tied Tuesday the an. site be changed and both the bridge
nail Harvest Borne Services of the and approaches could be shortened..
Methodist church were held, and. Were R, Maxwell reported• that he bad in-
a'rnost gratifying success, On Stan• spouted the Douglas drain and found
any, the church was crowded thrice job comnpletedand recommend payment
the pastor preachingin the morning, Ur. Gelumall reported that he had,
l ,ev. S. Seellery. of Brussels . in the .along with 11r. Bryans, Councillor,
irfi;erttoon et 2'80, auk' Rev. A. y, Grey, let a job of ;ravelling eighty
Hartley at 7 p. m. Many old, friends rods,on boundary line to Alex There-
from surrounding neighborhoods wereson at 49 cents per rod. Also.,, let a
.present, and the dies was one of great jr'b of putting in a small culvert to
interest and profit. The Methodist Samuel Suell, at $1 50, Grey to pay
people were favored again with fine .harf .of both jobs. Also, that he hid
Weather, both.:on Sunday and Tuesday. let ajob of putting in a. culvert on
Providenee seems to smile upon them' :boundary, opposite John Hatnilton's
• in their earliest and solf'saerificing- lot, to li fl.aydeii at $2.50.. Moved
effects in helieelf:of their new• ebureb, by Wnt. Cruickshank, see,nded by
which ie becoming a model of beauty Wm, Gernm►ll, that a 'committee of
rid wi I be a marvel of cheapness. On council, along with Air Ardsley, meet
Teesday evening the New England at Eadiets b,idge on Sat nrday next, at
Supper Was moist abundant noel mien. 10 -o'clock, a ilr , tend' inspect site tee
lent, the menu eoneistingchieflyo'f park
end beans, and pumpkin pies, the
fowl and daintier baking Leine kept
hi reserve f tr the gratetl opening sere
vices. The addresses and concoct,
after supPer, held` in the old i1etho.
diet church its a formal faretvelt
•elite rtemnrt'nt, were surpassing in wit
and wiedorn aria delight. The ad-
clrestes given by Revs' tlellery,teartley
xctettl'Pnnl°,,were. bright and strong, and
the minim and song, which was sups
pled by the Wiugliam Vocal and In
zirurbental Quartette Club, delighted
sveveyone, they were encored again
mid neem. Msaty were surprised to
fe. el en talente l it musical club Within
i'h tar reach as Winghatn. The
,$li fielded ntaterielly to "lee
commended by Mr, Ansley and take . now in force on Cti,tadit and Cauadirtu
any action that may rte nc;c:essaeylirudnets Ile, sitbstattot; of these
Carried. gloved by R maxwells 81,0e:tit set;rhea was that protection is
ended by 1vV'nt. G. nnnili, that the p y p
wroug front first to last ; that the ex.
Clerk write to county Treasurer in
respeet to the sale of lands in Turn. Unodtture incurred in to waging the
berry for taxes and report, to the ;lee v,, :Affairs of the 1e:mindden 18 exueesive
denten Is;
se iley: .et that the filming.00intnunity must look'
d 1 t y 'V U tit irU that 011
Fortune, were home ea a short visit
from Clinton,: where they are attend
ing the Model S&hoot —Mr William
Wheelens lust a very valuable horse
last week,•. -
The weather continuos mild, and
though dull, we have still enough tine
weather to secure the roots in good
elegem. . There hes Wee but little
freezing and no snow. -•Miss Anute
Stapleton, who has been visiting her
parents and friends in this region, has
now returned to Woodstock.— On the
10th con, Mr.Patten, brother to Mrs•
Andrew Johnston, died Friday last,
after an illness of some weeks;—Pray-
er meeting Monday night at lir. Eli
+al•iott'tt was fairly well . attended,
The.nteeting next Monday night will
be held at Mr James Elliott's.—Mar-
ried—Oct. 15th, at the ,residence of
bride's mother,. Mr, John Porter and
Miss Mary. 1VLcKague, There . were
many .presents testifying to the good.
will of their- friends. They left for
Hamilton Thursday morning and re-
turned Saturday p.. in. We join with
other s. in : visliirg'; thein all the good
that earth can.give and better things
beyond then:hiiu;tng scenes' of Titus.
\\'e heat the wedding belle are soon
to ring •t€lien. The wise will -know who
East E'iu ort Liberals.
BRUSSELS, Oct. 18. -The Reformeis
of the East Riding of Huron met in
convention, on Thursday afternoon.
In the absnce of the president, Mr.
E. E. Wade, who recently removed to
Owen Sound, the chair was occupied
in a happy manner by Mr. Graoey, of
\Vinghanr, first vice president of the
association. It was decided that a
meeting be held in Wroxeter, some
gime in December, the date to be ar-
ranged later, for the purpose of disc
cussing the trade relations of Canada
with other countries.
The following officers were elected
President, Archibald Hislop, council-
lor, Grey. township ; first vice-tresi
dent, ma S, Uracey, Wingham ; sec
and vice dresident, T.W. Gibson,
Wroxeter; secretary•tre. surer, W. 13.
Kerr, Brussels ; chairmen of muniei-
palities, Hullet, P„obt. Scott; LcKil�
lnp,Geo. blurdie; 731yth,N, H. Young,
11orris, Wm. Isbister; Brussels, Juo.
R. Smith ; Grey,Jas. Ferguson ; Turn.
berry, Geo• Fortune ; \Vi n;ham, Jas,
A. Clue; Wroxeter, \Von. Robioson;
I-Iowick, Thos. 'Gibson. 1 t was de-
cided that the executive of the assoei.
ation consist of the president, vice-
presidents and secretary tieasurer.
Short addresses were given by
Messrs. '2, rtrecltan, of Grey ; John
McMillan, M. P. ter South Huron ;
Or. Sloan, of Blyth, and Thee. Gib.
son, AI. P. P. for -East neuron, on coni,
niereial reciprocity, the result .r,f the
protective tatrilf of the�.+ past, aur, the
influence of the bte'Kutley schedule.
ture, spoke aerie y
The meeting was brought toe, chase send the ermine to the ereitinery,and
with rousing cheers for the Queen, Mr, fet d the shun tnllk to tine steers,wltiklt
Mowat and, others. .If Unroll counuy Ave fattened at from two to three yenta
I he short horn •t}ttd its grades.
ie not gerrv,isaudmredagr,In it will give old. T
tattetl,in determining ti e nue ut alta -
orpatn eopp'tied, . •to
;tent eau Se afartlz land teiiitton take
some tine faltute. Fite.: fences for the
most part are straight. The fat to�
are lfuty with .theetul,bltea and herrovit
tug Bean to subdue the weeds. l.n cue
tield J. noticed itbout 109 steers and a
number ou ut:tsrly every feria. 1 wnt3
interned by rt, prontiiteut farmer oche
Lottdeeboro, my next poittt.tliat it wet .
a geneial practice it► that seotiou'tii
a good account of itself in the Domin-
ion elections when they uotile eremite
Goderich and Wingham Railway,
reta.tliu Oodarialt Star.
The advertiseneent which has ap-
peared in the local papers fn. the least
two weeks calling. a meeting of the
Provisionu1 Directors of tlee Gutlertch
and Wingham Railway brought to
gether the fullcwing gentlemen : J. 'L'.
Uarruw, Ches..Settger,J. 1.1. l.utburee,
F. Gordon, Geo., ,Acheson, C Crabb,
try illtatu Lee and Horace Horton, the
only ttbstent • ammeters. hetug
Cauteet'ii (of Torout' ) and Peter Moe
Ewen of towel. •.
Mr, Gart•ow, as eltatrmttn, stated
the object of the ineetit.g,as published,
and invited subscriptions iron' those
preseut,`but each ine•ntber of the Board
announced himself es unprepared to
subscribe, 1)r. W. J. E elulines,who
were preeeut, then tirade a proposittuu
to tate Board that lie would secure the
subeeriprion of stock to the:antott�it of
$60,000, aitch the kttyuietit into hunk
of the regtiired 10 per cent. thereuo,on
condition that when this w,.s done the
charter be handed over to Ilam and
his associates, wile , would oreauize a
permanent board of directors. He
was ready to guarantee to push the
orgeniryation and. shore the construe.
tion of the road at the earliest possible
date, making applicetiun for the Gov-
ernment subsidy at once, and doing
everything poosible to secure the con
sunnnuation of the scheme.
Tuis proposition was after some
discussion, agreed to, and the doctor
is now at work to fulfill it. •
_carried, M v i by R maxwellsand tat lityaticl Lite i,.lusite dt n ,
deco et. ,, \ tri. el n , f their interts•0 a+ a Altars better
account of.tln hatre,n ss of the se.tatert
no °Anion be taken in reg ,ra to gravel'
ling on tlit, urolith boundary, west. ref
Wingitsnt---•0nrried. Moret, its amend
ritent by (leo Thomson, seconded by
Tnis brings the Goderich eS; Wing -
ham Railway into a more, tttn;ible
form than it has yet hada nr than bus
been reached by any of the railway
schemes proposed heretofore„. and,
judging by past exprrience,-if the road
is to be built at.all it will be done only
in such a way as this, The proposi-
tion is a fair one, and if any man can
successfully carry it through Dr.
Holmes is that mate, Connection with
the C. P. R. system is what Goderich
wants, and the road to W'ingbaw is
the easiest and most fea•sibl at present,
We believe it will in no way retard
either of the other schemes, but on the
contrary hasten them. As a local
road alone this line has much to
commend it, and unless unforeseen
obstacles arise there is now every
reason to Believe that the road will be
fully constructed during the present
life time of the charter.
Dairy Industry in Ileiron.
• Mr. U. H. Dean, of Burford Town
ship, county of Oxford, having.just
returned from a somewhat extended
tour through the dairy district of Ox.
ford,Perthand Huron, writes the Globe,
£roti' which we extract the following:
The distinctive features of the make
of lavistook are : Groat care, early
grinding, •(hy which Mr; Bell claims a
great sevitlg of the e, itt'ir and an en.
provement in 11 ev.r:) mei the melee.,
of larger choose tt r,t;c.,tte, ti5 lbs, and
over. In regard to the making of
large cheese, allow nee to quote front
u speech by. Mr, A. A. Ayer, of dont
real, At the D.tiryti:eii's. Convention at
Ortawa this sneer. Re says; "First
let me say that the Ii;.tg.jsh market
gives the preference to larger cheesrr.
alanuft.eturers well understood what!
this hint means. 'lltey etre giving the
preference to targe cleeese,e I found
that all the other factories I visited
were ,nuking 65 lb. •cheese. A, word
to the wino is sufficient.
Seaforth was my next point,attd WV;
I found Mr. John.11ailriah bodily rt"
appear to be the favorite.• although it
flolsteii; herd Lae been alerted in Lho
The LOndeshoro creamery i8 owut'it
by _a cowpauy uf. farmers .anti operated
by Mr Bannon, of S ifurth. • The
output up to September 20, was 48,000
lbs wheel wee rill ua,ttl.e by ivlr. Jub
'•4lul.avislt, to vele tli 1 ata nought ie
debted fur his ltiteuuees.. A pric e
article is also made here. Joe butt, r
is washmd .wi It sprtug water,; wits It
has a temperature of 55" F. �1 et
wetter of iutereet I might. say in,
passing, that uue day we. e"eiehctid the
product of a the days liuruiuf' oft, -r
it w:es tekeu-fruw the churn / which
weighed 1387 punuels. This las salt.
ed at the rate of oz of salt to a pound
of butter ; or in other words, 24+ lbs.
stilt here adtled to the . butter then
worked. ' Next day it;, was . reworked
and packed ready for shipping and the
atnouttt of. butter ready fur inaritet
was 806 lbs Sonia poisons tell as
that the tuldition of twit makes tint
fittlehed product gr.•ater while in this
etlee tilers was a. toad of :I1 lbs.
Freon Leudeshoru to Bluev,de, hy.
way of Wtughaen, . the country is
much rougher. At 13lnevale I found
the iiuest building fur the enea°fee-eji:
ture of oheuse that it has yet been my
lot to see, Everything bet,.ikeueti
neatness and good wur1,:> Mr T. 3.
bitten has hong, inade beg, and given
it it reputation. The good, work is
being continued under the supervision
of lir. George :AleDot.alcl. . This
factory has no eugine and no teachin,
ery, hence the atm+unt of timelttill
labor rt•quired is emelt greater. pet
at `Tavistock. About 185 tout! will
be the make this t-eisnn... This
factory has the repo•ation,of.hring the
hest in the preview., and a . number
,go there from the United States
as.well as €coni Canada toettitc1y their
.rnt.thods. Among these for this year
was Mr.. J. W; Atelier, of Wisconsin,
who was seat oat by the .State to
enquire into the methods cif Canadian
manufacture, Lata year a young
man front Ithaca. N. "Y., was there
for a port of the season. The chief
difference . 'between the . methods
practised here and Tavistook alone
Hand stirring of the milk . and curd,
the use of dry steam, the eutting of
the curd in the sink ' into slobs . and
the piling of the seine, and the may-
ing of 65 lb .cheese. Here as at
Tivistoek, all the whey is fetal to ho=gs,
none being returned to patrons in the
In conclusion, let me sly that any-
one who wishes to obtain practical
knowledge of dairying eould not do
better than make a visit to the north
western peninsula, .: where 'you are
sure of a waren reception, hospitality,
and a willingness to instruct. .
Arrangements have been made for
a platform meeting in the the Metho.
dist church on Tueetiay eveuin,le 28th
inst., at,whiori addresses will he given
nn the Nationalities as follows ;--
""England and the English," Rev John
Scott, M, A., of Winghain ; "Ireland
and the Irish," Rev. E+'. E. Nugent, of
Mitchell ; ""Scotland and the Switch,"
Rev, J. A. McLachlan, M. A.,' of
Wroxeter; "Caned* and the•Cana.
diens," .Rev. 3. Livingstone, of Lista-
wol. Appropriate musical selections
on the varinus nationalities will be
rendered by Miss L, O'Connor, W. M.
Sinclair, A. Straohan and the church
Air, Campbell has been re-engaged
ap perircipal of the pnblic'sehool here•
l;ttgecfin preparing to ship a barrow! of for 1801.—The Orangemen of this,
eggs to British Coluerbia, also but er. pl •ce intend having It grand, concert in
This ureatuer'y has made a►tuut 40,000 the town hall here on the night' of
puu,tds of batter this seu,oti which Nov. utii.—'i'lw footbait team o£ this
has fund a market iti Edinburg due- plate went to liarrieton last weett and
mg the early Bart of the season, iUicl ware beaten two goals to oue,tttthouglt
after t . now it it;' being slapped into the fur the Ilarristoie people say our boys
in the future than theyn west. An excellent quit ity of butter played a touch more scientific game.
have done in
male at this creamer lla
, and rt fleets The return match will be yrel here
the past, tiled moat brigs; the Preemie,„.. yp
of votes to boar itt the ri;,,ht quarter, greetetredit on ells. Mc'1•tiviah, the on Saturday of this vieelt.—Mr.
anti at thep et . per ttws. nt:tk':•r, who proudly exhibits a Medial Wil•tams has returned from hiss h ;he
p rIutiou vvas passe wended her at the Colonial. The day trip to Detroit and Alpena.—Thee
Wm. CruickahKnk, that tit,, snm t.f 1' le t0tiowl a oe buttermilk is dasposrd of to town cue- culvert et the north cud of this plata
ten dtlitarus bis expended in Viui,4ling unteuimousl,y : e
that we lwi.g:atsl ate the :Velvet mincers truth fareners, no hugs being is now about completed so that my
pr tsoutlt boundary, w, to of tninglinrat fru,'ertn ut.lit upon the Eplttltdi3 viek,ry fed here, as at Londesboro. A box't pers!in wishing to bring a lead 1i;” e
twinge , o.t, call expend elual oot
—Lout. ;Clue 1911 0,14 ..ac►. gained at the loco••$ tsl.R fists, a vi.; -1 churn it tt+�cd. a The ]cargo oil teat ,fawn alai
.4. t U M4ion
K ' • e
"Quo of SOUK.
Pref.. E. -p". Lend
mission of titis quer
Nom Yorker, givu,g
knouts at the Genet
good silage fro,tn nt
,ebonoinical food 'th
+tIoncludes as follow
Would 1 tecoaplet
Wes ?
To those fiarweis
to care well for tit
anfuials, and who
Warta quarters, 1 e
vilo,u To the et]
'"When in the litre
have developed up
a silo will be essent
use one will be bent
away. Better lett 1
` Lavemustered richt
Most assuredly s
and I atn not ac:qu
animal that food d
Tent, modify the c
1.., 'Cornmeal tiffects tl
' of the milk diflet'e
°.., meal ; carrots din'.
'green grass from h
stover. Would yo
fine quality of toil,
rece,•ve no other fit
'and, garlic ? Poor
poor milk; but go,
fed with other pro
should, give milk c
Within certain lin
the products of ev
dependent upon a
the character of tl
animal. 'T'here ar
we may briefly eu.
Do not build a
sure yeti know its
pose t.
Do not build a t
how to feed and
your animals undo
of agriculture.
Do not neglect
you have learned i
Do not build a
which are not pert
Do not sow curt'
purpose, either as
Lu not plant at
mature a gaud ore
nary steam'..
I)0 not cut you
•• -Wad the kernel it
Du not ueglect
packed itt the silo
Do not think ti
teed to be fed exu
a I other foods.
-Do not expect t
you feed no dry, t
Do not expect
green, immature t
Do trot cheek y
.successfully when
kept in cold guar
Do nut look for
ing silage if yc•u
standand skiver
hours each day.
Do not forget I
ly carbonaceous f.
Do not forget I
ons grain food wi
desalts—wheat bi
meal, etc.
Do not think
corn when you t
Do not forget
true purposeof tl
A.'Court of ere
der the direction
and elapleton, C',+
esters, wets itistitt
ing last, under
outustatecs,---�l t
'Wad soeseverely h
sion at the gas w,
is able to be out
say, -The strike
tore factory was
Friday evening 1,
nag out to their w
of their wages, an
the bt4iunce due t
also to pay regult
The faetc ry is ou
*ow, but it is hie
long .before the
put their he nils
From the Pltrkht
date, the follow
iluuday, Cott,ber
the rrstduuce of
this plaoe, • tMee Ji
47. years. The d
ly sr resident of le
'kir. Arnold's filet
fr• tit ouuisuntptio'.
wet seriously ell,
_uteri nwsed