HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-10-24, Page 3fhP pantry shelved ii away lista. eseful ail celery ups or fltewd. - eeper Bert celery water all hour be. been taken out o h1s, amnotiia will color. lets wipe them with Jolt les been poured nouiti:. tried placing splints ove, while cookiil,* le odor. r a kerosene lamp it has become lOpse f Paris wet with,. wicks of a lamp in, r and then drtr, theta Gh most of the bis„ r battles and erncts, { in u little wales' are ;sides being healthier 'e is turned red, anti stick, put a }lofts t pork into the wiitt:r blackening in, slid t too old, are easily arbie icy repeatedly th a Bream of catcin- benzine, and brushing ;er the dissipation of d with the juice of a to salt will remove rbie, and may also ea ve it fora few days, dean water(warm); wasll+it off. sh, green grapeleav to place nn top of istead of cloth. The rve the vinegar clear, ,vor. They shonld ire ater and left to drain 1easionalty changed. 5130 new subscribers, till 1890, for 15e.,'or t31 till ih. n Sheneizaising. Lan, t#fe'n, who is to_.. growing sheep for UAL d perp ise must aciend sites ;. He shouldbegin • shenrling ewes. Let on the type of cross d take to introduce, 1, Shropshire, Hawp- xn or ally other. Let this eross, using only weli.hred taunts. The dropped'on the grass if. s market or that of is the tint sought. The tong them should, with. i at�+reted wt hen frond four ilii � 1...y6;1. weaned, a 11;oold be ready for then slh theta on, at little cost, ,e market. As rape will ,cavy soils, a grain ration. and peas, pray And oil• to its place. When . in ipinont to Britain it it It will be found a good ear theta early in Septets). - , to fee& thr•Dm through t rots not too large, if - Iota may consist of bay, '`i~, ins a grant ration of oats n equal parts. Lambs will fully hying $6 to $+ the holiday season, and ih 1!r head in the *siring to Britain. Wheel far. these priors for their 4Veraiti4 One 'et4Cli per ewes ]tide, estimate, they are ey at the business., for the data Ana Ow stesoure 11 prollihhty piuihrir keel), . halt tit sielthtg lanai* iroir an 13 t+ito'h in autumn to the or should he dial[i wdad. tet +iht" ltd limb* %ad the Oft,F a 11 #, ltd ittoofTgl. • ' •S T' `'....:i- ERR'7ANC{.:. COLUMN. QDSDOCTBU BY TSR Y. W. u.x. 0. awoediel1 Cure for Druplteuaaefi>f, The habitual drunkard in Norway or b'wedett renders itiw ttit' liable to ytitpriectintiettt for his luvts of etrolig drink, and during his Suoarceretiou he t ` isrequired to suetwi.t to u "plan of treatment for the pure of his failing, which issaid to pruduue marvelous results, Tiro plea uuusiste in wakitlg the delis gnt:ut subsisiti entirely on bread aiid wine. The bead is steeped in a bowl of wine for au hour ur more before the we d is adrved, The first. des, the habitual toper takes his loud iu this shape without repuatiatue; on the second day be finds it less agrees. able to his palate; finally he positively ( loathes tide sit of it. Experience % shows that a period of front eight to 1, tet days of this regimen is generally sufrisieu't to wake a man eviuue' ,tirentt et eversion to anything its the shale of wine, slaty urea after tJelr, iucarcerutiou, beooiue total ab stainers, The German's Health, Good ii urniug, .Jaeub I Pretty cold morning. Where are yell working new, J hcobl Veil, I vorks by Mr. Sherwood. sit Ice fourteen dollar poard, uud dtlt's soot 'lief fol Winnter time, Yes, that is 'self a dollar a day; clear uhongy ; but it is rather hard to work all day in the cold for half a Se* dollar. Ya, dot is drue, wine friendt. By the way, Jacob, I saw you and a number of wan gouts into a saloon the other evening. Ya, dere vas eight of Us. It is nett nits work end fere} work that makes the differeoces Jacob. 1 is beer, 11,0, no, no. Seer hurts. nobody. NVhirik,y kills; —nut beer, Well, well, you .and Katrina go ant to YGaldheitt again next spring and take another loon; at the monuments. Those dead wen wean not drunkards. They were good business iileii, and inede looney, You eau stye that by the very aloe, uud some places very fine monuments their fawilies have e.reott,d fur them: They were strong, healthy loukiug men, just the balite class of G-erutitus who are doing good business in the city now. Beer does not kill thew, but it lays thew liable to every diseuse, and they die young all the same. The Uerilians who live long are those who hove no beer saloous near thew So you lase, Jacob, the little money lie robbed you of dues nut count much compared with years of happy life with your Katrina which he Is swindling you out of—and all so that the fat lazy loafer way live with, - out work. Almon TO MOTusas,—Are you diarrhea at night,. and broken of your rest by a slokclf d suffering all trying with pain of Cutting Teeth? !1(, so send a once and get a bottle of Mrs. Wlnslpw's Soothh •. Svrup" ter ' r Children Teething. Its value is Meal •4 slide. I will relies(' the poor little suff4.3r itmnediat ly. Depend upon it, motltore; there ie no ruistalce anent it. It cures Dysentery and otarrhOe, a, rep elates the Stomach and Sonia, cures 1Vind CAtio, softens the Guns, reduces Ipdannuation, and gives tone and energy to the whole. system, "Mrs. W. Blow's Soothing syrup" for children teething .'is pleasant to the taste and is,lieprescription of ont.gf the oldest and best female physicians and our es•1ir, the United States, and is fpr sale by all druggists throughout the world. price twenty -live cotltfr• a, bottle. Be sure and ask, for "Mas. 1VINsyow t. Soo'rxuNO SYRUP' and take; no other kind East Waviranosh. Apple packers are making thing. AU MBA. young, old or middle a pd r; ho FFORthteuselvee nervous, week or exhaust* THE BEST VALUE 1 Karl-/ B -cwt.,11;J «9. J' (adi 1 O ed, who are broken down from exeese or overwork, resulties in wafry of the fallowing symptoms t Mentaldepres. skin, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad' dream$, dimness of bight, palpitation of the heart, einissiou, lack of energy, pant in the kidneys, hendultt', pip plee on the face or body, itehiag ur peeular sensation about the scrotum, waisting of the organs, dirxlrtess, Specks before the eyes, ".twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness,. deposits in the urine, la's of will, power, teudernes of the scalp and: spiue, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to ..be rested by Bleep, c uletipatioth, dullness of hearing, lose of voice, desire for solitude, excita- bility of temper, sunken eyes sur- round -al with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc., are all eynlpton►s of nervous debility that led to inanity anddead useless .curl's. the spring or vital power having lust its tension, every function wanes in coneeque,nee. Those who through abuse cotninitted in ignorance may be pet'nianentely cured. ;:;end your address for book on all diseatiats: peculiar to man. Address M. T, LU13AN, 50 Front St. H., Toronto,, Ont. Books sent free sealed. ,Hearn disease,,,the symptoms. of which' .are faint speller purple lips, numbness, palpittatiun,, ship beats, not flushes, rush of.• t,lood't(2 the head, dull pain in the heart wit,h beats strong, rapid and it'roguler, tl}e second heart heat quickerstjaau Lite first, pain about the breast, bone, etc,, can positively be cured. Nn cure, no pay. Send for book. 'Address M. V. 'I U SON, 5o Frons Street East, Toronto, Ont, C. P. 11. Tp1Fl TABLE. lively lust now.—Mr. E. Livingston4 Trains arrive and depart as follows: sent a'quantity of barrel headings to a sSu: n ........... or Toronto 5•35.arniu Goderich this week.— Our tax oodles. 2�,po n;;; 2:00 p.m1;0:30 >, re. ...•..For Teeswater,....,..2:00 ' tor, Mr. John Anderson, sr, has'c.im 1 10:30 � Aad how many glasses of beer did tneuced his rounds.—We are glad tri u drihlk. yell, we had•four glasses all aroundt before we left.,+ That was thirty-two glasses. And Jacob, was it bard work for the saloon.. keeper to serve you. Volt, rto, it was shunt: the easiest,. Mork in the Writ), Efow long didit take,hitn? Velt,.ltow, nine Wendt, i' oinks, you ask some g freer,, gwestions. I, reckon he do the whole job ie. five Minutes. •And how much did he charge you I�ir that five minutes easy' work. I nefer tot f that—maybe ten Bents—dot vouldbe goot pay fur the l8Ork, any + how. But he (merg d you a dollar and twenty cents. No, no, dot is not so. I tell you it is SO. You can, figure it up for yuursel . He sold you two gallons of beer `a those thirty-two Masses for one dollar and sixty cents. The beet cost him forty tsente, elt:uet. ly. Veil, den. dot 'eller ist volt schwind ler, von rauber, von thief.` t r a d i e l n 0 P, f 1 0 n 1 Yes, and you and your companions work (hard in all weathers to sup- port that lazy loafer, sitting by his stove in writer and its .tile shade in summer,' Bat that is 11ot the worst,,. of it, J ucob. There is a much .greater, e vindle tlittn that in it. Dia you ever go through that beautiful Gennep aeinletery of Walrllieitu Veil, yes. 1 like to go'dere on St t. § 'stay afternoons—go mit Katrina, ha, aha ! Yon see, Inino friendt, 1 likes ot gal lrvpty yell. Yes,. Katrina is a fine, Hearty, lewd. spine girl, and a good worker. Isup• ost' you and 'Katrina read the it erip� ptiuns on the nlonninents 1. Ya, Ii»tirinntre.ads efery 'one, und talks. about it so shweot, nand so sole -mu, Did you notice the ages o2. the dead tnt'tt 4' Vail, now, i:nine goot ft,ieut t, dot is shrill vot Katrina sa'ia to 1113, tt11d we 'lulu's s bunt .it. Most all Bred be. t;oez' thirty five and forty -Jive --some fifty, seine fifty-five. Und then we fllund three vent olcE' nen's graveir, but t4ey all lifed in the country, uIld ao ltlisttrina said to sue, :t oo'h, We will lit ;a' fttl. "City vurk is pot healdy, learn that .Mr Win Wightmau, who has been seriously ill with iuflain. niation,is on the tnend.--Mr B.Cloultes arrived, borne from the old coni?.yrs on Tut•edny—Mrs Joint. Ooultes, tins, 'has returned from an extended viliat to' friends in Gna lin.-Mr A Brodlts has contilhrnced bis contract cutting a ditch on 9th coucession,near Belgrave. -A large nurnber from here took in the Blyth Fair, on Friday. -..=•;Mr `J Snell has purchased a fifty tenni farm near Auburn. A thunder storm is said to come up. Other rain usually comes down. Speak no evil of the absent ; thut is cowardly. Likewise speak no evil of the present; you might get lieekd. —Indianapolis Jburual. The Old Reliable. In these days of humbug it is art lief to bear of something that can be depended upeu. Wilson's Wild °berry has been tested as a retinedy for the cure of all dis- eases of the Tbroat, Chest and Lungs, for nearly twenty years, with such success as to earn for itself the name of The Old £ e- ltable cure for Cnugbs,Colrls,Croup,Asthina, Broncllitit; and other affections of the re• aptf, tory system. ,See that you get the geuLline, in white wrappers. Sold by all. druggists. 16.6=61111•11001161.111•111•111111011•6111166.6, •1111111/111111111•1•111111 WINGHAM FLO[tflJN1 MILLS1 'rho ultd ,rel}Ined wish to tendo , their best them,. for the Iibgt�,y}•,patronage given tensor our firm ditrint severalleara,pner to the burning,of our mill 4,111- eencliaristat. During the lest season we have,rc- telt of 11 q"t ar tower mill Preeeestn tl ting le` a lie hoseWecar,now td'.0 better aogbmntodattoa than everbefore:.; we slier ?romps,; flfaaatohr Pair Rettrtts, L1: QUA'»)1 HX GOND i'O N'ON1 TN'l'th8 And h,? close personal attentl.,n to the Madness hope' to be again fav,,rcd wttii'a Taal by all old irtondss and many new ones, Yours roost respectfully, h:tlY1'os 40 OAHHE Windham Mill, Oct. 10 DOC c LTD T1v N' IC R'IZ- A. 0. mamma, AG \r, wi:rouau, Through tickets to all points h shortest North- R epairi l ig will, b �, Pro in p t1 pioost,',icrou Coast, oto. via the shortest and all �T On populr� routes. Bot;6+a,e ehec+iced through to T' destination, Lowest freight rateato all pointe. TIME TABLE..,• L5),'8 kn,GllAhi. , Alin* AT W►NI8AM. UV a'"nigToronto,Guoipb,Palmersteiu, &c, 3:80 p.m. 11;10 1' " 10:10 40 p ie. " " Clinton " 7:25 ki• Palmerston, IABud ' ..10:15 a.m. 0:45 a.ap.. , ,. ,..... London, &c. , ... 11:00 " •:iti, ., 7:46 p.m. 11:10a340 p.ie., ...... Kincardine, ,to 6:80 a.n. 8:30 p.lfl . EBST'ER'S HATS, CAPS SKIRTS, COLLARS; CUFF$, &C Cheap for KASII. A.T — Wrr.SI-11:1L,s, .i e Mai .fS o n. NEW PATENT -TOP MILK CANS, CREAM CANS, MILK PAILS SAP BUCKETS and MILK PANS. berything in the Dairying Linea. EAVE-TROUGHING- A SPECIAhT' 0 11 11,10 10.10 " 0:60 p,m Phrenology, Physiognomy and Physiology. Send Photograph of Yourself or Priend with 01, and I will rend you a Written Statement of your Character and the Pursuit yon aro adapted for; also statin; what.pe'•son you should marry to be happy.. Photo, returu4 with chart. a G. Coma, Phrenologist, hinrilio P. 0, via Port Arthur, Ont,, Late of binr,,bum. Property',ror Sale in Belmore. The undersigned offers for sale a desirable pro, pert, in the village of Delmore, consietinr of a gelid dwelling house, otflce, stable and driving shed, with ono acre and a•half of laud in connection. srpasestd garden, with alLsorts of fruit trees. Will be .sold at a bargain. Or particulars, apply to FREDERICK COOK;; Dclmorb; BARBER SHOP.:. MI,, 'it .LCOLI'I McDONALD, (LATE Or e1'ssy,) .. Hat ins parches" too barbering business of Mask!. Sebastian Bros., is prepared to give all old customers and as tnany new ones as patronize him, BatiefaotiQp in all lines of the profession, SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING are my specialties, �s.1,GMctutivo 111yr5 a e8call ii, the old Btiied, opposite Gordopr. and ,torp . MCDONALD. • TILES: " iLES'a'. of the Wi tgltant Brick Yards„hare on hand a largo Block (tithes for draining purposes, front i l inchee.te. 10 inches in size, Which will :bo sold cheap, and nh most favorable, terms, Farmers..ntendlna to drain should see our'Tiles for themselves before deciding. to use h,mbor. A large quantity Of tIIRSANCZASS on hand, and will bu 801(1 at lowest tivlui proilt. ELLIOTT BIROS., ti o Tun itritite#.tt Jaded lvaCrr. nesters t ate iknals tab t :ueand! of hopes a aft Satre ireier 7rar,ptanoath. cured, [isle) o to sand two bottles of lny,re ed REM any, f «�Adesl wlra hairs r:; wa `titretle•+ l( .0.43, 1.1 send tan • i4'tt 5 nod ^reiila l,Pi'a <st :,7 ::"'R;esq� Mt.0'!t fi,w ,fA *"P �c� .nNnfRMpiY. , .. s1fptl-,. .. .a t•j'.♦ ,•h,". .+.r .'fir ..:; , tt S i Jseaa< /tear readers that there a Ctrs reamedy for the abbTa cute- A•IUNR JiAS BEJOIJI ;FAMOUS AS THE GREAT C 2 ,:: Of Canada. It is made. only by McCOLL EROS. & Co., Toronto. .r -'CIS (;l'YLINDER. Ol'IM needs only to be used to be appreciated. Beware of those who inlitate'.i Lardine. Get only the genuine. Try it. UYY ooks AT s s' 00k, t!3 tore WINGHAM, ONT. Large Stock and Low' Prigs A B1e sing,to Every' libuselioid. HOLLOWAY'S. PILL$ AND OINTMENT. Thee rentecies have stood the teat of City years Nkllwrienee, end are preastuta d the belt Afedielne■ for l amtly use. TUE PILLS Pont) the bloody torrect all disorders oC the t.1vzn,-moinCfl, litD$11111 Alts ilotris . and cars invaluable in all pomptatnts htoldental to females 88 all *gas. • THIs the only reliable remedy tor bad logs, bore%8,, Woos, and old yr ``}did '.�OEX M11030111114. ROATS COUGHS, Mae, OUT, I2WIIOMAT1814, i.#'1•,AnUi,A11 IvrxtlINtp8D Ah); DISEASES rT HAS SO EQUAL. lfenufaetured only at 78, New O*tord. Lire 8$, ithftorid abet, LHASA. and Mil byall It'edlaine tonal rtrthe ugheut the wwrad, litteethivItstists ishould look to the Label tela the Boxes at Pam, 'fit 01.41 flit;; d 41.4401 ;.f..,,,,,y tlrsPerf .t .r •rte .. ter, Iv '