HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-10-24, Page 2)1.11. bus FRIDAY, OCTOBER,.91 t890. it ilea blown a act hurricane all am'. and early in the afternoon the *now had commenced to fall, increas ink in violence until at six o'clock, whim Lottie Started home, the streets, wa+•a full of drifts, the air a Windia, 1 would be very lonesome .lite ha+l ; and all!~ .ad3ed„ �•ttti a tl it4 �ta ze, an t filo wind fiercer than ever, bitvon't. attune : F3.'�rta he is slow. she went on, lightiriva the setiale wit* and +luiokly iltatting write water to hon in w d=ire UUfive tce pot; told 1 em ,lust as 1aappy Aand independent as can be, How do you like it? Like it I echoed the woman. hoes it not look like heaved to Me 1 13ut exclai,ned the woman, starting up. are you all alone 1 Then I must go—at once l YAea; all alone, l: have sot a re, Indeed, no I Wherewould you go 1 lation in this world than I know of, You will stay right here, said Lottie, seat Lottie,talting Off anditnngiug up with derision; and at that very lfistant • hat she had all thtugs • steps sntlude l oti"t:he steiraand through lt,+r tiliufls, new t t •k aststelly tied; then 1tottle earns' to the fire,and seaine her visitor *mate said. with a rniile anti a pretty blush /Nly Robert is odtning this evenitsg, and you will see it lie is not good and noble looking. IIn is coming here t this evening ? ettaties .eras lea t4tiklavtria matte on eaiifraa?itY• I Ar Reg should never be In ae repent address delivered et` feet ire annudre>s Toronto on the question of reciprocity A few cloves en the pantry shelves. with the United States, Mr. (zold`vin will egectually ,hive, amity eine. Smith said "The tleKinley Bill ie Pat►sely seed is as t+sNtul as celery a great disaster, and will be felt nova teed in flavoring soups or�ott'wa. - more by our farmers than by thast+ reatNuratat-t,eeper sayti eta fo who, haying nothing personally to lose wants to He in cold water all 1hourbe" by it, can afford to receive it aitlt igre it is eaten. f t' t't (Mew. w I the n to trumpet notes o pa eta t s •' fcttMr has been taken out ot£ Avert from the actual i+t^tease c t silks h fruit stents, amniouia, will duties, these changes iii the tar'il , usuiilly restore the valor. e;}aiCl wake the ftlruaers uncertain in ¢ . To brighten carpets wipe deem with what thery oneht to raise, sod prodno" warm water in which has been poured t started m • • era.- geuere y tweet -tam what they aa few drops of ammonia. Ulf, lt`oH ;oat t home will lank. she if l�.itd the time but X t flow many leave tried placing sone her coat Then Qoa wore—yon are floor '1'tt�,Tti,linl;,A:eaf ev►tiant.y atilntother time wt�o,tl,00�r a; arytlnr�, great about is stove while coo• et fsa'd tit hem If. pealing {sag v►nt.grtr in t1 , l,• eked tlge'rworatut as thonrit tate sures i end, the woman Sauk s5idC1C I , s cin sett that a .ar u l e to her su a ttve : teem, Ohyes,I ant poor; and yet rich for I here ea an strength t ',t a t�uf'it .r ears, and ane king c , , ; ,g " of aeAtt • slid wilih' L rale to the cnutatlerl't.g questions, , i . Un1nIFs to lese'u the odor. titer uauQit�rmll r'+ arty under her arta rouiidiugs ger forced trade, whether with EnglandThe brass top of a kerosene lamp ow happy I ough to ale that I bate wealth and ease. I or the Antipodes, will make up for I,' the loss of natural trade, trust have may be reset when it has become loose c►ne t i ,:o to. e, rn if it is only a little health door, and greetel her lover in a few low spoken words, she sat staring into the fire, a smile gr clu:tlly breaking d by using plaster of Paris wet with. TOnati all by myse f. What do poor some motive for proptoatiog that nae" water. ,girls do that hens Wane, no work andIf you dip the wicks of'a lamp in, laughed shyly f thanl:fulnass thrilling her 'had given way to annir.eilient. lief.'IOf the atrial willersur and ¢ Robert 1 Then she la o Y y hl ill voice• 1a file mornin I am Laving g 1 is hAa; d coat over a cliatr though �� strong, hot'vfnegar and then are theta to herself and blushed—a happy, rosy �' fortitude, of ha r people will be severely it wilt do ai9uy with most of the des 'blush down inside the coat collar, and agreeable smell.. faster than east. fire, and leave my little breakfast ; fire aft•+� oohed tit file otd w m an, 1 tried ; but tise,object of a commercial , , �tatited a it nursery she la'11.ed np at 13im , nod policy is not to make a country survive To clean vinegar bottles and cru ts, Home was quite a distance, but her but to inalte it prosper and not lose its crushed egg shells in a little water' are there,governess and ntusia teacher iu a' a moments silence.y sect steps carrced her quickly ,sas good as nhot,besides being healthier ret house in the cit . 1 never have G;endmother 1 he exclaimed at last, t toast valuable sons by commercial dee and the hall door had ffuwn open in a and handier. 3' ` her latch -key when, men time to be lonesome and I �"err verb iu a �oace. of stuptfned amazem^tic— pressrun:, siq (lanada is looin� them ry { response toa y ha py. - gran another, $an It dreanciug 3 Ilse exodus to the United States. Fug- fl When your stove is burned red, and amewherts in the darkness neer, a Pwoman turned )ler eyes to tis " : ell—leo` guess not. Yon don't h nd survived under protection, but she blackening won't stick, put a little ' e came — tremulous, pleading Theand a ,ever to Le, ansrtter•td she, us though iiia tra•Itled her wealth under free 'Voice - fire a•�aiu and ss "she steadily' Pp ,. : ; ( fat freed from salt pork into the water toiute.. silently watc.led ' Pity, oh, for the love of God, pity am and good work, said Lottie, with a over her face es though consternation word o g blithe . aavin : a" sea up. early, and arrange my room and Robes t Claxtotk Zone around to the re, ,< there was then 1 ata away a day as s- ay t' the ti-ames,'Lottiel after all, it was a greatjoke. seized the opportunity of looking at But yoa—what—f— Didn't I say I was going to? asked she, shortly. No, you didn't say what, and 1 never thon„ht—• rue I Who are youl where are you 1 asked her closety, waea the woumsln turned lanoat slier°t Lottie, startled, and stop ping right e You were stu3cing me, Shat do t Mit in her tare shone1 'where the hall t a and dazzled her eyes. Here ; and from the shadow beside the door rose a woman's figure—a -woman, that the next inement asst stood in the light,showrng a wrinkled, . aged face and snowwhite hair, covered with a tattered bit of shawl. I am freezing. starvinmyg, and y be dying. if you have any pity,give sue some food and some kind of shelter, she said, with a d••sprate sort of famished eagerness. ' 1 toil—=ah,1 will, comes right in, cried Lottie, her Voice quivering Tina ler eyes shining with the generous Vett ekes flaaded her young heart ':I have no place 'I can tike on but my T•,ont tits the top fl or. Oan yen climb the stairs! He is teaching Cerus and French For tt-tratltal and fond 9 Yes, yes; a rn ti,,, �tltlrell that 1•' am nurserylead the rase. cried the a;oman, eagerly .1 l eavereess to, and we meet mere very oftea. 1 know he is 'good a -al nouns,. beeause—because I do. Ile shows it tea every look and act. And you love hitn l Ah, yes 1 'Yes, indeed I you think i Trade. " Commenting upon Mr. Smith's speech, the*Hamiltcu Times remarks that "the hint about tpatriotto defiance' is good. Ien like Ldrei Stan ley, Sir John M.au:donald and Hon. George Foster, in receipt of salaries you dissolve your blackening in, arid, try again. ' Oti spots, if not too old, are easily removed from marble by repeatedly covering them with a cream of calcin- ed magnesia and benzine, and brushing Oh—wily--I—I was wondering— No, t seppose not ; but I dia. ;tee ran ting from S50,000 down to $8,000' off the former after the dissipation of a year, can atiord to be quite inditf'rent the latter. if you were a.ways so poor, stammered here, Lottie. Lottie 'honest but embarrassed. 1 Lila' one doubting 1,Pr senses,Lottie about the closing of one foreign mar- Soft soap mixed with the juice of a The woman laughed, and not inn ad` had ste-a:telling to this strange kee Give a similar salary to every farmer or mechanic, and they, too, musically. dialogue, an1 lemon and a little salt will remove d even at this peremptory , mildew from marble, and may also No, she stud, 1 w's not. But you order sae had not the power to move!, will shout for protection and the old atilt. Canada wants general prosperity, I from bronze. Leave it for a few days, ani old tnerefore tet' 'Phis is ml grandmother, %.ottir�, a " wash it off with clean veater(warw)f are y k of and F y 11,ot mere subsistence for the people. us hetet of you and snot' of mal. Tell began Roberaas if at a loss how to tell apply again and wasln.it off. �j ins, do you aa,sy: entente tit line su' These of fresh, green grapeleavea'a atone—don't von want to marry 1 4 wave of 'Dolor, like the warm tint is recommended to place nn top of 7 it Y h'1 pickles in jars instead of cloth. The to a sea -shell, covered Lottie s sweet leaves will reserve the vinegar clear, his story. But she interrupted him briskly. tellyou about it nn .self; Lottie, said she. 1 am his graudinother, and .I am not poor, and no more is be, as be has made yon • e iev . u contrary, he is to have kill my money, Pra,f. Smith denied that there is any feeling of hostility in the United States toward Canada, or any burning desire to have Cadada annexed. ' hile the .usage of the McKinley bill is a set- back for the friends of reciprocity, he believes that this may prove the dark- ness toluol precedes the dawn. There P face. g " ' I am going to marry very soon. she i 1' e O the impart a nice flavor. They should be d k eatt'After a moment. rinsed in pure water and left to drain before use and occasionally changed. g 1$ do not wind telling a d I had set tnv hetet on this marry- u t -tea rice y — , r "Taws Tastes to new subscribers, tin wowau. re you n a an a e - f are strong symptoms in the United me about `t nd hemi questioned the in G L throe yes fire very g looking at the girl with a erentelinn e itbt in her hollow eyes. 1 cat, '` where 'follow anywhere Rut she was seed and weak, aad the four long flights of stairs were Lott a assisting young lady wheryou teach, and be. States of a growing movement In 31st December, 189Q, for l.lc, nor s31 f ,1i 13f ' e I d f 1591—Cash till set Ids heart ou finding out for hitt- favor of tsraff reform. r. stn , en o self what she was like. So 1 humored him, and be left off his last name, Sterling, -and went to the family with Li glowing letter of lecommelidation'. from me- ,'�fiir, was engaged: he saw my .pretty f Arab tin her home, and 1 slowly accomplished, _ need not- t ell ton holo he foetid her to a , t ee -her come -indult as well as the 'narrow Something in !Jr sweet purity and , a a:nnftlspotted, beeety. H e also i, a:xcase would allow, and going very leapt expression at the o :since made ten, you, and 1 never ceutd it epeat all the woute turn .sudden.y away and + his love rhaliodies 1 was chagrined. "timely, _ wipe her efes. Ai.d then nothiun mare y that my choir:' had been found fit Tees is my room, the exclaimed at was said by either until the daiut 4 - 1 is`t, throwing open the door and y faun, and determined to discover flaws supper of tea, toast and egg was cook tp. his, and --sell, I've tried and laws lcadiut the panting woman in. sit , it• Alt down iters, and in two minutes '� t by Lottie and pieced before the e3. n +vomau on a little iray, covered wit . she pant there and, rising my fire rviil bt, ,,Dint, Ate you very P a word but snowy napkin. Then std suddenly, went to amazed sate" bewild- tired l t tienly eume the question " The weary woman could only nos mad tattle and.teal her hand: What are you going to do with ane Rolotthe girl you loge is -worthy etre seek iu the chair Lottie gave. �-night—taiga me inn? '"while her yonnog hostess Seat around of all you have said, and befeiv-ed of the room. Ou, no, indeed. You, shall steep on her. She is a pure, true, noble girl, ' Bvetythinq wits most .extiuisitely day bed, surf 1 can make a pallet here with a heart that you or arty other by the fire idly bail is out of shift man must strive hard to be worthy ofe heat, and with fife little grate. brushed *lafire now, shag rodded, a laugh, as the relished, was already laid for theTake her. with tate warmest blessing a a woman looked about inquiringly. I your erusty, doubting grandmother and, at a toucn f, oft 1.tiit3 s match, like to base my tools icting.ro un i ` hissed aad cracked with ith amazing can ask or give. brightness so i1 any one conies to see me 1 fold Tenderly Rolsert chaps:d ti alb to the shrewd leader of the Republican party, finds it politic to declare for reciprocity, and though he confines hie proposal to South America, his prin. ciple poiiats north as well as south. From Reesas, the banner Republican State, a cry comes that for the west proteeoion is a failure, and that the west has been sacrificed. by it to the east. roan New England herself comes a call for free iron and free coal. The enormous waste of revenue in pensions and other expenditures neces sary to get Heal the surplus and stave off a reduction of duties cannot full to produce a recoil. Tariff reform is now the declared platform of the Democratic party. Mr. Olevelatid only mussed re•eleolion very narrowly; he had. a majority of tbe'papular vote, Perhaps he would not have'tnissed are election at ad if had stud to bis general proposition that the govern - le not that lovely!? she cried turn• IT guy ns bed itle. a nou, and put ll ipp toilet things back of that pretty ling to her Annexe visitor., tome you curtain. and that leaves -we a tittle' will Boon be wenn. and in just a few senor, you see, lsu"t it plea: ataE 1 oeir,utea I will 'alive n cttp of tete. Movek The old #rowan's face 'era n to mystery nearer, won't you Apparently st•,=echlees with ;grriteul es. she looked and listened. "else thin the eyes, a;thattarcat,ent Anti de iaht fife• woman did lips etttatittuttaly ttivntrhe'ti,fttad with te11 their sharpness Ptah filh:�,.i ' a 'off her wet, tattered . h wet , td tame tend again with tears. But aLt3 'ttttrwl, nxrd Lo3ainfgt+rx ytrinkledTat,ndaa . over the Mule, while her etete>r eyes salted no more questions thrid f.e-ei tel Beer' move Lottie made. Lottie Atte her own supper, then 11141 my nwrn htrtamekfeper, you step,. soatt lWtal the steel. gayly, as if witting to mete- leer visitor lets tittaicl fund ' ►rtwea4+ aft home. Here to stet littlel egad with oa lags the threw' doer talent large ci et, ;show." thin tyro neatly paiperr•rl etedia. Vet taw, white mi a eittatll ,f voila t:teaft shaft" isartte1` ar, Ptilr I iveklt 1A Profits In Sae, tts.tatag. The young man, tifen, who is t•1 --t succeed well in growing sheep far Unit ahove•menttoned pnrplse must attend to several requisites; He should begin with good grade shearling ewes. Let hiin, tbeu fix item the type of .cross which he would take to introduce, whether Oxford, Shropshire, Hamp- shire, Southdown or any other. Let him adhere to this cross, using only vigorous and wellehred suis. The lambs may be droppeillon the grass if. thea Christmas market or that of Great Britain is the one sought. Tine rant lambs among theta should, with• out fail, be castrr ted .)hen frcm four to six weeks aka When" weaned, a piece of rape abooldbe ready for theme whi h will push them on, of Mlle cost, rapidly fur the market, As rape will nat'grow ilii heavy soils, n grain ration. -went has no right to }Atte more from I of oats, nate and peas, peas and Deist the people than it neer Instead tat "cake, may take its place. When . in- challenging special interests by the tended for shipment to Britain .it is probable that nt will be found a good practice to shear the m early in Septem- ber, and then to feed them through tate winter, in lots not too large, in, one pen. The food may ttousist of bay, some roots, and a gram ration of oats and peas in equal parts. Lambs treated' thus wilt fully tering $6 to $� per head .et the holiday season, and fully tie to $9 p>r head in the Bering laantis dills Bill: After all, the victory of planed in iris, and draw her ttf his i proteetiontsun was net tvon,but bought breast. the nimilthietures paid hard cash for Lottie ttty darling you f r i e ns theteotea of the doubtful States. Their both compeers do the same sort of thing But, from mingled estonsnhment elsewhere and then we are told that! and int", Lottie ytras aahbing aAti opinion is turning against free trade« epee*klese. There was a marked increase in the i played the hungry ola woman mechanics' vote in favor of taiif'f re. pretty wre11,1 guess, said old Mrs. Sterling. contplagently, as slur fiat down by the fire again. 1.'m old at rnt into the Coert,toek down the tiney sick heating, ward, of course, the chi uisbpan. poured not her water tbatirowe, gueettod 1 was svraticed itt had been )beating +•Lin they rata`, and thick flannel, timer on tin se riga.. thickly Ch.snl. d tip ell ee*us ° swifter, Bat, ole, Rot .'rt, my boy, Ion kava wratrkiaA quietly* its ebe s+appeiedthe found a little trraaure—yon hes woman was dozing. ,rhes, on itaa}erd. Bs worthy of her. meter', aft. was latently watch - form. 'When the mechanic once aces i the great fact that' protection does not i for shipment to Briton. 1` henaY+ raise wages,but oa the contrary lowers glees eau sat thole prices, for their then, t stein will felt. If theliamb" and everaae outseach per ewe, people a united Stataa gloom �, yrhtch is lora trttimats, they ere declare fo rue tratdt,, Oanttdien pro. waking preney at the business, for tect'►oniam moat fall." the thee*thee*of the dans and the mount obtained will probehl r pay•lttr kettle . Prank Wilkinseaa, >4 wean buyer at tam. The old plats sof eeltiva; lanai* for an *vertigo of $3 eagh in eutentn to the lnedal twitcher should be diaaaEr+ieti. itse:v"Y 'int' 44 4' y+ue h''' keep ykiaailag ftitie* leletshia$, ape pound 3 ra .Wild d Clurre," S ,n tleatthen 1 will try, grEttdata,}waall' tend. ioKteicyer;haaLvraldWUeat• Work ceruse, apron Ant rrisoctve'3, dealt twice. �rrrr kale c.r toy ttic---narnnie ata hafts asset Nina r t a Mtgt %%Obit mat Itais a a latter stem of lambs lied the ,. rata Deets, with leektaaaarira of Meat Ned % til tied* i►r lura 'ltyMitll a wide p itt ecu. the WM cal* 141`16" 134 41 3 wty,cG'i dE. tow by sill 1irtA Cpypec1 swoop The bult, or Sweden "flaprsoulii drink, and is required t reattnett t Which is ea results, Z the delitep bread and iu a bowl o before the ► defy the hue tt this til, the seamed tilde to hies loathestile elbows that tett days of Suflittieut .the greater the\ share u their impart ttaiuers. 7t Good nit; luoruitig. iiow, J.ttco! Vell, I He Rif me den's goot 'a Yes, the elver woad work all dal Nate dollar. Ya, dot i By the a uutmber t the other e Ya, dere And ho y u drink. ;ell, we Before we l That wte atm b, was keeper to $ Veil, no, work in the How bon you ask s reckon he d Minutes.' .,And how qtr that !i v I nefer acute—dot vtork, any But he0 twenty vein No, no, 1 tell yot it up for yt gallons of I glasses for The beer cc ly. Vell. dmf; ler,von rat Yrs, and work hard port that la alto'stove in wi summer.' of it, deco! .swindile the go througtt cemetery of Vell, yes, flay afteruo has I You t of gal pot, Yes,. :atspine girl, s +ose you ad Worts oil 11 aft Y'a TL taloa abod solemn. Bid,you men 1• Voll, now Oust,vot Ii ' talked ubou t;✓.eftl' thirt Atty, some fennel thre t4ey all life Katrttte rain