HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-10-24, Page 1•
e .
irnb r,
pply to
—Manufacturer of—
MATERIAL of all, kinds,
—such 411•1 -
LAMES, 1;te.
I1n8, eta„ Breese, to ranter ts. s,
neve otter 100,000 feet of 1Jty
+.r in our yard. end wan slip
asoed stair of ell kinds,
e eth,100.
tned offer11ION 111114hls 134710t31N
,ot 16, (,oucesekon 1 , East WAlranm,
The term consists of 3.00 sores, about
cleave,11 *nd in a ;rood state of case
alines W tow; wet shad. On OSDart triune house. eontieeitif 7 soon,*
r; bunk bat n rine stone etabllrrri t,ro
water' hyo cement, oheterse• *tree
tent, is 1•• 3 fenced. Would take*
a in. Wlneh*m seised per ttl
u. For wise, Apply to
a , et ere 1140. 13.
fi •
VOL. XIX —NO. 48
ONT.., FRIDAY, UCrf'om... 24:1 18Ri0.
l+or. Good, Straight Value in
3300TS and St'IOES come straight
WHOLE No, ,.
—Large quantities of fruit of all kinds - am
pectins to arrive in
at the Star restaurant, • J Molitaavr3. on package vases direct from
rg. W'T
4 psera is "ani
—Minerva Boom roem, l0 47.I O O F.
will meet on Mond y evening next,. at 7 80 --Tho Rev John oott, M A, will deliver
o'clock. A fell a endance of members an address in Brut~ els, an Tuesday even•
re nested, ing next, an'Engl nd.and the.Eugtish."
?y Moo of groceries a pure and —The Seaforth outwit has established
a> d a horsecattle P
arrive 11 and . ,re lr r a at a air'n: thattown,
fr-sti ;new fru i just _ i iv4 O a gut o i
om are prices, `%'M1re, the expenses to a fro .ed b the town'
P 1 b e y ,y
—Repairs are got on at the salt block ' — reoeived,1,500 lbs of grapes at
We week, A coup, .of boiler makers from the (starr restali fit, and sill be said at 3
God'erioh are word' you the pan. Making cents per lb, J Rlolsclivlu,
will be resumed in he win -soot a week or —Mr b Gracey ave`atooup1e of readings
E40. at the`temperane ooueert, at Blyth, on.
Oysta,i•e, rc:.v, stewed or fried, tet It .the eveuiug of th 'cowl day of the Blyth
ill's city restaurant, show. The nonce waseagrand success„
—Miss Sutiierlanc, the new'teaoher, has • —Great bargains in , clothing, gents
arrived nd corn iced her duties in the I furnishings, boots a.nd shoes, trunks and
a me
public school.. There are now eight depart- valises at J 1 Homuth &;Son.
menta iu the school, and stilt there le none —Mr Gee WE uzie left in Mr Peter
too much room iu several of the'rco;ns. Iiesoa' flour an feedi'Store, ,a• White
Beaute 1 Printed Sets for plisse
Elephant potato glitch Weighs 21bs and i-
dollars ; fine ecorated '1'L Sets for five oz; This variety f potdtoes is becoming
dollars, at .the. 'ua Flouse, N T YATEs, verypopular wit potato. growers.
d Te p p
ew days
tee. 1
R013T. URIC,
Direct importer,
TIM Dsatta Oct 28, 1890.
--The town ban
with several seleoti
favored the residents
no on Friday evening
—Messrs. Gilchest, Gree; & Co, ship-
ped a car load of t riiiture to Brandon,
Manitoba, on Tues • ay.
—Mr Geol3aker, .f the Union factory,
luta been laid off w • rk this week, ''with an
attach of quinsy,.
--On Wednesday a r. Wm.. Clegg ship'
ped five car loads gf .eas to Montreal for
the export trade,
—The electric ligh 'u Seaforth has not
beep giving Hatisfapti,n, and the people are
far from`bein; satisfie, with it,
• —The nineteenth lnuual match of the
Buren Rifle AssociLtier will take plikee
in Clinton on the lith of October, when
cash prizes of upwa 'ds of 380 will be com-
peted for, besides m adais aud specials
LOCAL NEWS. • —G T R treble for Toronto end east
American Mousy talion at per at 8leave Wingliam at 6.50 tem, aud•11,10 tem.
estlinraut, via 'W'G & B Divislau; and at 0.45 a.tn.
Frill's city r•. and 3.40 p. ni., via Clinton and Guelph.
—The British Ho el(31r:John Paterson'b5 Good connections by all trains.
'• and otherwise iln• ,,. fir• John Colvin, who has open the
is being newly. side up lti J o ,
proved. summer here With uessrs Wilson Bros,
ski fur gool butter alit A Graham's Veterinaries, stndyit g the profession, left
— e o
Market Grocery. ion Tuesday for Toro thus where he intends —The subscril? respectfully menage the
ot. aCourse in th . Veterinary (;ollege. atten;iou of me, pis of t e'.14feohanics'
neobtei; :opll3rusieels; oondu ecl, taking b
the ser`viceainthe C ngregatiouat church, —Por first-class tailoring and cheap Institute to th landing pule;'that al
an Sunday last. Reeds' furnishings, try ' Webster, & Go. books must be re ned on the three last
k needs repairing, Remember the piece, only two dpors north days of 'October, prig v41`ednesday; Thurso
—*our watch oar dock of the old stand and between Bose' book-
ga td• W FI Wallace, watch utero- and store and Halsted & S,iott' bank. day rind Friday extw.eek:
oat ofll • r -' 'mime-, Libreria.U.
ja eJei. next door top ,. -The Salvation Ar y". held a special
.. ,t., --It Hill's is ni heapest•place in town
e t M seas 7 , ;
fi'ire Rev L a fa tie Jr- meeting on Thursdays ening,'1ien Special
cst'o er
• i and coifs n
o put i
ail kinds Y•
the Gil rreo
t tadauce at is i G ug ililicer Ensign Magee as present. They
Oonfereuce liissionar" Committee, held Iso 1 old s ecial satin s on' Settle.• -The•'Soienti ie American gives; •this
swill a T 1 pfi,,. g reel e •wliialt the. , lip a world ,,?orbit top
slot thie. e k, ;i end 26th rusts p..:1.,r 1.., o,r , ,
tlesp _ nay and uid y...tie 25 h a '-..' 74t'tlteeirstu
-*Stich, F >t d
f,... lctitYw? ..
Caufeetionery n tliundanoe lat.'o :'w eii`"Adjiitaiit Mento the caudidatG rQe3
in the throat of a a ild malts the room 4 A cottage worth 5750 wi ,;be erected, or
hunter, be present and address the
ant ill be held in the. elose, en take a tin up and pour into it. nits equivalent to cash will'•ii f7tveu to; the
.AIt sutortarom meetings. a autit of tar at , tut eutiue, equal
Preebyteriarr stitch' • n • the evening p, ql3 yp arson Detesting the greatest number of
—Messrs XS Homuth &.Son are •palling " an `.Chen lord tb cup ever' a fire, so P
'1`liaiika rivip; Day, nn ei the auspices of i their stock of boots mid ehoesend alon:d ng P •- typographical errors in the Beog4iber
k. , es.tn fill air' v1th fumes. The little
the White Itibbotters. , Look . out for par: at viol low prices that they astonish every ripens of our monthly journal entitled".fur
Mars next iv alt, body..., patient on inbirllgg':lh fumes will cough Homes." Tnree hundred and. -fifty' talc
c -
t o u and spit outalk t`II membraneous mat
in,:•taut ne of fenny —Mr Thos Hollerin; a employee of the p ' p ditional aatileprizee; amountipg to; WOO,
—Just receive e ter, and the di ti erfic' ill palls out. The
Water Setts ver cheap at the China 'Hindu T: urniturb* Factor , visited Fleeter Q• will also be Awarded in' theorder •pus. uttoped
W V ieT>rs, Enures of tlio tar and turpentine loosens
xI,ouse. bnau important mission last'weeli,. Ou in rules governing competition,'ril'.ea
i. en F roily. o travellingthe matter in the taro ;and thus affords,
'""t,• --The 1VxoGib Y Y the 14th, was joi ed in tie holy payable at par in any part of Csna$a or
bonds of wedlock with M ss Allan, of this the:relief that bee befit d the skill of ,the the United States. Send 15p in stamps,
• troupe; who, had the own hall engagedh stcians•
for an entertainments metiine iu Nevem-
evem- town, Mr Iiollerin is a highly respected p y for complete rules and sample copy of
n..Treastirer.:Dick• g -- p•
"Our Homes, which will be issued about
lies,,pave notified To norm;; roan, aud his Mau friends in Win I have. i • aeons• one s jslage of +'
son that they will not a able to fill their barn wisU Utes and lilt 'Holleriu' much Cliiha Sots• sari"• .m 0 t5 9i2O per Nov, 20th. Addreds, Ong HoMLS Punix ii
sot. Call and see • em at W ares',
etigagenient. happiness.in their' jour ey•ihrougb' life, Ixe CO., BROCIIVSLI,R) O.L ADA.
1 --Call at Alex Ross* Book store and see They will reside in the • ew''home which -'--At the anuiiat m ting of the Wing• snndaY Soho
Cthe .
recently held, ,
'Club, n
the Laurance spectacle:`. -Hole agent since he has nicely furnished of Albert street.. ham. Curling l y A Sunda School
E,1' teretes left town. ''' following officers war elected for the our- y
—Anchor of Hope edge,1 0 C# T, ar for u will ohs at thto: eason aus ices of Maitlan
...--De not wear nor bo
of alto y y be sure to suffer rent year :Bohn Light, Prabident; Sextus 1?
still adding to its list members. There g Kent, vice•presideot; Jolanr. eelands, held 'tithe . Yreebytert
1 g for i t get a pair. of high cut seamless
sal' ip boots, Sold by Gosport ctt Mohr- secretarytreasurer; W C Moyer, patron; town, on Tuesday an
have beep% eight new e[iibers added° the 28th, ,end 29th busts, T
feet two meeting ao the prospects of . x nom he pries
cedcharged by other houses Mrs John Neeland , patroness ; • John as follows: Tuesday
r g Hanna, chaplain ; r presentative, Hugh attli frirther +idditious ro: cod, ' A fter#h r —A few of the sob of boys attending theof Devotional .exercises,
regular business, on T esday evening,iUr ono w of school, the cyber day, the . Miller, Viitgltatn c ub ' is co[ivenor discussion of followtu
8 Graoey gave a readi g, DOSS Bisbee a Or p proper Tankard. groups 15,co posed of the follow* should be the Sabbath
recitation and Mr Jas cAl tee a sting: coined the idea that `t would be the p p lug clubs: Walkerton, russels,Itiucardine,
thing to go through t e hanging of Birchall, Lucknow, Wroxeter nd 'Winghaw. At aim and how attaine
—J J I3omuth & on eau gents
show you the and accordingly tan unwilling victim was Curling Rev W H Geddes; "
largest stook of clothing, gents turutsbiuge, perm sof one of their lays the meeting 'of the 0 itariu a As of scholars and teach
g r p Tuesday, ,roots and shoes in mpetition. prices that mates. fn the p sudation, held in Tor to, on y,
defy the keenest compAtition• mates. ' The victim hands aud feet were was decided that there would be uo district introduced by Mr W
medal competitions t e year.
10 reduce evotfoual excises. Address of
i t W Ii Suidoi nduaGed those ices tied,a black carp put n, end his meek tirade • welcome by Rev H M• Quareie. '•,low to
in the li£etlzodist olio ch 'on ,Sunday last, fast in a uoose of the boil robe. The depilty -The finest cream candies in town, 80o
large. c n re strong 'at both criminal was ferniest h swung off his feet, per lir; chochiate drops, 20e ; nice mixed detelop ehristien give g in the Sabbath
Thera were RI I Y 1, candies, for fair week. 'It Hire. School scholar ? intro; used by Rev John
services, the church eing crowded, to the { aud there would hay beets a ver tragic Boss, B 9 "The i • penance of adult
Oars at the evening orrice and some were talo to teil, h not bi a of the aiders andht rtaintneat. Ross study ; the bib . per abyn the pasted'
ed togo we , not being able to' abettors of t? angi c cosine to his right 'Temperance 1Zn Y
oottu a fa
• rasion." M Sutler's discourses : mind and out the rofi ; in the nick of time. The Open Lodge But tatnmeut, under introduced by ,flay M Parsons, D D, o
gain bot
..sal d ointod aud wore -.Maio to loan, cheap, on good ores p' pToronto. Question taw0r, Rev Dr Par
there both piaoti p y P k the sus ices of Anchor.. f nape Lodge, 1 , •dnepda 10 a m to
listened to with pl asure"by the large ' aud mortgages. Robb Miciiindoo, Wing am. 0 0'T, will be held in he town. hall this sons, Toro[ate. y-`
Office Bearer Bra (Friday) evening, whe the following pro. 12.80 p m—Devot •nal exercises. "The
.audiences. teacher's duties to is class outside the
—Mr Allen, secret: ry ort t Reliance gramme will be gt.veu:
—Thu first and second prizes in the saw- , to on school room," intro' aced by Mr H D Hen-
• fns contest at the 3Ytullha[n fair were both a;tectrto Light Compri y, was in rAi;T
wom„by saws made by 11 H Smith & Co, of Monday acid arranged or placing, the six en's Address.. .....FlYftoa]fe Berson; "The servf a of praise iu the
St Gatborines. Jas A Opine & Co ate sole lights on the streets. : n elctrician from Chai rnSalibatb School," in oduapd fly Rev R b
t ie r ale in Win bam• , Iuetrtimonbal i3ele(itt........Orchestra
u•13D.2,30 tx580m—De.ce Aadorae p'end• ra G ,sns for tl t si R the Company s evorks i • hexa 'suppeigt I$eading •• • • • • • •S•• G y '— ostmaster Piel or, who has 1iot been ing the placing of pole and stretching the Vocal Duet.,....•.. ....Il11 r°148°3 Watson votietial exercises. • Lesson helps and hoer
1p Addross..... ... , ... • Dr Macdonald
wire."' The 1ig13tli will looatea, an dose•• to use tlietto:'" introd oed by Rev T David•
well for some time, a Nod l- a health, f son, M A, A Model Claes, composed of
recruiting trip to t e North-West 'Terri ptiiue street, one at the arner of Vittorio. • rAax Ix. taught
rtes on' Tuesda st. He expects to t street, oho at the oorne of John street, Instrumental Selectiot ........ Orchestra Sabbath School echo are, will be g by
do r, .t W Scott
oat of bis time n at Calgtary,aud will one at colter of Patrick street, one at the `Focal Soto... ....... • • • • • • • ' Parsotrs• .30 to 10 p tt1 77e•
Rev Dr
int moat f'December next. skating rink and one ,tie r Messrs Ditto Address...... ,....Re John. Scutt, M. A. vetional exercises. • The duties of parents
1teJNrn absent the Silt o g g natrumentat Solo.....,.. • ..O G Squire
We join with his m ny' friends in Wing* i & Peasant's chair factor
'light w eroding..
t, .. .. John Clrove8 toward the Sunday hoot, introduced by
ham and vicinity in wishing him It safe bo-onJohn street, at the f Leolso ; Vboai Selo ...... •....,. • .3 H. Friend , Rev A Moliay; "Me •ed in Bible study,""
tourney. and trust th 't the eljmate of the! street. It pat expected tb streets will Hop wit Tbtil Cv3lrst. introduced by Row XX ti, I'arsobe. question
West vdilt have the d aired" pot, aril that be lit en tiaturday night. Doors apenrat 7.46; to,oeJiinienoe st f3 t
Drawer.-Itev 111 M ` • mons. all iuterenteca
lies Inlay return ho a ,tnily restored to Remetiliior T Leslie's it easing 'rhe• o'oloak allarp, in Sabbath Sotioot wv, k ,a►e cordially in•
'Goods tit most. Ne adtnl8wiou fee• collection will bo a, vited to attend. using each evenibg
1 sassied a collection li'':be taken up to
Bias tor Bale. iinggiote 5sel_ taken Up to yneet expe 1808. •
. ,• Hanot aitpeifwea.
(`Tata TAM to new subscribers a ,,,Txioc Timis , new anima" , till
r 1800 tor 15c or 4,1 till iet'Deoutber.1813f1 1.00 f l• n 01
Slat Deoembe , ► # ► b1 ► i . 1
h 04 dt 193.4" it)4r
Several colonies e1 pure Italian good seeded
—First of the seaaun; Fresh bulk oy-
sters, stewed, fried or raw, at the Star
resturtu,t. J Maganvie,. •
-While at woxl
on i1'louday, Mr.
balance And fell a
a slight injury to
which laid him o
lat ?r W G reou's house
'am rl Green lost ' hie
out ten feet, receiving
000 of hie shoulders,
work until the nest
—MT. ,John 1liiot
jylr. W►rt. Ridd, V.
on Tuesday for T, rpnto, to attend the
Veterinary College
—Messrs. Hast}
busy at their oiler
running loan a>ld n
oar load of eider'
-A. large stock of gents furnishings and
underwear op Baud and will be disposed .of
at rock bettpni prices et •
.;;.• J 3 Honi0rn & Sox:
who bas been with
t far some time, left
& .Ritchie are very
nd jelly mill, and qM,
hit . They i-Iaped a
Norwich this wooly.,
=The Goderio Signal has recently
been enlarged and mproved. It is now
a seven. column 8 , go paper, and 1S it
credit to its onterp ':ing publisher,Mr.D.
McGillicuddy, and t, e town in which it is
printed. The Tim = wishes you pros-
perity, Daniel.
A Newspaper Dire tory for Canada.
• Messrs A hifeHi ,. & Co, Advertising
Agents of Montreal, • re preparing what
will be the first .com•rehensive newspaper
directory of this cou • try. Canada is now
quite large enough a • its jourpaifstio in•
tomtits of sufficient i.• ortaoce to require
its own annual Newsp N' d
there are several new
posed work which will
hand -book for all seckir g inforeiiatiou con -
Per ovals.
Mt'. Wm. Arm. r spent a few dafi-s
with his family a uring the past week
returning to Det oit, where he le noes
employed, on Mo.. ay .. Rev.B.W,Hughes
bas been ependint a few days up north
in the neighborha•d of Lion's Head,
Wiarton, &o.. Mr. a d Mrs. ;teeter, and
their sonand Baugh :r, of Huron Town-
ship, Were visiting Howls iu "town, last
week.. Kiss Mary Gulley,. !of Exeter,
spent a few days i., town during the past;;
week visiting'' at r. S. Merlfield's,.Mr,
James MoTavisi and wife, of; Huron:'
Township, wer• visiting friends in town
last week•.Mr. E. R. Talbot left far '
Manitoba, on business trip, on Satur,
lay last. .Mie Mary McTavish, of Leola-
alsh, who -has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. W. Gree , , for some time, returned
home on Mond. ,, 20t1 inst • .Mr, J. E,
Davis, of the A. ooate, Mitchell,, spent
few days in to n last week..Mrs. R.
Hill is at present n Detroit,: visiting Miss
Jennie Risdon. ; Ir. M. d. J3 amntora 1,
bafxgageman at • e \dA T. ,r ;has boon
removed to Har iston -11i! C atley, prig••
cipal of the D. •n public ,iiool, was in
town.afew da elastweekkisitingfriends
,Mr. iilicb Mr: Elijah Martin, of Goder-
poli, and their daughter; Mre. Webster,
were visiting at the Brunswick, last
week. ,Mr. P ter.Gray, of the Detroit
Pros Tress, is v siting his" parents, Mr. end
MIS. Mark Gr y, of this ' 1iown ..Miss A.
Young, of Col orne, was visiting friends
inWingham, .. Saturday and Sunday;
%no Great £,5,060 Pr ize,Competitiarl. • -
per;' ireetory an Third Hall yearly "Canadian Agrlculr
eatnreg. of the pro- turret" Word Competition. 55,000 to be
take it `e, valuable, given away 1 The third- great. Word Coni-
pettti'lin for the Canadian Agrioultnrist and
I ori.ie-.aagazine (Canada's great and xop'n-
lar Home aud Farm Journal) is now opal's.'
';e willb
ma w cant ' a e
• llowin fi prizes s
J;lie following ., P
given free to persons•sendingintlie event,
fresher of •words, triode up out •of £+;•,r,
letters contained in the two words, The,""
Agriouttudifes let prize $1000 in Gold ; 20tl '
3500 in Gold 3rd, 51000 Grand Piano ,
4th, 5500 Piano ; 5th, 5300 Organ; Gtb,
1.'ib)£et to England and returit,,,:7th, Lady's
Gold Wateh; 6th, Gent's ,G,ie d Watch; lark.
Chine Tea Set; 10tb,.Hnntfng.'Case Silver
Watch ; llth, 13oy'e Silver .Watch ; ' 25
prizes of 510 each; 50 prizes of 55 each;
100 prizes of 02 each; 200 prizes of 51 each.
making a total of 386 prizes, the value of
which will aggregate 55000.. Th rgrand
word•making competition is open t errs
body, everywhere inject to the following
conditions: The words must be eonetrueted
from the two words,Tbe Agriouiturist, aud
must he only such as may be found hi
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. The
list containing the largest number of words'
will be awarded first prize, and so on
order of merit. Each list as it is received
at the office of .the Canadian Agriculturist
will be numbered, and if two or more tie
ou the largest list, the first received well lle
awarded the first prize aud the next seer ed
and soon. Therefore the benefit of send-
ing in early wil .,,freadily 'be seen. Bash :
list mutt be taocnmpsuied by 01 for sic..
mouths subscription to The Canadian
Agriculturist. Everyone sending a list of
not less than twenty words will receive :a
present. Send 8 cent stamp for complete.
copy of rules, &o. Address the CA.tantAti.
Aanxcur.rfntsar, Peterborough, Ontario.
cerniug the Canadian
for this enterprisingfir
o,o erattou of C
ant c p.
ress, WA be
the heave sup,f
a li lishers
adiyn p i?
under the
Presbytery will he
U church, in this
Weduesday next,
e programme will be
2.80 to 5.30 p • m--
to be followed by
subjects: '"What
School Teacner's
?" introduced' by
ow eau attendance
rs be
best e
B Mutton. 7.80 to
fil'S be told on retteontibte terms. wale. Come end see s,ua aware a bargain
- aii'll itiNu4tJtiiltf•Cbry arw olttrap eat
, two Write Shots. gp4 Al r -p hr
Two Free T • J to New York` Citit.
For this mo th only. , The Fireside .
Weekly 'will gi e two return Tickets to
New 'York for the 0 largest lists received
in October. Tlte'' nbers of these extee
prizes will of cour 0 have equal chances
for the Free Trip . O"alifernia aud 1lurida
and return, 500 a:Atkin sacque, mads to
order; haudaome :