HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-10-17, Page 7.140ffr-/.73P1
aid you
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P,I1PE1ANCE COLUMN. 1 Wall if only those boys who are still
CONDUCTSI/ BT TI114 T. W. T. alive would profit by his eufferings
---ss and death. There is no other form of
cupubsissi; tobacco so dangerous OA eigaretth bee
Father„8'ss, of 1st cause the oicetine in the smoke is not
church 6t. Louis, km 1;3401004 an itheorbed in the loose tobacco, smoked
clean up to the* end, but is taken, un -
effective temperauce oarnpaign. by boy -
filtered and undiluted, into the lungs.
ootting the drinker* He has obtein.
ed the names of the men of his perish It' was not tho Poison itt th.e Pa?”,
hut the poieon of the tobacco which
Wit.) drink, and p aced this het iu the
hands of a committee of sixty ssotoen,
many of them wives of the men on the
list. These bibulous husbands wore
itiformed by trembling wives that un-
less they straightway reformed tie ir
names would he read by Father Ziegler
front the altar. Great wet to eons
eternation emoag these married sin..
ners, it was as nothing compared with
that among rite bachelors on the list.
The young ladies has* entered with
spirit into the plan, and, the leftist sus
piciou of a young, manes faithlessness
to the pledge, is visited with the boy-
eott. Youug men vie with the old
ones in 'swearing off', and the crusade
which was at first laughed at is wenn-
Oohing great good,
AU. Mem
youngold, or middle aged, who and
themselves nervons, week or exhaust.
ed, who are broken down from excess
or overwerk, resulting resutiu in many of the
following symptoms • Mental depres-
sion, premature old age, loss of
vitality, loss of memory, had dreams,
dimness of sight, palpitation of the
heart, emission, leek of energy, pain
in the kidneys, headake, piwples on
the face or hotly, itching or peculiar
killed beanie' Kimbell, aud is. ruining sensation about the serotum, waisting
of tbe organs, ch '
ewiness specks before
the eyes, twitching ofthe, 'causeless
eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness,
deposits in the urine, loss of will.
power, •tenurues of the scalp and
spine, weak and flabby muscle% desire
to sleep, failure to be rested by leel,
constipation, dullness of hearing, loss
of voice, desire for solitude, exoitise
• bility of temper, sunken eyes surs
rounded; with, rseauest CIRCLE, oiIy
looking skin, to,, are /di symptoms
of nervous debility that led to inanity
and dead useless cures, the spring
or vital power having lost its tension
every function wanes in consequence.
Those who through abuse committed
in ignorance may be permanentely
cured. Send your address for book
on all diseases peculiar to man.
Address.M. T, LUBAN, 50 Front St.
Toronto, Ont. Books sent free
sealed., Heart dieeaee, the symptoms
of which are faint spells, purple lips,
numbness, palpitetion, skip ; beats,
not flushes, rush of blood to the bead,
dull pain in the heart with beats
strong, rapid and irregular, the second
heart beat quicker than the first, pain
about the breast bone, etc., can
positively be cured. No core, no pay.
Send for book. Address M. V.
LUBON, 50 Front Street Emit,
Toronto, Ont.
the IpinIth of thousands of other pales
faced imys.
A Warnhm to Parents.
Oue of the first literary men in the
Ueited States said to a temperance lee.
turer There is one thing I wish you
to do everywhere ; entreat every
mother not to give a drop of strong
drink to a child. I have had to light
as for my life all my days to keep
front dying a drunkard, because 1 was
fed with apirits when a child, 1 thug
aevired ahabit for it. My brother,.
poor fellow, died a draeltard.
The cost of alcoholics prescribed in
infirmaries promises to prove an ele-
ment for good in the non-alcoholio
rnedioation problem. Some thrifty
Britons have been feeling that the
liquor bills for these institutions were
a heavy burden upon tax -payers, and,
to test the matter, Alderman Stephens,
of Noweasle-onsTyne, has collected
'Uri statistics upon this point from sixty-
seven hospitals and infirmaries in the
United Kinedom. The average cost
otober DOM
5 ,..triok an
draws a A\
acilce of
to tell where;
k out. lie
is follows :
lielitly, say •
then inetead
wing Lite two
;Pflug a piece
haw round
row out. To.
nigh horse itt
plow an in dla
first farrow)"
;rowing these
you have no
*ground, end'
thistla ridge
plow, the next
to pow so as,
Its First, as
am a firm he -
d the earli4
cperience may
se into posses,'
last 461 thatt
thistles, ots
op fall plowinsi
lixtysfive acres
D Set to work
It, reserving
ber turnips and
for summer -
to say we had
grain. In fact
1 could hardly
vas otF before
had considers
ing up to do I
Anita half and
all the titne, so
been well plot,
it fieldplowed
e turnips were
This spring we
ver again except
field we sowed
titer arid seeder,
'o tell the truth, 14
pa.iteld and ant
vil Is?y the bush.
stles, while the
IsaratiVely elestilh
• perpstiont for liquors varies from 7s,
in a snr.11 inlirinary at Elgin, to
• gm; as given. in the records fur the
London Temperance Hospital, where,
with 754 patients, not,a farthing is ex-
3‘-pendeil for alcoholics. Next to it
' stands the groat Swansea hospital,
• with 3,952. patients, where the average
expenditure per petient. per year is
only 11a. 1 -Ltd it presoribed tho saBie
•tttnontw of elo•;holics for each of its
patients that Elgin did, it's liquor
•would have been over L1500,insteai of
• 4C27. It. is well that tax payera are
begitinuses. to ponder these figures;
• • when tiit.y go a step further and learn
the feet that the death rate in the 1:os-
• s pital which uses no liquor is iron four
to twelve per cent less than in those
-.which do ase it, the day • of medical
drunicardswelting in hospitals is past
-IN ..—
TO ----
ADVIOE TO 14t9T1.11.1RO.—Are you disturbed at night
mid broken of your rest by a sickchild suffering and
trying with paln,of Cutting Tooth? If sq , send tit
ono rtnii get a bottle ot Mrs. Winslow's Seething
Syrup" for Children Teething, Its value is incolud-
able. It will raids the poor little sufforor
immediately, Depond upon it, mothers ; there is no
mitrake admit it, it mire, Dysentery and Diarrhrea,
rot ulatee tho Stomach and 13owole, cures Wind Cede,
softens the Gums, reduces Inilainntation, and gives
tone and energy to the whole system. " ars. Win-
sIow't Sonthin,T Syrup " for children teething is
pleasant to the taste and is the preteription of one of
the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Price Wonky -five cents a
bottle. .Be sure and ask for "Mos. WrnsLow
SOOTIVNO and take no other kind
Theoretically that is a typograph-
ical error. In reality it is not.
Which 1
This one which makes an item say
that several well-known society women
have returned to gown, instead of ,to
The trouble with Scaddlebury is,that
lie don't. write English.
Indeed 1 What language
write ?
A boy named Samuel Kimbell, six-
teen years old, a chorister boy in St.
Mar/sOhbtCh1 Brooklyn, died very,
recently in St. Joloa's fitopitel. Ab
most Ink hist 'words were : 'Let any
boy who smokes.eigarettes look at nos
nowatid know tiolv fetich I have suff-
ered, and he will never est another
to his 'mouth.' Ile was a bright boy,
an exquisite siuger, and bed many
•frieutis. He lived with his grand
soother. and worked in a chandelier
f eatery. Hera is his story, as he Old
• his nurse, Sister Oornetia : To ins
'confessed that his trouble originated
from cigarette smoking. Some daye,
he said he smoked twenty eigaret tes
.As first he k pt bis grandmother n
ignorance of his indulgence. As he
.continiied to smoke the appetite grew
upon hint with such force that he
t mita choke it off, and it began to al -
feet his eonetitution. Why, 1 used
him, did you not stop when you saw
what it was bringing you to fl Oh
,totild tot, be replied,ift could net get
my smoke 1 almost Avoid svi.d, I could
thiuk of nothing else. That inv
grandmether might out suspect me, I
worked extra hours instead of• spend
ing my register wages for cigarettes
For volatile 1 kept 111) this (levee, el.
thoogli I knew it Was killing rne
Then L seemed to fill to pieces all of
sudden. Ifile tliseilBe took the foiesi
of a dropsy in tho hige, old wen very
painful, Sieter Oornelia. continnes.the
0017: Daring ell his sufferings he
never forgot what had brought bint
into this terrible eondition. He kept
eie-iwg me to warn all boys against
their nee. A fu" v days before he died
Its *Wed rots to hit' bedside and said
littatobb ha had root lived in
e id
does be
The Old Itetiabte.
In these days of burchug it is a relief to
bear -of Hornet/lira!, that oan -be depended
upon. Wilson's Wild Cherry has been
tested as aremedy for the cure of all dis-
eases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs, for
nearly twenty 'years, with such success as
to earn for itself the name of The Old Re
liable oure forCoughs.Colds,Oroup tothms,,
Brrnichitis other elections nf the re.
spiratory system. See that you get the
genuine, iu white wrappers. Sold by all
Wag in, the Mr in Liao.
Trains arrive and depart as follows:
5:85 a. m For Toronto, ...... —5:85 a. re
2:00 p. — 2:00 p;n1
3:00 p. m For Teeswator • • • ..... T00
1.0:30 p. m 10:80 '
GRA. ra-70 TRI.T.L\TIC ..E2.72"
Throughstickets to all points in America -North-
west, Pacing Coast, etc., via the shortest and all
To my mind the sea -shore has one
great disadvantage, said Mrs,Smithers,
and that is,it's too nt ar the water to be
very dry.
He was a pretty 'young man with a
tight moustaohe, but both he and his
mother were very indignant when his
summer girl told him he looked jnst
like his mamma.
Time is money; my
bet that.
1 think there must be some mistake
about that, father. It's so hard to
pass in some localitiee.
How is that for a howling swell ?
asked Dudderson, pointing to a dude,
who had jest stepped on a tack,
popnlar routes. Baggage checked through to
destination. Lowest freight rates to all points.
tam wmaaxs. .: • ARRIVE AT NVIWITIAM•
(5;80 a.m.Toronto,Guolph,Palmerston, do, 3:38 p.m.
11:10 " .1 44 44 10:10,"
3:40 p.m. ,, " Clinton, 44
7:25 " Palmerston, Mixed.,•
.. -10:15 a.m.
6;45 a.m...., .. -London, Mc. 11:00 " -
3:40 p.in. " 7:45 p.m.
11:10 a.m.. ...... Kincardine, &o 0:80 a.m.
8:80 pan r. 11;10 "
1010 " 6:50 p.m
Phrenology, Physiognomy and
Eepairiii willb 9, Promptly Dont,
ti I 8 I -
r f
.A .. kl,...4„.,
Send Photograph of Yourself . or Friend with 81,
'and [ will semi you a Written Statement of your
Character and. tho Pursuit you are. adapted for ;. also
stating what person you should marry to be happy.
Photo. returned with chart.
G,Comists, Phrenologist,
• Murillo P. 0. via Port Arthur, Ont.
Late of Winglan.
• Property 'for Sale .in Belmore.
The Undersigned offers for safe a desirable pro
perby in the village of Delmore, consisting of a good
dwelling honse, office, stable and driving shed, with
ono acre and 0..half (Aland in oonnection, Spier,
garden, with all sorts of fruit tram Will be
at a bargain. For portionless, apply to
(ray* arenity,)
ing purchased Dm harboring bushiest of
Sebastian Bros., is prepared to give all old 00
and as many new mart tur patronize hint, sett
in ail Boot of the profession.
are ,my specialties.
(0..(.4ive me a call at.the old stand, opposite
turd McIntyre's store.,
Or.,Canada. It is matte only by McCOLL BROS. & Otis Toronto,
CYLINDEROIL needs.only to s be used- to lie appreciate!, Try it:
Beware of those who ituitaite, Laraine. Get only the genuibe..
The Mt dettigned wish to tender their beet thanlsk
for the liberal patronage glean to om firUo during
severaIN ears prior to the burning of our mill by in.
cendiarieni. During the last eeoson we bo.ve rc-
moddelled the tow., mill to the latestripproved sys-
tem of Hungarian Ilolior Process mil ling. We be
lieve \recto now give better accommodation than
over before, We offer
Prompt Disitatoh,
Pair Returns,
And by elose pommel attenEm to the butinees
hope to be again fay..rod with a tlial by all old
friends and many new ones
TIMM most reepeethillv,
Winglutm 11101,00. '10 1b80.
s M, ./KCDONAL .
xraaairr BROS.,
of the WI wham Brick 'Yards, have on hand a largo
tock of tiles for draining purposes, from 11- inches to
1.0 inches in size, which will be told eatisp, and on
mott, fovorable terms. Partnere mtendIng to detin
should see our Tiles for themselves be/pro deckling,
to use lumber,
4)0 rore
• A largo quantity of
On hand, and 15118 bo (mid ta lowest muerte%
‘v: et% it
pow va.s.n.n, est-
leVar: 7311r readers
!lease lily 115 timelytlie tb vsands Of
i tried te *end two bottle* of my
yr hey will *and rne their
lb% 1110 WO'S
IN I N G A. 1/1 , ONT.
Lar ia Stock mid TAow Pricoe-1,
A Blessing to 'Every Household.
,„.,,,„,e,,e. have stood the test of City yeartsik,ittlioaryle:litotee: mill On TgOlIOUllOta thealast Medicine** !CI
rr,E-in izr.r...alls.
Purlb the blood, Correct alto:4001os nO no. Livntt, sToolA11, Rtrvlin'ts AND nowns and ik.s 1
invehiable tit en cow olti.Ists hid4en/31 to rencries of all egos
T. TT—, Ill OrtSITIVIAMN'il ,
'ffi the 41.11y reliable reirissiv Lir 111.1 legs, totes. ulcers, and 44d wounds. ?Olt 1IR0IT.11/8. ECABW.
DItsEkritel rr MS NO 1.1,4PAL. Maindsetuied only at IS, New Oxford, Late 528, °Merl bitted, I.Mi.aeit 1
*:td weld by all Modistes Vendor* thwurghoUt Jae world.
nariParbasers Alma look to the Label Oa the tom tokl Data. If ;Oa* ,adirs* la , a
OxfOrd,,fitreitt,i4onitou, they are spartowee s ,
. 4 i