HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-10-17, Page 5f,.
aukijoot of stammer, tllar, as viewed from.
the .atandp,int of a Club examiner
r. Turnbull has during the past two
Ira been an oxamitter ip graui,ner
oronto, One difficulty in the way
asM,ve fact that the lyian who act the
`'''pope , did not read the answer, hence
tt was difficult to decide what the ex
amines oonsid,'red a *full answer.
Sometimes the questions were open
to two meanings, and answers were
•given by candidates altogether different
from what was expected. Ile found
the second class candidates deficient
analyv'ia,'irild also found that the
11ir1 class cleudldates put in much
` neater papers than those for 'second
' class. Ile favored the analysis tieing
put in running order, nether than in 1.1
tabulated scheme, Mr. Turnbull then
answered several questions in a aads-
ectory unntu„er,
• Mr, AAleraul,•delegn,le to the Pro -
I, crucial Teachers' Assuoiatiotr, •;;live in
his report, which was a full ofd corn.
•-plete one He summarized the prin'
papers *,dipal a >ers read, and on the whole
t'''his report was an excellent one,
Mr. 11. W. Lowery, of Ilullett,
lead his paper ,•The school as a coin•
temerity, it, which he dealt with the four
fume in this community, the parents,
trustees, pupils and timelier, showing
•that -for success there should be her•
erauny and cooperation amongst all,
The committee ou resollitiuns rt"-
'ported as follows : (1) That the pre
gent .public setlool geography is un-
suitable us a text book ; ('2) in case.
the West Huron Teachers desire • a
union meetine next spring, the said
meeting be held at Clinton ; (3) the
thanks of this Association are hereby
tendered to Messrs` 11luFton and Dr.
McDonald for their attendance and
addresses ; (4) the thanks of this;
•• Association are hereby teudered to
the Public School 'Trustees fur the use
of the building and to the principal
for his attention and efforts to secure
the comfort of the delegates.
Moved by Mr. Blackwell, seconded
P. by Mr. Siaek, that in the tweet of
there being uo union meeting at Cline
" 'ton, the next sleeting of Iles Asrocia
tion be held at Brussels, at such tiiue
as deemed fitting by theeBxecu.ive,—
Tito President, 'then teolared the
aventiou clo);ed, and after the bene
diction had been pronounced by the
Rev. Mr Hughes the ilielnbers dis-
The attendance, though net so large
as usual, was very fair, and all the
proceedings were of a very harmonious
arid pleasing character.
IJiz ti
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'I rind
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,vas a
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mini I,
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ast a11d
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'nliv tt• ,.
to, tto.
*retina at nights.. St le supposed hie
main rendezdousis vowu near astttiddy
on the 9tit cone sion.—L:r Itchn Mow.
bray preaches in the ,elt;thodiee
uhurclt next Sunday, • Ou the follow.
S uuday*Cond actor Snider preaches
the Anniversary sermons and on
,Monday evening there will be a liar-
vest. hoine,when etanteral rev geutles►ero
Will offieciate. Ad►rission, adults '5.
ailttj; children 10 Dents,—Rev air
Gallagher, of Wiughant, preached in
the Presbyterian Church ou Sunday
last, on account df Rev J1r 4Gedtles
being preaching at Tseswatet'..
Reciprocity, Of eourae these argu-1
Merits would be pH refuted by the
mention of lar melchaley's woe.
After tea, they all wended their...way
homeward, feeling that every pleasant
and profitillile day wan spent.
Ole azuian.
Tile followiug'is school report of 8
S No S, TurnbeVry, for the month. of
September. The wanieaipre arranged
in order of merit
l.th--Wrn Campbell, arteries T Scott,
Maggie Anderso. • '9rd Senior—
'I-Isobel Dunkin, Maggie Scott, Ella
' Campbell. Bret Junior. --Mary Ander
son,'Aggie 117.audell, Bruce Fergusoq
2nd, --Hector A'ic.Lt an,I3ella Campbell,.
Robt Reid. Part If --Angie D Aiken,
Jennie Hutton, loan Metcalf.
- Mr A Breinuer and Sister, of ' Bel -
Were, were visit lug friends hero Inst
wek.—Misses Sarah and Eliza 'Bent
ly spent a f w days ineBlyth 'Visiting
relatives.- Miss Maggie Crawford, of
Siiiltiank, spent last week with her
sister, Mrs John Kay,—Mr''uAlpiue
and wife spent a few days with Mrs
John Green before lt'avlug for their
borne in the Prairie Province —We
are glad. to hear that IYlisa Bell Wylie,
who has been eetelined to the house
fur the past few (Wye, owing to a severe.
cold, is now able to be around again
—Arthur, sun of Air. MacKersie, has
recovered irom et loil:'g and severe sick
loess. Heeled a hard pull for life, but
hue regained his forener health.—Miss-
es Mttgnie and Mary Crawford, who
have beeu spending a few weeks with.
relatives here, returned to Millbai:k.
Tuee'iay last.—Mr. Jos..1eitohen has
returned from a trip to Saginaw city.
elichignn Mr. K. seems well pleased
with hie trip and the ilppeeitanee of
the euuutrye •Peter McDougall i
turued from Manitoba= Tuesday last,
Ile has been : spending the hist six
weeks in the vicinity ot`Bra>idun, and
from what he says, it appears that he
is well••pleased with the char'aeter and
appearance of the country, He reports
excellent crops. he. that part of eke
prairie'l.ruviuce but informs us -thee
the harvesting was not finished when
he•left.. -Peter McTavish left for the
old•sod on ,S'aturday last. Heis tali
iug`uttt a number of cattle for Mr
13 atnilton, cattle buyer; it st•pears that
this is My Hamilton'se first venture in
ship -Ong direct to Great/ Britain and
that the stiebesa of the"presetit attempt
will in a'it►easure regulate 'tris can
iinuenoe' in' the British trade: -,•1!i►
U Denning left last Saturday fee
Torante with a ear load of potatoes,
which he''bought from farmers of the
vicinity. ,. The'price paid for the p e-
tat'tes was 322eents per bushel. Mr
fieuning's- many friends wish him
much success in his first uudertak:ng
as a produce dealer.
Aiictton Sale of Valuable Town
r7NDER, and by virtue of a. PoVer tit Sale'ct,ntetn-
W ed in a certain registered mortgage (Which 1011
be troduced at theti.'•e of sale) and upon which de-
fault in payment has been made, thorewill he offered
for Sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Brunswick
Hotel,in the Town of. wingham, on
' F URSDAY, OCTOBER 80th, '90,
the boor of 12 o'plook, noon. The following de-
sirable property; namely : •That part of Block 't3,' in.
the Town of Win l*am, Governlnent Survey, describ-
ed as follows, that is to say: ComnlenoIog eighty-
five feet in a westerly direction along the south side
of Victoria street, from where a post has been plant-
ed at the t orth westerly corner or angle of Town Lot
number 81, Foley's Survey, better known es the Ex.
change Hotel property ; entice in a westerly direc-
tion along Victoria street, aforesaid, 87 feet; thence
in a southerly direction parallel with Josephine street
119 feet ; thence in an, easterly direction:parallel
with Victoria street 87 feet;'thenoe in a northerly
direction parallel with Josephine street, aforeliaid,
119 feet to theplaoe of beginning.
The property is pleasantly and conviently situated
being on the south aide of Victoria street and within
a few yards of Josephine street in the said Town' of
Wingham There is upon the premises a comfortable
vonored brier pottage nearly new and in good repair,
The property will be sold subject to a mortgage
now theiron, particulars of which will be made known'
at the time of sale, and subject also to a reserve
money.to b
balance w'
For fu
lac I›
Fq P4
Pel "
'Ai i.5'
0 vi
P uree daily.
At the last meeting of Belgrave
"..'Lodge 1. 0. G. T, the following offs
cera were duly elteted : cx. H .B aek-
X, melt, 0, '1' ; Miss Armstrong, V. T. ;
Peter Scott, Red See, ; W 11 Wilkin'
roti Fin, Sec. ; Miss Meilllejohn
'leeas. ; D Miuklejolin, Chaplain ; J
lase M ; Miss Agnew, .t.G ; Jos
Scott, S. The deputies will be ap-
pointed next meeting. An•open lodge
will be held, under the auapibes of the
above society, on the evening of Mon.
" day, October the 27th, at' whieli a
'short musical and literary programme
., will be provided and addresses will be
given by Dr, McDonald, of Wioghitm
ane otheis. ' The general 1i brie and
the nle•iibers of sister lodges' are core
dialiy Invited to be present.' Oullce•
tion at the close. .Deere open at 7
enteltitxiuruerit to continence" at 7.80
ALE.2Ten per cent. of thenpurchase
paid down ht the thne of sale and the
m fifteed days thereafter.
her particulars apply to
PETE 'FANS, 0.• It. 1/A8/STONE, •
tctiu'neer, ' -•Vendor's Solicitor,
Winghatn, or to • winuhyu,;i0•nt-..
Winghtni. Voters' List, 1890.
einliT" Or II13VIOIQN.
eeT OTICE is hereby given that ii Court will be held''
LV pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1889.0.
by His Honor, the Judge, of the County Court of
the County of Huron, at the Tato Hall, in the
Town of wingham, on the 27th day of,October,1890,
at half pest 11 o'clook, a in, t� hear and determine .
the several Complaints of errors and•"omissions in
the Voters' List of the Municipality of Wingha n
for the year1.890,'
All persons having business with the said Court
aro required to attend at the said time and plane.
J 11 Csasusos,, Clerk of the said Court.
Dated this 9th day of oetobei•,1890.
IA J.ihn Nioklesmitt bas sold his
farm on the 2nd line to lrlr Jos i e-
Laughlin, who HOW resides on the 9th.
—The Township of Rowlett woe -well
represented at the Teachers' Conven•
tion held in Wittghain on the 9ch and
lOtb diets, no less'thee 12 of our
staff being present. --Mr and Mrs J M
Armstrong returned to Toronto on the
1st of the month, where Mr A resumes
'his course of study ' he the. Toronto
School of Mr=dicirte.. -Tho question oil
the day is :—What is the sign to see^
young roan pniciIlg'liousehold of rete?
my answer is :-.ELS-intends win"hcwing
the chaff from the w,,eat.—lots ' E.l
FI -unhand, of Luckniow, paid her pa.
rents; Mr and Mr§ lliagee, a visit last
week.—Mr Adam Faust, this summer,
exhibited some of the qualities ` which
he brought from his fatherland, viz :
—iledustry and thrift. Ile put there
intoeoperation by erecting on hie p'tem
ises'a fine brick house, rooted by me-
tellic shingles. From garret to ce;lar
the entire dwelling would be a pride
to any housewife, Arty they enjoy
iaeil,i►er'able comforts and pleasures
therein.-_-rdis8 Williams, the evaeg0;
list, who has been carrying on a series
of speciiyl services ilr' the Neeibrid„ e
af::ti:odist church, took her departure
fur Deelerieh, where she continues her
work. While she had charge of We
i1leetings they wire t haraoterize.l for
the utderly and nietllodioal 0ma:ii er in.
which they were eenducted. .filer
power• and influetr a was brought to.
bear and take effect on a unmoor of
ly engaged breaking Itis Iti'vercee colt, people in the vicinit: , as tteetet twenty-
wltieh lives p'urebast'd lately. Price five are proft'aeilig to read a rioW lif.'.
paid $105, -•-Our young blitoltsinitll .-13eltnore. Divisit,n Grenee Inst f'rl
is a little dull in Spirit s11160 the Lucke, the tr,,tnifretion of l,uiiint•rq in the
now rawes"�•-•A Ilnlut,rr of our. peulilisS ;taco[ house of 8 8 No 11, Oat lith
attended' the Luekeioty Veit, 011 Wed* Before bnalness was t nt tt•d upon,
nesday 1:'se. and report a splendid show they set dom.( tie Reel p_trtutk very
es, eeutlly in this'll r.e racing p'a't oft frt•eiy of a e.wipaha) 1 droner served ill
ir, Wtn. O'Neal has started x job el the rt'sideuce of Mr I t c;o'per. .T ,e
W itcehuroh.
Mrs, Winfield bas retur•netl'" home
titer an absence of a month 'iislting
her daugbf.er.— A1rs.iew flag re'turued
hone from visiting her •friends down
east, she having been away Bevel/ Weeks.Ti
No doubt Mr.etv would be glad•tohuvtt
Itis good wife back agent -The people in
the•vieiuity of•Whitechurch and' sur-
r•ouutding country are busy shipping
their apples.., .A's many as ten 'law
dyed barrels have left the etatt�ui late.
ly, Mr. 1Yoliltes,, of Luekuow, 'being
` the principal purchaser. There ii u
ee groat deal of dissatisfaction in regard
to the apple trade this season, •illi
prices have ceded from $1,25 to $2. 5
per barrel tor the a:tnie quatlty cf
fruit.— lir: F•sund, eaivRill ler, is bust
Money to Loan on Notes.
;:zn-all the Latest Designs and Newest Shades
known, to the trade.
'rtes;, these Goods have been purchased , at .a
small, advance on the original cost, our customers.
and the public in general will find
:..in every"departmelt.
Notes Discounted
Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 per cunt. With
privilege of pdying at the end o any year. Notes
and accounts collected.
Orrice,--BcaverBlock. Wingham, Ont.
'We lead the trade in
Clf0 E --T:E A • S,
Try a sample lot, -ai%d We feel convinced: that
you will become regular. cusstomers.
aritislt Columbia,
Washington Territory,
Oregon ani California.
Leave Toronto 1 p. xn.
eelttibg two htaEldred c yds of sort wood
elit tor Mt. E \Cor'dt'il, Was' nodi -11r
Win !found has none to Toronto Ho..vital to try and get rid of that terrible
tru:ebie', .73right'a di'aeabe of the kid.
' nr'ya.—it would be wise for the people
14 Whiteellurah to keep their ducks
'tetnted.i t there is a lox `rilmblixlg +
Lodge then wet and after bu 1,iess 01
a private 011rlraaeter t.ata c.11 ruffed, it
}Iter)llt, tilt•eutf,( Wits 'via, Among
otb .r di$enSdioiS o Very Iivt•by otle
toots place on 1 1 i hei1 is plreferable,
di.ect or tudireat taxatitnl2 rju.Cne
very ;toua points were brought attt for
the farmer, , by the txtivacating of
Oct.'>3,1`, 31;
Nov. 14, 28 ;
Dec. 12, 26.
Bunning through to 'Vancouver without
lror Berths and all '1to ortnation .apply to
any Agent of the'Cornpanv, er svelte
2.. York St. Toronto.
8I N, local 6? traveling to.
sett Inv gnarahteed Nuns.
Env STeelt. Salary or Cont,
Itiisa►un, p:nli wos ryrVelar free.. Special atten•
ties given to beginners. `Workers Never fail to make
'good weakly wages. Write ma atoueo for paitioalars
• L. el 011.1414.41111, atSRattay'MA$.
'(This t+f [tellable.} ''''",.•0 tO r'i 0, 0N'r
AN Invitation is;ext'elided.to.every person . visiting Wiaghain to .liar
look through his mama:all stock lif i
virt. rfz,
Our stock is now complete .in ever y•Ddpareineut. . We lead the trade
DRESS GOODS.: 111,..ottr,:Dress.•Gaoda Department we are.shew-
ing all the latest Novelties iir. Stripa, Cheeks, Plaids ,au'1
FANCY DRESS. ROBES. .•Ldies 1' One glance
at. our Stock will convince you that the
-.greatest, care has been taken to
select the•most tFashiouable and Fancy goods
choose from.
Ste•-CT;S V
`t11ADUaee midfield Medallist ofWhitby College'
Pup': of Mr, ];ire era MAWand Mr. J W. N
1 arrison. t'iano, enoul, Volio Culture and Tina
motet. ItoJms in Beaver Brock, wilillhani..
lankref'toNe UN PIANO• AND 0aa21N, 413.30 C6asa
For particulars regardhigterms, etc, please e..11
my holuu, corner Ft owls and Patrick etleeta.
in the market for elm' .cuetotners..to
Black laeis are- ;',1towin
; lid nit All Prizes to. suit out n my eustemers---
`" We also have a Foie Line of I`. Ni Y'T,1'1•,I1iZ1,11.04 AN.D "ANTI' ,
*: ;'L ,'S to niateil2ivery Dress in 'nal! Store.
Ladies, du notfall .do.atte.us:it.call before .putcba$1g elsewhere.. Don't frail
to see the
i3L.iNitErS. 100 pier to choose froth,
rINL ALL 'WOOL FLANNEL, at `10e. p•".I V,tlae in the. trade.
11 AN lir. (looDS in all the Navelti rs, and at any preee y',it may \Vitra,
�ltLES' WOOL,SH&W waA N, AN (3 Storti1 ooLL, 8.. %AN :'S.'
WOOL 110SIE I.I'' iuLtales. au•l Caib,iroics wear•, LA DD'
,litoelt always on'beral.
'Don't forget the /stare.